Releases: AureusDevelopment/WolfyUtils-Spigot
This release also contains changes for 4.18.2-petu version which wasn't published but changes are present in 4.18.3-petu
Fixed a bug, that when particles are saved, they're stored as NamespacedKey and when they're loaded, the whole namespace 'minecraft:<particle_key>' is matched against Particle fields which then results in this error:
"[20:05:33 INFO]: [CustomCrafting] [MYSQL] Error loading item ":": No enum constant org.bukkit.Particle.MINECRAFT:" -
Optimized imports - less of code
Changed Eco integration - now supports loading of eco items in CustomCrafting without throwing errors
Full Changelog: 4.18.1-petu...4.18.3-petu
New version of WolfyUtils-spigot - 4.18.1-petu
- Updated NBT-API
- Transitioned from compiling NBT-API into jarfile to be used as a plugin directly
- Updated paperweight userdev
- Updated gradle to 8.12
- Plugin now requires NBT-API as a plugin dependency
Full Changelog: 4.18-petu...4.18.1-petu
Updated required dependencies to work with 1.21.X+
FancyBags compatibility removed (couldn't find the required libraries!)
Full Changelog: