| 1 | +--- |
| 2 | +title: "Finding HVG" |
| 3 | +author: "Yifan Duan" |
| 4 | +date: "2024-09-17" |
| 5 | +output: html_document |
| 6 | +--- |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +```{r setup, include=FALSE} |
| 9 | +knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) |
| 10 | +``` |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | +```{r} |
| 14 | +library(Seurat) |
| 15 | +library(BPCells) |
| 16 | +library(dplyr) |
| 17 | +library(ggplot2) |
| 18 | +library(ggrepel) |
| 19 | +library(patchwork) |
| 20 | +library(Matrix) |
| 21 | +library(cowplot) |
| 22 | +library(irlba) |
| 23 | +library(tidyr) |
| 24 | +library(tibble) |
| 25 | +``` |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | + |
| 28 | +```{r} |
| 29 | +neuron_obj <- readRDS("data/neuron.Rds") |
| 30 | +# all of the ORs with "real" effect |
| 31 | +or_list <- read.table("data/Olfr_GO_unique_Rel94.txt", header = T, sep = "\t", quote = "") |
| 32 | +
| 33 | +# subsetting the neuron to mature neuron only |
| 34 | +mature_neuron_obj <- subset(neuron_obj, subset = RNA_snn_res.0.25 %in% c("1", "2", "4", "7", "8"), features = or_list$Gene.name) |
| 35 | +
| 36 | +# getting the raw counts |
| 37 | +counts_matrix <- mature_neuron_obj[["RNA"]]$counts |
| 38 | +# more than 3 UMIs counts as OR expressed |
| 39 | +counts_matrix_dpi <- as.data.frame(t(apply(counts_matrix, 2, function(x) ifelse(x >= 3, 1, 0)))) |
| 40 | +# filtering out the cell that expresses more than 1 OR |
| 41 | +counts_matrix_dpi <- counts_matrix_dpi |> filter(rowSums(counts_matrix_dpi) == 1) |
| 42 | +
| 43 | +counts_matrix_dpi$dpi <- as.factor(sub("_.*", "", rownames(counts_matrix_dpi))) |
| 44 | +
| 45 | +# converting into dataframe per dpi for each OR (to select them later) |
| 46 | +dpi_or_composition <- counts_matrix_dpi %>% |
| 47 | + pivot_longer(cols = -dpi, names_to = "ORs", values_to = "count") %>% |
| 48 | + group_by(ORs, dpi) %>% |
| 49 | + summarize(count = sum(count), .groups = 'drop') %>% |
| 50 | + pivot_wider(names_from = dpi, values_from = count, values_fill = list(count = 0)) |
| 51 | +
| 52 | +# only if it's 4 or more cells in each dpi for each OR |
| 53 | +dpi_or_composition_filtered <- dpi_or_composition |> |
| 54 | + filter(if_all(where(is.numeric), ~ . >= 4)) |
| 55 | +
| 56 | +ORs_interested <- dpi_or_composition_filtered$ORs |
| 57 | +``` |
| 58 | + |
| 59 | + |
| 60 | +```{r} |
| 61 | +# using OR_filtered list containing 308 ORs to get cell expressing them only |
| 62 | +cell_interested <- counts_matrix_dpi[, colnames(counts_matrix_dpi) %in% ORs_interested] |
| 63 | +all_zero_rows <- apply(cell_interested, 1, function(row) all(row == 0)) |
| 64 | +
| 65 | +# Display the rows that are all zero |
| 66 | +cell_interested <- cell_interested |> filter(all_zero_rows == F) |
| 67 | +
| 68 | +``` |
| 69 | + |
| 70 | + |
| 71 | +```{r} |
| 72 | +sample_ORs_by_dpi <- function(data, n = 4) { |
| 73 | + cell_to_subsample <- c() |
| 74 | + |
| 75 | + for (OR_names in colnames(data)){ |
| 76 | + OR_data <- data |> select(OR_names) |> filter(get(OR_names) != 0) |
| 77 | + |
| 78 | + # adding cell name & dpi as column |
| 79 | + OR_data <- OR_data |> mutate(cell_name = rownames(OR_data), |
| 80 | + dpi = as.factor(sub("_.*", "", rownames(OR_data))), |
| 81 | + OR = OR_names) |
| 82 | + OR_samples <- OR_data |> |
| 83 | + group_by(dpi) |> sample_n(min(n(), n), replace = FALSE) |
| 84 | + |
| 85 | + cell_to_subsample <- unique(c(cell_to_subsample, OR_samples$cell_name)) |
| 86 | + } |
| 87 | + return(cell_to_subsample) |
| 88 | +} |
| 89 | +
| 90 | +
| 91 | +# 4 cells * 5 dpi * 308 ORs = 6160 cells (if done correctly) |
| 92 | +test <- sample_ORs_by_dpi(cell_interested, 4) |
| 93 | +length(test) |
| 94 | +length(unique(test)) # 5658 unique, not equal to 6160?? |
| 95 | +``` |
| 96 | + |
| 97 | + |
| 98 | +```{r eval=FALSE} |
| 99 | +all_HVGs <- list() |
| 100 | +set.seed(25) |
| 101 | +
| 102 | +for (i in 1:10){ |
| 103 | + # selecting the cell that express each OR of interest (3 UMIs + at least 4 cells per dpi) |
| 104 | + # selecting 4 cells per OR per dpi would mediate effect of abundant OR |
| 105 | + barcode_interested <- sample_ORs_by_dpi(cell_interested) |
| 106 | + |
| 107 | + # subset the seurat object to the criteria listed above |
| 108 | + filtered_mature_neuron_obj <- subset(neuron_obj, |
| 109 | + features = setdiff(rownames(neuron_obj), or_list$Gene.name), |
| 110 | + cells = barcode_interested) |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | + # find HVGs |
| 113 | + filtered_mature_neuron_obj <- FindVariableFeatures(filtered_mature_neuron_obj, |
| 114 | + selection.method = "vst", |
| 115 | + nfeatures = 2000, |
| 116 | + layer = "data") |
| 117 | + |
| 118 | + HVGs <- VariableFeatures(filtered_mature_neuron_obj) |
| 119 | + all_HVGs[[i]] <- HVGs |
| 120 | +} |
| 121 | +
| 122 | +gene_freq_df <- as.data.frame(table(unlist(all_HVGs))) |
| 123 | +colnames(gene_freq_df) <- c("gene", "freq") |
| 124 | +
| 125 | +write.table(gene_freq_df, file = "data/gene_freq_10iterations.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE) |
| 126 | +
| 127 | +#HVFInfo(filtered_mature_neuron_obj) |
| 128 | +``` |
| 129 | + |
| 130 | + |
| 131 | +```{r} |
| 132 | +gene_freq_df <- read_csv("data/gene_freq_10iterations.csv") |
| 133 | +gene_freq_df |> ggplot(aes(x = as.factor(freq))) + geom_bar(stat = "count") + |
| 134 | + theme_cowplot() + ggtitle("2000 HVGs over 10 iterations") |
| 135 | +
| 136 | +hvg_filtered <- gene_freq_df |> filter(freq > 1) |
| 137 | +rheostat_hvg <- read_csv("data/rheostat_table_s2.csv") |
| 138 | +
| 139 | +library(ggvenn) |
| 140 | +
| 141 | +# Define the two sets |
| 142 | +hvg_overlap <- list(rheostat_hvg = rheostat_hvg$Gene, |
| 143 | + influenza_hvg = as.character(hvg_filtered$gene)) |
| 144 | +ggvenn(hvg_overlap) |
| 145 | +``` |
| 146 | + |
| 147 | + |
| 148 | +```{r} |
| 149 | +# cosine similarity |
| 150 | +library(lsa) |
| 151 | +
| 152 | +filtered_mature_neuron_mat <- filtered_mature_neuron_obj[["RNA"]]$data |
| 153 | +filtered_mature_neuron_mat_hvg <- filtered_mature_neuron_mat[VariableFeatures(filtered_mature_neuron_obj),] |
| 154 | +
| 155 | +# saves time according to BPCells |
| 156 | +filtered_mature_neuron_mat_hvg <- filtered_mature_neuron_mat_hvg %>% write_matrix_dir(tempfile("mat")) |
| 157 | +
| 158 | +# PCA |
| 159 | +svd <- BPCells::svds(filtered_mature_neuron_mat_hvg, k = 50) |
| 160 | +#svd <- irlba(neuron_mat_norm, nv=50) |
| 161 | +pca <- multiply_cols(svd$v, svd$d) |
| 162 | +
| 163 | +colnames(pca) <- paste0("PC_", 1:ncol(pca)) |
| 164 | +rownames(pca) <- colnames(filtered_mature_neuron_mat_hvg) |
| 165 | +
| 166 | +plot(svd$d / sqrt(nrow(filtered_mature_neuron_mat_hvg))) |
| 167 | +pca_top_20 <- pca[, 1:20] |
| 168 | +
| 169 | +# compute the cosine distance |
| 170 | +cos_dist <- 1 - cosine(t(pca_top_20)) |
| 171 | +
| 172 | +cos_dist[1:3, 1:3] |
| 173 | +# need to associate barcode with OR |
| 174 | +
| 175 | +#write.csv(cos_dist, file = "data/cos_dist.csv") |
| 176 | +``` |
| 177 | + |
| 178 | + |
| 179 | +```{r} |
| 180 | +get_cell_metadata <- function(feature_table, OR_list){ |
