Model Architecture:
- Generator: Takes random noise as input and produces an image in MNIST format.
- Discriminator: Classifies images as real or fake.
Training Process:
- Trains the generator and discriminator in alternating steps:
- Generator aims to fool the discriminator by producing realistic images.
- Discriminator learns to differentiate between real and generated images.
- Uses Binary Cross-Entropy loss and the Adam optimizer.
- Trains the generator and discriminator in alternating steps:
Image Generation:
- Saves generated images every 10 epochs to visualize progress.
- End of training: Logs and saved images help evaluate GAN performance.
- A GAN has two parts: a Generator and a Discriminator.
- Generator: Creates fake data (e.g., images).
- Discriminator: Judges whether the data is real or fake.
- Goal: The generator wants to fool the discriminator, and the discriminator wants to tell the difference.
- The discriminator outputs a probability: how likely the input is real.
- If it's real, the output is close to 1.
- If it's fake, the output is close to 0.
- GANs optimize a function that measures how well the generator and discriminator are doing. The two loss functions are:
Discriminator’s Loss:
- It tries to maximize how well it classifies:
- Real data as real.
- Fake data as fake.
- Mathematically:
$$L_D = -E[\log(D(x))] - E[\log(1 - D(G(z)))]$$ L_D
: Loss for the discriminator.D(x)
: Probability the discriminator assigns to real data.D(G(z))
: Probability it assigns to fake data created by the generator.E
: Expectation (average over a distribution).G(z)
: Fake data generated by the generator from random noisez
- It tries to maximize how well it classifies:
Generator’s Loss:
- The generator tries to fool the discriminator, meaning it wants
to be close to 1 (fake data being classified as real). - Mathematically:
$$L_G = -E[\log(D(G(z)))]$$ L_G
: Loss for the generator.D(G(z))
: Probability the discriminator assigns to fake data being real.E
: Expectation (average over a distribution).G(z)
: Fake data generated by the generator from random noisez
- The generator tries to fool the discriminator, meaning it wants
- Both the generator and discriminator use gradient descent to update their weights. This means:
- They compute how much the loss changes when their weights change slightly.
- They adjust the weights to minimize (for the generator) or maximize (for the discriminator) their loss.
- GAN training is like a game of deception:
- The generator improves until it can create data that looks so real, the discriminator gets tricked.
- The discriminator improves to better spot fake data.
- Mathematically, this is a min-max optimization problem:
$$\min_G \max_D V(D, G) = E[\log(D(x))] + E[\log(1 - D(G(z)))]$$ V(D, G)
: Value function defining the interaction between the generator and discriminator.D(x)
: Probability the discriminator assigns to real data.D(G(z))
: Probability the discriminator assigns to fake data being real.E
: Expectation (average over a distribution).G(z)
: Fake data generated by the generator from random noisez
- The generator starts with random noise as input (a bunch of numbers, usually from a normal distribution).
- This noise is transformed step by step into something meaningful (e.g., an image).
- The latent space is this space of random inputs that the generator learns to map to realistic outputs.
- The generator and discriminator must stay balanced:
- If the discriminator is too strong, the generator can’t learn.
- If the generator is too strong, the discriminator becomes useless.
- This is called the vanishing gradient problem (common issue among many different NN's as well), which makes GAN training tricky.
- Feed real data and fake data to the discriminator.
- Calculate the discriminator's loss.
- Update the discriminator’s weights.
- Feed noise into the generator to create fake data.
- Calculate the generator's loss based on how well it fools the discriminator.
- Update the generator's weights.
- Repeat until the generator creates realistic data.