AstroLSP provides a simple API for configuring and setting up language servers in Neovim. This is the LSP configuration engine that AstroNvim uses, but can be used by itself as well.
- Unified interface for configuring language servers:
- Key mappings when attaching
- Capabilities and language server settings
- Format on save
- Easily toggle features such as inlay hints, codelens, and semantic tokens
- Neovim >= 0.10
Install the plugin with your plugin manager of choice:
opts = {
-- set configuration options as described below
use {
require("astrolsp").setup {
-- set configuration options as described below
AstroLSP comes with the no defaults, but can be configured fully through the opts
table in lazy or through calling require("astrolsp").setup({})
. Here are descriptions of the options and some example usages:
---@type AstroLSPConfig
local opts = {
-- Configuration table of features provided by AstroLSP
features = {
codelens = true, -- enable/disable codelens refresh on start
inlay_hints = false, -- enable/disable inlay hints on start
semantic_tokens = true, -- enable/disable semantic token highlighting
-- Configure buffer local auto commands to add when attaching a language server
autocmds = {
-- first key is the `augroup` (:h augroup)
lsp_document_highlight = {
-- condition to create/delete auto command group
-- can either be a string of a client capability or a function of `fun(client, bufnr): boolean`
-- condition will be resolved for each client on each execution and if it ever fails for all clients,
-- the auto commands will be deleted for that buffer
cond = "textDocument/documentHighlight",
-- list of auto commands to set
-- events to trigger
event = { "CursorHold", "CursorHoldI" },
-- the rest of the autocmd options (:h nvim_create_autocmd)
desc = "Document Highlighting",
callback = function() vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight() end,
event = { "CursorMoved", "CursorMovedI", "BufLeave" },
desc = "Document Highlighting Clear",
callback = function() vim.lsp.buf.clear_references() end,
-- Configure buffer local user commands to add when attaching a language server
commands = {
Format = {
function() vim.lsp.buf.format() end,
-- condition to create the user command
-- can either be a string of a client capability or a function of `fun(client, bufnr): boolean`
cond = "textDocument/formatting",
-- the rest of the user command options (:h nvim_create_user_command)
desc = "Format file with LSP",
-- Configure default capabilities for language servers (`:h vim.lsp.protocol.make_client.capabilities()`)
capabilities = {
textDocument = {
foldingRange = { dynamicRegistration = false },
-- Configure language servers for `lspconfig` (`:h lspconfig-setup`)
config = {
lua_ls = {
settings = {
Lua = {
hint = { enable = true, arrayIndex = "Disable" },
clangd = {
capabilities = {
offsetEncoding = "utf-8",
defaults = {
hover = { border = "rounded", silent = true } -- customize lsp hover window
signature_help = false, -- disable any default customizations
-- Configuration of LSP file operation functionality
file_operations = {
-- the timeout when executing LSP client operations
timeout = 10000,
-- fully disable/enable file operation methods
operations = {
willRename = true,
didRename = true,
willCreate = true,
didCreate = true,
willDelete = true,
didDelete = true,
-- A custom flags table to be passed to all language servers (`:h lspconfig-setup`)
flags = {
exit_timeout = 5000,
-- Configuration options for controlling formatting with language servers
formatting = {
-- control auto formatting on save
format_on_save = {
-- enable or disable format on save globally
enabled = true,
-- enable format on save for specified filetypes only
allow_filetypes = {
-- disable format on save for specified filetypes
ignore_filetypes = {
-- disable formatting capabilities for specific language servers
disabled = {
-- default format timeout
timeout_ms = 1000,
-- fully override the default formatting function
filter = function(client) return true end,
-- Configure how language servers get set up
handlers = {
-- default handler, first entry with no key
function(server, opts) require("lspconfig")[server].setup(opts) end,
-- custom function handler for pyright
pyright = function(_, opts) require("lspconfig").pyright.setup(opts) end,
-- set to false to disable the setup of a language server
rust_analyzer = false,
-- Configure `vim.lsp.handlers`
lsp_handlers = {
["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = function(...) end, -- customize a handler with a custom function
-- Configuration of mappings added when attaching a language server during the core `on_attach` function
-- The first key into the table is the vim map mode (`:h map-modes`), and the value is a table of entries to be passed to `vim.keymap.set` (`:h vim.keymap.set`):
-- - The key is the first parameter or the vim mode (only a single mode supported) and the value is a table of keymaps within that mode:
-- - The first element with no key in the table is the action (the 2nd parameter) and the rest of the keys/value pairs are options for the third parameter.
-- There is also a special `cond` key which can either be a string of a language server capability or a function with `client` and `bufnr` parameters that returns a boolean of whether or not the mapping is added.
mappings = {
-- map mode (:h map-modes)
n = {
-- a binding with no condition and therefore is always added
gl = {
function() vim.diagnostic.open_float() end,
desc = "Hover diagnostics",
-- condition for only server with declaration capabilities
gD = {
function() vim.lsp.buf.declaration() end,
desc = "Declaration of current symbol",
cond = "textDocument/declaration",
-- condition with a full function with `client` and `bufnr`
["<leader>uY"] = {
function() require("astrolsp.toggles").buffer_semantic_tokens() end,
desc = "Toggle LSP semantic highlight (buffer)",
cond = function(client, bufnr)
return client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider and vim.lsp.semantic_tokens
-- Extra configuration for the `mason-lspconfig.nvim` plugin
mason_lspconfig = {
-- Allow registering more Mason packages as language servers for autodetection/setup
servers = {
-- The key is the lspconfig server name to register a package for
nextflow_ls = {
-- The Mason package name to register to the language server
package = "nextflow-language-server",
-- The filetypes that apply to the package and language server
filetypes = { "nextflow" },
-- (Optional) any default configuration changes that may need to happen (can be a table or a function that returns a table)
config = { cmd = { "nextflow-language-server" } }
-- A list like table of servers that should be setup, useful for enabling language servers not installed with Mason.
