diff --git a/docs/search.js b/docs/search.js index c25925c..6f69e45 100644 --- a/docs/search.js +++ b/docs/search.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ window.pdocSearch = (function(){ /** elasticlunr - http://weixsong.github.io * Copyright (C) 2017 Oliver Nightingale * Copyright (C) 2017 Wei Song * MIT Licensed */!function(){function e(e){if(null===e||"object"!=typeof e)return e;var t=e.constructor();for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t[n]=e[n]);return t}var t=function(e){var n=new t.Index;return n.pipeline.add(t.trimmer,t.stopWordFilter,t.stemmer),e&&e.call(n,n),n};t.version="0.9.5",lunr=t,t.utils={},t.utils.warn=function(e){return function(t){e.console&&console.warn&&console.warn(t)}}(this),t.utils.toString=function(e){return void 0===e||null===e?"":e.toString()},t.EventEmitter=function(){this.events={}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),t=e.pop(),n=e;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("last argument must be a function");n.forEach(function(e){this.hasHandler(e)||(this.events[e]=[]),this.events[e].push(t)},this)},t.EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var n=this.events[e].indexOf(t);-1!==n&&(this.events[e].splice(n,1),0==this.events[e].length&&delete this.events[e])}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(e){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);this.events[e].forEach(function(e){e.apply(void 0,t)},this)}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.hasHandler=function(e){return e in this.events},t.tokenizer=function(e){if(!arguments.length||null===e||void 0===e)return[];if(Array.isArray(e)){var n=e.filter(function(e){return null===e||void 0===e?!1:!0});n=n.map(function(e){return t.utils.toString(e).toLowerCase()});var i=[];return n.forEach(function(e){var n=e.split(t.tokenizer.seperator);i=i.concat(n)},this),i}return e.toString().trim().toLowerCase().split(t.tokenizer.seperator)},t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator=/[\s\-]+/,t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator,t.tokenizer.setSeperator=function(e){null!==e&&void 0!==e&&"object"==typeof e&&(t.tokenizer.seperator=e)},t.tokenizer.resetSeperator=function(){t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator},t.tokenizer.getSeperator=function(){return t.tokenizer.seperator},t.Pipeline=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions={},t.Pipeline.registerFunction=function(e,n){n in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions&&t.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: "+n),e.label=n,t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[n]=e},t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction=function(e){return e in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions!=!0?null:t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e]},t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered=function(e){var n=e.label&&e.label in this.registeredFunctions;n||t.utils.warn("Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n",e)},t.Pipeline.load=function(e){var n=new t.Pipeline;return e.forEach(function(e){var i=t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction(e);if(!i)throw new Error("Cannot load un-registered function: "+e);n.add(i)}),n},t.Pipeline.prototype.add=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);e.forEach(function(e){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),this._queue.push(e)},this)},t.Pipeline.prototype.after=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i+1,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.before=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.remove=function(e){var t=this._queue.indexOf(e);-1!==t&&this._queue.splice(t,1)},t.Pipeline.prototype.run=function(e){for(var t=[],n=e.length,i=this._queue.length,o=0;n>o;o++){for(var r=e[o],s=0;i>s&&(r=this._queue[s](r,o,e),void 0!==r&&null!==r);s++);void 0!==r&&null!==r&&t.push(r)}return t},t.Pipeline.prototype.reset=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.prototype.get=function(){return this._queue},t.Pipeline.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this._queue.map(function(e){return t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),e.label})},t.Index=function(){this._fields=[],this._ref="id",this.pipeline=new t.Pipeline,this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore,this.index={},this.eventEmitter=new t.EventEmitter,this._idfCache={},this.on("add","remove","update",function(){this._idfCache={}}.bind(this))},t.Index.prototype.on=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);return this.eventEmitter.addListener.apply(this.eventEmitter,e)},t.Index.prototype.off=function(e,t){return this.eventEmitter.removeListener(e,t)},t.Index.load=function(e){e.version!==t.version&&t.utils.warn("version mismatch: current "+t.version+" importing "+e.version);var n=new this;n._fields=e.fields,n._ref=e.ref,n.documentStore=t.DocumentStore.load(e.documentStore),n.pipeline=t.Pipeline.load(e.pipeline),n.index={};for(var i in e.index)n.index[i]=t.InvertedIndex.load(e.index[i]);return n},t.Index.prototype.addField=function(e){return this._fields.push(e),this.index[e]=new t.InvertedIndex,this},t.Index.prototype.setRef=function(e){return this._ref=e,this},t.Index.prototype.saveDocument=function(e){return this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore(e),this},t.Index.prototype.addDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.addDoc(i,e),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var o=this.pipeline.run(t.tokenizer(e[n]));this.documentStore.addFieldLength(i,n,o.length);var r={};o.forEach(function(e){e in r?r[e]+=1:r[e]=1},this);for(var s in r){var u=r[s];u=Math.sqrt(u),this.index[n].addToken(s,{ref:i,tf:u})}},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("add",e,this)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDocByRef=function(e){if(e&&this.documentStore.isDocStored()!==!1&&this.documentStore.hasDoc(e)){var t=this.documentStore.getDoc(e);this.removeDoc(t,!1)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.hasDoc(i)&&(this.documentStore.removeDoc(i),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var o=this.pipeline.run(t.tokenizer(e[n]));o.forEach(function(e){this.index[n].removeToken(e,i)},this)},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("remove",e,this))}},t.Index.prototype.updateDoc=function(e,t){var t=void 0===t?!0:t;this.removeDocByRef(e[this._ref],!1),this.addDoc(e,!1),t&&this.eventEmitter.emit("update",e,this)},t.Index.prototype.idf=function(e,t){var n="@"+t+"/"+e;if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._idfCache,n))return this._idfCache[n];var i=this.index[t].getDocFreq(e),o=1+Math.log(this.documentStore.length/(i+1));return this._idfCache[n]=o,o},t.Index.prototype.getFields=function(){return this._fields.slice()},t.Index.prototype.search=function(e,n){if(!e)return[];e="string"==typeof e?{any:e}:JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));var i=null;null!=n&&(i=JSON.stringify(n));for(var o=new t.Configuration(i,this.getFields()).get(),r={},s=Object.keys(e),u=0;u0&&t.push(e);for(var i in n)"docs"!==i&&"df"!==i&&this.expandToken(e+i,t,n[i]);return t},t.InvertedIndex.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{root:this.root}},t.Configuration=function(e,n){var e=e||"";if(void 0==n||null==n)throw new Error("fields should not be null");this.config={};var i;try{i=JSON.parse(e),this.buildUserConfig(i,n)}catch(o){t.utils.warn("user configuration parse failed, will use default configuration"),this.buildDefaultConfig(n)}},t.Configuration.prototype.buildDefaultConfig=function(e){this.reset(),e.forEach(function(e){this.config[e]={boost:1,bool:"OR",expand:!1}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.buildUserConfig=function(e,n){var i="OR",o=!1;if(this.reset(),"bool"in e&&(i=e.bool||i),"expand"in e&&(o=e.expand||o),"fields"in e)for(var r in e.fields)if(n.indexOf(r)>-1){var s=e.fields[r],u=o;void 0!=s.expand&&(u=s.expand),this.config[r]={boost:s.boost||0===s.boost?s.boost:1,bool:s.bool||i,expand:u}}else t.utils.warn("field name in user configuration not found in index instance fields");else this.addAllFields2UserConfig(i,o,n)},t.Configuration.prototype.addAllFields2UserConfig=function(e,t,n){n.forEach(function(n){this.config[n]={boost:1,bool:e,expand:t}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.get=function(){return this.config},t.Configuration.prototype.reset=function(){this.config={}},lunr.SortedSet=function(){this.length=0,this.elements=[]},lunr.SortedSet.load=function(e){var t=new this;return t.elements=e,t.length=e.length,t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.add=function(){var e,t;for(e=0;e1;){if(r===e)return o;e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o]}return r===e?o:-1},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.locationFor=function(e){for(var t=0,n=this.elements.length,i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];i>1;)e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];return r>e?o:e>r?o+1:void 0},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.intersect=function(e){for(var t=new lunr.SortedSet,n=0,i=0,o=this.length,r=e.length,s=this.elements,u=e.elements;;){if(n>o-1||i>r-1)break;s[n]!==u[i]?s[n]u[i]&&i++:(t.add(s[n]),n++,i++)}return t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new lunr.SortedSet;return e.elements=this.toArray(),e.length=e.elements.length,e},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.union=function(e){var t,n,i;this.length>=e.length?(t=this,n=e):(t=e,n=this),i=t.clone();for(var o=0,r=n.toArray();otessa \u2013 simple, hassle-free access to price information of financial assets \ud83d\udcc9\ud83e\udd13\ud83d\udcc8\n\n

tessa is a Python library to help you easily search asset identifiers (e.g.,\ntickers) and retrieve price information for assets from different sources such as\nYahoo or Coingecko. It takes care of the different APIs, caching, rate limiting, and\nother hassles.


tessa provides a Symbol class that encapsulates nicely the methods relevant for a\nsymbol. tessa also provides functionality to manage collections of symbols, store\nand load them, and extend their functionality.


Finally, tessa makes sure to be nice to the sites being accessed and tries to prevent\nusers from being blocked by 429 rate limiting errors by 1) caching results upon\nretrieval and 2) keeping track of request timestamps and waiting appropriate amounts of\ntime if necessary.


\u2192 Check out the full documentation. \ud83d\udcd6


How to use


Here's a longer example that quickly shows all aspects of the library. Refer to\nsubmodules symbol, search, and\nprice for more information.

  • Imports:
  • \n
from tessa import Symbol, SymbolCollection, search\n
  • Create a symbol for MSFT and access some functions:
  • \n
s1 = Symbol("MSFT")         # will use "yahoo" as the default source\ns1.price_latest()           # get latest price\n
  • Create another symbol from a bloomberg ticker as it is used by Yahoo Finance:
  • \n
s2 = Symbol("SREN.SW")\ns2.price_point("2022-06-30")    # get price at specific point in time\n
  • Create a symbol from the coingecko source with an id as it is used by coingecko:
  • \n
s3 = Symbol("bitcoin", source="coingecko")\ns3.price_graph()            # show price graph\n
  • Search for a more crypto ticker on coingecko:
  • \n
res = search("GAME")        # search and print search result summary\nfiltered = res.filter(source="coingecko")  # filter results\nfiltered.p()                # print summary of filtered results\nfiltered.buckets[0].symbols # review the best bucket in the filtered results\ns4 = filtered.buckets[0].symbols[2]   # our symbol is the 3rd in that list\ns4.price_history()          # get entire history\n
  • Build a collection of several symbols and use the collection to retrieve symbols:
  • \n
sc = SymbolCollection([s1, s2, s3, s4])\nsc.add(Symbol("AAPL"))      # add another one\nsc.find_one("SREN").price_graph()\n
  • Store and load a symbol collection:
  • \n
sc.save_yaml("my_symbols.yaml")\nsc_new = SymbolCollection()\nsc_new.load_yaml("my_symbols.yaml")\n
  • Use a different currency preference:
  • \n
sc.find_one("game").price_latest()  # will return price in USD\nSymbol.currency_preference = "CHF"\nsc.find_one("game").price_latest()  # will return price in CHF\n

Note that currency_preference will only have an effect with sources that support it.\nIt is supported for Coingecko but not for Yahoo. So you should always verify the\neffective currency you receive in the result.


Data sources


tessa builds on yfinance and\npycoingecko and offers a simplified and\nunified interface.


Why these two sources? Yahoo Finance (via yfinance) is fast and offers an extensive\ndatabase that also contains many non-US markets. Coingecko (via pycoingecko) offers\ngreat access to crypto prices. While Yahoo Finance also offers crypto information,\npycoingecko has the advantage that you can have the prices quoted in many more currency\npreferences (a function that is also exposed via tessa).


More sources can be added in the future. Let me know in the\nissues of you have a particular request.


Main submodules

  • symbol: working with symbols and symbol collections.
  • \n
  • search: searching the different sources.
  • \n
  • price: accessing price functions directly instead of via the\nSymbol class.
  • \n
  • sources: if you'd like to add additional sources to the library.
  • \n

How to install


pip install tessa




See pyproject.toml. Major prerequisites are the yfinance and pycoingecko packages\nto access finance information as well as the beautifulsoup4 package to do some\nscraping for searching on Yahoo Finance.






Future Work


This is an initial version. There are a number of ideas on how to extend. Please leave\nyour suggestions and comments in the Issues\nsection.


On terminology


I'm using symbol instead of ticker because a ticker is mainly used for stock on stock\nmarkets, whereas tessa is inteded to be used for any kind of financial assets, e.g. also\ncrypto.


Other noteworthy libraries

  • strela: A python package for financial alerts.
  • \n
  • pypme: A Python package for PME (Public Market\nEquivalent) calculation.
  • \n

On investpy as a data source


Tessa used to use the investpy package as the\nmain source of information until mid 2022 until investing.com introduced Cloudflare,\nwhich broke access by investpy. \ud83d\ude16 It is currently unclear if investpy will be available\nagain in the future. You can follow the developments in issue\n600. The old tessa/investpy code is\nstill available in the add-symbols-based-on-investpy\nbranch.

\n"}, "tessa.price": {"fullname": "tessa.price", "modulename": "tessa.price", "type": "module", "doc": "

Retrieving price information


Main functions:

  • tessa.price.price.price_history: Retrieve the full history of an asset as a\ndataframe.
  • \n
  • tessa.price.price.price_point_strict: Get an asset's price at a certain point in\ntime. Fail if no price found.
  • \n
  • tessa.price.price.price_point: Same, but find the nearest price if the given point\nin time has no
  • \n
  • tessa.price.price.price_latest: Get an asset's latest price.
  • \n

Example use:

>>> from tessa import price_history, price_point, price_latest\n\n>>> df, currency = price_history("AAPL")\n\n>>> price_point("SAP.DE", "2015-01-01")         # will return price at 2015-01-02\n\n>>> price_point_strict("SAP.DE", "2015-01-01")  # will raise a KeyError\n\n>>> price_latest("ethereum", source="coingecko", currency_preference="CHF")\n\n>>> price_latest("ETH-EUR", source="yahoo")\n\n>>> price_latest("ethereum", source="yahoo")    # error b/c symbol not found on yahoo\n\n>>> price_latest("ETH-EUR", source="coingecko") # error b/c symbol not found on coingecko\n
\n"}, "tessa.price.coingecko": {"fullname": "tessa.price.coingecko", "modulename": "tessa.price.coingecko", "type": "module", "doc": "

Everything coingecko-related (other than search).

