ALBA Python Serial device server for tango. with the aim to be API compatible with the C++ Tango Serial device server extending its functionality.
This device server internally uses pyserial meaning that supports the same serial protocols, like rfc2217:// socket:// loop:// hwgrep:// spy:// alt://
From within your favorite python environment type:
$ pip install tangods_serialline
Register a Serial tango server in the tango database:
$ tangoctl server add -s Serial/test -d Serial test/tangods_serialline/1
$ tangoctl device property write -d test/tangods_serialline/1 -p serialline -v "rfc2217://192.168.123:5000"
(the above example uses tangoctl. You would need
to install it with pip install tangoctl
before using it. You are free to use any other
tango tool like fandango or Jive)
Launch the server with:
$ Serial test
- Alberto López Sánchez [email protected]
- CTBeamlines ([email protected])
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