Machine Learning Projects
- Disease Detection based on Symptoms
This project uses novel techniques of Machine learning and IR techniques to detect diseases based on symptoms and provide more details about the top fetched diseases including treatment recommendation.
The model which performed best was DT (Decision Tree) & KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor) with an accuracy of 91.29% and LR (Logistic Regression) model with cross validation accuracy of 89.1%.
The system can be used by a person with restricted medical knowledge as well with ease and can come handy in early disease detection and diagnosis. It can also benefit users that are reluctant to visit hospitals on the onset of minor symptoms. This will provide them with a basic idea of the severity of the disease.
Machine Learning applications in healthcare and biomedical domain has lead to early disease detection and better diagnosis. Studies have shown that people take the help of the internet for any possible health-related issues. The problem with this approach is that the search engines provide bulk information in scattered format from which it is difficult to conclude.
There are many disease prediction systems available such as heart disease prediction, neurological disorders prediction, and skin disease prediction. But universal prediction system for diseases based on symptoms is rarely in practice. It is very helpful for doctors and patients to know better about the disease without any medical tests or anything else.
The detection of disease based on disease is a complex game. Being unfamiliar with biological terms, the users feed the symptoms in non-technical or natural terms which add complexity in predicting diseases.
The previously available dataset is restricted to a particular part of human body disease and is also smaller in volume. Hence, the dataset of disease and their symptoms has been scraped from the web by running the Python script. The dataset consists of diseases and their symptoms, which are fetched from the following sources:
Diseases: The list of diseases has been retrieved from the National Health Portal of India ( ), developed and maintained by Centre for Health Informatics (CHI). The script fetches the HTML code of the page and extracts the disease list by filtering values in HTML tags.
Symptoms: The script uses the Google Search package to perform searching and fetch the disease’s Wikipedia page among the various search results obtained. The HTML code of the page is processed to fetch the symptoms of the disease using the ’infobox’ available on the Wikipedia page.
The scraping script fetches over 261 different diseases that form the label and 500+ symptoms.
Evaluation of the dataset is done by applying various machine learning algorithms and comparing the accuracy obtained from them. The highest accuracy is reported by K-Nearest Neighbor (91.29%) and Decision Tree (91.29%) while the lowest is of Multinomial Naive Bayes (83.94%).