\n"}, "tessa.price.coingecko.dataframify_price_list": {"fullname": "tessa.price.coingecko.dataframify_price_list", "modulename": "tessa.price.coingecko", "qualname": "dataframify_price_list", "type": "function", "doc": "

Turn price list returned by Coingecko API into a pricing dataframe in the form\nthat we use.

\n", "signature": "(prices: list) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.coingecko.get_price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.price.coingecko.get_price_history", "modulename": "tessa.price.coingecko", "qualname": "get_price_history", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get price history for a given cryptocurrency.

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "type": "module", "doc": "

Retrieve price information.

\n"}, "tessa.price.price.custom_cache_wrapper": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.custom_cache_wrapper", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "custom_cache_wrapper", "type": "function", "doc": "

To preserve the function's signature _and_ give access to cache_clear etc.

\n", "signature": "(func):", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price.price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.price_history", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "price_history", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get price history and return PriceHistory, i.e., a tuple of a dataframe with\nthe price history and the effective currency. Note that the effective currency\nreturned might differ from the currency_preference.

  • query: A query string that makes sense in combination with the source. E.g.,\n\"BTC-USD\" for \"yahoo\" or \"bitcoin\" for \"coingecko\".
  • \n
  • source: The source to query. Defaults to \"yahoo\".
  • \n
  • currency_preference: The currency to the prices should be returned in; defaults\nto \"USD\". The effective currency might differ and will be returned in the second\nreturn value.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price.price_point": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.price_point", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "price_point", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return the price at a given point in time given by when. Look for the closest\npoint in time if the exact point in time is not found. Returns a PricePoint, i.e.,\na tuple of the price, the effective timestamp of the price, and the currency.


Arguments other than when are the same as with price_history.


Example call:

price_point(\"AAPL\", \"2020-01-01\")\n
\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\twhen: Union[str, pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp],\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price.price_point_strict": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.price_point_strict", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "price_point_strict", "type": "function", "doc": "

Same as price_point but will return either the price at the exact point in time\nor raise a KeyError.

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\twhen: str,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price.price_latest": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.price_latest", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "price_latest", "type": "function", "doc": "

Same as price_point but will return the latest price.

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.types": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "type": "module", "doc": "

Price-related types.

\n"}, "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PriceHistory", "type": "class", "doc": "

PriceHistory(df, currency)

\n", "bases": "builtins.tuple"}, "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PriceHistory.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create new instance of PriceHistory(df, currency)

\n", "signature": "(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, currency: str)"}, "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.df": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.df", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PriceHistory.df", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 0

\n", "annotation": ": pandas.core.frame.DataFrame"}, "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.currency": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.currency", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PriceHistory.currency", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 1

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint", "type": "class", "doc": "

PricePoint(when, price, currency)

\n", "bases": "builtins.tuple"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create new instance of PricePoint(when, price, currency)

\n", "signature": "(\twhen: pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp,\tprice: float,\tcurrency: str)"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.when": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.when", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint.when", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 0

\n", "annotation": ": pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.price": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.price", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint.price", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 1

\n", "annotation": ": float"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.currency": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.currency", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint.currency", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 2

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.price.types.SymbolNotFoundError": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.SymbolNotFoundError", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "SymbolNotFoundError", "type": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "builtins.Exception"}, "tessa.price.types.SymbolNotFoundError.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.SymbolNotFoundError.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "SymbolNotFoundError.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(source: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'], query: str, *args, **kwargs)"}, "tessa.price.types.CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError", "type": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "builtins.Exception"}, "tessa.price.types.CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'],\tcur_pref: str,\t*args,\t**kwargs)"}, "tessa.price.yahoo": {"fullname": "tessa.price.yahoo", "modulename": "tessa.price.yahoo", "type": "module", "doc": "

Everything Yahoo-Finance-related (other than search).

\n"}, "tessa.price.yahoo.START_FROM": {"fullname": "tessa.price.yahoo.START_FROM", "modulename": "tessa.price.yahoo", "qualname": "START_FROM", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Adjust this date if you need to get historical data further in the past. Note that\nextending this date will lead to increased load on the Yahoo Finance servers.

\n", "default_value": " = '2000-01-01'"}, "tessa.price.yahoo.get_price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.price.yahoo.get_price_history", "modulename": "tessa.price.yahoo", "qualname": "get_price_history", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get price history for a given query. Note that currency_preference will be\nignored since Yahoo Finance returns each ticker in the one currency that is set for\nthat ticker.


Note that yfinance has some strange error behavior, e.g., when a ticker doesn't\nexist: history() will return an empty dataframe (but with all the column headers\nas usual) and print \"No data found, symbol may be delisted\" to stdout.

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search": {"fullname": "tessa.search", "modulename": "tessa.search", "type": "module", "doc": "

Searching symbols


Main function is tessa.search.search.search, which will return a\ntessa.search.search_result.SearchResult, offering all kinds of useful functionality.


Example use:

from tessa import search\n\n>>> r = search("roche")                 # search\n>>> r.p()                               # print result statistics\n>>> r.filter(exchange="EBS").symbols    # filter and get list of resulting symbols\n\n>>> r = search("jenny")                 # another search\n>>> r.filter(source="coingecko").symbols # filter for source (i.e., yahoo or coingecko)\n\n>>> r = search("carbon")                # yet another search\n>>> r.filter(source="yahoo", type="ETF").symbols # filter for source and type\n
\n"}, "tessa.search.coingecko": {"fullname": "tessa.search.coingecko", "modulename": "tessa.search.coingecko", "type": "module", "doc": "

Everything related to searching via coingecko.

\n"}, "tessa.search.coingecko.get_symbol_map": {"fullname": "tessa.search.coingecko.get_symbol_map", "modulename": "tessa.search.coingecko", "qualname": "get_symbol_map", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get the symbol map. Separate function to use caching, so the API doesn't get\nhit too often.

\n", "signature": "() -> list:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.coingecko.coingecko_search": {"fullname": "tessa.search.coingecko.coingecko_search", "modulename": "tessa.search.coingecko", "qualname": "coingecko_search", "type": "function", "doc": "

Find coingecko ids that match query somehow. Returns SearchResult.

\n", "signature": "(query: str) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search", "modulename": "tessa.search.search", "type": "module", "doc": "

Unified search.

\n"}, "tessa.search.search.search": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search.search", "modulename": "tessa.search.search", "qualname": "search", "type": "function", "doc": "

Unified search function. Returns a tessa.search.SearchResult.

  • query: The string to search for. (Note that this query attribute has a different\nsemantics to the query attribute in the Symbol class.)
  • \n
  • silent: No print output if True.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tsilent: bool = False) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "type": "module", "doc": "

Everything related to search results, especially the SearchResult class.

\n"}, "tessa.search.search_result.matches_entire_name_or_alias": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.matches_entire_name_or_alias", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "matches_entire_name_or_alias", "type": "function", "doc": "

Try to match the complete name or one of the aliases completely. E.g.:\nmatches_entire_name_or_alias(\"eth\", Symbol(\"ETH\")) > 0.

\n", "signature": "(query: str, symbol: tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.matches_word_boundary": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.matches_word_boundary", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "matches_word_boundary", "type": "function", "doc": "

Try to match a complete word in name, aliases, or query. E.g.:\nmatches_word_boundary(\"eth\", Symbol(\"ETHW\", aliases=[\"PoW ETH\"])) > 0.

\n", "signature": "(query: str, symbol: tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.matches_inanyway": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.matches_inanyway", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "matches_inanyway", "type": "function", "doc": "

Try to match anywhere in name, aliases, or query. E.g.:\nmatches_inanyway(\"eth\", Symbol(\"TOGETHER\")) > 0.

\n", "signature": "(query: str, symbol: tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "Bucket", "type": "class", "doc": "

A bucket is a set of results of a certain quality level in a larger search result. A\nbucket has a name and a list of symbols that belong into that bucket.

\n", "bases": "builtins.tuple"}, "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "Bucket.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create new instance of Bucket(name, symbols)

\n", "signature": "(name: str, symbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol])"}, "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.name": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.name", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "Bucket.name", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 0

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.symbols", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "Bucket.symbols", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 1

\n", "annotation": ": List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]"}, "tessa.search.search_result.bucketize": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.bucketize", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "bucketize", "type": "function", "doc": "

Split a list of Symbols into buckets based on how well a symbol matches the\nquery.


(We're not using itertools.groupby here bc we need empty lists for empty buckets,\nwhich groupby doesn't provide.)

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tsymbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]) -> List[tessa.search.search_result.Bucket]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.create_sort_key_for_query": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.create_sort_key_for_query", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "create_sort_key_for_query", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create a sort key function that classifies a Symbol based on query.

\n", "signature": "(query: str) -> Callable:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.remove_duplicates": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.remove_duplicates", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "remove_duplicates", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a list in which every symbol is unique. Two symbols are considered\nequivalent if they match in query and source. Regardless of whether their names\nare the same or different.


Note further that several symbols can have the same name but still be considered\ndifferent if they differ in any of query or source.

\n", "signature": "(\tsymbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]) -> List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult", "type": "class", "doc": "

Manages a search result consisting of a list of Symbols. Removes duplicates,\nbucketizes, sorts and offers methods to filter and print statistics.


(Design note 1: SearchResult has no relationship with SymbolCollection because\nthe purposes of the two classes are very different and because they have different\nequality definitions for symbols.


Design note 2: SearchResult and SymbolCollection have different definitions of\nequality between symbols: SearchResult considers 2 symbols to be equal if they are\nequal in query and source, regardless of whether they have the same name or not.\nA SymbolCollection does not have a definition of equality, but it does enforce\nthat names are unique.)


Example use:

from tessa import search\nr = search("harmony")\n\n# Review results:\nr.p()\n\n# Get the 1 symbol from source "coingecko" in the best bucket (i.e., bucket 0):\ns = r.filter(source="coingecko").buckets[0].symbols[0]\ns.price_latest()\n
\n"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(query: str, symbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol])"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.query": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.query", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.query", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The query that produced the results here.

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.symbols", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.symbols", "type": "variable", "doc": "

List of symbols in this result. Always deduplicated and sorted.

\n", "annotation": ": List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.buckets": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.buckets", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.buckets", "type": "variable", "doc": "

List of buckets after bucketizing the symbols.

\n", "annotation": ": List[tessa.search.search_result.Bucket]"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.filter_history": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.filter_history", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.filter_history", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The filters that have been applied to get to this result.

\n", "annotation": ": List[str]"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.add_symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.add_symbols", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.add_symbols", "type": "function", "doc": "

Add symbols. Removes duplicates, sorts, and bucketizes after adding.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsymbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.filter": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.filter", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.filter", "type": "function", "doc": "

Filter for arbitrary attribute-value-pairs (e.g., source=\"coingecko\" or\nexchange=\"ebs\") and return a new SearchResult with the results after the\nfiltering. Also updates the filter history.

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.p": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.p", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.p", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convenience method to print str rep.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "type": "module", "doc": "

Get Yahoo Finance search results via scraping.

\n"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.create_headers": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.create_headers", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "create_headers", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(url: str) -> dict:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.get_tables": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.get_tables", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "get_tables", "type": "function", "doc": "

Retrieve search page for query and at offset, parse all the tables into\ndataframes and return that list.

\n", "signature": "(query: str, offset: int) -> List[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.get_search_results": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.get_search_results", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "get_search_results", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get all search results as a dataframe. Returns an empty dataframe if there are no\nresults.

\n", "signature": "(query: str) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.dataframe_to_symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.dataframe_to_symbols", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "dataframe_to_symbols", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convert a search result dataframe to a list of Symbols.

\n", "signature": "(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) -> List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.yahoo_search": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.yahoo_search", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "yahoo_search", "type": "function", "doc": "

Search on Yahoo Finance.

\n", "signature": "(query: str) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources": {"fullname": "tessa.sources", "modulename": "tessa.sources", "type": "module", "doc": "

Managing different data sources


A tessa.sources.sources.Source ties together all the functionality and state related\nto a source such as Yahoo or Coingecko.


tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter takes care of rate limiting for a source.


All known sources are specified in tessa.sources.sources_directory.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter", "modulename": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter", "type": "module", "doc": "

Rate Limiter -- makes sure we don't hit the APIs too often by waiting by default and\nwaiting exponentially if a 429 error is encountered.


The goal is to never run into errors in the first place, because some sites like\ncoingecko.com take substantial time until they allow-list a blocked IP address again.\nThat is also why we can't use a library such das Tenacity here.


Note that this module is no longer used by the package. But I left it in here anyway,\nbecause it might come in handy for people who use the pycoingecko or some other library\nin other ways than through this package.


Usage: Import the module and call setup_guards().

\n"}, "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter.create_guard": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter.create_guard", "modulename": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter", "qualname": "create_guard", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create a guard.

\n", "signature": "(\tfunc: <built-in function callable>,\tguard: dict) -> <built-in function callable>:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter.setup_guards": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter.setup_guards", "modulename": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter", "qualname": "setup_guards", "type": "function", "doc": "

Set up guards.

\n", "signature": "() -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "type": "module", "doc": "

Rate Limiter -- makes sure we don't hit the APIs too often by making sure a minimum\namount of time has elapsed between calls to an API.


The goal is to never run into errors in the first place, b/c some sites take substantial\ntime until it allow-lists a blocked IP address again. That is also why we can't use a\nlibrary such das Tenacity here.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter", "type": "class", "doc": "

Encapsulates state and stats of a rate limiter object.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\twait_seconds: float,\tlast_call: datetime.datetime = DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC')),\tcount_all_calls: int = 0,\tcount_limited_calls: int = 0)"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.wait_seconds": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.wait_seconds", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.wait_seconds", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Enforce this amount of seconds between subsequent calls.

