PauliOpt is a Python library to simplify quantum circuits composed of phase and Pauli gadgets.
The documentation for this library was generated with pdoc. Jupyter notebooks exemplifying various aspects of the library are available in the notebooks folder.
Please Note: This software library is in a pre-alpha development stage. It is not currently suitable for use by the public.
You can install the library with pip
pip install pauliopt
If you already have the library installed and would like the latest version, you can also upgrade with pip
pip install --upgrade pauliopt
Step 1. Create a circuit of Z and X phase gadgets.
Step 2. Select the desired qubit topology.
Step 3. Instantiate an optimizer for the desired circuit and topology.
Step 4. Run a few iterations of simulated annealing and look at the simplified circuit.
To run the unit tests, install the additional requirements using our requirements.txt
(recommended python: 3.9), then to launch then, run:
python -m unittest discover -s ./tests/ -p "test_*.py"