diff --git a/2014/01/19/kaggle-beginner-tips/index.html b/2014/01/19/kaggle-beginner-tips/index.html index 3e60da7f5..086020836 100644 --- a/2014/01/19/kaggle-beginner-tips/index.html +++ b/2014/01/19/kaggle-beginner-tips/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Kaggle beginner tips | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

Kaggle beginner tips

These are few points from an email I sent to members of the Data Science Sydney Meetup. I suppose other Kaggle beginners may find it useful.

My first steps when working on a new competition are:

  • Read all the instructions carefully to understand the problem. One important thing to look at is what measure is being optimised. For example, minimising the mean absolute error (MAE) may require a different approach from minimising the mean square error (MSE).
  • Read messages on the forum. Especially when joining a competition late, you can learn a lot from the problems other people had. And sometimes there’s even code to get you started (though code quality may vary and it’s not worth relying on).
  • Download the data and look at it a bit to understand it better, noting any insights you may have and things you would like to try. Even if you don’t know how to model something, knowing what you want to model is half of the solution. For example, in the DSG Hackathon (predicting air quality), we noticed that even though we had to produce hourly predictions for pollutant levels, the measured levels don’t change every hour (probably due to limitations in the measuring equipment). This led us to try a simple “model” for the first few hours, where we predicted exactly the last measured value, which proved to be one of our most valuable insights. Stupid and uninspiring, but we did finish 6th :-). The main message is: look at the data!
  • Set up a local validation environment. This will allow you to iterate quickly without making submissions, and will increase the accuracy of your model. For those with some programming experience: local validation is your private development environment, the public leaderboard is staging, and the private leaderboard is production.
    What you use for local validation depends on the type of problem. For example, for classic prediction problems you may use one of the classic cross-validation techniques. For forecasting problems, you should try and have a local setup that is as close as possible to the setup of the leaderboard. In the Yandex competition, the leaderboard is based on data from the last three days of search activity. You should use a similar split for the training data (and of course, use exactly the same local setup for all the team members so you can compare results).
  • Get the submission format right. Make sure that you can reproduce the baseline results locally.

Now, the way things often work is:

  • You try many different approaches and ideas. Most of them lead to nothing. Hopefully some lead to something.
  • Create ensembles of the various approaches.
  • Repeat until you run out of time.
  • Win. Hopefully.

Note that in many competitions, the differences between the top results are not statistically significant, so winning may depend on luck. But getting one of the top results also depends to a large degree on your persistence. To avoid disappointment, I think the main goal should be to learn things, so spend time trying to understand how the methods that you’re using work. Libraries like sklearn make it really easy to try a bunch of models without understanding how they work, but you’re better off trying less things and developing the ability to reason about why they work or not work.

An analogy for programmers: while you can use an array, a linked list, a binary tree, and a hash table interchangeably in some situations, understanding when to use each one can make a world of difference in terms of performance. It’s pretty similar for predictive models (though they are often not as well-behaved as data structures).

Finally, it’s worth watching this video by Phil Brierley, who won a bunch of Kaggle competitions. It’s really good, and doesn’t require much understanding of R.

Any comments are welcome!

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Kaggle beginner tips

These are few points from an email I sent to members of the Data Science Sydney Meetup. I suppose other Kaggle beginners may find it useful.

My first steps when working on a new competition are:

  • Read all the instructions carefully to understand the problem. One important thing to look at is what measure is being optimised. For example, minimising the mean absolute error (MAE) may require a different approach from minimising the mean square error (MSE).
  • Read messages on the forum. Especially when joining a competition late, you can learn a lot from the problems other people had. And sometimes there’s even code to get you started (though code quality may vary and it’s not worth relying on).
  • Download the data and look at it a bit to understand it better, noting any insights you may have and things you would like to try. Even if you don’t know how to model something, knowing what you want to model is half of the solution. For example, in the DSG Hackathon (predicting air quality), we noticed that even though we had to produce hourly predictions for pollutant levels, the measured levels don’t change every hour (probably due to limitations in the measuring equipment). This led us to try a simple “model” for the first few hours, where we predicted exactly the last measured value, which proved to be one of our most valuable insights. Stupid and uninspiring, but we did finish 6th :-). The main message is: look at the data!
  • Set up a local validation environment. This will allow you to iterate quickly without making submissions, and will increase the accuracy of your model. For those with some programming experience: local validation is your private development environment, the public leaderboard is staging, and the private leaderboard is production.
    What you use for local validation depends on the type of problem. For example, for classic prediction problems you may use one of the classic cross-validation techniques. For forecasting problems, you should try and have a local setup that is as close as possible to the setup of the leaderboard. In the Yandex competition, the leaderboard is based on data from the last three days of search activity. You should use a similar split for the training data (and of course, use exactly the same local setup for all the team members so you can compare results).
  • Get the submission format right. Make sure that you can reproduce the baseline results locally.

Now, the way things often work is:

  • You try many different approaches and ideas. Most of them lead to nothing. Hopefully some lead to something.
  • Create ensembles of the various approaches.
  • Repeat until you run out of time.
  • Win. Hopefully.

Note that in many competitions, the differences between the top results are not statistically significant, so winning may depend on luck. But getting one of the top results also depends to a large degree on your persistence. To avoid disappointment, I think the main goal should be to learn things, so spend time trying to understand how the methods that you’re using work. Libraries like sklearn make it really easy to try a bunch of models without understanding how they work, but you’re better off trying less things and developing the ability to reason about why they work or not work.

An analogy for programmers: while you can use an array, a linked list, a binary tree, and a hash table interchangeably in some situations, understanding when to use each one can make a world of difference in terms of performance. It’s pretty similar for predictive models (though they are often not as well-behaved as data structures).

Finally, it’s worth watching this video by Phil Brierley, who won a bunch of Kaggle competitions. It’s really good, and doesn’t require much understanding of R.

Any comments are welcome!


    Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/08/17/datas-hierarchy-of-needs/index.html b/2014/08/17/datas-hierarchy-of-needs/index.html index 67bd0ba2e..7b1bd4c2b 100644 --- a/2014/08/17/datas-hierarchy-of-needs/index.html +++ b/2014/08/17/datas-hierarchy-of-needs/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Data’s hierarchy of needs | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

    Data’s hierarchy of needs

    One of my favourite blog posts in recent times is The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data’s unifying abstraction by Jay Kreps. That post comprehensively describes how abstracting all the data produced by LinkedIn’s various components into a single log pipeline greatly simplified their architecture and enabled advanced data-driven applications. Among the various technical details there are some beautifully-articulated business insights. My favourite one defines data’s hierarchy of needs:

    Effective use of data follows a kind of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The base of the pyramid involves capturing all the relevant data, being able to put it together in an applicable processing environment (be that a fancy real-time query system or just text files and python scripts). This data needs to be modeled in a uniform way to make it easy to read and process. Once these basic needs of capturing data in a uniform way are taken care of it is reasonable to work on infrastructure to process this data in various ways—MapReduce, real-time query systems, etc.

    It’s worth noting the obvious: without a reliable and complete data flow, a Hadoop cluster is little more than a very expensive and difficult to assemble space heater. Once data and processing are available, one can move concern on to more refined problems of good data models and consistent well understood semantics. Finally, concentration can shift to more sophisticated processing—better visualization, reporting, and algorithmic processing and prediction.

    In my experience, most organizations have huge holes in the base of this pyramid—they lack reliable complete data flow—but want to jump directly to advanced data modeling techniques. This is completely backwards. [emphasis mine]

    Visually, it looks something like this:

    Data’s hierarchy of needs

    One of my favourite blog posts in recent times is The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data’s unifying abstraction by Jay Kreps. That post comprehensively describes how abstracting all the data produced by LinkedIn’s various components into a single log pipeline greatly simplified their architecture and enabled advanced data-driven applications. Among the various technical details there are some beautifully-articulated business insights. My favourite one defines data’s hierarchy of needs:

    Effective use of data follows a kind of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The base of the pyramid involves capturing all the relevant data, being able to put it together in an applicable processing environment (be that a fancy real-time query system or just text files and python scripts). This data needs to be modeled in a uniform way to make it easy to read and process. Once these basic needs of capturing data in a uniform way are taken care of it is reasonable to work on infrastructure to process this data in various ways—MapReduce, real-time query systems, etc.

    It’s worth noting the obvious: without a reliable and complete data flow, a Hadoop cluster is little more than a very expensive and difficult to assemble space heater. Once data and processing are available, one can move concern on to more refined problems of good data models and consistent well understood semantics. Finally, concentration can shift to more sophisticated processing—better visualization, reporting, and algorithmic processing and prediction.

    In my experience, most organizations have huge holes in the base of this pyramid—they lack reliable complete data flow—but want to jump directly to advanced data modeling techniques. This is completely backwards. [emphasis mine]

    Visually, it looks something like this:

    How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

    How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions

    Last week, I gave a talk at the Data Science Sydney Meetup group about some of the lessons I learned through almost winning five Kaggle competitions. The core of the talk was ten tips, which I think are worth putting in a post (the original slides are here). Some of these tips were covered in my beginner tips post from a few months ago. Similar advice was also recently published on the Kaggle blog – it’s great to see that my tips are in line with the thoughts of other prolific kagglers.

    Tip 1: RTFM

    It’s surprising to see how many people miss out on important details, such as remembering the final date to make the first submission. Before jumping into building models, it’s important to understand the competition timeline, be able to reproduce benchmarks, generate the correct submission format, etc.