\n", "annotation": ": float"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.last_call": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.last_call", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.last_call", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Keeps track of last call's timestamp.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.datetime", "default_value": " = DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC'))"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.count_all_calls": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.count_all_calls", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.count_all_calls", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Number of total calls.

\n", "annotation": ": int", "default_value": " = 0"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.count_limited_calls": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.count_limited_calls", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.count_limited_calls", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Number of calls that triggered some waiting.

\n", "annotation": ": int", "default_value": " = 0"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.reset": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.reset", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.reset", "type": "function", "doc": "

Reset state and stats.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.rate_limit": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.rate_limit", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.rate_limit", "type": "function", "doc": "

Enforce the minimum wait time as specified in wait_seconds.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "type": "module", "doc": "

Source class and related functions.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source", "type": "class", "doc": "

A Source encapsulates everything related to a source such as Yahoo or\nCoingecko.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tget_price_history: Callable,\tget_search_results: Callable,\trate_limiter: tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter)"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.get_price_history", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Callback to retrieve price history.

\n", "annotation": ": Callable"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_search_results": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_search_results", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.get_search_results", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Callback to retrieve search results.

\n", "annotation": ": Callable"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.rate_limiter": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.rate_limiter", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.rate_limiter", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Rate limiter object.

\n", "annotation": ": tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history_bruteforcefully": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history_bruteforcefully", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.get_price_history_bruteforcefully", "type": "function", "doc": "

Variant of get_price_history that will ignore some server-side errors\n(which often seem to be intermittent, at least on Coingecko) and just\nretries.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tquery: str,\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources.get_source": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.get_source", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "get_source", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get a specific source.

\n", "signature": "(name: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko']) -> tessa.sources.sources.Source:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources.get_all_sources": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.get_all_sources", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "get_all_sources", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get all the known sources.

\n", "signature": "() -> Generator:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources.reset_rate_limiters": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.reset_rate_limiters", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "reset_rate_limiters", "type": "function", "doc": "

Reset the rate limiters of all sources.

\n", "signature": "() -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources_directory": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources_directory", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources_directory", "type": "module", "doc": "

The directory (i.e., dictionary) of all know sources. To be accessed via the\nfunctions in tessa.sources.sources. This module is factored out so the directory can\nbe imported late within functions in order to prevent circular dependencies.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.sourcetype": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sourcetype", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sourcetype", "type": "module", "doc": "

SourceType is a literal type with all known sources; used for type hinting and to\nsupport autocomplete suggestions.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol", "type": "module", "doc": "

Working with Symbols


The main class is tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol, which encapsulates all the information\nand functionality around symbols. A tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection\nmanages a collection of symbols including save and load functionality.


Example use:

from tessa import Symbol, SymbolCollection\ns1 = Symbol("MSFT")                 # will use "yahoo" as the default source\ns1.price_latest()                   # get latest price\nsc = SymbolCollection([s1])         # create collection\nsc.add(Symbol("ethereum", source="coingecko"))       # add another symbol\nsc.find_one("ethereum").price_graph(monthsback=600)  # graph of 10 past yearss\nsc.save_yaml("my_symbols.yaml")     # save\n

tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol shows how the Symbol class can be\nextended.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "type": "module", "doc": "

An example of how to extend the Symbol class with more information and functionality.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol", "type": "class", "doc": "

ExtendedSymbol class. Adds more information and functionality to the Symbol\nclass.

\n", "bases": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str,\tquery: Optional[str] = None,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\taliases: list[str] = <factory>,\tdescription: Optional[str] = None,\tcountry: Optional[Literal['andorra', 'united arab emirates', 'afghanistan', 'antigua and barbuda', 'anguilla', 'albania', 'armenia', 'angola', 'antarctica', 'argentina', 'american samoa', 'austria', 'australia', 'aruba', '\u00e5land', 'azerbaijan', 'bosnia and herzegovina', 'barbados', 'bangladesh', 'belgium', 'burkina faso', 'bulgaria', 'bahrain', 'burundi', 'benin', 'saint barth\u00e9lemy', 'bermuda', 'brunei', 'bolivia', 'bonaire', 'brazil', 'bahamas', 'bhutan', 'bouvet island', 'botswana', 'belarus', 'belize', 'canada', 'cocos [keeling] islands', 'democratic republic of the congo', 'central african republic', 'republic of the congo', 'switzerland', 'ivory coast', 'cook islands', 'chile', 'cameroon', 'china', 'colombia', 'costa rica', 'cuba', 'cape verde', 'curacao', 'christmas island', 'cyprus', 'czech republic', 'germany', 'djibouti', 'denmark', 'dominica', 'dominican republic', 'algeria', 'ecuador', 'estonia', 'egypt', 'western sahara', 'eritrea', 'spain', 'ethiopia', 'finland', 'fiji', 'falkland islands', 'micronesia', 'faroe islands', 'france', 'gabon', 'united kingdom', 'grenada', 'georgia', 'french guiana', 'guernsey', 'ghana', 'gibraltar', 'greenland', 'gambia', 'guinea', 'guadeloupe', 'equatorial guinea', 'greece', 'south georgia and the south sandwich islands', 'guatemala', 'guam', 'guinea-bissau', 'guyana', 'hong kong', 'heard island and mcdonald islands', 'honduras', 'croatia', 'haiti', 'hungary', 'indonesia', 'ireland', 'israel', 'isle of man', 'india', 'british indian ocean territory', 'iraq', 'iran', 'iceland', 'italy', 'jersey', 'jamaica', 'jordan', 'japan', 'kenya', 'kyrgyzstan', 'cambodia', 'kiribati', 'comoros', 'saint kitts and nevis', 'north korea', 'south korea', 'kuwait', 'cayman islands', 'kazakhstan', 'laos', 'lebanon', 'saint lucia', 'liechtenstein', 'sri lanka', 'liberia', 'lesotho', 'lithuania', 'luxembourg', 'latvia', 'libya', 'morocco', 'monaco', 'moldova', 'montenegro', 'saint martin', 'madagascar', 'marshall islands', 'north macedonia', 'mali', 'myanmar [burma]', 'mongolia', 'macao', 'northern mariana islands', 'martinique', 'mauritania', 'montserrat', 'malta', 'mauritius', 'maldives', 'malawi', 'mexico', 'malaysia', 'mozambique', 'namibia', 'new caledonia', 'niger', 'norfolk island', 'nigeria', 'nicaragua', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'nepal', 'nauru', 'niue', 'new zealand', 'oman', 'panama', 'peru', 'french polynesia', 'papua new guinea', 'philippines', 'pakistan', 'poland', 'saint pierre and miquelon', 'pitcairn islands', 'puerto rico', 'palestine', 'portugal', 'palau', 'paraguay', 'qatar', 'r\u00e9union', 'romania', 'serbia', 'russia', 'rwanda', 'saudi arabia', 'solomon islands', 'seychelles', 'sudan', 'sweden', 'singapore', 'saint helena', 'slovenia', 'svalbard and jan mayen', 'slovakia', 'sierra leone', 'san marino', 'senegal', 'somalia', 'suriname', 'south sudan', 's\u00e3o tom\u00e9 and pr\u00edncipe', 'el salvador', 'sint maarten', 'syria', 'swaziland', 'turks and caicos islands', 'chad', 'french southern territories', 'togo', 'thailand', 'tajikistan', 'tokelau', 'east timor', 'turkmenistan', 'tunisia', 'tonga', 'turkey', 'trinidad and tobago', 'tuvalu', 'taiwan', 'tanzania', 'ukraine', 'uganda', 'u.s. minor outlying islands', 'united states', 'uruguay', 'uzbekistan', 'vatican city', 'saint vincent and the grenadines', 'venezuela', 'british virgin islands', 'u.s. virgin islands', 'vietnam', 'vanuatu', 'wallis and futuna', 'samoa', 'kosovo', 'yemen', 'mayotte', 'south africa', 'zambia', 'zimbabwe']] = 'united states',\twatch: bool = False,\tdelisted: bool = False,\tjurisdiction: str = 'US',\tisin: Optional[str] = None,\tstrategy: Union[str, List[str]] = <factory>,\tstrategy_comments: Optional[str] = None)"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.description": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.description", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.description", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Informational only.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]", "default_value": " = None"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.country": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.country", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.country", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Country of HQ / listing.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[Literal['andorra', 'united arab emirates', 'afghanistan', 'antigua and barbuda', 'anguilla', 'albania', 'armenia', 'angola', 'antarctica', 'argentina', 'american samoa', 'austria', 'australia', 'aruba', '\u00e5land', 'azerbaijan', 'bosnia and herzegovina', 'barbados', 'bangladesh', 'belgium', 'burkina faso', 'bulgaria', 'bahrain', 'burundi', 'benin', 'saint barth\u00e9lemy', 'bermuda', 'brunei', 'bolivia', 'bonaire', 'brazil', 'bahamas', 'bhutan', 'bouvet island', 'botswana', 'belarus', 'belize', 'canada', 'cocos [keeling] islands', 'democratic republic of the congo', 'central african republic', 'republic of the congo', 'switzerland', 'ivory coast', 'cook islands', 'chile', 'cameroon', 'china', 'colombia', 'costa rica', 'cuba', 'cape verde', 'curacao', 'christmas island', 'cyprus', 'czech republic', 'germany', 'djibouti', 'denmark', 'dominica', 'dominican republic', 'algeria', 'ecuador', 'estonia', 'egypt', 'western sahara', 'eritrea', 'spain', 'ethiopia', 'finland', 'fiji', 'falkland islands', 'micronesia', 'faroe islands', 'france', 'gabon', 'united kingdom', 'grenada', 'georgia', 'french guiana', 'guernsey', 'ghana', 'gibraltar', 'greenland', 'gambia', 'guinea', 'guadeloupe', 'equatorial guinea', 'greece', 'south georgia and the south sandwich islands', 'guatemala', 'guam', 'guinea-bissau', 'guyana', 'hong kong', 'heard island and mcdonald islands', 'honduras', 'croatia', 'haiti', 'hungary', 'indonesia', 'ireland', 'israel', 'isle of man', 'india', 'british indian ocean territory', 'iraq', 'iran', 'iceland', 'italy', 'jersey', 'jamaica', 'jordan', 'japan', 'kenya', 'kyrgyzstan', 'cambodia', 'kiribati', 'comoros', 'saint kitts and nevis', 'north korea', 'south korea', 'kuwait', 'cayman islands', 'kazakhstan', 'laos', 'lebanon', 'saint lucia', 'liechtenstein', 'sri lanka', 'liberia', 'lesotho', 'lithuania', 'luxembourg', 'latvia', 'libya', 'morocco', 'monaco', 'moldova', 'montenegro', 'saint martin', 'madagascar', 'marshall islands', 'north macedonia', 'mali', 'myanmar [burma]', 'mongolia', 'macao', 'northern mariana islands', 'martinique', 'mauritania', 'montserrat', 'malta', 'mauritius', 'maldives', 'malawi', 'mexico', 'malaysia', 'mozambique', 'namibia', 'new caledonia', 'niger', 'norfolk island', 'nigeria', 'nicaragua', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'nepal', 'nauru', 'niue', 'new zealand', 'oman', 'panama', 'peru', 'french polynesia', 'papua new guinea', 'philippines', 'pakistan', 'poland', 'saint pierre and miquelon', 'pitcairn islands', 'puerto rico', 'palestine', 'portugal', 'palau', 'paraguay', 'qatar', 'r\u00e9union', 'romania', 'serbia', 'russia', 'rwanda', 'saudi arabia', 'solomon islands', 'seychelles', 'sudan', 'sweden', 'singapore', 'saint helena', 'slovenia', 'svalbard and jan mayen', 'slovakia', 'sierra leone', 'san marino', 'senegal', 'somalia', 'suriname', 'south sudan', 's\u00e3o tom\u00e9 and pr\u00edncipe', 'el salvador', 'sint maarten', 'syria', 'swaziland', 'turks and caicos islands', 'chad', 'french southern territories', 'togo', 'thailand', 'tajikistan', 'tokelau', 'east timor', 'turkmenistan', 'tunisia', 'tonga', 'turkey', 'trinidad and tobago', 'tuvalu', 'taiwan', 'tanzania', 'ukraine', 'uganda', 'u.s. minor outlying islands', 'united states', 'uruguay', 'uzbekistan', 'vatican city', 'saint vincent and the grenadines', 'venezuela', 'british virgin islands', 'u.s. virgin islands', 'vietnam', 'vanuatu', 'wallis and futuna', 'samoa', 'kosovo', 'yemen', 'mayotte', 'south africa', 'zambia', 'zimbabwe']]", "default_value": " = 'united states'"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.watch": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.watch", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.watch", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether the ticker can produce alerts.

\n", "annotation": ": bool", "default_value": " = False"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.delisted": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.delisted", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.delisted", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Used to filter certain symbols from analysis.

\n", "annotation": ": bool", "default_value": " = False"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.jurisdiction": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.jurisdiction", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.jurisdiction", "type": "variable", "doc": "

main jurisdiction of the underlying asset(s) (not of the title representing the\nasset); default US, other examples: CN, EU, several, irrelevant, unknown

\n", "annotation": ": str", "default_value": " = 'US'"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.isin": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.isin", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.isin", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Informational only.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]", "default_value": " = None"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.strategy": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.strategy", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.strategy", "type": "variable", "doc": "

One strategy or a list of several strategies. Some strategies I use:

  • F&F: Fire & Forget (implies HoldForGrowth)
  • \n
  • HoldForGrowth
  • \n
  • HoldForStability: low growth expected, but also low risk
  • \n
  • HoldForDiversification: titles I find important for diversification
  • \n
  • EnterIf: consider starting a position if prices for this title fall
  • \n
  • SellIf: consider selling if prices high and/or liquidity needed
  • \n
  • Sold: earlier holding that was sold at some point
  • \n
  • Quarterly: quarterly invest
  • \n
\n", "annotation": ": Union[str, List[str]]"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.strategy_comments": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.strategy_comments", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.strategy_comments", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Additional comments re strategy.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]", "default_value": " = None"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.region": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.region", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.region", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Will be set automatically.

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.get_strategy_string": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.get_strategy_string", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.get_strategy_string", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a nice string with the strategy including comments.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.price_graph": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.price_graph", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.price_graph", "type": "function", "doc": "

Add some extra information to the price graph.

