Releases: BIONF/taXaminer
Releases · BIONF/taXaminer
taXaminer v0.7.3
New features:
- option for protein to gene ID mapping file
- feature for re-grouping of taxonomic assignments for plot labels
- filtering modul of gene/CDS/protein and contig sequences
- support of UniRefXX databases
- incorporation of non-coding genes
- creation of taxSun output
- adaptable coloring scheme
- adaptable sensitivity for DIAMOND search
- umap for dimensionality reduction
- progress bars
- major runtime improvements
- stability of reading GFF files
- duplicate gene IDs
- Parent feature = gene ID for all subfeatures
- duplicate IDs in gene subfeatures
- diamond installation with miniconda
- gene neighbor assessment
taXaminer v0.7.2
- added 3D display for PCA contribution of variables
- bug fix for matching user-given protein fasta file headers to gene ID
- added diamond hit statistics to contig summary
- bug fix for config parameters options 'False' parsed incorrectly
- fixed 'update_plots' function
taXaminer v0.7.1
- diamond sensitivity setting adjustable
- fixed contig assignment when all genes are unassigned
- non-coding genes skipped in gene neighbourhood assignment
- updated log messages
taXaminer v0.7.0
- taXaminer goes python:
- R modules have been replaced by python versions
- installation as python package using the directory path possible
- taxonomic assignment:
- altered algorithm for taxonomic assignment
- overview file of taxonomic assignment per contig added
- Krona plot of taxonomic assignment is generated
- coverage data:
- read mapping support has been removed
- coverage information only accepted in BAM format
- misc output changes:
- gene neighbour information added to output
- contribution of variables added to interactive 3D scatter plot
- altered output for PCA results