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gas burning generator -> reduced to 25% output
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oly2o6 committed Sep 14, 2022
1 parent 0f45c09 commit ecca8b2
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 0 deletions.
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions config/Mekanism/general.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@

#General Config. This config is synced from server to client.
#Log Mekanism packet names. Debug setting.
logPackets = false
#Disable to make the anchor upgrade not do anything.
allowChunkloading = true
#Enable this to allow dragging items from JEI into the target slot of Digital Miner filters.
easyMinerFilters = false
#How many ticks must pass until a block's active state is synced with the client, if it has been rapidly changing.
blockDeactivationDelay = 60
#Any mod ids added to this list will not be able to have any of their blocks, picked up by the cardboard box. For example: ["mekanism"]
cardboardModBlacklist = []
#Allow right clicking on Cables/Pipes/Tubes with alloys to upgrade the tier.
transmitterAlloyUpgrade = true
#Base factor for working out machine performance with upgrades - UpgradeModifier * (UpgradesInstalled/UpgradesPossible).
#Range: > 1
maxUpgradeMultiplier = 10
#How much Boiler heat is immediately usable to convert water to steam.
boilerWaterConductivity = 0.7
#Amount of heat produced per fuel tick of a fuel's burn time in the Fuelwood Heater.
heatPerFuelTick = 400.0
#Number of ticks to burn an item at in a Fuelwood Heater. Use this config option to effectively make Fuelwood Heater's burn faster but produce the same amount of heat per item.
#Range: 1 ~ 1000
fuelwoodTickMultiplier = 1
#How much heat energy is created from one Joule of regular energy in the Resistive Heater.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
resistiveHeaterEfficiency = 0.6
#Amount of heat each Boiler heating element produces.
superheatingHeatTransfer = 1.6E7
#Peak processing rate for the Solar Neutron Activator. Note: It can go higher than this value in some extreme environments.
maxSolarNeutronActivatorRate = 64

#Dynamic Tank Settings
#Amount of fluid (mB) that each block of the dynamic tank contributes to the volume. Max = volume * fluidPerTank
#Range: 1 ~ 368224
fluidPerTank = 350000
#Amount of chemical (mB) that each block of the dynamic tank contributes to the volume. Max = volume * chemicalPerTank
#Range: 1 ~ 1581510980256305
chemicalPerTank = 16000000

#Auto Eject Settings
#Rate at which fluid gets auto ejected from tiles.
fluid = 1024
#Rate at which chemicals gets auto ejected from tiles.
#Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807
chemical = 1024
#The percentage of a tank's capacity to leave contents in when set to dumping excess.
#Range: 0.001 ~ 1.0
dumpExcessKeepRatio = 0.9

#Prefilled Tanks
#Add filled creative fluid tanks to creative/JEI.
fluidTanks = true
#Add filled creative gas tanks to creative/JEI.
gasTanks = true
#Add filled creative infusion tanks to creative/JEI.
infusionTanks = true
#Add filled creative pigment tanks to creative/JEI.
pigmentTanks = true
#Add filled creative slurry tanks to creative/JEI.
slurryTanks = true

#Energy Conversion Rate Settings
#Disables IC2 power integration. Requires world restart (server-side option in SMP).
blacklistIC2 = false
#Conversion multiplier from EU to Joules (EU * JoulePerEU = Joules)
JoulePerEU = "10"
#Conversion multiplier from Joules to EU (Joules * EUPerJoule = EU)
EUPerJoule = "0.1000"
#Disables Forge Energy (FE,RF,IF,uF,CF) power integration. Requires world restart (server-side option in SMP).
blacklistForge = false
#Conversion multiplier from Forge Energy to Joules (FE * JoulePerForgeEnergy = Joules)
JoulePerForgeEnergy = "2.5000"
#Conversion multiplier from Joules to Forge Energy (Joules * ForgeEnergyPerJoule = FE)
ForgeEnergyPerJoule = "0.4000"
#Disables Flux Networks higher throughput Forge Energy (FE,RF,IF,uF,CF) power integration. Requires world restart (server-side option in SMP). Note: Disabling Forge Energy integration also disables this.
blacklistFluxNetworks = false
#How much energy is produced per mB of Hydrogen, also affects Electrolytic Separator usage, Ethylene burn rate and Gas generator energy capacity.
HydrogenEnergyDensity = "50"
#Burn time for Ethylene (1mB hydrogen + 2*bioFuel/tick*200ticks/100mB * 20x efficiency bonus).
#Range: > 1
EthyleneBurnTime = 40
#Maximum Joules per mB of Steam. Also affects Thermoelectric Boiler.
maxEnergyPerSteam = "10"