\n", "signature": "(self, monthsback: int = 6) -> tuple:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.geo": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.geo", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.geo", "type": "module", "doc": "

Geography helpers for ExtendedSymbol.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.geo.countrynames": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.geo.countrynames", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.geo.countrynames", "type": "module", "doc": "

CountryName type.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region", "type": "module", "doc": "

Jurisdiction to region mapping.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region.map_jurisdiction_to_region": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region.map_jurisdiction_to_region", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region", "qualname": "map_jurisdiction_to_region", "type": "function", "doc": "

Map jurisdiction to region.

\n", "signature": "(jur: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "type": "module", "doc": "

Symbol class.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol", "type": "class", "doc": "

Symbol class. Encapsulates all the relevant information around a financial symbol\nand some functionality to get price information, display graphs, etc.



  • Price-related functions rely on caching happening on lower levels to be efficient;\nthis is fulfilled thanks to the way tessa's caching works.
  • \n
  • The initializers don't hit the network -- it will only be hit when accessing the\nprice methods or related methods such as currency.
  • \n
\n"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str,\tquery: Optional[str] = None,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\taliases: list[str] = <factory>)"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.name": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.name", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.name", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Symbol's name and default query.

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.query": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.query", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.query", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Use this to use a query that is different than the name. name will be used as\nthe query if it is None.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]", "default_value": " = None"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.source": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.source", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.source", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The source to query for this symbol. Defaults to \"yahoo\".

\n", "annotation": ": Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko']", "default_value": " = 'yahoo'"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.aliases": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.aliases", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.aliases", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Optional other names this symbol should be found under. (Will not be used as\nadditional queries but \"internally\" in the matches method.)

\n", "annotation": ": list[str]"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.currency_preference": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.currency_preference", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.currency_preference", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Use this to set the preferred currency to get price information in.


This is no guarantee and you should always double-check the currency that gets\nreturned by any of the price_* methods in actuality. This is also the reason why\nthis feature is slightly hidden behind an underscore.


Since this is a class variable, you can set your preference once for all objects.

\n", "annotation": ": ClassVar[str]", "default_value": " = 'USD'"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.p": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.p", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.p", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convenience method to print the symbol.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.to_yaml": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.to_yaml", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.to_yaml", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a YAML representation of this symbol.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.currency": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.currency", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.currency", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return currency for this symbol.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_latest": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_latest", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.price_latest", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return the latest close price.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_history", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.price_history", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a tuple of the full price history.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_point": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_point", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.price_point", "type": "function", "doc": "

Look up price at given date when. Look for the closest point in time if the\nexact point in time is not found.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\twhen: Union[str, pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp]) -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_graph": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_graph", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.price_graph", "type": "function", "doc": "

Display this symbol's price graph over the last monthsback months.


Returns from_date, fig, and ax in order for subclass functions to add to the\ninformation and even the graph displayed here.

\n", "signature": "(self, monthsback: int = 6) -> tuple:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.matches": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.matches", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.matches", "type": "function", "doc": "

Check if what matches this symbol's name or aliases. Also tries to match\nthings like SPICHA if SPICHA.SW is in the aliases. Ignores case.

\n", "signature": "(self, what: str) -> bool:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "type": "module", "doc": "

SymbolCollection class.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection", "type": "class", "doc": "

A collection of Symbols. A Symbol's name is treated as a key in a collection\nand this class enforces as much in the add method.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Initializer. Use symbols to add symbols immediately and/or use add method\nlater.

\n", "signature": "(symbols: Optional[List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]] = None)"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.symbols", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.symbols", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The Symbols in the collection.

\n", "annotation": ": List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.add": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.add", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.add", "type": "function", "doc": "

Add symbols to the collection. Ensure names are unique.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsymbols: Union[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol, List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]]) -> tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find_one": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find_one", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.find_one", "type": "function", "doc": "

Find exactly one Symbol that matches the query. Raises ValueError if\nthere's more than 1 match. Returns None if there's no match.

\n", "signature": "(self, what: str) -> Optional[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.find", "type": "function", "doc": "

Find all Symbols that match the query.

\n", "signature": "(self, what: str) -> List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.load_yaml": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.load_yaml", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.load_yaml", "type": "function", "doc": "

Load symbols from a YAML file.

  • yaml_file: Name/path of file to load.
  • \n
  • which_class: The class to be instantiated, can be used to instatiate\nsubclasses of Symbol.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tyaml_file: str,\twhich_class: Type[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol] = <class 'tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol'>) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.to_yaml": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.to_yaml", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.to_yaml", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a YAML representation of all symbols.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.save_yaml": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.save_yaml", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.save_yaml", "type": "function", "doc": "

Save symbols to a YAML file.

\n", "signature": "(self, yaml_file: str) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}}, "docInfo": {"tessa": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 1, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 1508}, "tessa.price": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 464}, "tessa.price.coingecko": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 9}, "tessa.price.coingecko.dataframify_price_list": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 34, "bases": 0, "doc": 20}, "tessa.price.coingecko.get_price_history": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 58, "bases": 0, "doc": 10}, "tessa.price.price": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 3, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 6}, "tessa.price.price.custom_cache_wrapper": {"qualname": 3, "fullname": 6, "annotation": 0, 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{"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "tessa.search": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history_bruteforcefully": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.region": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.query": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.aliases": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 14}}, "t": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "h": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "tessa.price.price.price_history": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "tessa.price.price.price_point": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.price.yahoo.get_price_history": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.filter": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.sources.sourcetype": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.get_strategy_string": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 10, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {"tessa.sources.sources_directory": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}, "h": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "y": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.currency_preference": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 4}, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}, "c": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "h": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.bucketize": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.remove_duplicates": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history_bruteforcefully": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.load_yaml": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 7}}}, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "s": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}, "n": {"docs": {"tessa.price.price.price_point": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.__init__": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.price.yahoo.get_price_history": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_point": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 6}, "t": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "h": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {"tessa.search.search_result.remove_duplicates": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.watch": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 3}}}}}, "o": {"docs": {"tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {"tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.matches": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "k": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "n": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "g": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 2}}}, "s": {"docs": {"tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}, "d": {"docs": {"tessa.search.search_result.matches_word_boundary": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}}, "df": 1}}}, "e": {"docs": {"tessa.price.coingecko.dataframify_price_list": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.bucketize": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}}, "df": 4, "l": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.bucketize": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 2}}}}, "q": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "u": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "c": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "k": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "y": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}, "o": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 5.477225575051661}, "tessa.price": {"tf": 5.291502622129181}, "tessa.search": {"tf": 3.7416573867739413}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult": {"tf": 2.449489742783178}, "tessa.symbol": {"tf": 3.4641016151377544}}, "df": 5, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "d": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "y": {"docs": {"tessa.price.price.price_history": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "tessa.price.yahoo.get_price_history": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.coingecko.coingecko_search": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search.search": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "tessa.search.search_result.matches_word_boundary": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.matches_inanyway": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.bucketize": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.create_sort_key_for_query": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.remove_duplicates": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.query": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.search.yahoo.get_tables": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.name": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.query": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.source": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find_one": {"tf": 1}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 17}, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "s": {"docs": {"tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.aliases": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}}, "a": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "y": {"docs": {"tessa.search.search_result.Bucket": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}}, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "t": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "y": {"docs": {"tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.strategy": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}}, "df": 1}}}}}}}}}, "v": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "e": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "r": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "f": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "y": {"docs": {"tessa": {"tf": 1}}, "df": 1}}}, "s": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 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pdoc search index */const docs = {"version": "0.9.5", "fields": ["qualname", "fullname", "annotation", "default_value", "signature", "bases", "doc"], "ref": "fullname", "documentStore": {"docs": {"tessa": {"fullname": "tessa", "modulename": "tessa", "type": "module", "doc": "

tessa \u2013 simple, hassle-free access to price information of financial assets \ud83d\udcc9\ud83e\udd13\ud83d\udcc8


tessa is a Python library to help you easily search asset identifiers (e.g.,\ntickers) and retrieve price information for assets from different sources such as\nYahoo or Coingecko. It takes care of the different APIs, caching, rate limiting, and\nother hassles.


tessa provides a Symbol class that encapsulates nicely the methods relevant for a\nsymbol. tessa also provides functionality to manage collections of symbols, store\nand load them, and extend their functionality.


Finally, tessa makes sure to be nice to the sites being accessed and tries to prevent\nusers from being blocked by 429 rate limiting errors by 1) caching results upon\nretrieval and 2) keeping track of request timestamps and waiting appropriate amounts of\ntime if necessary.


\u2192 Check out the full documentation. \ud83d\udcd6


How to use


Here's a longer example that quickly shows all aspects of the library. Refer to\nsubmodules symbol, search, and\nprice for more information.

  • Imports:
  • \n
from tessa import Symbol, SymbolCollection, search\n
  • Create a symbol for MSFT and access some functions:
  • \n
s1 = Symbol("MSFT")         # will use "yahoo" as the default source\ns1.price_latest()           # get latest price\n
  • Create another symbol from a bloomberg ticker as it is used by Yahoo Finance:
  • \n
s2 = Symbol("SREN.SW")\ns2.price_point("2022-06-30")    # get price at specific point in time\n
  • Create a symbol from the coingecko source with an id as it is used by coingecko:
  • \n
s3 = Symbol("bitcoin", source="coingecko")\ns3.price_graph()            # show price graph\n
  • Search for a more crypto ticker on coingecko:
  • \n
res = search("GAME")        # search and print search result summary\nfiltered = res.filter(source="coingecko")  # filter results\nfiltered.p()                # print summary of filtered results\nfiltered.buckets[0].symbols # review the best bucket in the filtered results\ns4 = filtered.buckets[0].symbols[2]   # our symbol is the 3rd in that list\ns4.price_history()          # get entire history\n
  • Build a collection of several symbols and use the collection to retrieve symbols:
  • \n
sc = SymbolCollection([s1, s2, s3, s4])\nsc.add(Symbol("AAPL"))      # add another one\nsc.find_one("SREN").price_graph()\n
  • Store and load a symbol collection:
  • \n
sc.save_yaml("my_symbols.yaml")\nsc_new = SymbolCollection()\nsc_new.load_yaml("my_symbols.yaml")\n
  • Use a different currency preference:
  • \n
sc.find_one("game").price_latest()  # will return price in USD\nSymbol.currency_preference = "CHF"\nsc.find_one("game").price_latest()  # will return price in CHF\n

Note that currency_preference will only have an effect with sources that support it.\nIt is supported for Coingecko but not for Yahoo. So you should always verify the\neffective currency you receive in the result.


Data sources


tessa builds on yfinance and\npycoingecko and offers a simplified and\nunified interface.


Why these two sources? Yahoo Finance (via yfinance) is fast and offers an extensive\ndatabase that also contains many non-US markets. Coingecko (via pycoingecko) offers\ngreat access to crypto prices. While Yahoo Finance also offers crypto information,\npycoingecko has the advantage that you can have the prices quoted in many more currency\npreferences (a function that is also exposed via tessa).


More sources can be added in the future. Let me know in the\nissues of you have a particular request.


Main submodules

  • symbol: working with symbols and symbol collections.
  • \n
  • search: searching the different sources.
  • \n
  • price: accessing price functions directly instead of via the\nSymbol class.
  • \n
  • sources: if you'd like to add additional sources to the library.
  • \n

How to install


pip install tessa




See pyproject.toml. Major prerequisites are the yfinance and pycoingecko packages\nto access finance information as well as the beautifulsoup4 package to do some\nscraping for searching on Yahoo Finance.






Future Work


This is an initial version. There are a number of ideas on how to extend. Please leave\nyour suggestions and comments in the Issues\nsection.


On terminology


I'm using symbol instead of ticker because a ticker is mainly used for stock on stock\nmarkets, whereas tessa is inteded to be used for any kind of financial assets, e.g. also\ncrypto.


Other noteworthy libraries

  • strela: A python package for financial alerts.
  • \n
  • pypme: A Python package for PME (Public Market\nEquivalent) calculation.
  • \n

On investpy as a data source


Tessa used to use the investpy package as the\nmain source of information until mid 2022 until investing.com introduced Cloudflare,\nwhich broke access by investpy. \ud83d\ude16 It is currently unclear if investpy will be available\nagain in the future. You can follow the developments in issue\n600. The old tessa/investpy code is\nstill available in the add-symbols-based-on-investpy\nbranch.

\n"}, "tessa.price": {"fullname": "tessa.price", "modulename": "tessa.price", "type": "module", "doc": "

Retrieving price information


Main functions:

  • tessa.price.price.price_history: Retrieve the full history of an asset as a\ndataframe.
  • \n
  • tessa.price.price.price_point_strict: Get an asset's price at a certain point in\ntime. Fail if no price found.
  • \n
  • tessa.price.price.price_point: Same, but find the nearest price if the given point\nin time has no
  • \n
  • tessa.price.price.price_latest: Get an asset's latest price.
  • \n

Example use:

>>> from tessa import price_history, price_point, price_latest\n\n>>> df, currency = price_history("AAPL")\n\n>>> price_point("SAP.DE", "2015-01-01")         # will return price at 2015-01-02\n\n>>> price_point_strict("SAP.DE", "2015-01-01")  # will raise a KeyError\n\n>>> price_latest("ethereum", source="coingecko", currency_preference="CHF")\n\n>>> price_latest("ETH-EUR", source="yahoo")\n\n>>> price_latest("ethereum", source="yahoo")    # error b/c symbol not found on yahoo\n\n>>> price_latest("ETH-EUR", source="coingecko") # error b/c symbol not found on coingecko\n
\n"}, "tessa.price.coingecko": {"fullname": "tessa.price.coingecko", "modulename": "tessa.price.coingecko", "type": "module", "doc": "

Everything coingecko-related (other than search).

\n"}, "tessa.price.coingecko.dataframify_price_list": {"fullname": "tessa.price.coingecko.dataframify_price_list", "modulename": "tessa.price.coingecko", "qualname": "dataframify_price_list", "type": "function", "doc": "

Turn price list returned by Coingecko API into a pricing dataframe in the form\nthat we use.

