Maintenance release 1.0.6
Sep. 2019
Support floating figure if it is not specialized as in DTD or scheme.
<fig outputclass="float-right/float-left/float-none"> -
Supports floatfig/@float="left" on ol/ul/step.
Support xref/@outputclass to control output. You can customize the @outputclass value by changing style definition file description.
<xref outputclass="title-and-page" href="[reference to topic]"/>
<xref outputclass="title-only" href="[reference to topic]"/>
<xref outputclass="page-only" href="[reference to topic]"/> -
Implement hazardstatement domain.
Add brand-type to style selection constraint.
Remove obsolete dita2fo_numberingmap_deprecated.xsl.
Add page-break control by topicref/@outputclass.
<topicref href="a.xml" outputclass="break-page"/>
<topicref href="a.xml" outputclass="break-column"/>
<topicref href="a.xml" outputclass="break-no"/>
<topicref href="a.xml" outputclass="break-auto"/> -
Implement dl table formatting when dlhead is specified.
Refine mode="GET_CONTENT" processing.