is a Hardhat plugin that automatically generates tasks from ABI files. This allows you to easily interact with smart contracts without manually defining Hardhat tasks.
- Auto-generates Hardhat tasks from contract ABIs
- Supports overloaded functions with numbered suffixes
- Allows configurable task prefixes
- Handles payable functions with optional parameters
- Provides clear CLI commands for contract interactions
npm install --save-dev @adisakboonmark/hardhat-task-gen
- Add the plugin to your Hardhat config (
import "@adisakboonmark/hardhat-task-gen";
// or
- Run the task generation command:
$ npx hardhat task-gen
- Use the generated tasks to interact with your contracts:
$ npx hardhat task-gen:MyERC20:transfer --contract-address 0x123...456 --to 0xabc...123 --amount 1000
$ npx hardhat task-gen:MyERC721:name --contract-address 0x123...456
$ npx hardhat task-gen:MyERC1155:balanceOfBatch --contract-address 0x123...456 --accounts '["0xabc...123","0xabc...456"]' --ids '[0,1]'
- Run the helper command:
$ npx hardhat task-gen:MyERC1155:balanceOfBatch --help
Hardhat version 2.22.18
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] task-gen:MyERC1155:balanceOfBatch --accounts <STRING> [--contract-address <STRING>] --ids <STRING>
--accounts Parameter of type address[] (for tuple and array, provide a JSON string)
--contract-address The contract address
--ids Parameter of type uint256[] (for tuple and array, provide a JSON string)
task-gen:MyERC1155:balanceOfBatch: Calls balanceOfBatch function on MyERC1155
For global options help run: hardhat help
The plugin reads ABI files from the directory specified by the environment variable:
process.env.ABI_DIRECTORY || "./artifacts/contracts/"
is not set, it defaults to ./artifacts/contracts/
When executing a generated task, the contract address is determined using:
const contract = new hre.ethers.Contract(
taskArgs.contractAddress || process.env.TASK_GEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS,
is not set, you must provide the contract address explicitly using --contract-address
You can customize the task generation by modifying your Hardhat config:
module.exports = {
taskGen: {
outPath: "./tasks-generated", // Specify the output path for generated tasks.
clear: true, // Clear existing artifacts before generating the tasks, and it will force-run compilation.
runOnCompile: false, // Generate tasks automatically on each compile.
prefix: "task-gen", // Set a custom task prefix.
For a contract named MyERC1155
with overloaded functions totalSupply()
and totalSupply(uint256)
npx hardhat task-gen:MyERC1155:transfer:1 # Calls the totalSupply() function
npx hardhat task-gen:MyERC1155:transfer:2 --id 0 # Calls the totalSupply(uint256) function
Function Name | Parameters | Outputs | Command |
breed | catA tuple[id (uint256),gender (uint8)], catB tuple[id (uint256),gender (uint8)] |
newCat tuple[id (uint256),gender (uint8)] |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:breed:1 --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> --cat-a <catA> --cat-b <catB> |
breed | catIdA (uint256), catIdB (uint256) |
newCat tuple[id (uint256),gender (uint8)] |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:breed:2 --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> --cat-id-a <catIdA> --cat-id-b <catIdB> |
breedBatch | catIdsA (uint256[]), catIdsB (uint256[]) |
newCats tuple[[id (uint256),gender (uint8)]] |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:breedBatch:1 --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> --cat-ids-a <catIdsA> --cat-ids-b <catIdsB> |
breedBatch | catsA tuple[[id (uint256),gender (uint8)]], catsB tuple[[id (uint256),gender (uint8)]] |
newCats tuple[[id (uint256),gender (uint8)]] |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:breedBatch:2 --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> --cats-a <catsA> --cats-b <catsB> |
cats | catId (uint256) |
id (uint256), gender (uint8) |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:cats --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> --cat-id <catId> |
craftGender | output1 (uint8) |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:craftGender --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> |
exists | catId (uint256) |
output1 (bool) |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:exists --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> --cat-id <catId> |
mintCat | output1 tuple[id (uint256),gender (uint8)] |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:mintCat --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> |
owners | owner (address) |
id (uint256), gender (uint8) |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:owners --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> --owner <owner> |
parents | catId (uint256) |
father tuple[id (uint256),gender (uint8)], mother tuple[id (uint256),gender (uint8)] |
npx hardhat task-gen:AwesomeCat:parents --contract-address <contractAddress:optional> --cat-id <catId> |
Parameters like _type
, _amount
use underscores, which violate camelCase formatting.
Fix this issue by removing underscores from all parameter names to ensure camelCase compliance.