\n", "signature": "(prices: list) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.coingecko.get_price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.price.coingecko.get_price_history", "modulename": "tessa.price.coingecko", "qualname": "get_price_history", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get price history for a given cryptocurrency.

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "type": "module", "doc": "

Retrieve price information.

\n"}, "tessa.price.price.custom_cache_wrapper": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.custom_cache_wrapper", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "custom_cache_wrapper", "type": "function", "doc": "

To preserve the function's signature _and_ give access to cache_clear etc.

\n", "signature": "(func):", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price.price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.price_history", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "price_history", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get price history and return PriceHistory, i.e., a tuple of a dataframe with\nthe price history and the effective currency. Note that the effective currency\nreturned might differ from the currency_preference.

  • query: A query string that makes sense in combination with the source. E.g.,\n\"BTC-USD\" for \"yahoo\" or \"bitcoin\" for \"coingecko\".
  • \n
  • source: The source to query. Defaults to \"yahoo\".
  • \n
  • currency_preference: The currency to the prices should be returned in; defaults\nto \"USD\". The effective currency might differ and will be returned in the second\nreturn value.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price.price_point": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.price_point", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "price_point", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return the price at a given point in time given by when. Look for the closest\npoint in time if the exact point in time is not found. Returns a PricePoint, i.e.,\na tuple of the price, the effective timestamp of the price, and the currency.


Arguments other than when are the same as with price_history.


Example call:

price_point(\"AAPL\", \"2020-01-01\")\n
\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\twhen: Union[str, pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp],\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price.price_point_strict": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.price_point_strict", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "price_point_strict", "type": "function", "doc": "

Same as price_point but will return either the price at the exact point in time\nor raise a KeyError.

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\twhen: str,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.price.price_latest": {"fullname": "tessa.price.price.price_latest", "modulename": "tessa.price.price", "qualname": "price_latest", "type": "function", "doc": "

Same as price_point but will return the latest price.

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.price.types": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "type": "module", "doc": "

Price-related types.

\n"}, "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PriceHistory", "type": "class", "doc": "

PriceHistory(df, currency)

\n", "bases": "builtins.tuple"}, "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PriceHistory.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create new instance of PriceHistory(df, currency)

\n", "signature": "(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, currency: str)"}, "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.df": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.df", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PriceHistory.df", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 0

\n", "annotation": ": pandas.core.frame.DataFrame"}, "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.currency": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PriceHistory.currency", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PriceHistory.currency", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 1

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint", "type": "class", "doc": "

PricePoint(when, price, currency)

\n", "bases": "builtins.tuple"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create new instance of PricePoint(when, price, currency)

\n", "signature": "(\twhen: pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp,\tprice: float,\tcurrency: str)"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.when": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.when", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint.when", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 0

\n", "annotation": ": pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.price": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.price", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint.price", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 1

\n", "annotation": ": float"}, "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.currency": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.PricePoint.currency", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "PricePoint.currency", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 2

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.price.types.SymbolNotFoundError": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.SymbolNotFoundError", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "SymbolNotFoundError", "type": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "builtins.Exception"}, "tessa.price.types.SymbolNotFoundError.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.SymbolNotFoundError.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "SymbolNotFoundError.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(source: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'], query: str, *args, **kwargs)"}, "tessa.price.types.CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError", "type": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "builtins.Exception"}, "tessa.price.types.CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'],\tcur_pref: str,\t*args,\t**kwargs)"}, "tessa.price.types.RateLimitHitError": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.RateLimitHitError", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "RateLimitHitError", "type": "class", "doc": "

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

\n", "bases": "builtins.Exception"}, "tessa.price.types.RateLimitHitError.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.price.types.RateLimitHitError.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.price.types", "qualname": "RateLimitHitError.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(source: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'], *args, **kwargs)"}, "tessa.price.yahoo": {"fullname": "tessa.price.yahoo", "modulename": "tessa.price.yahoo", "type": "module", "doc": "

Everything Yahoo-Finance-related (other than search).

\n"}, "tessa.price.yahoo.START_FROM": {"fullname": "tessa.price.yahoo.START_FROM", "modulename": "tessa.price.yahoo", "qualname": "START_FROM", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Adjust this date if you need to get historical data further in the past. Note that\nextending this date will lead to increased load on the Yahoo Finance servers.

\n", "default_value": " = '2000-01-01'"}, "tessa.price.yahoo.get_price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.price.yahoo.get_price_history", "modulename": "tessa.price.yahoo", "qualname": "get_price_history", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get price history for a given query. Note that currency_preference will be\nignored since Yahoo Finance returns each ticker in the one currency that is set for\nthat ticker.


Note that yfinance has some strange error behavior, e.g., when a ticker doesn't\nexist: history() will return an empty dataframe (but with all the column headers\nas usual) and print \"No data found, symbol may be delisted\" to stdout.

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search": {"fullname": "tessa.search", "modulename": "tessa.search", "type": "module", "doc": "

Searching symbols


Main function is tessa.search.search.search, which will return a\ntessa.search.search_result.SearchResult, offering all kinds of useful functionality.


Example use:

from tessa import search\n\n>>> r = search("roche")                 # search\n>>> r.p()                               # print result statistics\n>>> r.filter(exchange="EBS").symbols    # filter and get list of resulting symbols\n\n>>> r = search("jenny")                 # another search\n>>> r.filter(source="coingecko").symbols # filter for source (i.e., yahoo or coingecko)\n\n>>> r = search("carbon")                # yet another search\n>>> r.filter(source="yahoo", type="ETF").symbols # filter for source and type\n
\n"}, "tessa.search.coingecko": {"fullname": "tessa.search.coingecko", "modulename": "tessa.search.coingecko", "type": "module", "doc": "

Everything related to searching via coingecko.

\n"}, "tessa.search.coingecko.get_symbol_map": {"fullname": "tessa.search.coingecko.get_symbol_map", "modulename": "tessa.search.coingecko", "qualname": "get_symbol_map", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get the symbol map. Separate function to use caching, so the API doesn't get\nhit too often.

\n", "signature": "() -> list:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.coingecko.coingecko_search": {"fullname": "tessa.search.coingecko.coingecko_search", "modulename": "tessa.search.coingecko", "qualname": "coingecko_search", "type": "function", "doc": "

Find coingecko ids that match query somehow. Returns SearchResult.

\n", "signature": "(query: str) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search", "modulename": "tessa.search.search", "type": "module", "doc": "

Unified search.

\n"}, "tessa.search.search.search": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search.search", "modulename": "tessa.search.search", "qualname": "search", "type": "function", "doc": "

Unified search function. Returns a tessa.search.SearchResult.

  • query: The string to search for. (Note that this query attribute has a different\nsemantics to the query attribute in the Symbol class.)
  • \n
  • silent: No print output if True.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tsilent: bool = False) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "type": "module", "doc": "

Everything related to search results, especially the SearchResult class.

\n"}, "tessa.search.search_result.matches_entire_name_or_alias": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.matches_entire_name_or_alias", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "matches_entire_name_or_alias", "type": "function", "doc": "

Try to match the complete name or one of the aliases completely. E.g.:\nmatches_entire_name_or_alias(\"eth\", Symbol(\"ETH\")) > 0.

\n", "signature": "(query: str, symbol: tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.matches_word_boundary": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.matches_word_boundary", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "matches_word_boundary", "type": "function", "doc": "

Try to match a complete word in name, aliases, or query. E.g.:\nmatches_word_boundary(\"eth\", Symbol(\"ETHW\", aliases=[\"PoW ETH\"])) > 0.

\n", "signature": "(query: str, symbol: tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.matches_inanyway": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.matches_inanyway", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "matches_inanyway", "type": "function", "doc": "

Try to match anywhere in name, aliases, or query. E.g.:\nmatches_inanyway(\"eth\", Symbol(\"TOGETHER\")) > 0.

\n", "signature": "(query: str, symbol: tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol) -> int:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "Bucket", "type": "class", "doc": "

A bucket is a set of results of a certain quality level in a larger search result. A\nbucket has a name and a list of symbols that belong into that bucket.

\n", "bases": "builtins.tuple"}, "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "Bucket.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create new instance of Bucket(name, symbols)

\n", "signature": "(name: str, symbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol])"}, "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.name": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.name", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "Bucket.name", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 0

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.Bucket.symbols", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "Bucket.symbols", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Alias for field number 1

\n", "annotation": ": List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]"}, "tessa.search.search_result.bucketize": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.bucketize", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "bucketize", "type": "function", "doc": "

Split a list of Symbols into buckets based on how well a symbol matches the\nquery.


(We're not using itertools.groupby here bc we need empty lists for empty buckets,\nwhich groupby doesn't provide.)

\n", "signature": "(\tquery: str,\tsymbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]) -> List[tessa.search.search_result.Bucket]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.create_sort_key_for_query": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.create_sort_key_for_query", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "create_sort_key_for_query", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create a sort key function that classifies a Symbol based on query.

\n", "signature": "(query: str) -> Callable:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.remove_duplicates": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.remove_duplicates", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "remove_duplicates", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a list in which every symbol is unique. Two symbols are considered\nequivalent if they match in query and source. Regardless of whether their names\nare the same or different.


Note further that several symbols can have the same name but still be considered\ndifferent if they differ in any of query or source.

\n", "signature": "(\tsymbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]) -> List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult", "type": "class", "doc": "

Manages a search result consisting of a list of Symbols. Removes duplicates,\nbucketizes, sorts and offers methods to filter and print statistics.


(Design note 1: SearchResult has no relationship with SymbolCollection because\nthe purposes of the two classes are very different and because they have different\nequality definitions for symbols.


Design note 2: SearchResult and SymbolCollection have different definitions of\nequality between symbols: SearchResult considers 2 symbols to be equal if they are\nequal in query and source, regardless of whether they have the same name or not.\nA SymbolCollection does not have a definition of equality, but it does enforce\nthat names are unique.)


Example use:

from tessa import search\nr = search("harmony")\n\n# Review results:\nr.p()\n\n# Get the 1 symbol from source "coingecko" in the best bucket (i.e., bucket 0):\ns = r.filter(source="coingecko").buckets[0].symbols[0]\ns.price_latest()\n
\n"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(query: str, symbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol])"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.query": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.query", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.query", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The query that produced the results here.

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.symbols", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.symbols", "type": "variable", "doc": "

List of symbols in this result. Always deduplicated and sorted.

\n", "annotation": ": List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.buckets": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.buckets", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.buckets", "type": "variable", "doc": "

List of buckets after bucketizing the symbols.

\n", "annotation": ": List[tessa.search.search_result.Bucket]"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.filter_history": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.filter_history", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.filter_history", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The filters that have been applied to get to this result.

\n", "annotation": ": List[str]"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.add_symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.add_symbols", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.add_symbols", "type": "function", "doc": "

Add symbols. Removes duplicates, sorts, and bucketizes after adding.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsymbols: List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.filter": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.filter", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.filter", "type": "function", "doc": "

Filter for arbitrary attribute-value-pairs (e.g., source=\"coingecko\" or\nexchange=\"ebs\") and return a new SearchResult with the results after the\nfiltering. Also updates the filter history.

\n", "signature": "(self, **kwargs) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.p": {"fullname": "tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult.p", "modulename": "tessa.search.search_result", "qualname": "SearchResult.p", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convenience method to print str rep.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "type": "module", "doc": "

Get Yahoo Finance search results via scraping.

\n"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.create_headers": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.create_headers", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "create_headers", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(url: str) -> dict:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.get_tables": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.get_tables", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "get_tables", "type": "function", "doc": "

Retrieve search page for query and at offset, parse all the tables into\ndataframes and return that list.

\n", "signature": "(query: str, offset: int) -> List[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.get_search_results": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.get_search_results", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "get_search_results", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get all search results as a dataframe. Returns an empty dataframe if there are no\nresults.

\n", "signature": "(query: str) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.dataframe_to_symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.dataframe_to_symbols", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "dataframe_to_symbols", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convert a search result dataframe to a list of Symbols.

\n", "signature": "(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) -> List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.search.yahoo.yahoo_search": {"fullname": "tessa.search.yahoo.yahoo_search", "modulename": "tessa.search.yahoo", "qualname": "yahoo_search", "type": "function", "doc": "

Search on Yahoo Finance.

\n", "signature": "(query: str) -> tessa.search.search_result.SearchResult:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources": {"fullname": "tessa.sources", "modulename": "tessa.sources", "type": "module", "doc": "

Managing different data sources


A tessa.sources.sources.Source ties together all the functionality and state related\nto a source such as Yahoo or Coingecko.


tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter takes care of rate limiting for a source.


All known sources are specified in tessa.sources.sources_directory.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter", "modulename": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter", "type": "module", "doc": "

Rate Limiter -- makes sure we don't hit the APIs too often by waiting by default and\nwaiting exponentially if a 429 error is encountered.


The goal is to never run into errors in the first place, because some sites like\ncoingecko.com take substantial time until they allow-list a blocked IP address again.\nThat is also why we can't use a library such das Tenacity here.


Note that this module is no longer used by the package. But I left it in here anyway,\nbecause it might come in handy for people who use the pycoingecko or some other library\nin other ways than through this package.


Usage: Import the module and call setup_guards().

\n"}, "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter.create_guard": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter.create_guard", "modulename": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter", "qualname": "create_guard", "type": "function", "doc": "

Create a guard.

\n", "signature": "(\tfunc: <built-in function callable>,\tguard: dict) -> <built-in function callable>:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter.setup_guards": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter.setup_guards", "modulename": "tessa.sources.low_level_rate_limiter", "qualname": "setup_guards", "type": "function", "doc": "

Set up guards.

\n", "signature": "() -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "type": "module", "doc": "

Rate Limiter -- makes sure we don't hit the APIs too often by making sure a minimum\namount of time has elapsed between calls to an API.


The goal is to never run into errors in the first place, b/c some sites take substantial\ntime until it allow-lists a blocked IP address again. That is also why we can't use a\nlibrary such das Tenacity here.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter", "type": "class", "doc": "

Encapsulates state and stats of a rate limiter object.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\twait_seconds: float,\tlast_call: datetime.datetime = DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC')),\tcount_all_calls: int = 0,\tcount_limited_calls: int = 0,\tback_off_time: int = 10)"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.wait_seconds": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.wait_seconds", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.wait_seconds", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Enforce this amount of seconds between subsequent calls.

