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+# Rethinking Noise Synthesis and Modeling in Raw Denoising
+[Yi Zhang](https://zhangyi-3.github.io/)1,
+[Hongwei Qin](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZGM7HfgAAAAJ&hl=en)2,
+[Xiaogang Wang](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-B5JgjsAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN)1,
+[Hongsheng Li](https://www.ee.cuhk.edu.hk/~hsli/)1
+1CUHK-SenseTime Joint Lab, 2SenseTime Research
+## Abstract
+The lack of large-scale real raw image denoising dataset gives rise to challenges on synthesizing
+realistic raw image noise for training denoising models.However, the real raw image noise is
+contributed by many noise sources and varies greatly among different sensors.
+Existing methods are unable to model all noise sources accurately, and building a noise model
+for each sensor is also laborious. In this paper, we introduce a new perspective to synthesize
+noise by directly sampling from the sensor's real noise.It inherently generates accurate raw image
+noise for different camera sensors. Two efficient and generic techniques: pattern-aligned patch
+sampling and high-bit reconstruction help accurate synthesis of spatial-correlated noise and
+high-bit noise respectively. We conduct systematic experiments on SIDD and ELD datasets.
+The results show that (1) our method outperforms existing methods and demonstrates wide
+generalization on different sensors and lighting conditions. (2) Recent conclusions derived from
+DNN-based noise modeling methods are actually based on inaccurate noise parameters.
+The DNN-based methods still cannot outperform physics-based statistical methods.
+## Code & calibrated parameters
+coming soon !
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