pyAXCL基于AXCL 驱动上实现的python API,支持M.2算力卡形态。
- AX650N
- NPU推理
- IVE算子
- 多媒体:Codec编解码(H264,H265,JPG)、IVPS图像变换(缩放,颜色空间转换,裁剪等)
Python >= 3.9 64bit
正确安装AXCL驱动(deb, rpm),执行axcl-smi确认设备连接正常。
生成的wheel路径:dist/pyAXCL-x.yy.z-py3-none-any.whl -
$ pip3 install setuptools wheel $ pip3 install pyAXCL-X.YY.Z-py3-none-any.whl $ pip3 show pyAXCL Python 3.9.5 (default, Mar 14 2023, 08:11:14) [GCC 9.4.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import axcl >>>
$ pip3 uninstall pyAXCL -y
将 sample目录拷贝到开发板或者主控系统中,以下示例的硬件环境为 CentOS9 + M.2计算卡。
模型推理示例 ,命令参数说明如下:
命令参数 | 参数说明 | 必选 |
-m, --model | 模型文件路径 | ☑ |
-v, --vnpu | VNPU类型,默认0 | |
-w, --warmup | 模型warmup次数,默认1 | |
-r, --repeat | 模型运行次数,默认5 | |
---d, --device | 选择设备号,可选。不指定则默认选择连接的第一个设备 | |
--json | 指定axcl.json 配置文件,默认不指定 |
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/engine/ -m yolov5s.axmodel -r 100
Run AxModel:
model: yolov5s.axmodel
warmup: 1
repeat: 100
vnpu: Disable
type: 1 core
[0]: name='images', layout=nhwc, dtype=uint8, dims=[1, 640, 640, 3], size=1228800
[0]: name='326', layout=none, dtype=fp32, dims=[1, 80, 80, 255], size=6528000
[1]: name='370', layout=none, dtype=fp32, dims=[1, 40, 40, 255], size=1632000
[2]: name='414', layout=none, dtype=fp32, dims=[1, 20, 20, 255], size=408000
min = 7.879 ms max = 8.276 ms avg = 8.184 ms
------------------------------------------------------ 示例程序将H264和H265码流解码输出NV12图片,命令参数说明如下:
命令参数 | 参数说明 | 必选 |
-i, --input | 仅支持Annex B格式H264和H265 raw码流,不支持封装格式,比如mp4等 | ☑ |
--width | 输入视频码流的宽度 | ☑ |
--height | 输入视频码流的高度 | ☑ |
--fps | 输入视频码流的帧率 | ☑ |
h264, h265 | 码流格式 | ☑ |
--d, --device | 选择设备号,可选。不指定则默认选择连接的第一个设备 | |
--dump | 将解码后的NV12图片保存到本地。0(默认): 仅解码不保存,-1: 全部保存, > 0: 指定保存的图片帧数 | |
--json | 指定axcl.json 配置文件,默认不指定 |
sample_vdec.py不支持mp4等格式解封装,只支持简单的Annex B格式码流的帧边界解析,因此若mp4封装格式,建议用ffmpeg解封装并转成Annex B格式码流,参考如下:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -an output.h264
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -bsf:v hevc_mp4toannexb -an output.h265
示例 : 解码bangkok_30952_1920x1080_30fps_gop60_4Mbps.264
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/vdec/ -i bangkok_30952_1920x1080_30fps_gop60_4Mbps.264 --width 1920 --height 1080 h264 --fps 30 --dump 100
============== sample vdec started ==============
device 05: vdGrp 0 vdChn 0 is disabled
device 05: vdGrp 0 vdChn 1 is enabled
device 05: vdGrp 0 vdChn 2 is disabled
device 05: vdGrp 0 is created
device 05: vdGrp 0 is started
device 05: reach annexB stream eof
device 05: dispatch NAL end
device 05: total recv frames 470, decoded 470
device 05: vdGrp 0 is stopped
device 05: vdGrp 0 is destroyed
device 05: /tmp/axcl/dump_chn1_decoded_2048x1080.nv12.yuv is saved
============== sample vdec exited ============== 示例程序将NV12图片编码成码流,命令参数说明如下:
命令参数 | 参数说明 | 必选 |
-i, --input | 输入待编码的图像文件,该文件包含若干帧相同尺寸的NV12格式图像 | ☑ |
--width | 输入图片宽度 | ☑ |
--height | 输入图片高度 | ☑ |
--fps | 码流帧率 | ☑ |
h264, h265 | 输出码流格式 | ☑ |
--d, --device | 选择设备号,可选。不指定则默认选择连接的第一个设备 | |
--dump | 将编码后的码流保存到本地,0(默认):不保存, 1: 保存 | |
--json | 指定axcl.json 配置文件,默认不指定 |
示例 : 将100帧NV12图片编码成H265码流。
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/venc/ -i /tmp/axcl/dump_chn1_decoded_2048x1080.nv12.yuv --width 2048 --height 1080 --fps 30 h265 --dump 1
