This release includes the following improvements:
- Decoupled version of flux-vector control (see, e.g., https://aalto-electric-drives.github.io/motulator/auto_examples/flux_vector/plot_flux_vector_pmsm_2kw.html#sphx-glr-auto-examples-flux-vector-plot-flux-vector-pmsm-2kw-py).
- Reparametrization of the 2DOF PI speed controller, making it more flexible. The description was also added to the documentation (https://aalto-electric-drives.github.io/motulator/2dof_pi_ctrl.html).
- Renaming the number of pole pairs (p -> n_p). This change allows to use p for power in some future methods.
- Improved installation instructions for developers and advanced users (see https://aalto-electric-drives.github.io/motulator/installation.html).
Furthermore, there are various minor improvements.