#Radiation Settings
#Enable worldwide radiation effects. Don't be a downer and disable this.
radiationEnabled = true
#The radius of chunks checked when running radiation calculations. The algorithm is efficient, but don't abuse it by making this crazy high.
#Range: 1 ~ 100
chunkCheckRadius = 5
#Radiation sources are multiplied by this constant roughly once per second to represent their emission decay. At the default rate, it takes roughly 10 hours to remove a 1,000 Sv/h (crazy high) source.
sourceDecayRate = 0.9995
#Radiated objects and entities are multiplied by this constant roughly once per second to represent their dosage decay.
targetDecayRate = 0.9995
#Defines the minimum severity radiation dosage severity (scale of 0 to 1) for which negative effects can take place. Set to 1 to disable negative effects completely.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
negativeEffectsMinSeverity = 0.1
#Amount of gas (mB) that can be stored in a Radioactive Waste Barrel.
#Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807
radioactiveWasteBarrelMaxGas = 512000
#Number of ticks required for radioactive gas stored in a Radioactive Waste Barrel to decay radioactiveWasteBarrelDecayAmount mB.
#Range: > 1
radioactiveWasteBarrelProcessTicks = 20
#Number of mB of gas that decay every radioactiveWasteBarrelProcessTicks ticks when stored in a Radioactive Waste Barrel. Set to zero to disable decay all together. (Gases in the mekanism:waste_barrel_decay_blacklist tag will not decay).
#Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807
radioactiveWasteBarrelDecayAmount = 1

#Digital Miner Settings
#Energy multiplier for using silk touch mode with the Digital Miner.
silkMultiplier = 12
#Maximum radius in blocks that the Digital Miner can reach. (Increasing this may have negative effects on stability and/or performance. We strongly recommend you leave it at the default value).
#Range: > 1
maxRadius = 32
#Number of ticks required to mine a single block with a Digital Miner (without any upgrades).
#Range: > 1
ticksPerMine = 80

#Laser Settings
#If enabled, lasers can break blocks and the flamethrower starts fires.
aestheticWorldDamage = true
#How far (in blocks) a laser can travel.
range = 64
#Energy needed to destroy or attract blocks with a Laser (per block hardness level).
energyNeededPerHardness = "100000"
#Energy used per half heart of damage being transferred to entities.
energyPerDamage = "2500"

#Oredictionificator Settings
#The list of valid tag prefixes for the Oredictionificator. Note: It is highly recommended to only include well known/defined tag prefixes otherwise it is very easy to potentially add in accidental conversions of things that are not actually equivalent.
validItemFilters = ["forge:dusts/", "forge:ingots/", "forge:nuggets/", "forge:ores/", "forge:storage_blocks/"]

#Pump Settings
#Maximum block distance to pull fluid from for the Electric Pump.
maxPumpRange = 80
#If enabled makes Water and Heavy Water blocks be removed from the world on pump.
pumpWaterSources = false
#Fluidic Plenisher stops after this many blocks.
maxPlenisherNodes = 4000

#Quantum Entangloporter Settings
#Maximum energy buffer (Mekanism Joules) of an Entangoloporter frequency - i.e. the maximum transfer per tick per frequency. Default is ultimate tier energy cube capacity.
energyBuffer = "256000000"
#Maximum fluid buffer (mb) of an Entangoloporter frequency - i.e. the maximum transfer per tick per frequency. Default is ultimate tier tank capacity.
#Range: > 1
fluidBuffer = 256000
#Maximum chemical buffer (mb) of an Entangoloporter frequency - i.e. the maximum transfer per tick per frequency. Default is ultimate tier tank capacity.
#Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807
chemicalBuffer = 8192000

#Block security/protection Settings
#Enable the security system for players to prevent others from accessing their machines. Does NOT affect Frequencies.
allowProtection = true
#Ops can bypass the block security restrictions if enabled.
opsBypassRestrictions = false

#Nutritional Paste Settings
#Saturation level of Nutritional Paste when eaten.
saturation = 0.8
#How much mB of Nutritional Paste equates to one 'half-food.'
mbPerFood = 50

#Thermal Evaporation Plant Settings
#Thermal Evaporation Tower heat loss per tick.
heatDissipation = 0.02
#Temperature to amount produced ratio for Thermal Evaporation Tower.
tempMultiplier = 0.4
#Heat to absorb per Solar Panel array of Thermal Evaporation Tower.
solarMultiplier = 0.2
#Heat capacity of Thermal Evaporation Tower layers (increases amount of energy needed to increase temperature).
heatCapacity = 100.0

#SPS Settings
#How much input gas (polonium) in mB must be processed to make 1 mB of antimatter.
#Range: > 1
inputPerAntimatter = 1000
#Energy needed to process 1 mB of input (inputPerAntimatter * energyPerInput = energy to produce 1 mB of antimatter).
energyPerInput = "1000000"

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