This is a tool that allows you to control the camera for Watch_Dogs, and allows you to control many other elements of the Disrupt engine to allow for a definitive "picture mode" for taking screenshots.
The files in Binariesx64 go in your gamedir/bin where your Watch_Dogs executable (.exe) is.
• Added Support for the latest Steam version of Watch_Dogs.
• Minor tweaks to the source code and help console.
• If you are using a cracked version of Watch_Dogs, this tool will likely not be compatible unless your crack has the same version of Disrupt_b64.dll for Uplay/Steam.
• The Super Rendering feature may be unstable on lower end computers.
• Disable Precompiled Headers under Properties/C++/Precompiled Headers.
• Set the language standard to "ISO C++17 Standard" under Properties/C++/Language.
• Set your runtime library to "Multi-threaded (/MT)" under Properties/C++/Code Generation.
• Make sure you are targetting x64 platform.
• Control the camera including the field of view and camera roll.
• Control the depth of field, with two modes allowing you to blur near objects and/or objects in the distance.
• Control the time of day as well as the weather preset.
• Freeze and slow down the game.
• UI/HUD Toggle.
• Super Rendering Toggle, which renders the game at an extreme quality only seen in pre rendered cutscenes. This toggle assumes you are already running the game on Ultra settings.
This project uses a function coded by in order to allow me to change read/write protections in certain memory regions protected by the game's DRM.
Super Rendering Demo:
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