============== sample venc started ==============
device 05: set venc buf size to 3317760
device 05: veChn 0 is created
device 05: veChn 0 is started 8
device 05: veChn 0 is stopped
device 05: veChn 0 is destroyed
device 05: /tmp/axcl/dump_encoded.h265 is saved
============== sample venc exited ============== 示例下图转码业务场景:
- sample仅包含解码,缩放和编码流程,不包含拉流和推流;
- sample编码固定输出和源视频相同宽高的H265码流。
命令参数 | 参数说明 | 必选 |
-i, --input | 仅支持Annex B格式H264和H265 raw码流,不支持封装格式,比如mp4等 | ☑ |
--width | 输入视频码流的宽度 | ☑ |
--height | 输入视频码流的高度 | ☑ |
--fps | 输入视频码流的帧率 | ☑ |
h264, h265 | 码流格式 | ☑ |
--d, --device | 选择设备号,可选。不指定则默认选择连接的第一个设备 | |
--dump | 将编码后的码流保存到本地,0(默认):不保存, 1: 保存 | |
--json | 指定axcl.json 配置文件,默认不指定 |
示例 : 解码bangkok_30952_1920x1080_30fps_gop60_4Mbps.264
转码输出1920x1080@30fps H265码流。
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/ppl/transcode/ -i ./bangkok_30952_1920x1080_30fps_gop60_4Mbps.264 --width 1920 --height 1080 h264 --fps 30 --dump 1
============== sample transcode started ==============
device 05: vdGrp 0 vdChn 0 is disabled
device 05: vdGrp 0 vdChn 1 is enabled
device 05: vdGrp 0 vdChn 2 is disabled
device 05: vdGrp 0 is created
device 05: set venc buf size to 3110400
device 05: veChn 0 is created
device 05: ivGrp 0 is created
device 05: veChn 0 is started
device 05: ivGrp 0 is started
device 05: vdGrp 0 is started
device 05: reach annexB stream eof
device 05: dispatch NAL end
device 05: total recv frames 470, decoded 470
device 05: vdGrp 0 is stopped
device 05: ivGrp 0 is stopped
device 05: veChn 0 is stopped
device 05: ivGrp 0 is destroyed
device 05: veChn 0 is destroyed
device 05: vdGrp 0 is destroyed
device 05: /tmp/axcl/dump_transcode.h265 is saved 示例对单帧图像进行裁剪缩放和颜色空间转换功能。
命令参数 | 参数说明 | 必选 |
-i, --input | 输入NV12单帧图像 | ☑ |
-c, --case | 功能选项:crop_resize 或 csc |
☑ |
--width | 输入图像宽度 | ☑ |
--height | 输入图像高度 | ☑ |
-s, --src_type | 输入图像格式,可选项:nv12/nv21/rgb888/bgr888/rgb565/argb8888/rgba8888, 默认nv12 | |
-t, --dst_type | 输出图像格式,可选项:nv12/nv21/rgb888/bgr888/rgb565/argb8888/rgba8888, 默认nv12 | |
-e, --engine | 指定硬件引擎,可选项:vgp/vpp/tdp, 默认vgp | |
-v, --version | 指定接口版本,可选项:1/2/3/4, 默认1 | |
-o, --output | 输出图像路径,默认:/tmp/axcl/data/output | |
--d, --device | 选择设备号,可选。不指定则默认选择连接的第一个设备 | |
--json | 指定axcl.json 配置文件,默认不指定 |
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/ivps/ -i ./1920x1080.nv12.yuv -c crop_resize --width 1920 --height 1080 -e vgp -v 1
============== sample ivps started ==============
cmd args: device id=0, json=/usr/bin/axcl/axcl.json
crop_resize_vgp operation completed successfully
store file '/tmp/axcl/data/output/crop_resize_vgp_output_image_960x540.nv12' successfully.
============== sample ivps exited ==============
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/ivps/ -i ./1920x1080.nv12.yuv -c csc --width 1920 --height 1080 -e vgp --src_type nv12 --dst_type bgr888
============== sample ivps started ==============
cmd args: device id=0, json=/usr/bin/axcl/axcl.json
csc_vgp operation completed successfully
store file '/tmp/axcl/data/output/csc_vgp_output_image_1920x1080.bgr888' successfully.
