A compiler for a c-like language
Here is a compiler for Xlang language. It’s implemented in three phases: Lexical analyser, Syntax analyser and Semantic analyser. Compiler gets the code and prints its tokens in a tree structure. It also checks if there is any syntax or semantic error in code.
Xlang is a C-like language with these rules:
• All keywords must be written in lowercase (“if” is a keyword but “IF” is a variable)
• Keywords in Xlang: Boolean, break, callout, class, continue, else, for, if, false, return, true, void, int
• Variable names are made of characters, numbers and Underscore. Names can’t start with a number
• Use // to comment a line of code
• Strings should be in “ ” and chars should be in ‘ ‘
• Numbers should be 32-bit signed hexadecimal or decimal.
Decimal: from -2147483648 to 2147483647
Hexadecimal: 0x[a-f A-F 0-9]
• Operators in Xlang: + - * / % < > != <= >= == && || ! = -= +=
• Other tokens: ( ) { } [ ] ; ,
• All codes must be written in Program class that has three parts:
Field declaration: Declaring global variables
Method declaration: Defining Functions
Main: void main(){} function as the entry point of program
• Conditional statement syntax:
if (expr) {
//if body
if (expr) {
//if body
//else body
For loop syntax:
for x = expr , expr {
//for body