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A Juicebox terminal which accepts any token and swaps it for a token the project accepts.


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Swap Terminal

A Juicebox terminal that accepts any token and swaps it for ETH (or the appropriate native token, like matic).

If you're having trouble understanding this contract, take a look at the core protocol contracts and the documentation first. If you have questions, reach out on Discord.



How to install nana-swap-terminal in another project.

For projects using npm to manage dependencies (recommended):

npm install @bananapus/swap-terminal

For projects using forge to manage dependencies (not recommended):

forge install Bananapus/nana-swap-terminal

If you're using forge to manage dependencies, add @bananapus/swap-terminal/=lib/nana-swap-terminal/ to remappings.txt. You'll also need to install nana-swap-terminal's dependencies and add similar remappings for them.


nana-swap-terminal uses npm (version >=20.0.0) for package management and the Foundry development toolchain for builds, tests, and deployments. To get set up, install Node.js and install Foundry:

curl -L | sh

You can download and install dependencies with:

npm ci && forge install

If you run into trouble with forge install, try using git submodule update --init --recursive to ensure that nested submodules have been properly initialized.

Some useful commands:

Command Description
forge build Compile the contracts and write artifacts to out.
forge fmt Lint.
forge test Run the tests.
forge build --sizes Get contract sizes.
forge coverage Generate a test coverage report.
foundryup Update foundry. Run this periodically.
forge clean Remove the build artifacts and cache directories.

To learn more, visit the Foundry Book docs.


For convenience, several utility commands are available in package.json.

Command Description
npm test Run local tests.
npm run test:fork Run fork tests (for use in CI).
npm run coverage Generate an LCOV test coverage report.
npm run artifacts Fetch Sphinx artifacts and write them to deployments/


With Sphinx

nana-buyback-hook manages deployments with Sphinx. To run the deployment scripts, install the npm devDependencies with:

`npm ci --also=dev`

You'll also need to set up a .env file based on .example.env. Then run one of the following commands:

Command Description
npm run deploy:mainnets Propose mainnet deployments.
npm run deploy:testnets Propose testnet deployments.

Your teammates can review and approve the proposed deployments in the Sphinx UI. Once approved, the deployments will be executed.

Without Sphinx

You can use the Sphinx CLI to run the deployment scripts without paying for Sphinx. First, install the npm devDependencies with:

`npm ci --also=dev`

You can deploy the contracts like so:

PRIVATE_KEY="0x123…" RPC_ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA="" npx sphinx deploy script/Deploy.s.sol --network ethereum_sepolia

This example deploys nana-buyback-hook to the Sepolia testnet using the specified private key. You can configure new networks in foundry.toml.


To view test coverage, run npm run coverage to generate an LCOV test report. You can use an extension like Coverage Gutters to view coverage in your editor.

If you're using Nomic Foundation's Solidity extension in VSCode, you may run into LSP errors because the extension cannot find dependencies outside of lib. You can often fix this by running:

forge remappings >> remappings.txt

This makes the extension aware of default remappings.

Repository Layout

The root directory contains this README, an MIT license, and config files. The important source directories are:

├── src/
│   ├── JBSwapTerminal.sol - The main swap terminal contract.
│   └── interfaces/ - Contains wETH interface (do not modify).
├── script/
│   ├── Deploy.s.sol - Deployment script.
│   └── helpers/ - Internal helpers for the deployment script.
└── test/
    ├── Fork/ - Fork tests.
    ├── Invariant/ - Invariant tests (empty for now).
    ├── Units/ - Unit tests (empty for now).
    └── helper/ - Contains a mock ERC-20 token for tests.

Other directories:

├── .github/
│   └── workflows/ - CI/CD workflows.
└── deployments/ - Sphinx deployment logs.


The JBSwapTerminal accepts payments in any token. When the JBSwapTerminal is paid, it uses a Uniswap pool to exchange the tokens it received for ETH (or the appropriate native token, like MATIC). Then, the swap terminal pays the project's primary ETH terminal with the ETH it received from the swap, forwarding the specified beneficiary to receive any tokens or NFTs minted by that payment.

EXAMPLE: One of the "Clungle" project's terminals accepts ETH and mints $CLNG tokens. The Clungle project also has a swap terminal. If Jimmy pays the Clungle project with USDC and sets his address as the payment's beneficiary, the swap terminal will swap the USDC for ETH. Then it pays that ETH into the ETH terminal, minting $CLNG tokens for Jimmy.