AX_FORMAT_RGB888 = 0xA1, /* BGRBGR..., RGB888 24bpp */
AX_FORMAT_BGR888 = 0xA5, /* RGBRGB..., BGR888 32bpp */ 示例部分IVE算子:
- dma:DMA拷贝实现灰度图的拷贝
- filter: 滤波
- gmm2:背景建模,输出前景和背景图像
- cropresize:对输入图像裁剪放大
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/ive/ -c 0 -i ./1280x720_u8c1_gray.yuv --width 1280 --height 720
============== sample ive started ==============
cmd args: device id=0, json=/usr/bin/axcl/axcl.json
dma operation completed successfully.
return handle: 1
dst: {'phy_addr': 5523177472, 'vir_addr': 0, 'stride': 1280, 'width': 1280, 'height': 720, 'reserved': 0}
store file '/tmp/axcl/data/output/out_dma_1280x720_u8c1_gray.yuv' successfully.
============== sample ive exited ==============
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/ive/ -c 1 -i ./1280x720_u8c1_gray.yuv --width 1280 --height 720
============== sample ive started ==============
cmd args: device id=0, json=/usr/bin/axcl/axcl.json
dma operation completed successfully.
return handle: 1
dst: {'phy_addr': [5523177472, 0, 0], 'vir_addr': [0, 0, 0], 'stride': [1280, 1280, 0], 'width': 1280, 'height': 720, 'type': 0}
store file '/tmp/axcl/data/output/out_filter_1280x720_u8c1_gray.yuv' successfully.
============== sample ive exited ==============
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/ive/ -c 2 -i ./1280x720_u8c1_gray.yuv --width 1280 --height 720 --model ./gmm_gray_1280x720_model.bin
============== sample ive started ==============
cmd args: device id=0, json=/usr/bin/axcl/axcl.json
dma operation completed successfully.
return handle: 1
dst_fg: {'phy_addr': [5567414272, 0, 0], 'vir_addr': [0, 0, 0], 'stride': [1280, 1280, 0], 'width': 1280, 'height': 720, 'type': 0}
dst_bg: {'phy_addr': [5568335872, 0, 0], 'vir_addr': [0, 0, 0], 'stride': [1280, 1280, 0], 'width': 1280, 'height': 720, 'type': 0}
store file '/tmp/axcl/data/output/out_gmm2_fg_1280x720_u8c1_gray.yuv' successfully.
store file '/tmp/axcl/data/output/out_gmm2_bg_1280x720_u8c1_gray.yuv' successfully.
============== sample ive exited ==============
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/ive/ -c 3 -e 2 -t 3 -i ./1280x720_nv12.yuv --width 1280 --height 720
============== sample ive started ==============
cmd args: device id=0, json=/usr/bin/axcl/axcl.json
dma operation completed successfully.
return handle: 65535
dst: [{'phy_addr': [5523640320, 0, 0], 'vir_addr': [0, 0, 0], 'stride': [1280, 1280, 0], 'width': 1280, 'height': 720, 'glb_type': 3}]
store file '/tmp/axcl/data/output/out_crop_resize_1280x720_nv12.yuv' successfully.
============== sample ive exited ============== 示例如下子功能:
- copy:设备侧4M物理内存拷贝
- memset:将设备侧4M内存初始化为0xAA
- checksum:计算checksum
- crop:使用DMA 2D拷贝功能实现裁剪NV12图像的[x = 0, y = 0, w = 1/2, h = 1/2] 区域
命令参数 | 参数说明 | 必选 |
-i, --input | 输入1帧 NV12图像 | ☑ |
--width | NV12图像宽度 | ☑ |
--height | NV12图像高度 | ☑ |
-o, --output | 指定裁剪图像保存路径,默认:/tmp/axcl/data/output | |
--d, --device | 选择设备号,可选。不指定则默认选择连接的第一个设备 | |
--json | 指定axcl.json 配置文件,默认不指定 |
[axera@localhost]$ python sample/dmadim/ -i 1920x1080.nv12.yuv --width 1920 --height 1080
============== sample dmadim started ==============
cmd args: device id=0, json=/usr/bin/axcl/axcl.json
memory [0]: device 0x14926f000
memory [1]: device 0x14966f000
dma_copy: compare dev memory[0] 0x14926f000 and dev memory[1] 0x14966f000 successfully
memory : device 0x14926f000
dma_memset: memset 0x14926f000 operation completed successfully.
memory : device 0x14926f000
dma_checksum: checksum: 0xaaa00000 successfully
dma_copy2d: mem_copy_xd operation completed successfully
store file '/tmp/axcl/data/output/dma2d_output_image_960x540.nv12' successfully.
============== sample dmadim exited ==============
- issue
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