There are many better projects around like Terminal client for MangaDex, python wrapper for the mangadex API which do this and more so you should use them instead but if for some reason you need this it's still going to be around just not in active development
Simple script to fetch user's follow list from mangadex's api
This was created in order to make searching for your favourite manga in thirdparty apps like Tachiyomi a bit easier.
Note: Follow list is created as a csv file for your convenience
- Added the functionality to get the last read chapter
Clone repo:
git clone
Cd into directory where you cloned the repo Downloads\MD-Follow-list
Create a virtualenv first:
python -m venv venv
Activate it:
PS C:\Users\<user>\<PATH to venv>\Scripts\activate.ps1
Install the required dependencies:
pip install > requirements.txt
Run the program:
If you don't want to run from source then download the executable from releases but be sure to look into the source code to reassure yourself since you'll have to provide your username and password to the program afterall.
If you think this program can be improved in any way please open a PR or if you find a bug or issue open a new issue
MIT © Suraj Das