Brain Tumor Segmentation using Transfer learning. Image segmentation is the task of clustering parts of an image together that belong to the same object class. This process is also called pixel-level classification. Brain Tumor Segmentation is a multi-class problem and this model classifies Gliomia tumor, Meningomia Tumor, Pituitary tumor and No tumor with an accuracy of 93%. A Brain tumor is considered as one of the aggressive diseases, among children and adults. Brain tumors account for 85 to 90 percent of all primary Central Nervous System(CNS) tumors. Every year, around 11,700 people are diagnosed with a brain tumor. The 5-year survival rate for people with a cancerous brain or CNS tumor is approximately 34 percent for men and 36 percent for women. Brain Tumors are classified as: Gliomia tumor, Meningomia Tumor, Pituitary tumor etc. Proper treatment, planning, and accurate diagnostics should be implemented to improve the life expectancy of the patients. The best technique to detect brain tumors is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). A huge amount of image data is generated through the scans. These images are examined by the radiologist. A manual examination can be error-prone due to the level of complexities involved in brain tumors and their properties.
Brain Tumors are complex. There are a lot of abnormalities in the sizes and location of the brain tumor(s). This makes it really difficult for complete understanding of the nature of the tumor. Also, a professional Neurosurgeon is required for MRI analysis. Often times in developing countries the lack of skillful doctors and lack of knowledge about tumors makes it really challenging and time-consuming to generate reports from MRI’. So an automated system on Cloud can solve this problem.
I used VGG-16 pretrained model to extract features from the images.