    Tip 2: Know your measure

    A key part of doing well in a competition is understanding how the measure works. It’s often easy to obtain significant improvements in your score by using an optimisation approach that is suitable to the measure. A classic example is optimising the mean absolute error (MAE) versus the mean square error (MSE). It’s easy to show that given no other data for a set of numbers, the predictor that minimises the MAE is the median, while the predictor that minimises the MSE is the mean. Indeed, in the EMC Data Science Hackathon we fell back to the median rather than the mean when there wasn’t enough data, and that ended up working pretty well.

    Tip 3: Know your data

    In Kaggle competitions, overspecialisation (without overfitting) is a good thing. This is unlike academic machine learning papers, where researchers often test their proposed method on many different datasets. This is also unlike more applied work, where you may care about data drifting and whether what you predict actually makes sense. Examples include the Hackathon, where the measures of pollutants in the air were repeated for consecutive hours (i.e., they weren’t really measured); the multi-label Greek article competition, where I found connected components of labels (doesn’t generalise well to other datasets); and the Arabic writers competition, where I used histogram kernels to deal with the features that we were given. The general lesson is that custom solutions win, and that’s why the world needs data scientists (at least until we are replaced by robots).

    Tip 4: What before how

    It’s important to know what you want to model before figuring out how to model it. It seems like many beginners tend to worry too much about which tool to use (Python or R? Logistic regression or SVMs?), when they should be worrying about understanding the data and what useful patterns they want to capture. For example, when we worked on the Yandex search personalisation competition, we spent a lot of time looking at the data and thinking what makes sense for users to be doing. In that case it was easy to come up with ideas, because we all use search engines. But the main message is that to be effective, you have to become one with the data.

    Tip 5: Do local validation

    This is a point I covered in my Kaggle beginner tips post. Having a local validation environment allows you to move faster and produce more reliable results than when relying on the leaderboard. The main scenarios when you should skip local validation is when the data is too small (a problem I had in the Arabic writers competition), or when you run out of time (towards the end of the competition).

    Tip 6: Make fewer submissions

    In addition to making you look good, making few submissions reduces the likelihood of overfitting the leaderboard, which is a real problem. If your local validation is set up well and is consistent with the leaderboard (which you need to test by making one or two submissions), there’s really no need to make many submissions. Further, if you’re doing well, making submissions erodes your competitive advantage by showing your competitors what scores are obtainable and motivating them to work harder. Just resist the urge to submit, unless you have a really good reason.

    Tip 7: Do your research

    For any given problem, it’s likely that there are people dedicating their lives to its solution. These people (often academics) have probably published papers, benchmarks and code, which you can learn from. Unlike actually winning, which is not only dependent on you, gaining deeper knowledge and understanding is the only sure reward of a competition. This has worked well for me, as I’ve learned something new and applied it successfully in nearly every competition I’ve worked on.

    Tip 8: Apply the basics rigorously

    While playing with obscure methods can be a lot of fun, it’s often the case that the basics will get you very far. Common algorithms have good implementations in most major languages, so there’s really no reason not to try them. However, note that when you do try any methods, you must do some minimal tuning of the main parameters (e.g., number of trees in a random forest or the regularisation of a linear model). Running a method without minimal tuning is worse than not running it at all, because you may get a false negative – giving up on a method that actually works very well.

    An example of applying the basics rigorously is in the classic paper In defense of one-vs-all classification, where the authors showed that the simple one-vs-all (OVA) approach to multiclass classification is at least as good as approaches that are much more sophisticated. In their words: “What we find is that although a wide array of more sophisticated methods for multiclass classification exist, experimental evidence of the superiority of these methods over a simple OVA scheme is either lacking or improperly controlled or measured”. If such a failure to perform proper experiments can happen to serious machine learning researchers, it can definitely happen to the average kaggler. Don’t let it happen to you.

    Tip 9: The forum is your friend

    It’s very important to subscribe to the forum to receive notifications on issues with the data or the competition. In addition, it’s worth trying to figure out what your competitors are doing. An extreme example is the recent trend of code sharing during the competition (which I don’t really like) – while it’s not a good idea to rely on such code, it’s important to be aware of its existence. Finally, reading the post-competition summaries on the forum is a valuable way of learning from the winners and improving over time.

    Tip 10: Ensemble all the things

    Not to be confused with ensemble methods (which are also very important), the idea here is to combine models that were developed independently. In high-profile competitions, it is often the case that teams merge and gain a significant boost from combining their models. This is worth doing even when competing alone, because almost no competition is won by a single model.

    Subscribe +

    How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions

    Last week, I gave a talk at the Data Science Sydney Meetup group about some of the lessons I learned through almost winning five Kaggle competitions. The core of the talk was ten tips, which I think are worth putting in a post (the original slides are here). Some of these tips were covered in my beginner tips post from a few months ago. Similar advice was also recently published on the Kaggle blog – it’s great to see that my tips are in line with the thoughts of other prolific kagglers.

    Tip 1: RTFM

    It’s surprising to see how many people miss out on important details, such as remembering the final date to make the first submission. Before jumping into building models, it’s important to understand the competition timeline, be able to reproduce benchmarks, generate the correct submission format, etc.

    Tip 2: Know your measure

    A key part of doing well in a competition is understanding how the measure works. It’s often easy to obtain significant improvements in your score by using an optimisation approach that is suitable to the measure. A classic example is optimising the mean absolute error (MAE) versus the mean square error (MSE). It’s easy to show that given no other data for a set of numbers, the predictor that minimises the MAE is the median, while the predictor that minimises the MSE is the mean. Indeed, in the EMC Data Science Hackathon we fell back to the median rather than the mean when there wasn’t enough data, and that ended up working pretty well.

    Tip 3: Know your data

    In Kaggle competitions, overspecialisation (without overfitting) is a good thing. This is unlike academic machine learning papers, where researchers often test their proposed method on many different datasets. This is also unlike more applied work, where you may care about data drifting and whether what you predict actually makes sense. Examples include the Hackathon, where the measures of pollutants in the air were repeated for consecutive hours (i.e., they weren’t really measured); the multi-label Greek article competition, where I found connected components of labels (doesn’t generalise well to other datasets); and the Arabic writers competition, where I used histogram kernels to deal with the features that we were given. The general lesson is that custom solutions win, and that’s why the world needs data scientists (at least until we are replaced by robots).

    Tip 4: What before how

    It’s important to know what you want to model before figuring out how to model it. It seems like many beginners tend to worry too much about which tool to use (Python or R? Logistic regression or SVMs?), when they should be worrying about understanding the data and what useful patterns they want to capture. For example, when we worked on the Yandex search personalisation competition, we spent a lot of time looking at the data and thinking what makes sense for users to be doing. In that case it was easy to come up with ideas, because we all use search engines. But the main message is that to be effective, you have to become one with the data.

    Tip 5: Do local validation

    This is a point I covered in my Kaggle beginner tips post. Having a local validation environment allows you to move faster and produce more reliable results than when relying on the leaderboard. The main scenarios when you should skip local validation is when the data is too small (a problem I had in the Arabic writers competition), or when you run out of time (towards the end of the competition).

    Tip 6: Make fewer submissions

    In addition to making you look good, making few submissions reduces the likelihood of overfitting the leaderboard, which is a real problem. If your local validation is set up well and is consistent with the leaderboard (which you need to test by making one or two submissions), there’s really no need to make many submissions. Further, if you’re doing well, making submissions erodes your competitive advantage by showing your competitors what scores are obtainable and motivating them to work harder. Just resist the urge to submit, unless you have a really good reason.

    Tip 7: Do your research

    For any given problem, it’s likely that there are people dedicating their lives to its solution. These people (often academics) have probably published papers, benchmarks and code, which you can learn from. Unlike actually winning, which is not only dependent on you, gaining deeper knowledge and understanding is the only sure reward of a competition. This has worked well for me, as I’ve learned something new and applied it successfully in nearly every competition I’ve worked on.

    Tip 8: Apply the basics rigorously

    While playing with obscure methods can be a lot of fun, it’s often the case that the basics will get you very far. Common algorithms have good implementations in most major languages, so there’s really no reason not to try them. However, note that when you do try any methods, you must do some minimal tuning of the main parameters (e.g., number of trees in a random forest or the regularisation of a linear model). Running a method without minimal tuning is worse than not running it at all, because you may get a false negative – giving up on a method that actually works very well.

    An example of applying the basics rigorously is in the classic paper In defense of one-vs-all classification, where the authors showed that the simple one-vs-all (OVA) approach to multiclass classification is at least as good as approaches that are much more sophisticated. In their words: “What we find is that although a wide array of more sophisticated methods for multiclass classification exist, experimental evidence of the superiority of these methods over a simple OVA scheme is either lacking or improperly controlled or measured”. If such a failure to perform proper experiments can happen to serious machine learning researchers, it can definitely happen to the average kaggler. Don’t let it happen to you.

    Tip 9: The forum is your friend

    It’s very important to subscribe to the forum to receive notifications on issues with the data or the competition. In addition, it’s worth trying to figure out what your competitors are doing. An extreme example is the recent trend of code sharing during the competition (which I don’t really like) – while it’s not a good idea to rely on such code, it’s important to be aware of its existence. Finally, reading the post-competition summaries on the forum is a valuable way of learning from the winners and improving over time.

    Tip 10: Ensemble all the things

    Not to be confused with ensemble methods (which are also very important), the idea here is to combine models that were developed independently. In high-profile competitions, it is often the case that teams merge and gain a significant boost from combining their models. This is worth doing even when competing alone, because almost no competition is won by a single model.


      Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/08/30/building-a-bandcamp-recommender-system-part-1-motivation/index.html b/2014/08/30/building-a-bandcamp-recommender-system-part-1-motivation/index.html index 7a108d329..2391dac00 100644 --- a/2014/08/30/building-a-bandcamp-recommender-system-part-1-motivation/index.html +++ b/2014/08/30/building-a-bandcamp-recommender-system-part-1-motivation/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Building a Bandcamp recommender system (part 1 – motivation) | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

      Building a Bandcamp recommender system (part 1 – motivation)

      I’ve been a Bandcamp user for a few years now. I love the fact that they pay out a significant share of the revenue directly to the artists, unlike other services. In addition, despite the fact that fans may stream all the music for free and even easily rip it, almost $80M were paid out to artists through Bandcamp to date (including almost $3M in the last month) – serving as strong evidence that the traditional music industry’s fight against piracy is a waste of resources and time.

      One thing I’ve been struggling with since starting to use Bandcamp is the discovery of new music. Originally (in 2011), I used the browse-by-tag feature, but it is often too broad to find music that I like. A newer feature is the Discoverinator, which is meant to emulate the experience of browsing through covers at a record store – sadly, I could never find much stuff I liked using that method. Last year, Bandcamp announced Bandcamp for fans, which includes the ability to wishlist items and discover new music by stalking/following other fans. In addition, they released a mobile app, which made the music purchased on Bandcamp much easier to access.

      All these new features definitely increased my engagement and helped me find more stuff to listen to, but I still feel that Bandcamp music discovery could be much better. Specifically, I would love to be served personalised recommendations and be able to browse music that is similar to specific tracks and albums that I like. Rather than waiting for Bandcamp to implement these features, I decided to do it myself. Visit BCRecommender – Bandcamp recommendations based on your fan account to see where this effort stands at the moment.

      While BCRecommender has already helped me discover new music to add to my collection, building it gave me many more ideas on how it can be improved, so it’s definitely a work in progress. I’ll probably tinker with the underlying algorithms as I go, so recommendations may occasionally seem weird (but this always seems to be the case with recommender systems in the real world). In subsequent posts I’ll discuss some of the technical details and where I’d like to take this project.

      It’s probably worth noting that BCRecommender is not associated with or endorsed by Bandcamp, but I doubt they would mind since it was built using publicly-available information, and is full of links to buy the music back on their site.

      Subscribe +

      Building a Bandcamp recommender system (part 1 – motivation)

      I’ve been a Bandcamp user for a few years now. I love the fact that they pay out a significant share of the revenue directly to the artists, unlike other services. In addition, despite the fact that fans may stream all the music for free and even easily rip it, almost $80M were paid out to artists through Bandcamp to date (including almost $3M in the last month) – serving as strong evidence that the traditional music industry’s fight against piracy is a waste of resources and time.

      One thing I’ve been struggling with since starting to use Bandcamp is the discovery of new music. Originally (in 2011), I used the browse-by-tag feature, but it is often too broad to find music that I like. A newer feature is the Discoverinator, which is meant to emulate the experience of browsing through covers at a record store – sadly, I could never find much stuff I liked using that method. Last year, Bandcamp announced Bandcamp for fans, which includes the ability to wishlist items and discover new music by stalking/following other fans. In addition, they released a mobile app, which made the music purchased on Bandcamp much easier to access.

      All these new features definitely increased my engagement and helped me find more stuff to listen to, but I still feel that Bandcamp music discovery could be much better. Specifically, I would love to be served personalised recommendations and be able to browse music that is similar to specific tracks and albums that I like. Rather than waiting for Bandcamp to implement these features, I decided to do it myself. Visit BCRecommender – Bandcamp recommendations based on your fan account to see where this effort stands at the moment.

      While BCRecommender has already helped me discover new music to add to my collection, building it gave me many more ideas on how it can be improved, so it’s definitely a work in progress. I’ll probably tinker with the underlying algorithms as I go, so recommendations may occasionally seem weird (but this always seems to be the case with recommender systems in the real world). In subsequent posts I’ll discuss some of the technical details and where I’d like to take this project.

      It’s probably worth noting that BCRecommender is not associated with or endorsed by Bandcamp, but I doubt they would mind since it was built using publicly-available information, and is full of links to buy the music back on their site.


        Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/09/07/building-a-recommender-system-on-a-shoestring-budget/index.html b/2014/09/07/building-a-recommender-system-on-a-shoestring-budget/index.html index 104a3c474..4c17cbfe4 100644 --- a/2014/09/07/building-a-recommender-system-on-a-shoestring-budget/index.html +++ b/2014/09/07/building-a-recommender-system-on-a-shoestring-budget/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Building a recommender system on a shoestring budget (or: BCRecommender part 2 – general system layout) | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

        Building a recommender system on a shoestring budget (or: BCRecommender part 2 – general system layout)

        This is the second part of a series of posts on my BCRecommender – personalised Bandcamp recommendations project. Check out the first part for the general motivation behind this project.

        BCRecommender is a hobby project whose main goal is to help me find music I like on Bandcamp. Its secondary goal is to serve as a testing ground for ideas I have and things I’d like to explore.
        One question I’ve been wondering about is: how much money does one need to spend on infrastructure for a simple web-based product before it reaches meaningful traffic?
        The answer is: not much at all. It can easily be done for less than $1 per month.
        This post discusses my exploration of this question by describing the main components of the BCRecommender system, without getting into the algorithms that drive it (which will be covered in subsequent posts).

        The general flow of BCRecommender is fairly simple: crawl publicly-available data from Bandcamp (fan collections and tracks/albums = tralbums), generate recommendations based on this data (static lists of tralbums indexed by fan for personalised recommendations and by tralbum for similarity), and present the recommendations to users in a way that’s easy to browse and explore (since we’re dealing with music it must be playable, which is easy to achieve by embedding Bandcamp’s iframes).

        First iteration: Django & AWS

        The first iteration of the project was implemented as a Django project. Having never built a Django project from scratch, I figured this would be a good way to learn how it’s done properly. One thing I was keen on learning was using the Django ORM with an SQL database (in the past I’ve worked with Django and MongoDB). This ended up working less smoothly than I expected, perhaps because I’m too used to MongoDB, or because SQL forces you to model your data in unnatural ways, or because I insisted on using SQLite for simplicity. Whatever it was, I quickly started missing MongoDB, despite its flaws.

        I chose AWS for hosting because my personal account was under the free tier, and using a micro instance is more than enough for serving a website with no traffic. I considered Google App Engine with its indefinite free tier, but after reading the docs I realised I don’t want to jump through so many hoops to use their system – Google’s free tier was likely to cost too much in pain and time.

        While an AWS micro instance is enough for serving the recommendations, it’s not enough for generating them. Rather than paying Amazon for another instance, I figured that using spare capacity on my own laptop (quad-core with 16GB of RAM) would be good enough. So the backend worker for BCRecommender ended up being a local virtual machine using one core and 4GB of RAM.

        After some coding I had a nice setup in place:

        • AWS webserver running Django with SQLite as the database layer and a simple frontend, styled with Bootstrap
        • Local backend worker running Celery under Supervisor to collect the data (with errors reported to a dedicated Gmail account), Dropbox for backups, and Django management commands to generate the recommendations
        • Code and issue tracker hosted on Bitbucket (which provides free private repositories)
        • Fabric scripts for deployments to the AWS webserver and the local backend worker (including database sync as one big SQLite file)
        • Local virtual machine for development (provisioned with Vagrant)

        This system wasn’t going to scale, but I didn’t care. I just used it to discover new music, and it worked. I didn’t even bother registering a domain name, so it was all running for free.

        Second iteration: “Django” backend & Parse

        A few months ago, Facebook announced that Parse’s free tier will include 30 requests / second. That’s over 2.5 million requests per day, which is quite a lot – probably enough to run the majority of websites on the internet. It seemed too good to be true, so I had to try it myself.

        It took a few hours to convert the Django webserver/frontend code to Parse. This was fairly straightforward, and it had the added advantages of getting rid of some deployment scripts and having a more solid development environment. Parse supplies a command-line tool for deployment that constantly syncs the code to an app that is identical to the production app – much better than the Fabric script I had.

        The disadvantages of the move to Parse were having to rewrite some of the backend in JavaScript (= less readable than Python), and a more complex data sync command (no longer just copying a big SQLite file). However, I would definitely use it for other projects because of the generous free tier, the availability of APIs for all major platforms, and the elimination of most operational concerns.

        Current iteration: Goodbye Django, hello BCRecommender

        With the Django webserver out of the way, there was little use left for Django in the project. It took a few more hours to get rid of it, replacing the management commands with Commandr, and the SQLite database with MongoDB (wrapped with the excellent MongoEngine, which has matured a lot in recent years). MongoDB has become a more natural choice now, since it is the database used by Parse. I expect this setup of a local Python backend and a Parse frontend to work quite well (and remain virtually free) for the foreseeable future.

        The only fixed cost I now have comes from registering the bcrecommender.com domain and managing it with Route 53. This wasn’t required when I was running it only for myself, and I could have just kept it under bcrecommender.parseapp.com, but I think it would be useful for other Bandcamp users. I would also like to use it as a training lab to improve my (poor) marketing skills – not having a dedicated domain just looks bad.

        In summary, it’s definitely possible to build simple projects and host them for free. It also looks like my approach would scale way beyond the current BCRecommender volume. The next post in this series will cover some of the algorithms and general considerations of building the recommender system.