servers = { "dartls" },
-- A custom `on_attach` function to be run after the default `on_attach` function, takes two parameters `client` and `bufnr` (`:h lspconfig-setup`)
on_attach = function(client, bufnr) client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil end,
AstroLSP can be used as the basis for configuring plugins such as nvim-lspconfig
and mason-lspconfig
. Here are a few examples (using lazy.nvim
plugin manager):
dependencies = {
{ "AstroNvim/astrolsp", opts = {} },
config = function()
-- set up servers configured with AstroLSP
vim.tbl_map(require("astrolsp").lsp_setup, require("astrolsp").config.servers)
dependencies = {
{ "AstroNvim/astrolsp", opts = {} },
"williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", -- MUST be set up before `nvim-lspconfig`
dependencies = { "williamboman/mason.nvim" },
opts = {
-- use AstroLSP setup for mason-lspconfig
handlers = { function(server) require("astrolsp").lsp_setup(server) end },
config = function(_, opts)
-- Optionally tell AstroLSP to register new language servers before calling the `setup` function
-- this enables the `mason-lspconfig.servers` option in the AstroLSP configuration
config = function()
-- set up servers configured with AstroLSP
vim.tbl_map(require("astrolsp").lsp_setup, require("astrolsp").config.servers)
dependencies = {
{ "AstroNvim/astrolsp", opts = {} },
opts = function() return { on_attach = require("astrolsp").on_attach } end,
AstroLSP provides an API for triggering LSP based file operations and currently supports:
These methods can be integrated with file management plugins such as mini.files, neo-tree.nvim, nvim-tree.lua, and triptych.nvim. (Some file managers already have support out of the box such as oil.nvim so integration with them is unnecessary).
provides autocommand
events which can be used to trigger functionality. As of writing these only include events after an operation is completed and therefore does not support the willCreateFiles
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "MiniFilesActionCreate",
desc = "trigger `workspace/didCreateFiles` after creating files",
callback = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didCreateFiles( end,
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "MiniFilesActionDelete",
desc = "trigger `workspace/didDeleteFiles` after deleting files",
callback = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didDeleteFiles( end,
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = { "MiniFilesActionRename", "MiniFilesActionMove" },
desc = "trigger `workspace/didRenameFiles` after renaming or moving files",
callback = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didRenameFiles( end,
provides configuration options for event handlers which can be used to set up the necessary handling before/after file operations. There is also a Lua API to do this outside of the plugin configuration (information on this can be found in their documentation). Here is an example for doing it within the setup of neo-tree.nvim
local events = require ""
require("neo-tree").setup {
event_handlers = {
event = events.BEFORE_FILE_ADD,
handler = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").willCreateFiles(args) end,
event = events.FILE_ADDED,
handler = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didCreateFiles(args) end,
event = events.BEFORE_FILE_DELETE,
handler = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").willDeleteFiles(args) end,
event = events.FILE_DELETED,
handler = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didDeleteFiles(args) end,
event = events.BEFORE_FILE_MOVE,
handler = function(args)
require("astrolsp.file_operations").willRenameFiles { from = args.source, to = args.destination }
event = events.BEFORE_FILE_RENAME,
handler = function(args)
require("astrolsp.file_operations").willRenameFiles { from = args.source, to = args.destination }
event = events.FILE_MOVED,
handler = function(args)
require("astrolsp.file_operations").didRenameFiles { from = args.source, to = args.destination }
event = events.FILE_RENAMED,
handler = function(args)
require("astrolsp.file_operations").didRenameFiles { from = args.source, to = args.destination }
provides a Lua API to subscribe to file operation events which can be easily accessed through an autocommand
which runs after the plugin is setup.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "NvimTreeSetup",
desc = "Subscribe file operation events to AstroLSP file operations",
callback = function()
local events = require("nvim-tree.api").events
function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").willCreateFiles(args.fname) end
function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didCreateFiles(args.fname) end
function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").willDeleteFiles(args.fname) end
function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didDeleteFiles(args.fname) end
function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").willRenameFiles { from = args.old_name, to = args.new_name } end
function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didRenameFiles { from = args.old_name, to = args.new_name } end
provides autocommand
events which can be used to trigger functionality.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "TriptychWillCreateNode",
desc = "trigger `workspace/willCreateFiles` before creating files",
callback = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").willCreateFiles( end,
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "TriptychDidCreateNode",
desc = "trigger `workspace/didCreateFiles` after creating files",
callback = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didCreateFiles( end,
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "TriptychWillDeleteNode",
desc = "trigger `workspace/willDeleteFiles` before deleting files",
callback = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").willDeleteFiles( end,
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "TriptychDidDeleteNode",
desc = "trigger `workspace/didDeleteFiles` after deleting files",
callback = function(args) require("astrolsp.file_operations").didDeleteFiles( end,
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "TriptychWillMoveNode",
desc = "trigger `workspace/willRenameFiles` before moving files",
callback = function(args)
require("astrolsp.file_operations").willRenameFiles { from =, to = }
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "TriptychDidMoveNode",
desc = "trigger `workspace/didRenameFiles` after moving files",
callback = function(args)
require("astrolsp.file_operations").didRenameFiles { from =, to = }
AstroLSP provides a Lua API with utility functions. This can be viewed with :h astrolsp
or in the repository at doc/
If you plan to contribute, please check the contribution guidelines first.