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Upgrade to BandyerSDK 1.1.x

Kristiyan Petrov edited this page Sep 18, 2019 · 5 revisions

Terminology changes

In the previous releases the module was intended as the SDK itself. Since v1.1.0 a new concept of module and component has been introduced: A module is a sub-component of the SDK such as the call module and the chat module.

Project configuration changes for v1.1.15

Add these lines to your build.gradle to inform the IDE of the language level.

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Interface changes

  • BandyerSDKClient initialization does not require context parameter anymore because it is now requested to initialize the BandyerSDK in the Application class.

  • The user aliases details display process has been rewritten to simplify the retrieve process and let multiple user aliases to be retrieved in a single fetch.

  • UserInformationFetcher has been replaced by UserContactProvider.

  • Display formatters previously passed to Bandyer intents are not requested anymore.Now a UserDetailsFormatter and must be provided in the BandyerSDK.Builder.

  • BandyerSDKNotificationConfig object is not supported anymore. Notification customization can be achieved by passing a NotificationListener as parameter at initialization of each module at Application level. These listeners allow you to

  • Customize notifications for chat and incoming and/or ongoing calls.

  • Decide based on your own logic when and if to show a notification.

Complete changes overview


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