        Subscribe +

        Building a recommender system on a shoestring budget (or: BCRecommender part 2 – general system layout)

        This is the second part of a series of posts on my BCRecommender – personalised Bandcamp recommendations project. Check out the first part for the general motivation behind this project.

        BCRecommender is a hobby project whose main goal is to help me find music I like on Bandcamp. Its secondary goal is to serve as a testing ground for ideas I have and things I’d like to explore.
        One question I’ve been wondering about is: how much money does one need to spend on infrastructure for a simple web-based product before it reaches meaningful traffic?
        The answer is: not much at all. It can easily be done for less than $1 per month.
        This post discusses my exploration of this question by describing the main components of the BCRecommender system, without getting into the algorithms that drive it (which will be covered in subsequent posts).

        The general flow of BCRecommender is fairly simple: crawl publicly-available data from Bandcamp (fan collections and tracks/albums = tralbums), generate recommendations based on this data (static lists of tralbums indexed by fan for personalised recommendations and by tralbum for similarity), and present the recommendations to users in a way that’s easy to browse and explore (since we’re dealing with music it must be playable, which is easy to achieve by embedding Bandcamp’s iframes).

        First iteration: Django & AWS

        The first iteration of the project was implemented as a Django project. Having never built a Django project from scratch, I figured this would be a good way to learn how it’s done properly. One thing I was keen on learning was using the Django ORM with an SQL database (in the past I’ve worked with Django and MongoDB). This ended up working less smoothly than I expected, perhaps because I’m too used to MongoDB, or because SQL forces you to model your data in unnatural ways, or because I insisted on using SQLite for simplicity. Whatever it was, I quickly started missing MongoDB, despite its flaws.

        I chose AWS for hosting because my personal account was under the free tier, and using a micro instance is more than enough for serving a website with no traffic. I considered Google App Engine with its indefinite free tier, but after reading the docs I realised I don’t want to jump through so many hoops to use their system – Google’s free tier was likely to cost too much in pain and time.

        While an AWS micro instance is enough for serving the recommendations, it’s not enough for generating them. Rather than paying Amazon for another instance, I figured that using spare capacity on my own laptop (quad-core with 16GB of RAM) would be good enough. So the backend worker for BCRecommender ended up being a local virtual machine using one core and 4GB of RAM.

        After some coding I had a nice setup in place:

        • AWS webserver running Django with SQLite as the database layer and a simple frontend, styled with Bootstrap
        • Local backend worker running Celery under Supervisor to collect the data (with errors reported to a dedicated Gmail account), Dropbox for backups, and Django management commands to generate the recommendations
        • Code and issue tracker hosted on Bitbucket (which provides free private repositories)
        • Fabric scripts for deployments to the AWS webserver and the local backend worker (including database sync as one big SQLite file)
        • Local virtual machine for development (provisioned with Vagrant)

        This system wasn’t going to scale, but I didn’t care. I just used it to discover new music, and it worked. I didn’t even bother registering a domain name, so it was all running for free.

        Second iteration: “Django” backend & Parse

        A few months ago, Facebook announced that Parse’s free tier will include 30 requests / second. That’s over 2.5 million requests per day, which is quite a lot – probably enough to run the majority of websites on the internet. It seemed too good to be true, so I had to try it myself.

        It took a few hours to convert the Django webserver/frontend code to Parse. This was fairly straightforward, and it had the added advantages of getting rid of some deployment scripts and having a more solid development environment. Parse supplies a command-line tool for deployment that constantly syncs the code to an app that is identical to the production app – much better than the Fabric script I had.

        The disadvantages of the move to Parse were having to rewrite some of the backend in JavaScript (= less readable than Python), and a more complex data sync command (no longer just copying a big SQLite file). However, I would definitely use it for other projects because of the generous free tier, the availability of APIs for all major platforms, and the elimination of most operational concerns.

        Current iteration: Goodbye Django, hello BCRecommender

        With the Django webserver out of the way, there was little use left for Django in the project. It took a few more hours to get rid of it, replacing the management commands with Commandr, and the SQLite database with MongoDB (wrapped with the excellent MongoEngine, which has matured a lot in recent years). MongoDB has become a more natural choice now, since it is the database used by Parse. I expect this setup of a local Python backend and a Parse frontend to work quite well (and remain virtually free) for the foreseeable future.

        The only fixed cost I now have comes from registering the bcrecommender.com domain and managing it with Route 53. This wasn’t required when I was running it only for myself, and I could have just kept it under bcrecommender.parseapp.com, but I think it would be useful for other Bandcamp users. I would also like to use it as a training lab to improve my (poor) marketing skills – not having a dedicated domain just looks bad.

        In summary, it’s definitely possible to build simple projects and host them for free. It also looks like my approach would scale way beyond the current BCRecommender volume. The next post in this series will cover some of the algorithms and general considerations of building the recommender system.


          Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/09/19/bandcamp-recommendation-and-discovery-algorithms/index.html b/2014/09/19/bandcamp-recommendation-and-discovery-algorithms/index.html index 04c1c0899..93e00cfbc 100644 --- a/2014/09/19/bandcamp-recommendation-and-discovery-algorithms/index.html +++ b/2014/09/19/bandcamp-recommendation-and-discovery-algorithms/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Bandcamp recommendation and discovery algorithms | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

          Bandcamp recommendation and discovery algorithms

          This is the third part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out the first part for the general motivation behind this project and the second part for the system architecture.

          The main goal of the BCRecommender project is to help me find music I like. This post discusses the algorithmic approaches I took towards that goal. I’ve kept the descriptions at a fairly high-level, without getting too much into the maths, as all recommendation algorithms essentially try to model simple intuition. Please leave a comment if you feel like something needs to be explained further.

          Data & evaluation approach

          The data was collected from publicly-indexable Bandcamp fan and track/album (aka tralbum) pages. For each fan, it consists of the tralbum IDs they bought or wishlisted. For each tralbum, the saved data includes the type (track/album), URL, title, artist name, and the tags (as assigned by the artist).

          At the moment, I have data for about 160K fans, 335K albums and 170K tracks. These fans have expressed their preference for tralbums through purchasing or wishlisting about 3.4M times. There are about 210K unique tags across the 505K tralbums, with the mean number of tags per tralbum being 7. These figures represent a fairly sparse dataset, which makes recommendation somewhat challenging. Perhaps this is why Bandcamp doesn’t do much algorithmic recommendation.

          Before moving on to describe the recommendation approaches I played with, it is worth noting that at this stage, my way of evaluating the recommendations isn’t very rigorous. If I can easily find new music that I like, I’m happy. As such, offline evaluation approaches (e.g., some form of cross-validation) are unlikely to correlate well with my goal, so I just didn’t bother with them. Having more data would allow me to perform more rigorous online evaluation to see what makes other people happy with the recommendations.

          Personalised recommendations with preferences (collaborative filtering)

          My first crack at recommendation generation was using collaborative filtering. The broad idea behind collaborative filtering is using only the preference matrix to find patterns in the data, and generate recommendations accordingly. The preference matrix is defined to have a row for each user and a column for each item. Each matrix element value indicates the level of preference by the user for the item. To keep things simple, I used unary preference values, where the element that corresponds to user/fan u and item/tralbum i is set to 1 if the fan purchased or wishlisted the tralbum, or set to missing otherwise.

          A simple example for collaborative filtering is in the following image, which was taken from the Wikipedia article on the topic.

          Bandcamp recommendation and discovery algorithms

          This is the third part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out the first part for the general motivation behind this project and the second part for the system architecture.

          The main goal of the BCRecommender project is to help me find music I like. This post discusses the algorithmic approaches I took towards that goal. I’ve kept the descriptions at a fairly high-level, without getting too much into the maths, as all recommendation algorithms essentially try to model simple intuition. Please leave a comment if you feel like something needs to be explained further.

          Data & evaluation approach

          The data was collected from publicly-indexable Bandcamp fan and track/album (aka tralbum) pages. For each fan, it consists of the tralbum IDs they bought or wishlisted. For each tralbum, the saved data includes the type (track/album), URL, title, artist name, and the tags (as assigned by the artist).

          At the moment, I have data for about 160K fans, 335K albums and 170K tracks. These fans have expressed their preference for tralbums through purchasing or wishlisting about 3.4M times. There are about 210K unique tags across the 505K tralbums, with the mean number of tags per tralbum being 7. These figures represent a fairly sparse dataset, which makes recommendation somewhat challenging. Perhaps this is why Bandcamp doesn’t do much algorithmic recommendation.

          Before moving on to describe the recommendation approaches I played with, it is worth noting that at this stage, my way of evaluating the recommendations isn’t very rigorous. If I can easily find new music that I like, I’m happy. As such, offline evaluation approaches (e.g., some form of cross-validation) are unlikely to correlate well with my goal, so I just didn’t bother with them. Having more data would allow me to perform more rigorous online evaluation to see what makes other people happy with the recommendations.

          Personalised recommendations with preferences (collaborative filtering)

          My first crack at recommendation generation was using collaborative filtering. The broad idea behind collaborative filtering is using only the preference matrix to find patterns in the data, and generate recommendations accordingly. The preference matrix is defined to have a row for each user and a column for each item. Each matrix element value indicates the level of preference by the user for the item. To keep things simple, I used unary preference values, where the element that corresponds to user/fan u and item/tralbum i is set to 1 if the fan purchased or wishlisted the tralbum, or set to missing otherwise.

          A simple example for collaborative filtering is in the following image, which was taken from the Wikipedia article on the topic.