| 181 | + cell_metadata <- data.frame() |
| 182 | + |
| 183 | + for (OR_names in OR_list) { |
| 184 | + OR_data <- feature_table |> |
| 185 | + select(OR_names) |> |
| 186 | + filter(get(OR_names) != 0) |
| 187 | + |
| 188 | + # Adding cell name & dpi as columns |
| 189 | + OR_data <- OR_data |> |
| 190 | + mutate(cell_name = rownames(OR_data), |
| 191 | + dpi = as.factor(sub("_.*", "", rownames(OR_data))), |
| 192 | + OR = OR_names) |> |
| 193 | + select(-all_of(OR_names)) # Use all_of() to correctly reference the column |
| 194 | + |
| 195 | + # Combine results |
| 196 | + cell_metadata <- bind_rows(cell_metadata, OR_data) |
| 197 | + } |
| 198 | + return(cell_metadata) |
| 199 | +} |
| 200 | +
| 201 | +get_cell_metadata(cell_interested, ORs_interested) |
| 202 | +
| 203 | +write_csv(cell_metadata, file = "data/cell_metadata.csv") |
| 204 | +# View the result |
| 205 | +dim(cos_dist) |
| 206 | +subset_cell_metadata <- cell_metadata[cell_metadata$cell_name %in% barcode_interested, ] |
| 207 | +
| 208 | +``` |
| 209 | + |
| 210 | + |
| 211 | +```{r within OR distance} |
| 212 | +within_dist <- function(dist_matrix, metadata){ |
| 213 | + # Extract the OR groups from the metadata |
| 214 | + unique_ors <- unique(metadata$OR) |
| 215 | + |
| 216 | + # Initialize a vector to store the median within-OR distances |
| 217 | + within_or_medians <- data.frame(OR = character(), median_dist = numeric()) |
| 218 | + |
| 219 | + for (or in unique_ors) { |
| 220 | + # Get cell names for the current OR |
| 221 | + cells_for_or <- metadata$cell_name[metadata$OR == or] |
| 222 | + |
| 223 | + # Filter the cosine distance matrix for these cells |
| 224 | + matrix_for_or <- dist_matrix[cells_for_or, cells_for_or, drop = F] |
| 225 | + |
| 226 | + # Extract the upper triangle of the matrix as a vector of distances |
| 227 | + upper_triangle_distances <- matrix_for_or[upper.tri(matrix_for_or)] |
| 228 | + |
| 229 | + # Calculate the median of the pairwise distances |
| 230 | + median_distance <- median(upper_triangle_distances, na.rm = TRUE) |
| 231 | +
| 232 | + within_or_medians <- rbind(within_or_medians, data.frame(OR = or, median_dist = median_distance)) |
| 233 | + } |
| 234 | + |
| 235 | + return(within_or_medians) |
| 236 | +} |
| 237 | +
| 238 | +median_distance <- within_dist(cos_dist, subset_cell_metadata) |
| 239 | +hist(median_distance$median_dist) |
| 240 | +``` |
| 241 | + |
| 242 | + |
| 243 | +```{r} |
| 244 | +between_dist <- c() |
| 245 | +for (or in median_distance$OR){ |
| 246 | + between_dist[[or]] <- median_distance |> filter(OR != or) |
| 247 | +} |
| 248 | +
| 249 | +# Initialize an empty data frame to store the results |
| 250 | +hist(between_dist$Olfr1019$median_dist) |
| 251 | +median_between_distances <- data.frame(OR = character(), |
| 252 | + between_dist_median = numeric(), |
| 253 | + stringsAsFactors = FALSE) |
| 254 | +
| 255 | +# Loop through each OR in the between_dist list |
| 256 | +for (or in names(between_dist)) { |
| 257 | + # Compute the median of 'median_dist' for the current OR |
| 258 | + median_value <- median(between_dist[[or]]$median_dist, na.rm = TRUE) |
| 259 | + |
| 260 | + # Add the result to the data frame |
| 261 | + median_between_distances <- rbind(median_between_distances, |
| 262 | + data.frame(OR = or, |
| 263 | + between_dist_median = median_value)) |
| 264 | +} |
| 265 | +
| 266 | +# View the result |
| 267 | +print(median_between_distances) |
| 268 | +``` |
| 269 | + |
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