pip install oarepo-documents
This library contains data model for creating documents. This data model is not usable by it self, you have to add it to your own data model as it is shown in "Using data model". New document can by also created by provided DOI, as it is shown in "Document from DOI"
Document json schema, es mapping and marshmallow is taken from invenio-app-ils/documents
with some properties changed to data type multilingual string
from oarepo-multilingual library.
All properties that are changed to multilingual are listed in "Changes"
- abstract
- alternative_abstracts
- alternative_titles
- conference_info (only property "title")
- license (only property "title")
- note
- publication_info (only property "journal_title")
- title
- urls (only property "description")
Add documents json schema to your schema with keyword allOf
and "$ref": "/schemas/document-v1.0.0.json#/definitions/Document"
"type": "object",
"allOf": [
"properties": {
"extra_property": {
"type": "string"
"$ref": "/schemas/document-v1.0.0.json#/definitions/Document"
"additionalProperties": "false"
Add documents mapping to your elastic search mapping with "oarepo:extends": "document-v1.0.0.json#/Document"
from library "oarepo-extends""
"mappings": {
"dynamic": "strict",
"oarepo:extends": "document-v1.0.0.json#/Document",
"properties": {
"extra_property": {
"type": "text"
Inherit your class from DocumentSchemaV1
from oarepo_documents.marshmallow.document import DocumentSchemaV1
class SampleSchemaV1(DocumentSchemaV1):
extra_property = fields.String(validate=validate.Length(min=5), required=False)
You can create new document record from existing DOI with url in format 'server/record_class/document/doi'. This request will return existing document record, if document with that DOI already exists in your database. If there is no document with this DOI in database, it will be created a new one via CrossRef client and metadata from this new document will be returned. This new document will have its DOI as metadata in property "alternative_identifiers" with scheme "DOI".
url = "https://localhost:5000/records/document/10.5281/zenodo.3883620"