At a high level:

    participant Frontend client
    participant JBDirectory
    participant Uniswap pool
    participant JBSwapTerminal
    participant JBMultiTerminal
    Note left of Frontend client: User attempts to pay project with USDC
    Frontend client->>JBDirectory: Checks project's primary USDC terminal
    JBDirectory->>Frontend client: Returns JBSwapTerminal if a USDC pool is available
    Frontend client->>JBSwapTerminal: Calls pay(…) with USDC payment data (and optional Uniswap quote)
    JBSwapTerminal->>JBDirectory: Checks project's primary ETH terminal 
    JBDirectory->>JBSwapTerminal: Returns JBMultiTerminal for ETH
    JBSwapTerminal->>Uniswap pool: Swaps USDC for ETH
    JBSwapTerminal->>JBMultiTerminal: Pays ETH to JBMultiTerminal
    Note right of JBMultiTerminal: Mint tokens for original beneficiary
  1. The user attempts to pay a project with USDC through a frontend client. The client calls JBDirectory.primaryTerminalOf(…) to get the project's primary USDC terminal. This only returns the swap terminal if:
    • The project does not have another terminal as their primary USDC terminal, AND
    • Either the project's owner has set up a Uniswap USDC/ETH pool for the swap terminal to use (by calling JBSwapTerminal.addDefaultPool(…)), or the swap terminal's owner has set up a default USDC/ETH pool for the swap terminal to use.
  2. Optionally, if no terminal was found, the frontend may call JBDirectory.isTerminalOf(…) to check if the project has a swap terminal but no pool set. If this is the case, the frontend can still use the swap terminal by passing in a Uniswap pool in the payment metadata.
  3. The client calls the swap terminal's pay(…) function. In the payment metadata, the client may pass in a quote containing a Uniswap pool to use and the minimum number of project tokens to receive in exchange from payment. These should be encoded using the JBMetadataResolver format. Frontend clients can use juice-sdk-v4 to encode metadata in this format.
    • If no quote is provided, the swap terminal use the pool set by the project's owner.
    • If the project's owner hasn't set a pool, the swap terminal will use a default pool set by the swap terminal's owner.
    • If it still can't find a pool, the swap terminal will revert.
  4. The swap terminal calls JBDirectory.primaryTerminalOf(…) to get the project's primary ETH terminal. If the project doesn't have an ETH terminal, the swap terminal reverts.
  5. The swap terminal swaps the USDC for ETH using the pool described in step 2.
  6. The swap terminal pays the project's primary ETH terminal with the ETH it received from the swap, forwarding the beneficiary to receive any tokens or NFTs minted by that payment.


A Juicebox project's terminals are the entry point for operations involving inflows and outflows of funds – payments, redemptions, payouts, and surplus allowance usage. Each project can use multiple terminals, and a single terminal contract deployed to a specific address can be used by many projects.

A project's terminals can be read or updated through the JBDirectory, which lists each project's current controller and terminals. It also stores their primary terminals. The primary terminal for a given token is where payments in that token are routed to by default.

Some useful functions in the JBDirectory:

The most commonly used terminal, from nana-core, is the JBMultiTerminal. It's a generic terminal which manages payments, redemptions, payouts, and surplus allowance spending in native/ERC-20 tokens

Payment Metadata

The JBSwapTerminal accepts encoded metadata in its pay(…) function. This metadata is decoded using the JBMetadataResolver like so:

(bool exists, bytes memory quote) =
    JBMetadataResolver.getDataFor(JBMetadataResolver.getId("quoteForSwap"), metadata);

// If there's a quote, use it.
if (exists) {
    // If there is a quote, use it for the swap config.
    (minAmountOut, pool) = abi.decode(quote, (uint256, IUniswapV3Pool));

What's happening here:

  1. JBMetadataResolver.getId("quoteForSwap") returns a unique 4-byte identifier where the quote is stored in the metadata.
  2. JBMetadataResolver.getDataFor(…, metadata) attempts to retrieve the data associated with the ID from the metadata.
  3. getDataFor(…) returns a tuple with two values:
    • exists: A boolean indicating whether the quote was found in the metadata.
    • quote: A bytes array containing the minAmountOut and the Uniswap pool to use.
  4. If the data exists, the swap terminal decodes the quote and uses the minAmountOut and pool for the payment.

Frontend clients can use juice-sdk-v4 to encode metadata in this format.


A Juicebox terminal which accepts any token and swaps it for a token the project accepts.