\n", "annotation": ": float"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.last_call": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.last_call", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.last_call", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Keeps track of last call's timestamp.

\n", "annotation": ": datetime.datetime", "default_value": " = DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC'))"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.count_all_calls": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.count_all_calls", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.count_all_calls", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Number of total calls.

\n", "annotation": ": int", "default_value": " = 0"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.count_limited_calls": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.count_limited_calls", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.count_limited_calls", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Number of calls that triggered some waiting.

\n", "annotation": ": int", "default_value": " = 0"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.back_off_time": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.back_off_time", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.back_off_time", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Number of seconds to wait after a rate limit hit.

\n", "annotation": ": int", "default_value": " = 10"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.reset_back_off": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.reset_back_off", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.reset_back_off", "type": "function", "doc": "

Reset back-off time to initial value.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.reset": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.reset", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.reset", "type": "function", "doc": "

Reset state and stats.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.rate_limit": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.rate_limit", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.rate_limit", "type": "function", "doc": "

Enforce the minimum wait time as specified in wait_seconds.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.back_off": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter.back_off", "modulename": "tessa.sources.rate_limiter", "qualname": "RateLimiter.back_off", "type": "function", "doc": "

Back off exponentially.

\n", "signature": "(self):", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "type": "module", "doc": "

Source class and related functions.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source", "type": "class", "doc": "

A Source encapsulates everything related to a source such as Yahoo or\nCoingecko.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tget_price_history: Callable,\tget_search_results: Callable,\trate_limiter: tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter)"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.get_price_history", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Callback to retrieve price history.

\n", "annotation": ": Callable"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_search_results": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_search_results", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.get_search_results", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Callback to retrieve search results.

\n", "annotation": ": Callable"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.rate_limiter": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.rate_limiter", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.rate_limiter", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Rate limiter object.

\n", "annotation": ": tessa.sources.rate_limiter.RateLimiter"}, "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history_bruteforcefully": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.Source.get_price_history_bruteforcefully", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "Source.get_price_history_bruteforcefully", "type": "function", "doc": "

Variant of get_price_history that will ignore some server-side errors\n(which often seem to be intermittent, at least on Coingecko) and just\nretries.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tquery: str,\tcurrency_preference: str = 'USD') -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources.get_source": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.get_source", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "get_source", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get a specific source.

\n", "signature": "(name: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko']) -> tessa.sources.sources.Source:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources.get_all_sources": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.get_all_sources", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "get_all_sources", "type": "function", "doc": "

Get all the known sources.

\n", "signature": "() -> Generator:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources.reset_rate_limiters": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources.reset_rate_limiters", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources", "qualname": "reset_rate_limiters", "type": "function", "doc": "

Reset the rate limiters of all sources.

\n", "signature": "() -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.sources.sources_directory": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sources_directory", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sources_directory", "type": "module", "doc": "

The directory (i.e., dictionary) of all know sources. To be accessed via the\nfunctions in tessa.sources.sources. This module is factored out so the directory can\nbe imported late within functions in order to prevent circular dependencies.

\n"}, "tessa.sources.sourcetype": {"fullname": "tessa.sources.sourcetype", "modulename": "tessa.sources.sourcetype", "type": "module", "doc": "

SourceType is a literal type with all known sources; used for type hinting and to\nsupport autocomplete suggestions.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol", "type": "module", "doc": "

Working with Symbols


The main class is tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol, which encapsulates all the information\nand functionality around symbols. A tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection\nmanages a collection of symbols including save and load functionality.


Example use:

from tessa import Symbol, SymbolCollection\ns1 = Symbol("MSFT")                 # will use "yahoo" as the default source\ns1.price_latest()                   # get latest price\nsc = SymbolCollection([s1])         # create collection\nsc.add(Symbol("ethereum", source="coingecko"))       # add another symbol\nsc.find_one("ethereum").price_graph(monthsback=600)  # graph of 10 past yearss\nsc.save_yaml("my_symbols.yaml")     # save\n

tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol shows how the Symbol class can be\nextended.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "type": "module", "doc": "

An example of how to extend the Symbol class with more information and functionality.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol", "type": "class", "doc": "

ExtendedSymbol class. Adds more information and functionality to the Symbol\nclass.

\n", "bases": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str,\tquery: Optional[str] = None,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\taliases: list[str] = <factory>,\tdescription: Optional[str] = None,\tcountry: Optional[Literal['andorra', 'united arab emirates', 'afghanistan', 'antigua and barbuda', 'anguilla', 'albania', 'armenia', 'angola', 'antarctica', 'argentina', 'american samoa', 'austria', 'australia', 'aruba', '\u00e5land', 'azerbaijan', 'bosnia and herzegovina', 'barbados', 'bangladesh', 'belgium', 'burkina faso', 'bulgaria', 'bahrain', 'burundi', 'benin', 'saint barth\u00e9lemy', 'bermuda', 'brunei', 'bolivia', 'bonaire', 'brazil', 'bahamas', 'bhutan', 'bouvet island', 'botswana', 'belarus', 'belize', 'canada', 'cocos [keeling] islands', 'democratic republic of the congo', 'central african republic', 'republic of the congo', 'switzerland', 'ivory coast', 'cook islands', 'chile', 'cameroon', 'china', 'colombia', 'costa rica', 'cuba', 'cape verde', 'curacao', 'christmas island', 'cyprus', 'czech republic', 'germany', 'djibouti', 'denmark', 'dominica', 'dominican republic', 'algeria', 'ecuador', 'estonia', 'egypt', 'western sahara', 'eritrea', 'spain', 'ethiopia', 'finland', 'fiji', 'falkland islands', 'micronesia', 'faroe islands', 'france', 'gabon', 'united kingdom', 'grenada', 'georgia', 'french guiana', 'guernsey', 'ghana', 'gibraltar', 'greenland', 'gambia', 'guinea', 'guadeloupe', 'equatorial guinea', 'greece', 'south georgia and the south sandwich islands', 'guatemala', 'guam', 'guinea-bissau', 'guyana', 'hong kong', 'heard island and mcdonald islands', 'honduras', 'croatia', 'haiti', 'hungary', 'indonesia', 'ireland', 'israel', 'isle of man', 'india', 'british indian ocean territory', 'iraq', 'iran', 'iceland', 'italy', 'jersey', 'jamaica', 'jordan', 'japan', 'kenya', 'kyrgyzstan', 'cambodia', 'kiribati', 'comoros', 'saint kitts and nevis', 'north korea', 'south korea', 'kuwait', 'cayman islands', 'kazakhstan', 'laos', 'lebanon', 'saint lucia', 'liechtenstein', 'sri lanka', 'liberia', 'lesotho', 'lithuania', 'luxembourg', 'latvia', 'libya', 'morocco', 'monaco', 'moldova', 'montenegro', 'saint martin', 'madagascar', 'marshall islands', 'north macedonia', 'mali', 'myanmar [burma]', 'mongolia', 'macao', 'northern mariana islands', 'martinique', 'mauritania', 'montserrat', 'malta', 'mauritius', 'maldives', 'malawi', 'mexico', 'malaysia', 'mozambique', 'namibia', 'new caledonia', 'niger', 'norfolk island', 'nigeria', 'nicaragua', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'nepal', 'nauru', 'niue', 'new zealand', 'oman', 'panama', 'peru', 'french polynesia', 'papua new guinea', 'philippines', 'pakistan', 'poland', 'saint pierre and miquelon', 'pitcairn islands', 'puerto rico', 'palestine', 'portugal', 'palau', 'paraguay', 'qatar', 'r\u00e9union', 'romania', 'serbia', 'russia', 'rwanda', 'saudi arabia', 'solomon islands', 'seychelles', 'sudan', 'sweden', 'singapore', 'saint helena', 'slovenia', 'svalbard and jan mayen', 'slovakia', 'sierra leone', 'san marino', 'senegal', 'somalia', 'suriname', 'south sudan', 's\u00e3o tom\u00e9 and pr\u00edncipe', 'el salvador', 'sint maarten', 'syria', 'swaziland', 'turks and caicos islands', 'chad', 'french southern territories', 'togo', 'thailand', 'tajikistan', 'tokelau', 'east timor', 'turkmenistan', 'tunisia', 'tonga', 'turkey', 'trinidad and tobago', 'tuvalu', 'taiwan', 'tanzania', 'ukraine', 'uganda', 'u.s. minor outlying islands', 'united states', 'uruguay', 'uzbekistan', 'vatican city', 'saint vincent and the grenadines', 'venezuela', 'british virgin islands', 'u.s. virgin islands', 'vietnam', 'vanuatu', 'wallis and futuna', 'samoa', 'kosovo', 'yemen', 'mayotte', 'south africa', 'zambia', 'zimbabwe']] = 'united states',\twatch: bool = False,\tdelisted: bool = False,\tjurisdiction: str = 'US',\tisin: Optional[str] = None,\tstrategy: Union[str, List[str]] = <factory>,\tstrategy_comments: Optional[str] = None)"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.description": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.description", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.description", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Informational only.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]", "default_value": " = None"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.country": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.country", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.country", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Country of HQ / listing.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[Literal['andorra', 'united arab emirates', 'afghanistan', 'antigua and barbuda', 'anguilla', 'albania', 'armenia', 'angola', 'antarctica', 'argentina', 'american samoa', 'austria', 'australia', 'aruba', '\u00e5land', 'azerbaijan', 'bosnia and herzegovina', 'barbados', 'bangladesh', 'belgium', 'burkina faso', 'bulgaria', 'bahrain', 'burundi', 'benin', 'saint barth\u00e9lemy', 'bermuda', 'brunei', 'bolivia', 'bonaire', 'brazil', 'bahamas', 'bhutan', 'bouvet island', 'botswana', 'belarus', 'belize', 'canada', 'cocos [keeling] islands', 'democratic republic of the congo', 'central african republic', 'republic of the congo', 'switzerland', 'ivory coast', 'cook islands', 'chile', 'cameroon', 'china', 'colombia', 'costa rica', 'cuba', 'cape verde', 'curacao', 'christmas island', 'cyprus', 'czech republic', 'germany', 'djibouti', 'denmark', 'dominica', 'dominican republic', 'algeria', 'ecuador', 'estonia', 'egypt', 'western sahara', 'eritrea', 'spain', 'ethiopia', 'finland', 'fiji', 'falkland islands', 'micronesia', 'faroe islands', 'france', 'gabon', 'united kingdom', 'grenada', 'georgia', 'french guiana', 'guernsey', 'ghana', 'gibraltar', 'greenland', 'gambia', 'guinea', 'guadeloupe', 'equatorial guinea', 'greece', 'south georgia and the south sandwich islands', 'guatemala', 'guam', 'guinea-bissau', 'guyana', 'hong kong', 'heard island and mcdonald islands', 'honduras', 'croatia', 'haiti', 'hungary', 'indonesia', 'ireland', 'israel', 'isle of man', 'india', 'british indian ocean territory', 'iraq', 'iran', 'iceland', 'italy', 'jersey', 'jamaica', 'jordan', 'japan', 'kenya', 'kyrgyzstan', 'cambodia', 'kiribati', 'comoros', 'saint kitts and nevis', 'north korea', 'south korea', 'kuwait', 'cayman islands', 'kazakhstan', 'laos', 'lebanon', 'saint lucia', 'liechtenstein', 'sri lanka', 'liberia', 'lesotho', 'lithuania', 'luxembourg', 'latvia', 'libya', 'morocco', 'monaco', 'moldova', 'montenegro', 'saint martin', 'madagascar', 'marshall islands', 'north macedonia', 'mali', 'myanmar [burma]', 'mongolia', 'macao', 'northern mariana islands', 'martinique', 'mauritania', 'montserrat', 'malta', 'mauritius', 'maldives', 'malawi', 'mexico', 'malaysia', 'mozambique', 'namibia', 'new caledonia', 'niger', 'norfolk island', 'nigeria', 'nicaragua', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'nepal', 'nauru', 'niue', 'new zealand', 'oman', 'panama', 'peru', 'french polynesia', 'papua new guinea', 'philippines', 'pakistan', 'poland', 'saint pierre and miquelon', 'pitcairn islands', 'puerto rico', 'palestine', 'portugal', 'palau', 'paraguay', 'qatar', 'r\u00e9union', 'romania', 'serbia', 'russia', 'rwanda', 'saudi arabia', 'solomon islands', 'seychelles', 'sudan', 'sweden', 'singapore', 'saint helena', 'slovenia', 'svalbard and jan mayen', 'slovakia', 'sierra leone', 'san marino', 'senegal', 'somalia', 'suriname', 'south sudan', 's\u00e3o tom\u00e9 and pr\u00edncipe', 'el salvador', 'sint maarten', 'syria', 'swaziland', 'turks and caicos islands', 'chad', 'french southern territories', 'togo', 'thailand', 'tajikistan', 'tokelau', 'east timor', 'turkmenistan', 'tunisia', 'tonga', 'turkey', 'trinidad and tobago', 'tuvalu', 'taiwan', 'tanzania', 'ukraine', 'uganda', 'u.s. minor outlying islands', 'united states', 'uruguay', 'uzbekistan', 'vatican city', 'saint vincent and the grenadines', 'venezuela', 'british virgin islands', 'u.s. virgin islands', 'vietnam', 'vanuatu', 'wallis and futuna', 'samoa', 'kosovo', 'yemen', 'mayotte', 'south africa', 'zambia', 'zimbabwe']]", "default_value": " = 'united states'"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.watch": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.watch", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.watch", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Whether the ticker can produce alerts.

\n", "annotation": ": bool", "default_value": " = False"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.delisted": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.delisted", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.delisted", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Used to filter certain symbols from analysis.

