OSS Casino Latest 2025 release adds Laravel 10 and PHP 8.1+ support, Easy-Installer.
Currently, we provide the full source on my Telegram. There are approximately 1200 games totaling 45+ GB, including the latest Pragmatic games fixed & support mobile responsive.
You can message me on Telegram for the full source code, including installation into your VPS/Dedicated Server.
Multiple fixes and merged single database.
Demo USER /Demo Play games have been added and activated. Added 100 games, bringing the total to 1200 games now.
Set up your server with the following components:
- OS: Almalinux 8 / CentOS 7 recommended
- Apache
- PHP 8.0+
- Laravel 10
- Node.js 16
- PM2
- Redis
Enforce SSL for the domain.
Extract/Clone this repo into the public_html folder.
Enable PHP Extensions: Fileinfo, Imagick, Redis.
Create a new email and set a password.
Create a new database and grant full access.
Import the SQL file db.sql from the directory.
Ensure SSL is enforced for the domain.
Run the following command in the terminal under the public_html folder:
composer install
Generate SSL CRT, KEY, and BUNDLE. Copy the contents of your CRT/KEY/BUNDLE to files in the /casino/PTwebsocket/ssl/ folder.
For file uploads:
- Additional Tip: Since it includes demo user accounts, generate a new password hash for existing users. Execute the following in phpMyAdmin (replace the hash). If you need to hash a new word, run this in phpMyAdmin:
Upload/Clone all files from this repo and run yourdomain.com/setup.php. It will help you handle the installation.
- Delete any self-signed certificates.
- Generate or install the Let's Encrypt certificate if available.
- Save the text file via notepad or directly as follows:
- Certificate (CRT) ==> crt.crt
- Private Key (KEY) ==> key.key
- Go to the folder PTWebSocket/ssl and replace those three files.
- Edit .env and /config/app.php (URL line 65) for domain, database, user/password, email, and password.
Edit the / Socket File Changes in JSON files.
PM2 COMMANDS: PM2 Documentation
pm2 stop all
pm2 delete all
pm2 flush
pm2 logs
pm2 save
pm2 start Arcade.js --watch
pm2 start Server.js --watch
pm2 start Slots.js --watch
Set your port for websocket then run these on terminal:
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=xxxx/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=xxxx/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=xxxx/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
Contact me from the contact listed if you are interested in purchase/installation.