          A simple collaborative filtering example

          I used matrix factorisation as the collaborative filtering algorithm. This algorithm was a key part of the winning team’s solution to the Netflix competition. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t work that well. The key issue is that there are 160K * (335K + 170K) = 80.8B possible preferences in the dataset, but only 3.4M (0.004%) preferences are given. What matrix factorisation tries to do is to predict the remaining 99.996% of preferences based on the tiny percentage of given data. This just didn’t yield any music recommendations I liked, even when I made the matrix denser by dropping fans and tralbums with few preferences. Therefore, I moved on to employing an algorithm that can use more data – the tags.

          Personalised recommendations with tags and preferences (collaborative filtering and content-based hybrid)

          Using data about the items is referred to as content-based recommendation in the literature. In the Bandcamp recommender case, the content data that is most easy to use is the tags that artists assign to their work. The idea is to build a profile for each fan based on tags for their tralbums, and recommend tralbums with tags that match the fan’s profile.

          As mentioned above, the dataset contains 210K unique tags for 505K tralbums, which means that this representation of the dataset is also rather sparse. One obvious way of making it denser is by dropping rare tags. I also “tagged” each tralbum with a fan’s username if that fan purchased or wishlisted the tralbum. In addition to yielding a richer tralbum representation, this approach makes the recommendations likely to be less obvious than those based only on tags. For example, all tralbums tagged with rock are likely to be rock albums, but tralbums tagged with yanir are somewhat more varied.

          To make the tralbum representation denser I used the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) implementation from the excellent gensim library. LDA assumes that there’s a fixed number of topics (distributions over tags, i.e., weighted lists of tags), and that every tralbum’s tags are generated from its topics. In practice, this magically yields clusters of tags and tralbums that can be used to generate recommendations. For example, the following word cloud presents the top tags in one cluster, which is focused on psychedelic-progressive rock. Each tralbum is assigned a probability of being generated from this cluster. This means that each tralbum is now represented as a probability distribution over a fixed number of topics – much denser than the raw tag data.

          Applying the Traction Book’s Bullseye framework to BCRecommender | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

          Applying the Traction Book’s Bullseye framework to BCRecommender

          This is the fourth part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out previous posts on the general motivation behind this project, the system's architecture, and the recommendation algorithms.

          Having used BCRecommender to find music I like, I’m certain that other Bandcamp fans would like it too. It could probably be extended to attract a wider audience of music lovers, but for now, just getting feedback from Bandcamp fans would be enough. There are about 200,000 fans that I know of – getting even a fraction of them to use and comment on BCRecommender would serve as a good guide to what’s worth building and improving.

          In addition to getting feedback, the personal value for me in getting BCRecommender users is learning some general lessons on traction building. Like many technical people, I like building products and playing with data, but I don’t really enjoy sales and marketing (and that’s an understatement). One of my goals in working independently is forcing myself to get better at the things I’m not good at. To that end, I recently started reading Traction: A Startup Guide to Getting Customers by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares.

          The Traction book identifies 19 different channels for getting traction, and suggests a simple framework (named Bullseye) to ranking and quickly exploring the channels. They explain that many technical founders tend to focus on traction channels they’re familiar with, and that the effort invested in those channels tends to be rather small compared to the investment in building the product. The authors rightly note that “Almost every failed startup has a product. What failed startups don’t have is traction – real customer growth.” They argue that following a rigorous approach to gaining traction via their framework is likely to improve a startup’s chances of success. From personal experience, this is very likely to be true.

          The key steps in the Bullseye framework are brainstorming ideas for each traction channel, ranking the channels into tiers, prioritising the most promising ones, testing them, and focusing on the channels that work. This is not a one-off process – channel suitability changes over time, and one needs to go through the process repeatedly as the product evolves and traction grows.

          Here are the traction channels, ordered in the same order as in the book. Each traction channel is marked with a letter denoting its ranking tier from A (most appropriate) to C (unsuitable right now). A short explanation is provided for each channel.

          • [B] viral marketing: everyone wants to go viral, but at the moment I don’t have a good-enough understanding of my target audience to seriously pursue this channel.
          • [C] public relations (PR): I don’t think that PR would give me access to the kind of focused user group I need at this phase.
          • [C] unconventional PR: same as conventional PR.
          • [C] search engine marketing (SEM): may work, but I don’t want to spend money at this stage.
          • [C] social and display ads: see SEM.
          • [C] offline ads: see SEM.
          • [A] search engine optimization (SEO): this channel seems promising, as ranking highly for queries such as “bandcamp recommendations” should drive quality traffic that is likely to convert (i.e., play recommendations and sign up for updates). It doesn’t seem like “bandcamp recommendations” is a very competitive query, so it’s definitely worth doing some SEO work.
          • [A] content marketing: I think that there’s definitely potential in this channel, since I have a lot of data that can be explored and presented in interesting ways. The problem is creating content that is compelling enough to attract people. I started playing with this channel via the Spotlights feature, but it’s not good enough yet.
          • [B] email marketing: BCRecommender already has the subscription feature for retention. At this stage, this doesn’t seem like a viable acquisition channel.
          • [B] engineering as marketing: this channel sounds promising, but I don’t have good ideas for it at the moment. This may change soon, as I’m currently reading this chapter.
          • [A] targeting blogs: this approach should work for getting high-quality feedback, and help SEO as well.
          • [C] business development: there may be some promising ideas in this channel, but only worth pursuing later.
          • [C] sales: not much to sell.
          • [C] affiliate programs: I’m not going to pay affiliates as I’m not making any money.
          • [B] existing platforms: in a way, I’m already building on top of the existing Bandcamp platform. One way of utilising it for growth is by getting fans to link to BCRecommender when it leads to sales (as I’ve done on my fan page), but that would be more feasible at a later stage with more active users.
          • [C] trade shows: I find it hard to think of trade shows where there are many Bandcamp fans.
          • [C] offline events: probably easier than trade shows (think concerts/indie events), but doesn’t seem worth pursuing at this stage.
          • [C] speaking engagements: similar to offline events. I do speaking engagements, and I’m actually going to mention BCRecommender as a case study at my workshop this week, but the intersection between Bandcamp fans and people interested in data science seems rather small.
          • [C] community building: this may be possible later on, when there is a core group of loyal users. However, some aspects of community building are provided by Bandcamp and I don’t want to compete with them.

          Cool, writing everything up explicitly was actually helpful! The next step is to test the three channels that ranked the highest: SEO, content marketing and targeting blogs. I will report the results in future posts.

          Subscribe +

          Applying the Traction Book’s Bullseye framework to BCRecommender

          This is the fourth part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out previous posts on the general motivation behind this project, the system's architecture, and the recommendation algorithms.

          Having used BCRecommender to find music I like, I’m certain that other Bandcamp fans would like it too. It could probably be extended to attract a wider audience of music lovers, but for now, just getting feedback from Bandcamp fans would be enough. There are about 200,000 fans that I know of – getting even a fraction of them to use and comment on BCRecommender would serve as a good guide to what’s worth building and improving.

          In addition to getting feedback, the personal value for me in getting BCRecommender users is learning some general lessons on traction building. Like many technical people, I like building products and playing with data, but I don’t really enjoy sales and marketing (and that’s an understatement). One of my goals in working independently is forcing myself to get better at the things I’m not good at. To that end, I recently started reading Traction: A Startup Guide to Getting Customers by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares.

          The Traction book identifies 19 different channels for getting traction, and suggests a simple framework (named Bullseye) to ranking and quickly exploring the channels. They explain that many technical founders tend to focus on traction channels they’re familiar with, and that the effort invested in those channels tends to be rather small compared to the investment in building the product. The authors rightly note that “Almost every failed startup has a product. What failed startups don’t have is traction – real customer growth.” They argue that following a rigorous approach to gaining traction via their framework is likely to improve a startup’s chances of success. From personal experience, this is very likely to be true.

          The key steps in the Bullseye framework are brainstorming ideas for each traction channel, ranking the channels into tiers, prioritising the most promising ones, testing them, and focusing on the channels that work. This is not a one-off process – channel suitability changes over time, and one needs to go through the process repeatedly as the product evolves and traction grows.

          Here are the traction channels, ordered in the same order as in the book. Each traction channel is marked with a letter denoting its ranking tier from A (most appropriate) to C (unsuitable right now). A short explanation is provided for each channel.

          • [B] viral marketing: everyone wants to go viral, but at the moment I don’t have a good-enough understanding of my target audience to seriously pursue this channel.
          • [C] public relations (PR): I don’t think that PR would give me access to the kind of focused user group I need at this phase.
          • [C] unconventional PR: same as conventional PR.
          • [C] search engine marketing (SEM): may work, but I don’t want to spend money at this stage.
          • [C] social and display ads: see SEM.
          • [C] offline ads: see SEM.
          • [A] search engine optimization (SEO): this channel seems promising, as ranking highly for queries such as “bandcamp recommendations” should drive quality traffic that is likely to convert (i.e., play recommendations and sign up for updates). It doesn’t seem like “bandcamp recommendations” is a very competitive query, so it’s definitely worth doing some SEO work.
          • [A] content marketing: I think that there’s definitely potential in this channel, since I have a lot of data that can be explored and presented in interesting ways. The problem is creating content that is compelling enough to attract people. I started playing with this channel via the Spotlights feature, but it’s not good enough yet.
          • [B] email marketing: BCRecommender already has the subscription feature for retention. At this stage, this doesn’t seem like a viable acquisition channel.
          • [B] engineering as marketing: this channel sounds promising, but I don’t have good ideas for it at the moment. This may change soon, as I’m currently reading this chapter.
          • [A] targeting blogs: this approach should work for getting high-quality feedback, and help SEO as well.
          • [C] business development: there may be some promising ideas in this channel, but only worth pursuing later.
          • [C] sales: not much to sell.
          • [C] affiliate programs: I’m not going to pay affiliates as I’m not making any money.
          • [B] existing platforms: in a way, I’m already building on top of the existing Bandcamp platform. One way of utilising it for growth is by getting fans to link to BCRecommender when it leads to sales (as I’ve done on my fan page), but that would be more feasible at a later stage with more active users.
          • [C] trade shows: I find it hard to think of trade shows where there are many Bandcamp fans.
          • [C] offline events: probably easier than trade shows (think concerts/indie events), but doesn’t seem worth pursuing at this stage.
          • [C] speaking engagements: similar to offline events. I do speaking engagements, and I’m actually going to mention BCRecommender as a case study at my workshop this week, but the intersection between Bandcamp fans and people interested in data science seems rather small.
          • [C] community building: this may be possible later on, when there is a core group of loyal users. However, some aspects of community building are provided by Bandcamp and I don’t want to compete with them.