\n", "annotation": ": bool", "default_value": " = False"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.jurisdiction": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.jurisdiction", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.jurisdiction", "type": "variable", "doc": "

main jurisdiction of the underlying asset(s) (not of the title representing the\nasset); default US, other examples: CN, EU, several, irrelevant, unknown

\n", "annotation": ": str", "default_value": " = 'US'"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.isin": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.isin", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.isin", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Informational only.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]", "default_value": " = None"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.strategy": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.strategy", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.strategy", "type": "variable", "doc": "

One strategy or a list of several strategies. Some strategies I use:

  • F&F: Fire & Forget (implies HoldForGrowth)
  • \n
  • HoldForGrowth
  • \n
  • HoldForStability: low growth expected, but also low risk
  • \n
  • HoldForDiversification: titles I find important for diversification
  • \n
  • EnterIf: consider starting a position if prices for this title fall
  • \n
  • SellIf: consider selling if prices high and/or liquidity needed
  • \n
  • Sold: earlier holding that was sold at some point
  • \n
  • Quarterly: quarterly invest
  • \n
\n", "annotation": ": Union[str, List[str]]"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.strategy_comments": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.strategy_comments", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.strategy_comments", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Additional comments re strategy.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]", "default_value": " = None"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.region": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.region", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.region", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Will be set automatically.

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.get_strategy_string": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.get_strategy_string", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.get_strategy_string", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a nice string with the strategy including comments.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.price_graph": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol.ExtendedSymbol.price_graph", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.extended_symbol", "qualname": "ExtendedSymbol.price_graph", "type": "function", "doc": "

Add some extra information to the price graph.

\n", "signature": "(self, monthsback: int = 6) -> tuple:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.geo": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.geo", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.geo", "type": "module", "doc": "

Geography helpers for ExtendedSymbol.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.geo.countrynames": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.geo.countrynames", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.geo.countrynames", "type": "module", "doc": "

CountryName type.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region", "type": "module", "doc": "

Jurisdiction to region mapping.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region.map_jurisdiction_to_region": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region.map_jurisdiction_to_region", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.geo.jurisdiction2region", "qualname": "map_jurisdiction_to_region", "type": "function", "doc": "

Map jurisdiction to region.

\n", "signature": "(jur: str) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "type": "module", "doc": "

Symbol class.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol", "type": "class", "doc": "

Symbol class. Encapsulates all the relevant information around a financial symbol\nand some functionality to get price information, display graphs, etc.



  • Price-related functions rely on caching happening on lower levels to be efficient;\nthis is fulfilled thanks to the way tessa's caching works.
  • \n
  • The initializers don't hit the network -- it will only be hit when accessing the\nprice methods or related methods such as currency.
  • \n
\n"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

\n", "signature": "(\tname: str,\tquery: Optional[str] = None,\tsource: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'] = 'yahoo',\taliases: list[str] = <factory>)"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.name": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.name", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.name", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Symbol's name and default query.

\n", "annotation": ": str"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.query": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.query", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.query", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Use this to use a query that is different than the name. name will be used as\nthe query if it is None.

\n", "annotation": ": Optional[str]", "default_value": " = None"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.source": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.source", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.source", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The source to query for this symbol. Defaults to \"yahoo\".

\n", "annotation": ": Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko']", "default_value": " = 'yahoo'"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.aliases": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.aliases", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.aliases", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Optional other names this symbol should be found under. (Will not be used as\nadditional queries but \"internally\" in the matches method.)

\n", "annotation": ": list[str]"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.currency_preference": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.currency_preference", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.currency_preference", "type": "variable", "doc": "

Use this to set the preferred currency to get price information in.


This is no guarantee and you should always double-check the currency that gets\nreturned by any of the price_* methods in actuality. This is also the reason why\nthis feature is slightly hidden behind an underscore.


Since this is a class variable, you can set your preference once for all objects.

\n", "annotation": ": ClassVar[str]", "default_value": " = 'USD'"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.p": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.p", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.p", "type": "function", "doc": "

Convenience method to print the symbol.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.to_yaml": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.to_yaml", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.to_yaml", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a YAML representation of this symbol.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.currency": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.currency", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.currency", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return currency for this symbol.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_latest": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_latest", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.price_latest", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return the latest close price.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_history": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_history", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.price_history", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a tuple of the full price history.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> tessa.price.types.PriceHistory:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_point": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_point", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.price_point", "type": "function", "doc": "

Look up price at given date when. Look for the closest point in time if the\nexact point in time is not found.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\twhen: Union[str, pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp]) -> tessa.price.types.PricePoint:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_graph": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.price_graph", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.price_graph", "type": "function", "doc": "

Display this symbol's price graph over the last monthsback months.


Returns from_date, fig, and ax in order for subclass functions to add to the\ninformation and even the graph displayed here.

\n", "signature": "(self, monthsback: int = 6) -> tuple:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.matches": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol.matches", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbol", "qualname": "Symbol.matches", "type": "function", "doc": "

Check if what matches this symbol's name or aliases. Also tries to match\nthings like SPICHA if SPICHA.SW is in the aliases. Ignores case.

\n", "signature": "(self, what: str) -> bool:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "type": "module", "doc": "

SymbolCollection class.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection", "type": "class", "doc": "

A collection of Symbols. A Symbol's name is treated as a key in a collection\nand this class enforces as much in the add method.

\n"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.__init__": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.__init__", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.__init__", "type": "function", "doc": "

Initializer. Use symbols to add symbols immediately and/or use add method\nlater.

\n", "signature": "(symbols: Optional[List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]] = None)"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.symbols": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.symbols", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.symbols", "type": "variable", "doc": "

The Symbols in the collection.

\n", "annotation": ": List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.add": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.add", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.add", "type": "function", "doc": "

Add symbols to the collection. Ensure names are unique.

\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tsymbols: Union[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol, List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]]) -> tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find_one": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find_one", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.find_one", "type": "function", "doc": "

Find exactly one Symbol that matches the query. Raises ValueError if\nthere's more than 1 match. Returns None if there's no match.

\n", "signature": "(self, what: str) -> Optional[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.find", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.find", "type": "function", "doc": "

Find all Symbols that match the query.

\n", "signature": "(self, what: str) -> List[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol]:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.load_yaml": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.load_yaml", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.load_yaml", "type": "function", "doc": "

Load symbols from a YAML file.

  • yaml_file: Name/path of file to load.
  • \n
  • which_class: The class to be instantiated, can be used to instatiate\nsubclasses of Symbol.
  • \n
\n", "signature": "(\tself,\tyaml_file: str,\twhich_class: Type[tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol] = <class 'tessa.symbol.symbol.Symbol'>) -> None:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.to_yaml": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.to_yaml", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.to_yaml", "type": "function", "doc": "

Return a YAML representation of all symbols.

\n", "signature": "(self) -> str:", "funcdef": "def"}, "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.save_yaml": {"fullname": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection.SymbolCollection.save_yaml", "modulename": "tessa.symbol.symbolcollection", "qualname": "SymbolCollection.save_yaml", "type": "function", "doc": "

Save symbols to a YAML file.

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On investpy as a data source

2.. include:: ../README.md 3""" 4 - 5__version__ = "0.5.0" + 5__version__ = "0.6.0" 6 7from .sources import SourceType 8from .price import ( diff --git a/docs/tessa/price/coingecko.html b/docs/tessa/price/coingecko.html index d8b20c3..484a3d3 100644 --- a/docs/tessa/price/coingecko.html +++ b/docs/tessa/price/coingecko.html @@ -63,37 +63,45 @@

2 3import pandas as pd 4from pycoingecko import CoinGeckoAPI - 5from .types import PriceHistory, SymbolNotFoundError, CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError - 6 - 7 - 8def dataframify_price_list(prices: list) -> pd.DataFrame: - 9 """Turn price list returned by Coingecko API into a pricing dataframe in the form -10 that we use. -11 """ -12 df = pd.DataFrame(prices) -13 df.columns = ["date", "close"] -14 df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"] / 1000, unit="s", utc=True) -15 df = df.set_index("date") -16 return df -17 -18 -19def get_price_history(query: str, currency_preference: str = "USD") -> PriceHistory: -20 """Get price history for a given cryptocurrency.""" -21 try: -22 res = CoinGeckoAPI().get_coin_market_chart_by_id( -23 id=query, -24 vs_currency=currency_preference, -25 days="max", # FIXME Add some lower default bound similar to yahoo? -26 interval="daily", -27 )["prices"] -28 except ValueError as exc: -29 if "invalid vs_currency" in str(exc): -30 raise CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError( -31 source="coingecko", cur_pref=currency_preference -32 ) from exc -33 raise SymbolNotFoundError(source="coingecko", query=query) from exc -34 -35 return PriceHistory(dataframify_price_list(res), currency_preference) + 5from .types import ( + 6 PriceHistory, + 7 SymbolNotFoundError, + 8 CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError, + 9 RateLimitHitError, +10) +11 +12 +13def dataframify_price_list(prices: list) -> pd.DataFrame: +14 """Turn price list returned by Coingecko API into a pricing dataframe in the form +15 that we use. +16 """ +17 df = pd.DataFrame(prices) +18 df.columns = ["date", "close"] +19 df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"] / 1000, unit="s", utc=True) +20 df = df.set_index("date") +21 return df +22 +23 +24def get_price_history(query: str, currency_preference: str = "USD") -> PriceHistory: +25 """Get price history for a given cryptocurrency.""" +26 try: +27 res = CoinGeckoAPI().get_coin_market_chart_by_id( +28 id=query, +29 vs_currency=currency_preference, +30 days="max", # FIXME Add some lower default bound similar to yahoo? +31 interval="daily", +32 )["prices"] +33 except ValueError as exc: +34 if "invalid vs_currency" in str(exc): +35 raise CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError( +36 source="coingecko", cur_pref=currency_preference +37 ) from exc +38 if "429" in str(exc): +39 # (pycoingecko masks the underlying HTTPError.) +40 raise RateLimitHitError(source="coingecko") from exc +41 raise SymbolNotFoundError(source="coingecko", query=query) from exc +42 +43 return PriceHistory(dataframify_price_list(res), currency_preference) @@ -109,15 +117,15 @@

 9def dataframify_price_list(prices: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
-10    """Turn price list returned by Coingecko API into a pricing dataframe in the form
-11    that we use.
-12    """
-13    df = pd.DataFrame(prices)
-14    df.columns = ["date", "close"]
-15    df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"] / 1000, unit="s", utc=True)
-16    df = df.set_index("date")
-17    return df
14def dataframify_price_list(prices: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
+15    """Turn price list returned by Coingecko API into a pricing dataframe in the form
+16    that we use.
+17    """
+18    df = pd.DataFrame(prices)
+19    df.columns = ["date", "close"]
+20    df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"] / 1000, unit="s", utc=True)
+21    df = df.set_index("date")
+22    return df
@@ -138,23 +146,26 @@

20def get_price_history(query: str, currency_preference: str = "USD") -> PriceHistory:
-21    """Get price history for a given cryptocurrency."""
-22    try:
-23        res = CoinGeckoAPI().get_coin_market_chart_by_id(
-24            id=query,
-25            vs_currency=currency_preference,
-26            days="max",  # FIXME Add some lower default bound similar to yahoo?
-27            interval="daily",
-28        )["prices"]
-29    except ValueError as exc:
-30        if "invalid vs_currency" in str(exc):
-31            raise CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError(
-32                source="coingecko", cur_pref=currency_preference
-33            ) from exc
-34        raise SymbolNotFoundError(source="coingecko", query=query) from exc
-36    return PriceHistory(dataframify_price_list(res), currency_preference)
25def get_price_history(query: str, currency_preference: str = "USD") -> PriceHistory:
+26    """Get price history for a given cryptocurrency."""
+27    try:
+28        res = CoinGeckoAPI().get_coin_market_chart_by_id(
+29            id=query,
+30            vs_currency=currency_preference,
+31            days="max",  # FIXME Add some lower default bound similar to yahoo?
+32            interval="daily",
+33        )["prices"]
+34    except ValueError as exc:
+35        if "invalid vs_currency" in str(exc):
+36            raise CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError(
+37                source="coingecko", cur_pref=currency_preference
+38            ) from exc
+39        if "429" in str(exc):
+40            # (pycoingecko masks the underlying HTTPError.)
+41            raise RateLimitHitError(source="coingecko") from exc
+42        raise SymbolNotFoundError(source="coingecko", query=query) from exc
+44    return PriceHistory(dataframify_price_list(res), currency_preference)
diff --git a/docs/tessa/price/price.html b/docs/tessa/price/price.html index c9c669b..4cec20b 100644 --- a/docs/tessa/price/price.html +++ b/docs/tessa/price/price.html @@ -70,95 +70,98 @@

