Yet another Color Picker Library for Android. It is highly customizable and easy to use. Pick the color from wheel or select Material Colors from dialog. The original ColorPickerView was written by Hong Duan.
- Color Picker View
- Color Picker Dialog with Recent Color Option
- Material Color Picker Alert Dialog
- Material Color Picker BottomSheet Dialog
Color Picker | Material Color Picker |
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Gradle dependency:
implementation 'com.github.dhaval2404:colorpicker:2.0'
The ColorPicker configuration is created using the builder pattern.
// Kotlin Code ColorPickerDialog .Builder(this) // Pass Activity Instance .setTitle("Pick Theme") // Default "Choose Color" .setColorShape(ColorShape.SQAURE) // Default ColorShape.CIRCLE .setDefaultColor(mDefaultColor) // Pass Default Color .setColorListener { color, colorHex -> // Handle Color Selection } .show()
// Java Code new ColorPickerDialog .Builder(this) .setTitle("Pick Theme") .setColorShape(ColorShape.SQAURE) .setDefaultColor(mDefaultColor) .setColorListener(new ColorListener() { @Override public void onColorSelected(int color, @NotNull String colorHex) { // Handle Color Selection } }) .show();
The MaterialColorPicker configuration is created using the builder pattern.
// Kotlin Code MaterialColorPickerDialog .Builder(this) // Pass Activity Instance .setTitle("Pick Theme") // Default "Choose Color" .setColorShape(ColorShape.SQAURE) // Default ColorShape.CIRCLE .setColorSwatch(ColorSwatch._300) // Default ColorSwatch._500 .setDefaultColor(mDefaultColor) // Pass Default Color .setColorListener { color, colorHex -> // Handle Color Selection } .show()
// Java Code new MaterialColorPickerDialog .Builder(this) .setTitle("Pick Theme") .setColorShape(ColorShape.SQAURE) .setColorSwatch(ColorSwatch._300) .setDefaultColor(mDefaultColor) .setColorListener(new ColorListener() { @Override public void onColorSelected(int color, @NotNull String colorHex) { // Handle Color Selection } }) .show();
You can change the color or Positive and Negative Button Text Color. Add Following parameters in your colors.xml file.
<resources> <!-- Here you can add color of your choice --> <color name="positiveButtonTextColor">@color/colorAccent</color> <color name="negativeButtonTextColor">@color/colorAccent</color> <color name="bottomSheetDividerColor">#F5F5F5</color> </resources>
You can provide predefine colors for the MaterialColorPicker
// Kotlin Code MaterialColorPickerDialog .Builder(activity!!) // Option 1: Pass Hex Color Codes //.setColors(arrayListOf("#f6e58d", "#ffbe76", "#ff7979", "#badc58", "#dff9fb", "#7ed6df", "#e056fd", "#686de0", "#30336b", "#95afc0")) // Option 2: Pass Hex Color Codes from string.xml //.setColors(resources.getStringArray(R.array.themeColorHex)) // Option 3: Pass color array from colors.xml .setColorRes(resources.getIntArray(R.array.themeColors)) .setColorListener { color, colorHex -> // Handle Color Selection } .show()
// Java Code String[] colorArray = new String[]{"#f6e58d", "#ffbe76", "#ff7979", "#badc58", "#dff9fb", "#7ed6df", "#e056fd", "#686de0", "#30336b", "#95afc0"}; new MaterialColorPickerDialog .Builder(requireActivity()) // Option 1: Pass Hex Color Codes //.setColors(colorArray) // Option 2: Pass Hex Color Codes from string.xml //.setColors(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.themeColorHex)) // Option 3: Pass color array from colors.xml .setColorRes(getResources().getIntArray(R.array.themeColors)) .setColorListener(object : ColorListener { override fun onColorSelected(color: Int, colorHex: String) { // Handle Color Selection } }) .show();
Where R.array.themeColors and R.array.themeColorHex are defined as below
<array name="themeColors"> <item>@color/green_500</item> <item>@color/blue_500</item> <item>@color/red_500</item> <item>@color/grey_500</item> <item>@color/orange_500</item> </array> <string-array name="themeColorHex"> <item>#f6e58d</item> <item>#ffbe76</item> <item>#ff7979</item> <item>#badc58</item> <item>#dff9fb</item> <item>#7ed6df</item> <item>#e056fd</item> <item>#686de0</item> <item>#30336b</item> <item>#95afc0</item> </string-array>
You can set the Dismiss listener
// Kotlin Code ColorPickerDialog .Builder(requireActivity()) .setDismissListener { // Handle Dismiss Event } .show()
// Java Code new ColorPickerDialog .Builder(this) .setDismissListener(new DismissListener() { @Override public void onDismiss() { // Handle Dismiss Event } }) .show();
// Kotlin Code MaterialColorPickerDialog .Builder(this) .setDismissListener { // Handle Dismiss Event } .show()
// Java Code new MaterialColorPickerDialog .Builder(this) .setDismissListener(new DismissListener() { @Override public void onDismiss() { // Handle Dismiss Event } }) .show();
You can set the Tick color for each card. This will come handy when color list include black or white colors. By default tick color will be either black or white based on the color darkness. If more dark colors the tick color will be white else black.
// Kotlin Code MaterialColorPickerDialog .Builder(this) .setTickColorPerCard(true) // Default will be false .show()
// Java Code new MaterialColorPickerDialog .Builder(this) .setTickColorPerCard(true) // Default will be false .show();
- Library - Android Lollipop 5.0+ (API 21)
- Sample - Android Lollipop 5.0+ (API 21)
- Added Java compatibility #8
- Added option to set tick color per color card #12
- Added dialog dismiss listener #13
- Added Dark mode support & German translation #4
- Added option to change positive and negative button text color #2
- Initial Build
- ColorPicker
- App icon made by Nikita Golubev from Flaticon
We'll be really happy if you sent us links to your projects where you use our component. Just send an email to [email protected] And do let us know if you have any questions or suggestion regarding the library.
Copyright 2020, Dhaval Patel
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.