          Cool, writing everything up explicitly was actually helpful! The next step is to test the three channels that ranked the highest: SEO, content marketing and targeting blogs. I will report the results in future posts.


            Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/10/07/greek-media-monitoring-kaggle-competition-my-approach/index.html b/2014/10/07/greek-media-monitoring-kaggle-competition-my-approach/index.html index ba1cdf728..acbe277c4 100644 --- a/2014/10/07/greek-media-monitoring-kaggle-competition-my-approach/index.html +++ b/2014/10/07/greek-media-monitoring-kaggle-competition-my-approach/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Greek Media Monitoring Kaggle competition: My approach | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

            Greek Media Monitoring Kaggle competition: My approach

            A few months ago I participated in the Kaggle Greek Media Monitoring competition. The goal of the competition was doing multilabel classification of texts scanned from Greek print media. Despite not having much time due to travelling and other commitments, I managed to finish 6th (out of 120 teams). This post describes my approach to the problem.

            Data & evaluation

            The data consists of articles scanned from Greek print media in May-September 2013. Due to copyright issues, the organisers didn’t make the original articles available – competitors only had access to normalised tf-idf representations of the texts. This limited the options for doing feature engineering and made it impossible to consider things like word order, but it made things somewhat simpler as the focus was on modelling due to inability to extract interesting features.

            Overall, there are about 65K texts in the training set and 35K in the test set, where the split is based on chronological ordering (i.e., the training articles were published before the test articles). Each article was manually labelled with one or more labels out of a set of 203 labels. For each test article, the goal is to infer its set of labels. Submissions were ranked using the mean F1 score.

            Despite being manually annotated, the data isn’t very clean. Issues include identical texts that have different labels, empty articles, and articles with very few words. For example, the training set includes ten “articles” with a single word. Five of these articles have the word 68839, but each of these five was given a different label. Such issues are not unusual in Kaggle competitions or in real life, but they do limit the general usefulness of the results since any model built on this data would fit some noise.

            Local validation setup

            As mentioned in previous posts (How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions and Kaggle beginner tips) having a solid local validation setup is very important. It ensures you don’t waste time on weak submissions, increases confidence in the models, and avoids leaking information about how well you’re doing.

            I used the first 35K training texts for local training and the following 30K texts for validation. While the article publication dates weren’t provided, I hoped that this would mimic the competition setup, where the test dataset consists of articles that were published after the articles in the training dataset. This seemed to work, as my local results were consistent with the leaderboard results. I’m pleased to report that this setup allowed me to have the lowest number of submissions of all the top-10 teams 🙂

            Things that worked

            I originally wanted to use this competition to play with deep learning through Python packages such as Theano and PyLearn2. However, as this was the first time I worked on a multilabel classification problem, I got sucked into reading a lot of papers on the topic and never got around to doing deep learning. Maybe next time…

            One of my key discoveries was that there if you define a graph where the vertices are labels and there’s an edge between two labels if they appear together in a document’s label set, then there are two main connected components of labels and several small ones with single labels (see figure below). It is possible to train a linear classifier that distinguishes between the components with very high accuracy (over 99%). This allowed me to improve performance by training different classifiers on each connected component.

            Greek Media Monitoring Kaggle competition: My approach

            A few months ago I participated in the Kaggle Greek Media Monitoring competition. The goal of the competition was doing multilabel classification of texts scanned from Greek print media. Despite not having much time due to travelling and other commitments, I managed to finish 6th (out of 120 teams). This post describes my approach to the problem.

            Data & evaluation

            The data consists of articles scanned from Greek print media in May-September 2013. Due to copyright issues, the organisers didn’t make the original articles available – competitors only had access to normalised tf-idf representations of the texts. This limited the options for doing feature engineering and made it impossible to consider things like word order, but it made things somewhat simpler as the focus was on modelling due to inability to extract interesting features.

            Overall, there are about 65K texts in the training set and 35K in the test set, where the split is based on chronological ordering (i.e., the training articles were published before the test articles). Each article was manually labelled with one or more labels out of a set of 203 labels. For each test article, the goal is to infer its set of labels. Submissions were ranked using the mean F1 score.

            Despite being manually annotated, the data isn’t very clean. Issues include identical texts that have different labels, empty articles, and articles with very few words. For example, the training set includes ten “articles” with a single word. Five of these articles have the word 68839, but each of these five was given a different label. Such issues are not unusual in Kaggle competitions or in real life, but they do limit the general usefulness of the results since any model built on this data would fit some noise.

            Local validation setup

            As mentioned in previous posts (How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions and Kaggle beginner tips) having a solid local validation setup is very important. It ensures you don’t waste time on weak submissions, increases confidence in the models, and avoids leaking information about how well you’re doing.

            I used the first 35K training texts for local training and the following 30K texts for validation. While the article publication dates weren’t provided, I hoped that this would mimic the competition setup, where the test dataset consists of articles that were published after the articles in the training dataset. This seemed to work, as my local results were consistent with the leaderboard results. I’m pleased to report that this setup allowed me to have the lowest number of submissions of all the top-10 teams 🙂

            Things that worked

            I originally wanted to use this competition to play with deep learning through Python packages such as Theano and PyLearn2. However, as this was the first time I worked on a multilabel classification problem, I got sucked into reading a lot of papers on the topic and never got around to doing deep learning. Maybe next time…

            One of my key discoveries was that there if you define a graph where the vertices are labels and there’s an edge between two labels if they appear together in a document’s label set, then there are two main connected components of labels and several small ones with single labels (see figure below). It is possible to train a linear classifier that distinguishes between the components with very high accuracy (over 99%). This allowed me to improve performance by training different classifiers on each connected component.

            What is data science? | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

            What is data science?

            Data science has been a hot term in the past few years. Despite this fact (or perhaps because of it), it still seems like there isn't a single unifying definition of data science. This post discusses my favourite definition.

            Data Scientist (n.): Person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician.

            — Josh Wills (@josh_wills) May 3, 2012

            One of my reasons for doing a PhD was wanting to do something more interesting than “vanilla” software engineering. When I was in the final stages of my PhD, I started going to meetups to see what’s changed in the world outside academia. Back then, I defined myself as a “software engineer with a research background”, which didn’t mean much to most people. My first post-PhD job ended up being a data scientist at a small startup. As soon as I changed my LinkedIn title to Data Scientist, many offers started flowing. This is probably the reason why so many people call themselves data scientists these days, often diluting the term to a point where it’s so broad it becomes meaningless. This post presents my preferred data science definitions and my opinions on who should or shouldn’t call themselves a data scientist.

            Defining data science

            I really like the definition quoted above, of data science as the intersection of software engineering and statistics. Ofer Mendelevitch goes into more detail, drawing a continuum of professions that ranges from software engineer on the left to pure statistician (or machine learning researcher) on the right.

            What is data science?

            Data science has been a hot term in the past few years. Despite this fact (or perhaps because of it), it still seems like there isn't a single unifying definition of data science. This post discusses my favourite definition.

            Data Scientist (n.): Person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician.

            — Josh Wills (@josh_wills) May 3, 2012

            One of my reasons for doing a PhD was wanting to do something more interesting than “vanilla” software engineering. When I was in the final stages of my PhD, I started going to meetups to see what’s changed in the world outside academia. Back then, I defined myself as a “software engineer with a research background”, which didn’t mean much to most people. My first post-PhD job ended up being a data scientist at a small startup. As soon as I changed my LinkedIn title to Data Scientist, many offers started flowing. This is probably the reason why so many people call themselves data scientists these days, often diluting the term to a point where it’s so broad it becomes meaningless. This post presents my preferred data science definitions and my opinions on who should or shouldn’t call themselves a data scientist.

            Defining data science

            I really like the definition quoted above, of data science as the intersection of software engineering and statistics. Ofer Mendelevitch goes into more detail, drawing a continuum of professions that ranges from software engineer on the left to pure statistician (or machine learning researcher) on the right.

            BCRecommender Traction Update | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

            BCRecommender Traction Update

            This is the fifth part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out previous posts on the general motivation behind this project, the system’s architecture, the recommendation algorithms, and initial traction planning.

            In a previous post, I discussed my plans to apply the Bullseye framework from the Traction Book to BCRecommender, my Bandcamp recommendations project. In that post, I reviewed the 19 traction channels described in the book, and decided to focus on the three most promising ones: blogger outreach, search engine optimisation (SEO), and content marketing. This post discusses my progress to date.


