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MARA Examples

Please make sure you have followed the steps in MARA repository to set up ROS2, HRIM and dependencies.


Clone this repository in your ROS2 workspace.

cd ~/ros2_mara_ws/src && git clone


source /opt/ros/dashing/setup.bash
cd ~/ros2_mara_ws && colcon build --merge-install --packages-skip individual_trajectories_bridge


Terminal 1

In order to run the examples you need to first spawn MARA in Gazebo.

source ~/ros2_mara_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch mara_gazebo

You can choose between one of the available URDFs for spawning different configurations of MARA (mara_robot_gripper_140, mara_robot_gripper_140_no_table, mara_robot_gripper_85 and mara_robot_gripper_hande). Remember to spawn a URDF with gripper if you want to run the service examples.

ros2 launch mara_gazebo --urdf mara_robot_gripper_140

Terminal 2

In a different terminal, run the example you would like to test.

source ~/ros2_mara_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run mara_minimal_publisher mara_minimal_publisher_v1