 1"""Retrieve price information."""
- 3from functools import lru_cache, wraps
- 4from typing import Union
- 5import pandas as pd
- 6from . import PriceHistory, PricePoint
- 7from .. import SourceType
+ 3from __future__ import annotations
+ 4from functools import lru_cache, wraps
+ 5from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING
+ 6import pandas as pd
+ 7from . import PriceHistory, PricePoint
  8from .. import sources
-11def custom_cache_wrapper(func):
-12    """To preserve the function's signature _and_ give access to `cache_clear` etc."""
-13    cached_func = lru_cache(maxsize=None)(func)
-14    wrapped_func = wraps(func)(cached_func)
-15    return wrapped_func
-19def price_history(
-20    query: str,
-21    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
-22    currency_preference: str = "USD",
-23) -> PriceHistory:
-24    """Get price history and return `PriceHistory`, i.e., a tuple of a dataframe with
-25    the price history and the effective currency. Note that the effective currency
-26    returned might differ from the currency_preference.
-28    - `query`: A query string that makes sense in combination with the source. E.g.,
-29      "BTC-USD" for "yahoo" or "bitcoin" for "coingecko".
-30    - `source`: The source to query. Defaults to "yahoo".
-31    - `currency_preference`: The currency to the prices should be returned in; defaults
-32      to "USD". The effective currency might differ and will be returned in the second
-33      return value.
-34    """
-35    src = sources.get_source(source)
-36    src.rate_limiter.rate_limit()
-37    df, effective_currency = src.get_price_history_bruteforcefully(
-38        query, currency_preference
-39    )
-40    return PriceHistory(df.copy(), effective_currency.upper())
-41    # (Returning a copy of the dataframe so the cached original is preserved even if it
-42    # gets modified by the caller.)
-45def price_point(
-46    query: str,
-47    when: Union[str, pd.Timestamp],
-48    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
-49    currency_preference: str = "USD",
-50) -> PricePoint:
-51    """Return the price at a given point in time given by `when`. Look for the closest
-52    point in time if the exact point in time is not found. Returns a `PricePoint`, i.e.,
-53    a tuple of the price, the effective timestamp of the price, and the currency.
-55    Arguments other than `when` are the same as with `price_history`.
-57    Example call:
-58    ```
-59    price_point("AAPL", "2020-01-01")
-60    ```
-61    """
-62    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
-63    price = df.iloc[df.index.get_indexer([when], method="nearest")[0]]
-64    return PricePoint(when=price.name, price=float(price), currency=currency)
-67def price_point_strict(
-68    query: str,
-69    when: str,
-70    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
-71    currency_preference: str = "USD",
-72) -> PricePoint:
-73    """Same as `price_point` but will return either the price at the exact point in time
-74    or raise a KeyError.
-75    """
-76    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
-77    return PricePoint(
-78        when=df.loc[when].name, price=float(df.loc[when]["close"]), currency=currency
-79    )
-82def price_latest(
-83    query: str,
-84    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
-85    currency_preference: str = "USD",
-86) -> PricePoint:
-87    """Same as `price_point` but will return the latest price."""
-88    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
-89    return PricePoint(
-90        when=df.iloc[-1].name, price=float(df.iloc[-1]["close"]), currency=currency
-91    )
+11    from .. import SourceType
+14def custom_cache_wrapper(func):
+15    """To preserve the function's signature _and_ give access to `cache_clear` etc."""
+16    cached_func = lru_cache(maxsize=None)(func)
+17    wrapped_func = wraps(func)(cached_func)
+18    return wrapped_func
+22def price_history(
+23    query: str,
+24    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
+25    currency_preference: str = "USD",
+26) -> PriceHistory:
+27    """Get price history and return `PriceHistory`, i.e., a tuple of a dataframe with
+28    the price history and the effective currency. Note that the effective currency
+29    returned might differ from the currency_preference.
+31    - `query`: A query string that makes sense in combination with the source. E.g.,
+32      "BTC-USD" for "yahoo" or "bitcoin" for "coingecko".
+33    - `source`: The source to query. Defaults to "yahoo".
+34    - `currency_preference`: The currency to the prices should be returned in; defaults
+35      to "USD". The effective currency might differ and will be returned in the second
+36      return value.
+37    """
+38    src = sources.get_source(source)
+39    src.rate_limiter.rate_limit()
+40    df, effective_currency = src.get_price_history_bruteforcefully(
+41        query, currency_preference
+42    )
+43    return PriceHistory(df.copy(), effective_currency.upper())
+44    # (Returning a copy of the dataframe so the cached original is preserved even if it
+45    # gets modified by the caller.)
+48def price_point(
+49    query: str,
+50    when: Union[str, pd.Timestamp],
+51    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
+52    currency_preference: str = "USD",
+53) -> PricePoint:
+54    """Return the price at a given point in time given by `when`. Look for the closest
+55    point in time if the exact point in time is not found. Returns a `PricePoint`, i.e.,
+56    a tuple of the price, the effective timestamp of the price, and the currency.
+58    Arguments other than `when` are the same as with `price_history`.
+60    Example call:
+61    ```
+62    price_point("AAPL", "2020-01-01")
+63    ```
+64    """
+65    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
+66    price = df.iloc[df.index.get_indexer([when], method="nearest")[0]]
+67    return PricePoint(when=price.name, price=float(price), currency=currency)
+70def price_point_strict(
+71    query: str,
+72    when: str,
+73    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
+74    currency_preference: str = "USD",
+75) -> PricePoint:
+76    """Same as `price_point` but will return either the price at the exact point in time
+77    or raise a KeyError.
+78    """
+79    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
+80    return PricePoint(
+81        when=df.loc[when].name, price=float(df.loc[when]["close"]), currency=currency
+82    )
+85def price_latest(
+86    query: str,
+87    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
+88    currency_preference: str = "USD",
+89) -> PricePoint:
+90    """Same as `price_point` but will return the latest price."""
+91    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
+92    return PricePoint(
+93        when=df.iloc[-1].name, price=float(df.iloc[-1]["close"]), currency=currency
+94    )
@@ -174,11 +177,11 @@

12def custom_cache_wrapper(func):
-13    """To preserve the function's signature _and_ give access to `cache_clear` etc."""
-14    cached_func = lru_cache(maxsize=None)(func)
-15    wrapped_func = wraps(func)(cached_func)
-16    return wrapped_func
15def custom_cache_wrapper(func):
+16    """To preserve the function's signature _and_ give access to `cache_clear` etc."""
+17    cached_func = lru_cache(maxsize=None)(func)
+18    wrapped_func = wraps(func)(cached_func)
+19    return wrapped_func
@@ -199,31 +202,31 @@

-20def price_history(
-21    query: str,
-22    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
-23    currency_preference: str = "USD",
-24) -> PriceHistory:
-25    """Get price history and return `PriceHistory`, i.e., a tuple of a dataframe with
-26    the price history and the effective currency. Note that the effective currency
-27    returned might differ from the currency_preference.
-29    - `query`: A query string that makes sense in combination with the source. E.g.,
-30      "BTC-USD" for "yahoo" or "bitcoin" for "coingecko".
-31    - `source`: The source to query. Defaults to "yahoo".
-32    - `currency_preference`: The currency to the prices should be returned in; defaults
-33      to "USD". The effective currency might differ and will be returned in the second
-34      return value.
-35    """
-36    src = sources.get_source(source)
-37    src.rate_limiter.rate_limit()
-38    df, effective_currency = src.get_price_history_bruteforcefully(
-39        query, currency_preference
-40    )
-41    return PriceHistory(df.copy(), effective_currency.upper())
-42    # (Returning a copy of the dataframe so the cached original is preserved even if it
-43    # gets modified by the caller.)
+23def price_history(
+24    query: str,
+25    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
+26    currency_preference: str = "USD",
+27) -> PriceHistory:
+28    """Get price history and return `PriceHistory`, i.e., a tuple of a dataframe with
+29    the price history and the effective currency. Note that the effective currency
+30    returned might differ from the currency_preference.
+32    - `query`: A query string that makes sense in combination with the source. E.g.,
+33      "BTC-USD" for "yahoo" or "bitcoin" for "coingecko".
+34    - `source`: The source to query. Defaults to "yahoo".
+35    - `currency_preference`: The currency to the prices should be returned in; defaults
+36      to "USD". The effective currency might differ and will be returned in the second
+37      return value.
+38    """
+39    src = sources.get_source(source)
+40    src.rate_limiter.rate_limit()
+41    df, effective_currency = src.get_price_history_bruteforcefully(
+42        query, currency_preference
+43    )
+44    return PriceHistory(df.copy(), effective_currency.upper())
+45    # (Returning a copy of the dataframe so the cached original is preserved even if it
+46    # gets modified by the caller.)
@@ -254,26 +257,26 @@

46def price_point(
-47    query: str,
-48    when: Union[str, pd.Timestamp],
-49    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
-50    currency_preference: str = "USD",
-51) -> PricePoint:
-52    """Return the price at a given point in time given by `when`. Look for the closest
-53    point in time if the exact point in time is not found. Returns a `PricePoint`, i.e.,
-54    a tuple of the price, the effective timestamp of the price, and the currency.
-56    Arguments other than `when` are the same as with `price_history`.
-58    Example call:
-59    ```
-60    price_point("AAPL", "2020-01-01")
-61    ```
-62    """
-63    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
-64    price = df.iloc[df.index.get_indexer([when], method="nearest")[0]]
-65    return PricePoint(when=price.name, price=float(price), currency=currency)
49def price_point(
+50    query: str,
+51    when: Union[str, pd.Timestamp],
+52    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
+53    currency_preference: str = "USD",
+54) -> PricePoint:
+55    """Return the price at a given point in time given by `when`. Look for the closest
+56    point in time if the exact point in time is not found. Returns a `PricePoint`, i.e.,
+57    a tuple of the price, the effective timestamp of the price, and the currency.
+59    Arguments other than `when` are the same as with `price_history`.
+61    Example call:
+62    ```
+63    price_point("AAPL", "2020-01-01")
+64    ```
+65    """
+66    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
+67    price = df.iloc[df.index.get_indexer([when], method="nearest")[0]]
+68    return PricePoint(when=price.name, price=float(price), currency=currency)
@@ -302,19 +305,19 @@

68def price_point_strict(
-69    query: str,
-70    when: str,
-71    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
-72    currency_preference: str = "USD",
-73) -> PricePoint:
-74    """Same as `price_point` but will return either the price at the exact point in time
-75    or raise a KeyError.
-76    """
-77    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
-78    return PricePoint(
-79        when=df.loc[when].name, price=float(df.loc[when]["close"]), currency=currency
-80    )
71def price_point_strict(
+72    query: str,
+73    when: str,
+74    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
+75    currency_preference: str = "USD",
+76) -> PricePoint:
+77    """Same as `price_point` but will return either the price at the exact point in time
+78    or raise a KeyError.
+79    """
+80    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
+81    return PricePoint(
+82        when=df.loc[when].name, price=float(df.loc[when]["close"]), currency=currency
+83    )
@@ -335,16 +338,16 @@

83def price_latest(
-84    query: str,
-85    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
-86    currency_preference: str = "USD",
-87) -> PricePoint:
-88    """Same as `price_point` but will return the latest price."""
-89    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
-90    return PricePoint(
-91        when=df.iloc[-1].name, price=float(df.iloc[-1]["close"]), currency=currency
-92    )
86def price_latest(
+87    query: str,
+88    source: SourceType = "yahoo",
+89    currency_preference: str = "USD",
+90) -> PricePoint:
+91    """Same as `price_point` but will return the latest price."""
+92    df, currency = price_history(query, source, currency_preference)
+93    return PricePoint(
+94        when=df.iloc[-1].name, price=float(df.iloc[-1]["close"]), currency=currency
+95    )
diff --git a/docs/tessa/price/types.html b/docs/tessa/price/types.html index 5ab3fbb..6c3cd06 100644 --- a/docs/tessa/price/types.html +++ b/docs/tessa/price/types.html @@ -81,6 +81,15 @@

API Documentation

  • + RateLimitHitError + + +
  • @@ -106,26 +115,35 @@

     1"""Price-related types."""
    - 3from typing import NamedTuple
    - 4import pandas as pd
    - 5from .. import SourceType
    + 3from __future__ import annotations
    + 4from typing import NamedTuple, TYPE_CHECKING
    + 5import pandas as pd
    - 7PriceHistory = NamedTuple("PriceHistory", [("df", pd.DataFrame), ("currency", str)])
    - 8PricePoint = NamedTuple(
    - 9    "PricePoint", [("when", pd.Timestamp), ("price", float), ("currency", str)]
    -13class SymbolNotFoundError(Exception):
    -14    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, query: str, *args, **kwargs):
    -15        msg = f"No symbol found on source '{source}' for query '{query}'."
    -16        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    -19class CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError(Exception):
    -20    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, cur_pref: str, *args, **kwargs):
    -21        msg = f"No currency preference found on source '{source}' for '{cur_pref}'."
    -22        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    + 7if TYPE_CHECKING:
    + 8    from ..sources.sourcetype import SourceType
    + 9
    +10PriceHistory = NamedTuple("PriceHistory", [("df", pd.DataFrame), ("currency", str)])
    +11PricePoint = NamedTuple(
    +12    "PricePoint", [("when", pd.Timestamp), ("price", float), ("currency", str)]
    +16class SymbolNotFoundError(Exception):
    +17    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, query: str, *args, **kwargs):
    +18        msg = f"No symbol found on source '{source}' for query '{query}'."
    +19        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    +22class CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError(Exception):
    +23    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, cur_pref: str, *args, **kwargs):
    +24        msg = f"No currency preference found on source '{source}' for '{cur_pref}'."
    +25        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    +28class RateLimitHitError(Exception):
    +29    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, *args, **kwargs):
    +30        msg = f"Rate limit hit on source '{source}'."
    +31        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    @@ -284,10 +302,10 @@

    Inherited Members
    14class SymbolNotFoundError(Exception):
    -15    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, query: str, *args, **kwargs):
    -16        msg = f"No symbol found on source '{source}' for query '{query}'."
    -17        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    17class SymbolNotFoundError(Exception):
    +18    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, query: str, *args, **kwargs):
    +19        msg = f"No symbol found on source '{source}' for query '{query}'."
    +20        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    @@ -305,9 +323,9 @@
    Inherited Members
    15    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, query: str, *args, **kwargs):
    -16        msg = f"No symbol found on source '{source}' for query '{query}'."
    -17        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    18    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, query: str, *args, **kwargs):
    +19        msg = f"No symbol found on source '{source}' for query '{query}'."
    +20        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    @@ -335,10 +353,10 @@
    Inherited Members
    20class CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError(Exception):
    -21    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, cur_pref: str, *args, **kwargs):
    -22        msg = f"No currency preference found on source '{source}' for '{cur_pref}'."
    -23        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    23class CurrencyPreferenceNotFoundError(Exception):
    +24    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, cur_pref: str, *args, **kwargs):
    +25        msg = f"No currency preference found on source '{source}' for '{cur_pref}'."
    +26        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    @@ -356,9 +374,9 @@
    Inherited Members
    21    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, cur_pref: str, *args, **kwargs):
    -22        msg = f"No currency preference found on source '{source}' for '{cur_pref}'."
    -23        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    24    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, cur_pref: str, *args, **kwargs):
    +25        msg = f"No currency preference found on source '{source}' for '{cur_pref}'."
    +26        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    @@ -375,6 +393,57 @@
    Inherited Members
    + +
    + + class + RateLimitHitError(builtins.Exception): + + + +
    + +
    29class RateLimitHitError(Exception):
    +30    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, *args, **kwargs):
    +31        msg = f"Rate limit hit on source '{source}'."
    +32        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    + + +

    Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

    + + +
    + +
    + + RateLimitHitError(source: Literal['yahoo', 'coingecko'], *args, **kwargs) + + + +
    + +
    30    def __init__(self, source: SourceType, *args, **kwargs):
    +31        msg = f"Rate limit hit on source '{source}'."
    +32        super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
    + + + + +
    Inherited Members
    + +