            My initial traction goals were rather modest: get some feedback from real people, build up steady nonzero traffic to the site, and then increase that traffic to 10+ unique visitors per day. It’s worth noting that I have four other main areas of focus at the moment, so BCRecommender is not getting all the attention I could potentially give it. Nonetheless, I have made good progress on achieving my goals (first two have been obtained, but traffic still fluctuates), and learnt a lot in the process.

            Things that worked

            Blogger outreach. The most obvious people to contact are existing Bandcamp fans. It was straightforward to generate a list of prolific fans with blogs, as Bandcamp allows people to populate their profile with a short bio and links to their sites. I worked my way through part of the list, sending each fan an email introducing BCRecommender and asking for their feedback. Each email required some manual work, as the vast majority of people don’t have their email address listed on their Bandcamp profile page. I was careful not to be too spammy, which seemed to work: about 50% of the people I contacted visited BCRecommender, 20% responded with positive feedback, and 10% linked to BCRecommender in some form, with the largest volume of traffic coming from my Hypebot guest post. The problem with this approach is that it doesn’t scale, but the most valuable thing I got out of it was that people like the project and that there’s a real need for it.

            Twitter. I’m not sure where Twitter falls as a traction channel. It’s probably somewhere between (micro)blogger outreach and content marketing. However you categorise Twitter, it has been working well as a source of traffic. Simply finding people who may be interested in BCRecommender and tweeting related content has proven to be a rather low-effort way of getting attention, which is great at this stage. I have a few ideas for driving more traffic from Twitter, which I will try as I go.

            Things that didn’t work

            Content marketing. I haven’t really spent time doing serious content marketing apart from the Spotlights pilot. My vision for the spotlights was to generate quality articles automatically and showcase music on Bandcamp in an engaging way that helps people discover new artists, even if they don’t have a fan account. However, full automation of the spotlight feature would require a lot of work, and I think that there are lower-hanging fruits that I should focus on first. For example, finding interesting insights in the data and presenting them in an engaging way may be a better content strategy, as it would be unique to BCRecommender. For the spotlights, partnering with bloggers to write the articles may be a better approach than automation.

            SEO. I expected BCRecommender to rank higher for “bandcamp recommendations” by now, as a result of my blogger outreach efforts. At the moment, it’s still on the second page for this query on Google, though it’s the first result on Bing and DuckDuckGo. Obviously, “bandcamp recommendations” is not the only query worth ranking for, but it’s very relevant to BCRecommender, and not too competitive (half of the first page results are old forum posts). One encouraging outcome from the work done so far is that my Hypebot guest post does appear on the first page. Nonetheless, I’m still interested in getting more search engine traffic. Ranking higher would probably require adding more relevant content on the site and getting more quality links (basically what SEO is all about).

            Points to improve and next steps

            I could definitely do better work on all of the above channels. Contrary to what’s suggested by the Bullseye framework, I would like to put more effort into the channels that didn’t work well. The reason is that I think they didn’t work well because of lack of attention and weak experiments, rather than due to their unsuitability to BCRecommender.

            As mentioned above, my main limiting factor is a lack of time to spend on the project. However, there’s no pressing need to hit certain traction milestones by a specific deadline. My stretch goals are to get all Bandcamp fans to check out the project (hundreds of thousands of people), and have a significant portion of them convert by signing up to updates (tens of thousands of people). Getting there will take time. So far I’m finding the process educational and enjoyable, which is a pleasant surprise.

            Subscribe +

            BCRecommender Traction Update

            This is the fifth part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out previous posts on the general motivation behind this project, the system’s architecture, the recommendation algorithms, and initial traction planning.

            In a previous post, I discussed my plans to apply the Bullseye framework from the Traction Book to BCRecommender, my Bandcamp recommendations project. In that post, I reviewed the 19 traction channels described in the book, and decided to focus on the three most promising ones: blogger outreach, search engine optimisation (SEO), and content marketing. This post discusses my progress to date.


            My initial traction goals were rather modest: get some feedback from real people, build up steady nonzero traffic to the site, and then increase that traffic to 10+ unique visitors per day. It’s worth noting that I have four other main areas of focus at the moment, so BCRecommender is not getting all the attention I could potentially give it. Nonetheless, I have made good progress on achieving my goals (first two have been obtained, but traffic still fluctuates), and learnt a lot in the process.

            Things that worked

            Blogger outreach. The most obvious people to contact are existing Bandcamp fans. It was straightforward to generate a list of prolific fans with blogs, as Bandcamp allows people to populate their profile with a short bio and links to their sites. I worked my way through part of the list, sending each fan an email introducing BCRecommender and asking for their feedback. Each email required some manual work, as the vast majority of people don’t have their email address listed on their Bandcamp profile page. I was careful not to be too spammy, which seemed to work: about 50% of the people I contacted visited BCRecommender, 20% responded with positive feedback, and 10% linked to BCRecommender in some form, with the largest volume of traffic coming from my Hypebot guest post. The problem with this approach is that it doesn’t scale, but the most valuable thing I got out of it was that people like the project and that there’s a real need for it.

            Twitter. I’m not sure where Twitter falls as a traction channel. It’s probably somewhere between (micro)blogger outreach and content marketing. However you categorise Twitter, it has been working well as a source of traffic. Simply finding people who may be interested in BCRecommender and tweeting related content has proven to be a rather low-effort way of getting attention, which is great at this stage. I have a few ideas for driving more traffic from Twitter, which I will try as I go.

            Things that didn’t work

            Content marketing. I haven’t really spent time doing serious content marketing apart from the Spotlights pilot. My vision for the spotlights was to generate quality articles automatically and showcase music on Bandcamp in an engaging way that helps people discover new artists, even if they don’t have a fan account. However, full automation of the spotlight feature would require a lot of work, and I think that there are lower-hanging fruits that I should focus on first. For example, finding interesting insights in the data and presenting them in an engaging way may be a better content strategy, as it would be unique to BCRecommender. For the spotlights, partnering with bloggers to write the articles may be a better approach than automation.

            SEO. I expected BCRecommender to rank higher for “bandcamp recommendations” by now, as a result of my blogger outreach efforts. At the moment, it’s still on the second page for this query on Google, though it’s the first result on Bing and DuckDuckGo. Obviously, “bandcamp recommendations” is not the only query worth ranking for, but it’s very relevant to BCRecommender, and not too competitive (half of the first page results are old forum posts). One encouraging outcome from the work done so far is that my Hypebot guest post does appear on the first page. Nonetheless, I’m still interested in getting more search engine traffic. Ranking higher would probably require adding more relevant content on the site and getting more quality links (basically what SEO is all about).

            Points to improve and next steps

            I could definitely do better work on all of the above channels. Contrary to what’s suggested by the Bullseye framework, I would like to put more effort into the channels that didn’t work well. The reason is that I think they didn’t work well because of lack of attention and weak experiments, rather than due to their unsuitability to BCRecommender.

            As mentioned above, my main limiting factor is a lack of time to spend on the project. However, there’s no pressing need to hit certain traction milestones by a specific deadline. My stretch goals are to get all Bandcamp fans to check out the project (hundreds of thousands of people), and have a significant portion of them convert by signing up to updates (tens of thousands of people). Getting there will take time. So far I’m finding the process educational and enjoyable, which is a pleasant surprise.


              Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/11/19/fitting-noise-forecasting-the-sale-price-of-bulldozers-kaggle-competition-summary/index.html b/2014/11/19/fitting-noise-forecasting-the-sale-price-of-bulldozers-kaggle-competition-summary/index.html index 7914f43bd..8bb8bb3e1 100644 --- a/2014/11/19/fitting-noise-forecasting-the-sale-price-of-bulldozers-kaggle-competition-summary/index.html +++ b/2014/11/19/fitting-noise-forecasting-the-sale-price-of-bulldozers-kaggle-competition-summary/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Fitting noise: Forecasting the sale price of bulldozers (Kaggle competition summary) | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

              Fitting noise: Forecasting the sale price of bulldozers (Kaggle competition summary)

              Messy data, buggy software, but all in all a good learning experience...

              Early last year, I had some free time on my hands, so I decided to participate in yet another Kaggle competition. Having never done any price forecasting work before, I thought it would be interesting to work on the Blue Book for Bulldozers competition, where the goal was to predict the sale price of auctioned bulldozers. I’ve done alright, finishing 9th out of 476 teams. And the experience did turn out to be interesting, but not for the reasons I expected.

              Data and evaluation

              The competition dataset consists of about 425K historical records of bulldozer sales. The training subset consists of sales from the 1990s through to the end of 2011, with the validation and testing periods being January-April 2012 and May-November 2012 respectively. The goal is to predict the sale price of each bulldozer, given the sale date and venue, and the bulldozer’s features (e.g., model ID, mechanical specifications, and machine-specific data such as machine ID and manufacturing year). Submissions were scored using the RMSLE measure.

              Early in the competition (before I joined), there were many posts in the forum regarding issues with the data. The organisers responded by posting an appendix to the data, which included the “correct” information. From people’s posts after the competition ended, it seems like using the “correct” data consistently made the results worse. Luckily, I discovered this about a week before the competition ended. Reducing my reliance on the appendix made a huge difference in the performance of my models. This discovery was thanks to a forum post, which illustrates the general point on the importance of monitoring the forum in Kaggle competitions.

              My approach: feature engineering, data splitting, and stochastic gradient boosting

              Having read the forum discussions on data quality, I assumed that spending time on data cleanup and feature engineering would give me an edge over competitors who focused only on data modelling. It’s well-known that simple models fitted on more/better data tend to yield better results than complex models fitted on less/messy data (aka GIGO – garbage in, garbage out). However, doing data cleaning and feature engineering is less glamorous than building sophisticated models, which is why many people avoid the former.

