This project implements a prototype of an embedded system that can determine if a person has stopped breathing for more than 10 seconds, triggering an alert. It is designed to address the need for real-time monitoring of infants to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a tragic event where a seemingly healthy infant under the age of 1 dies unexpectedly during sleep. The direct cause of SIDS is unknown, making prevention challenging. This project aims to provide a solution by monitoring the breathing of infants and triggering an alert if breathing stops for more than 10 seconds.
- Microcontroller (STM32F429)
- Thin film pressure sensor
- Wires and breadboard
- Misc components (e.g., belt for sensor placement)
- Connect the thin film pressure sensor to the microcontroller.
- Flash the provided code onto the microcontroller using PlatformIO.
- Ensure the microcontroller is powered and connected to the sensor.
- Place the sensor in a position where it can detect breathing (e.g., near the chest).
- Power on the system and monitor the LED indicator.
- If the LED stays on for more than 10 seconds, an alert is triggered, indicating that breathing has stopped.
- Thin film pressure sensor: $8.22
- Wires and breadboard: $6
- Microcontroller: $29.90
- Misc (belt and electrical components): $5
- Overall cost: $49.22
This sensor can also be fitted into a mask to determine if the person is breathing. The pressure exerted during exhalation will impart a force on the sensor and bend it. This will help in determining whether the person is breathing.
This project was developed as a term project as a part of NYU's Real time embedded systems course - Embedded Challenge Fall 2022. Thanks to all the team members for the implementation and analysis.
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