- Go to https://console.firebase.google.com/
- Click "Add Project"
- Choose a project name
- Click continue
- Click continue
- Select a Google Analytics account
- Click "Create Project"
- Click continue
- Go to Project settings
- Click on Android icon
- Enter the package name (com.AndroidQuartz.meetinghelper)
- Add app nickname (MeetingHelper - Android)
- Don't download the google-services.json file now (will be downloaded later)
- Click Next
- Click Next
- Click Continue to console
- Go to Authentication
- Click Get Started
- Click on Google
- Enable Google sign in
- Enter the project public-facing name: (خدمة مدارس الأŘŘŻ)
- Choose support email for the project
- Click Save
- Go to Firestore Database
- Click Create database
- Click next
- Choose the project Firestore location: (europe-west6) or any other region that is close to your location
- Click Enable
- Go to Realtime Database
- Click Create database
- Choose the database location: Belgium (europe-west1) or any other region that is close to your location
- Click Next
- Click Enable
- Add the following data to the database:
"config": {
"updates": {
"latest_version": "8.2.5", //Fill in app latest version
"deprecated_from": "7.1.9",
"download_link": "", //Fill in download link
"release_notes": "" //Fill in release notes link
- At this point Firebase Storage should be automatically enabled
- Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser
- Create a new bucket with name "{projectId}-firestore-backup" (example: meetinghelper-cf3db-firestore-backup)
- Give 'Cloud Datastore Import Export Admin' permission to app engine defualt account
- Give 'Owner' or 'Storage Admin' permission for the same service account for the created bucket
For more info see this
- Go to Dynamic Links
- Click Get Started
- Enter domain name ("meetinghelperkeraza" for example) and from the dropdown menu choose the domain name ("meetinghelperkeraza.page.link")
- Click Finish
- Click on the 3 vertical dots next to "New dynamic link" and choose Allolist URL pattern
- Add each of the following Regexs:
- ^https://meetinghelper\.com/view.+\?.+Id\=.+$
- ^https://meetinghelper\.com/viewQuery\?collection\=((Services)|(Classes)|(Persons))\&fieldPath\=[^\&]+\&operator\=[^\&]\&queryValue(\=(((true)|(false))|((S|D|T|I)[^\&]+)))?\&order\=((true)|(false))\&orderBy\=[^\&]+\&descending\=(true|false)$
- ^https://play\.google\.com/.\*id=com\.AndroidQuartz\.meetinghelper$
- ^https://meetinghelper\.com/viewUser\?UID\=.+$
- ^https://meetinghelper\.com/register\?InvitationId\=.+$
- Click Done
- Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
- Click on Create Credentails and choose API Key
- Copy the key and click Restirct Key
- Rename the key to Firebase Dynamic Links API Key
- Choose restirct key under API Restirctions
- Search for and choose Firebase Dynamic Links API
- Click Save
To use Firebase Functions (which is an essential part in the project) you would have to enable billing in the project
- Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/google/maps-apis/new
- Choose and Enable Maps SDK for Android
- Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
- Click on Create Credentails and choose API Key
- Copy the key and click Restirct Key
- Rename the key to GMaps Android API Key
- Choose restirct key under API Restirctions
- Search for and choose Maps SDK for Android
- Click Save
- Create file in
and name itstrings.xml
- Paste in the following snippet replacing Your-Key with the API key:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="gmaps_api_key">Your-Key</string>
- Go to sentry.io and create an account
- Create new project, choose flutter and give it a name (for example "meetinghelper-keraza")
- Copy the dsn and save it for later use
- Create file
Firebase CLI Sample\functions\src\passwordEncryption.ts
- Paste the following snippet and implement some passowrd encryption Algorithm:
export function encryptPassword(rawPassword: string): string {
//TODO: implement password encryption algorithm, same as front-end
return rawPassword.split("").reverse().join("");
- Create file
Firebase CLI Sample\functions\.env
and add environment variables
FB_DYNAMIC_LINKS_KEY=<the key you created and copied from the project credentails>
- Fill the values that are surrounded by <> without <>
- Edit the ADMIN_PASSWORD to a strong one
- Edit PACKAGE_NAME if package name is different
- Install gsutil from the link https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil_install
- Create a new file with name:
with the following code replacingprojectId
with your actual projectId:
"origin": [
"responseHeader": ["Content-Type"],
"method": ["GET", "HEAD"],
"maxAgeSeconds": 3600
- Run the command
gsutil cors set cors.json gs://projectId.appspot.com
replacing projectId with your actual projectId
- Install Firebase tools using
npm install -g firebase-tools
- Using the terminal go to the
Firebase CLI Sample
directory - Run the command:
firebase init
- Select: Realtime Database, Firestore, Functions and Storage
- Choose an ccount or login if prompted
- Choose Use an existing project
- Choose the project you created earlier
- Choose NOT to overwrite current configuration
- When prompted for functions choose TypeScript
- Choose no: Do you want to use ESLint to catch probable bugs and enforce style?
- After the command finishes run
firebase deploy
- Create file in
and name itencryption_keys.dart
- Paste the following snippet and implement some passowrd encryption Algorithm:
class Encryption {
static String encryptPassword(String rawPassword) {
//TODO: implement password encryption algorithm, same as back-end
return rawPassword.split('').reversed.join();
- Create file in the root directory and name it
- Paste the following snippet replacing Your-Sentry-DSN with actual DSN:
const sentryDSN = 'Your-Sentry-DSN';
- Create file in the root directory and name it
- Paste in the following code:
- Using Terminal go to
- Run the following command
keytool -genkey -v -keystore dKey.jks -storetype JKS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias debug
- Enter the debug keystore password and save it for later use
- Enter your info
- Run the command
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore dKey.jks -destkeystore dKey.jks -deststoretype pkcs12
then enter the password - Run the following command
keytool -genkey -v -keystore rKey.jks -storetype JKS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias release
- Enter the release keystore password and save it for later use
- Enter your info
- Run the command
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore rKey.jks -destkeystore rKey.jks -deststoretype pkcs12
then enter the password - Rename
- Go to
and create two filesdebugKey.properties
- Paste the following in debugKey.properties replacing Debug-Password with your password:
- Paste the following in releaseKey.properties replacing Release-Password with your password:
- Using the Terminal go to
- Run the following command
keytool -list -v -keystore dKey.keystore -alias debug
- Copy the SHA1 and SHA256 hashes
- Run the following command
keytool -list -v -keystore rKey.keystore -alias release
- Copy the SHA1 and SHA256 hashes
- Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
- Open the GMaps API Key and under applications restirections choose android apps
- Click on add an item
- Enter the package name and SHA1 hash for the debug key
- Click Done
- Click on add an item
- Enter the package name and SHA1 hash for the release key
- Click Done
- Click Save
- Repeat these steps on the Android Key (auto created by Firebase)
Note: Firebase App Check is still in Beta support in Flutter:
- Go to Firebase App Check -> Apps
- You should find the Android app, click on it
- Expand Play Integrity, check the app signatures and accept the TOS then click save
- Expand Safety Net, check the app signatures and accept the TOS then click save
- Now you can go to APIs tab and enforce the APIs you want
- Go to https://console.firebase.google.com/
- Choose the project
- Go to project settings
- Under Android apps and under SHA certificate fingerprints click Add fingerprint
- Add each of SHA1 and SHA256 of each of the debug and release keys
- Download
and copy it toandroid/app