Docker based development environment in Amazon Linux with AWS CLI, Python and other tools added
docker build -t <tag-name>:<version> .
docker container run -it <tag-name>:<version> /bin/bash
e.g. docker container run -it aws-dev-env:v0.2 /bin/bash
You can now use the development environment from your terminal or connect to it with visual studio code (Use the Remote-Containers extension to attach to the running container).
If you want to mount a working directory as a volume that's straight forward also, e.g.
docker container run -v /mnt/c/Users/user/path/to/folder/:/tmp -it aws-dev-env:v0.2 /bin/bash
Essentially the command above mounts the absolute path on the host machine to a folder in the container storage (folder will be created if it doesn't exist already)
docker ps -a
Just add the --rm
flag when you run the container
To clean up previous containers you've exited previously
$ docker rm $(docker ps -q -f status=exited)
To clean up any dangling images
$ docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
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