This is a simple API created using python flask server. It is used to store and retrieve videos.
This API contains three endpoints:
- http://localhost:5000/
- http://localhost:5000/upload
- http://localhost:5000/getCost
- http://localhost:5000/getVideos
This endpoint is used to render index.html i.e. the current page.
This endpoint is used to upload a video. It works on POST request method. It takes a file as a parameter, validates wheather file in mp4 or mkv and check size and video length.Once the verification is compleated the is will store video file to upload directory and stores it's name, size, uploaded date, etc in the database.
This endpoint is used to get the cost of a video. It also works on POST request method. It takes a video name as a parameter and returns the cost of the video.
This endpoint is used to get all the videos. It works on both GET and POST request method. If GET method is used the it returns all the videos in the database. If POST method is used it takes a video name as a parameter and returns the video details.
- If the file is valid it will return a json object with the following keys:
- response: true
- message: sucess uploading video
- name: Name of the video
- size: Size of the video
- length: Length of video
- cost: Cost of the video
- If the video is valid it will return a json object with the following keys:
- response: true
- message: Cost of video
- cost: Cost of the video
- If the video query is valid it will return a json object with the following keys:
- cost: Cost of the video
- date: Date of the video uploaded
- filename: Name of the video
- length: Length of video
- size: Size of the video
- All endpoints will return a json object with the following keys:
- response: false
- message: error message
Before using this API you need to setup a database. This database will be used to store the videos information.
To setup the database you need to create .env file in root directory and it must contain as below:
MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost'
MYSQL_USER = 'ashmin' --> username of the database
MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'password' --> password of the database
MYSQL_DB = 'test' --> name of the database
Create a datebase test
To create database in msql prompt run the following command:
use test;
Then source dump file by:
source initial_dump.sql;
- Database Server : MySQL
- Database Name : test
- Table Name : videos
- Columns :
- id : int primary key auto increament
- filename : varchar(255) name of the video
- length : int length of the video
- size : int size of the video
- cost : float cost of the video
- date :datetime default(current timestamp) date of the video upload
- flask
- flask-mysql
- os
- time
- werkzeug
All required Libraries can be installed using requirement.txt file by:
pip install -r requirement.txt
To run the API you need to run the following command in root directory :
To test the API you can run or in browser goto end of home page: