- Basic Simulation of a Tic Tac Toe Game in Python
- Motivated by the 2nd screening coding round at HashedIn ....which I couldn't clear at that time (HashedIn On-Campus Placement Coding Round 2019)
- OS
- Math
- NumPy
- arr = Array to keep track of Player's move
- pos = Array to give Player information on the positions
- now = keeps track of which Player turn it is now i.e 1 or 2
- won = keeps track if Player1 or Player2 won i.e won = 0 -> No one won won = 1 -> Player 1 won won = 2 -> Player 2 won
- first = tells us if it's the beginning of the game or not i.e. first = 0 -> Beginning of the Game first = 1 -> Not the Beginning of the Game
- Horizontal Check Up -> check_horizontal() function checks for any complete horizontal line
- Vertical Check Up -> check_vertical() function checks for complete vertical line
- Diagonal Check Up -> check_diagonal() function checks for complete diagonal line
Refresh 3 variables for every new game i.e won, arr, first.
Run the Game until someone win's it i.e run the while loop until won becomes 1 or 2
Depending on whether it's the beginning of the game or in between :
If it's the beginning of the game i.e first = 0 -> Ask who's going first (Player 1 or Player 2)
Else -> switch player's turn to ensure both player plays at alternate turns
Ask for the Player's move i.e row & column number -> Then mark the position with 'o' for Player1 or 'x' for Player2
Print the array after each move
Check for any complete horizontal, vertical or diagonal line
- If found => Return the Player's no. & announce the winner --> End the loop
- Else => Continue Playing --> Continue the loop
- Mark first = 0 -> After the First move