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Azure AI Foundry Workshop

🤖 Overview

A hands-on workshop that guides you through building intelligent apps and AI agents on top of Azure AI Foundry, with fun examples related to health and dietary advice. You will:

  • Learn Azure AI Foundry fundamentals
  • Set up authentication and project configuration
  • Deploy and test AI models
  • Build AI agents (health advisor examples)
  • Implement health calculations and dietary planning
  • Evaluate agent performance and monitor quality attributes
  • Deploy an end-to-end AI native sample app that incorporates all these capabilities and design patterns

Duration: 4-5 hours
Focus: Hands-on exercises, interactive notebooks, practical examples, end-to-end project

🎥 Workshop Overview Video

Watch our overview video to get a comprehensive understanding of the workshop: Azure AI Foundry Workshop Overview

📸 Visuals

Sections Overview

*Figure 1: Overview of different sections in this workshop.*

End-to-End Sample UI

*Figure 2: User interface of the end-to-end AI native sample project.*

📦 Prerequisites

Before starting the workshop, ensure you have:

🚀 Quick Start

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone
    cd ai-foundry-workshop
  2. Install uv:

    # Unix/Linux/macOS
    curl -LsSf | sh
    # Windows (PowerShell)
    (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | pwsh
  3. Create & activate a virtual environment:

    uv venv
    source .venv/bin/activate  # Windows: .venv\Scripts\activate
  4. Set up Azure AI Foundry:

    a. Create Project and Deploy Resources:

    1. Go to Azure AI Foundry
    2. Create a new AI Hub and Project using the AI Foundry Wizard
    3. Deploy required models:
      • GPT models(gpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini) for chat/completion (set TPM to max to avoid issues with Agents notebooks)
      • Embedding model for vector search
      • Ensure the model is deployed in Global-Standard or DataZone-Standard
    4. Set up connections:
    5. Add your user account to the Azure AI Developer role from Azure AI Foundry Management Portal

    b. Configure Environment Variables:

    cp .env.example .env

    Update .env with your Azure AI Foundry values:

    • PROJECT_CONNECTION_STRING: Your project connection string from Azure ML workspace
    • MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME: Your model deployment name
    • EMBEDDING_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME: Your embedding model deployment name
    • TENANT_ID: Your tenant ID from Azure portal
    • BING_CONNECTION_NAME: Your Bing search connection name
    • SERVERLESS_MODEL_NAME: Your serverless model name

    Note: The model specified in MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME must be supported by Azure AI Agents Service or Assistants API. See supported models for details. For Grounding with Bing Search, you need to use gpt-4o-mini model.

  5. Install dependencies:

    # Install core Azure AI SDKs and Jupyter requirements
    uv pip install azure-identity azure-ai-projects azure-ai-inference[opentelemetry] azure-search-documents azure-ai-evaluation azure-monitor-opentelemetry
    # Install Jupyter requirements
    uv pip install ipykernel jupyterlab notebook
    # Register the kernel with Jupyter
    python -m ipykernel install --user --name=.venv --display-name="Python (.venv)"
    # Install additional requirements (optional - for deploying repo or running mkdocs)
    uv pip install -r requirements.txt

    Note: If you encounter kernel errors in VS Code, try:

    1. Select kernel: Click "Select Kernel" > "Python Environments" > "Python (.venv)"
    2. If kernel is not listed, run python -m ipykernel install --user --name=.venv again, or use the "Create New Kernel" wizard in VS Code to create a new Python environment
    3. Reload VS Code if needed
  6. Choose your notebook environment:

    Option A: VS Code

    Option B: GitHub Codespaces

    • Click "Code" > "Create codespace" on the repository
    • Wait for environment setup
    • Notebooks will be ready to run

    Option C: Jupyter Lab/Notebook

    # Install Jupyter if you haven't already
    uv pip install jupyterlab notebook
    # Start Jupyter Lab (recommended)
    jupyter lab
    # Or start Jupyter Notebook
    jupyter notebook
  7. Follow the Learning Path:

    1. Introduction (1-introduction/)

      • 1-authentication.ipynb: Set up your Azure credentials
      • 2-environment_setup.ipynb: Configure your environment
      • 3-quick_start.ipynb: Learn basic operations
    2. Main Workshop (2-notebooks/)

      • Chat Completion & RAG (1-chat_completion/)
      • Agent Development (2-agent_service/)
      • Quality Attributes (3-quality_attributes/)

đź“” Workshop Learning Path

Follow these notebooks in sequence to complete the workshop:

1. Introduction (1-introduction/)

Notebook Description
1. Authentication Set up Azure credentials and access
2. Environment Setup Configure your development environment
3. Quick Start Learn basic Azure AI Foundry operations

2. Main Workshop (2-notebooks/)

Topic Notebooks
Chat Completion & RAG • Chat Completion & RaG
Agent Development • Agent Development
Quality Attributes • Observability & Evaluations

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for details on how to:

  • Submit bug reports and feature requests
  • Submit pull requests
  • Follow our coding standards
  • Participate in code reviews

âť“ Support

If you need help or have questions: