In order to properly use PhysicsToGo you will need to be able to retrieve the plugin's instance. You can do this by following these instructions:
- Download the PhysicsToGo plugin and add it to your plugin's dependencies.
- Make sure your plugin can grab the PhysicsToGo instance from your Main class file like below:
import xzot1k.plugins.ptg.PhysicsToGo;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class Main extends JavaPlugin
private static PhysicsToGo physicsToGo;
public void onEnable()
if (!isPTGInstalled())
return; // This plugin is now disabled since PTG was not installed.
// PTG was found and now can be accessed with the getPTG() getter.
// This method tells you whether PTG is installed or not.
private boolean isPTGInstalled()
PhysicsToGo ptg = (PhysicsToGo) getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("PhysicsToGo");
if(ptg != null)
return true;
return false;
public static PhysicsToGo getPTG() { return ptg; }
private static void setPTG(PhysicsToGo ptg) { Main.ptg = ptg; }
- Once 1 and 2 are completed, add "depend: [PhysicsToGo]" or related things inside your plugin.yml (This step is optional, but never hurts to make sure SimplePortals is installed).
- Everything should be all set. As a test, call the getPTG() method from your Main class and you will be able to access the Manager class!