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Releases: BelgianDev/CraftyBuilder

Version 3.1.0: Item replacing ItemStacks

07 Aug 22:59
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This add a new way of making ItemStack without ItemBuilder, it has all ItemMeta & ItemStacks method, with this way no need of using ItemMeta.

Note: no documentation is on

Version 3.0.0: new ItemBuilder()

24 Jul 13:00
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Changed the way of creating an ItemBuilder.

public static final ItemStack MY_CUSTOM_ITEM = new ItemBuilder(new ItemStack(Material.STICK))
        .displayName("My Custom Item")
        .setLore("This is the first line!", "This is the second line!")

Version 1.8.8-2.0.1

10 Jul 15:16
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Fixed Versions in

1.8.8-1.0.2: DyeBuilder and PotionBuilder

15 Jan 18:27
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This release contains mayor changes to the api, and adds new ItemBuilders.

This release contains mayor changes to the api, combining the ItemBuilder with all other builders.

   public static final ItemStack DYE_ITEM = ItemBuilder.create(Material.INK_SACK, 3)

    public static final ItemStack POTION_ITEM = ItemBuilder.create(Material.POTION)
            .addCustomPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.ABSORPTION, 30*20, 4))

Full Changelog: 1.8.8-1.0.0...1.8.8-1.0.1... 1.8.8-1.0.2

1.8.8-1.0.0: ItemBuilder

19 Nov 13:48
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Give a warm welcome to the ItemBuilder! Create and define the properties of your items by chaining methods!


    public static final ItemStack MY_CUSTOM_ITEM = ItemBuilder.create(Material.STICK)
        .displayName("My Custom Item")
        .setLore("This is the first line!", "This is the second line!")
        .loreAppender(append -> append.add("This is the thrird line!"))