A handy plugin that includes a subsystem that allows you to log.
The plugin outputs both on the screen and in the console, displaying the name of the class in which the function was called.
You can customize the standard categories in the project settings.
The plugin also adds useful macros for use in C++
TRACE(YourCategory, "My text with %s and %d", *myString, myInt);
TRACEWARN(YourCategory, "My text with %s and %d", *myString, myInt);
TRACEERROR(YourCategory, "My text with %s and %d", *myString, myInt);
Note that these macros don't work in static functions and in places where GetWorld() can't be obtained
If you need to output something to kosnol in a static function use the following:
TRACESTATIC(YourCategory, "My text with %s and %d", *myString, myInt);
In this case, the macro will not display your network mode (Standalone, Client, Server) in the console, but will still display the full name of the function
The plugin provides two macros for displaying on the screen:
SCREENDEBUG("My text with %s and %d", *myString, myInt); // Duration: 5.0f
SCREENDEBUGT("My text with %s and %d", *myString, myInt); // Duration: 0.0f
Note that the second method can be used in Tick()
Doxygen documentation: GitHubPages
Documentation sources: GitHub