              Sadly, the data was incredibly messy, so most of my cleanup efforts resulted in no improvements. Even intuitive modifications yielded poor results, like transforming each bulldozer’s manufacturing year into its age at the time of sale. Essentially, to do well in this competition, one had to fit the noise rather than remove it. This was rather disappointing, as one of the nice things about Kaggle competitions is being able to work on relatively clean data. Anomalies in data included bulldozers that have been running for hundreds of years and machines that got sold years before they were manufactured (impossible for second-hand bulldozers!). It is obvious that Fast Iron (the company who sponsored the competition) would have obtained more usable models from this competition if they had spent more time cleaning up the data themselves.

              Throughout the competition I went through several iterations of modelling and data cleaning. My final submission ended up being a linear combination of four models:

              • Gradient boosting machine (GBM) regression on the full dataset
              • A linear model on the full dataset
              • An ensemble of GBMs, one for each product group (rationale: different product groups represent different bulldozer classes, like track excavators and motor graders, so their prices are not really comparable)
              • A similar ensemble, where each product group and sale year has a separate GBM, and earlier years get lower weight than more recent years

              I ended up discarding old training data (before 2000) and the machine IDs (another surprise: even though some machines were sold multiple times, this information was useless). For the GBMs, I treated categorical features as ordinal, which sort of makes sense for many of the features (e.g., model series values are ordered). For the linear model, I just coded them as binary indicators.

              The most important discovery: stochastic gradient boosting bugs

              This was the first time I used gradient boosting. Since I was using so many different models, it was hard to reliably tune the number of trees, so I figured I’d use stochastic gradient boosting and rely on out-of-bag (OOB) samples to set the number of trees. This led to me finding a bug in scikit-learn: the OOB scores were actually calculated on in-bag samples.

              I reported the issue to the maintainers of scikit-learn and made an attempt at fixing it by skipping trees to obtain the OOB samples. This yielded better results than the buggy version, and in some cases I replaced a plain GBM with an ensemble of four stochastic GBMs with subsample ratio of 0.5 and a different random seed for each one (averaging their outputs).

              This wasn’t enough to convince the maintainers of scikit-learn to accept the pull request with my fix, as they didn’t like my idea of skipping trees. This is for a good reason — obtaining better results on a single dataset should be insufficient to convince anyone. They ended up fixing the issue by copying the implementation from R’s GBM package, which is known to underestimate the number of required trees/boosting iterations (see Section 3.3 in the GBM guide).

              Recently, I had some time to test my tree skipping idea on the toy dataset used in the scikit-learn documentation. As the following figure shows, a smoothed variant of my tree skipping idea (TSO in the figure) yields superior results to the scikit-learn/R approach (SKO in the figure). The actual loss doesn’t matter — what matters is where it’s minimised. In this case TSO obtains the closest approximation of the number of iterations to the value that minimises the test error, which is a promising result.

              Fitting noise: Forecasting the sale price of bulldozers (Kaggle competition summary)

              Messy data, buggy software, but all in all a good learning experience...

              Early last year, I had some free time on my hands, so I decided to participate in yet another Kaggle competition. Having never done any price forecasting work before, I thought it would be interesting to work on the Blue Book for Bulldozers competition, where the goal was to predict the sale price of auctioned bulldozers. I’ve done alright, finishing 9th out of 476 teams. And the experience did turn out to be interesting, but not for the reasons I expected.

              Data and evaluation

              The competition dataset consists of about 425K historical records of bulldozer sales. The training subset consists of sales from the 1990s through to the end of 2011, with the validation and testing periods being January-April 2012 and May-November 2012 respectively. The goal is to predict the sale price of each bulldozer, given the sale date and venue, and the bulldozer’s features (e.g., model ID, mechanical specifications, and machine-specific data such as machine ID and manufacturing year). Submissions were scored using the RMSLE measure.

              Early in the competition (before I joined), there were many posts in the forum regarding issues with the data. The organisers responded by posting an appendix to the data, which included the “correct” information. From people’s posts after the competition ended, it seems like using the “correct” data consistently made the results worse. Luckily, I discovered this about a week before the competition ended. Reducing my reliance on the appendix made a huge difference in the performance of my models. This discovery was thanks to a forum post, which illustrates the general point on the importance of monitoring the forum in Kaggle competitions.

              My approach: feature engineering, data splitting, and stochastic gradient boosting

              Having read the forum discussions on data quality, I assumed that spending time on data cleanup and feature engineering would give me an edge over competitors who focused only on data modelling. It’s well-known that simple models fitted on more/better data tend to yield better results than complex models fitted on less/messy data (aka GIGO – garbage in, garbage out). However, doing data cleaning and feature engineering is less glamorous than building sophisticated models, which is why many people avoid the former.

              Sadly, the data was incredibly messy, so most of my cleanup efforts resulted in no improvements. Even intuitive modifications yielded poor results, like transforming each bulldozer’s manufacturing year into its age at the time of sale. Essentially, to do well in this competition, one had to fit the noise rather than remove it. This was rather disappointing, as one of the nice things about Kaggle competitions is being able to work on relatively clean data. Anomalies in data included bulldozers that have been running for hundreds of years and machines that got sold years before they were manufactured (impossible for second-hand bulldozers!). It is obvious that Fast Iron (the company who sponsored the competition) would have obtained more usable models from this competition if they had spent more time cleaning up the data themselves.

              Throughout the competition I went through several iterations of modelling and data cleaning. My final submission ended up being a linear combination of four models:

              • Gradient boosting machine (GBM) regression on the full dataset
              • A linear model on the full dataset
              • An ensemble of GBMs, one for each product group (rationale: different product groups represent different bulldozer classes, like track excavators and motor graders, so their prices are not really comparable)
              • A similar ensemble, where each product group and sale year has a separate GBM, and earlier years get lower weight than more recent years

              I ended up discarding old training data (before 2000) and the machine IDs (another surprise: even though some machines were sold multiple times, this information was useless). For the GBMs, I treated categorical features as ordinal, which sort of makes sense for many of the features (e.g., model series values are ordered). For the linear model, I just coded them as binary indicators.

              The most important discovery: stochastic gradient boosting bugs

              This was the first time I used gradient boosting. Since I was using so many different models, it was hard to reliably tune the number of trees, so I figured I’d use stochastic gradient boosting and rely on out-of-bag (OOB) samples to set the number of trees. This led to me finding a bug in scikit-learn: the OOB scores were actually calculated on in-bag samples.

              I reported the issue to the maintainers of scikit-learn and made an attempt at fixing it by skipping trees to obtain the OOB samples. This yielded better results than the buggy version, and in some cases I replaced a plain GBM with an ensemble of four stochastic GBMs with subsample ratio of 0.5 and a different random seed for each one (averaging their outputs).

              This wasn’t enough to convince the maintainers of scikit-learn to accept the pull request with my fix, as they didn’t like my idea of skipping trees. This is for a good reason — obtaining better results on a single dataset should be insufficient to convince anyone. They ended up fixing the issue by copying the implementation from R’s GBM package, which is known to underestimate the number of required trees/boosting iterations (see Section 3.3 in the GBM guide).

              Recently, I had some time to test my tree skipping idea on the toy dataset used in the scikit-learn documentation. As the following figure shows, a smoothed variant of my tree skipping idea (TSO in the figure) yields superior results to the scikit-learn/R approach (SKO in the figure). The actual loss doesn’t matter — what matters is where it’s minimised. In this case TSO obtains the closest approximation of the number of iterations to the value that minimises the test error, which is a promising result.

              SEO: Mostly about showing up? | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

              SEO: Mostly about showing up?

              In previous posts about getting traction for my Bandcamp recommendations project (BCRecommender), I mentioned search engine optimisation (SEO) as one of the promising traction channels. Unfortunately, early efforts yielded negligible traffic – most new visitors came from referrals from blogs and Twitter. It turns out that the problem was not showing up for the SEO game: most of BCRecommender’s pages were blocked for crawling via robots.txt because I was worried that search engines (=Google) would penalise the website for thin/duplicate content.

              Recently, I beefed up most of the pages, created a sitemap, and removed most pages from robots.txt. This resulted in a significant increase in traffic, as illustrated by the above graph. The number of organic impressions went up from less than ten per day to over a thousand. This is expected to go up even further, as only about 10% of pages are indexed. In addition, some traffic went to my staging site because it wasn’t blocked from crawling (I had to set up a new staging site that is password-protected and add a redirect from the old site to the production site – a bit annoying but I couldn’t find a better solution).

              I hope Google won’t suddenly decide that BCRecommender content is not valuable or too thin. The content is automatically generated, which is “bad”, but it doesn’t “consist of paragraphs of random text that make no sense to the reader but which may contain search keywords”. As a (completely unbiased) user, I think it is valuable to find similar albums when searching for an album you like – an example that represents the majority of people that click through to BCRecommender. Judging from the main engagement measure I’m using (time spent on site), a good number of these people are happy with what they find.

              More updates to come in the future. For now, my conclusion is: thin content is better than no content, as long as it’s relevant to what people are searching for and provides real value.

              Subscribe +

              SEO: Mostly about showing up?

              In previous posts about getting traction for my Bandcamp recommendations project (BCRecommender), I mentioned search engine optimisation (SEO) as one of the promising traction channels. Unfortunately, early efforts yielded negligible traffic – most new visitors came from referrals from blogs and Twitter. It turns out that the problem was not showing up for the SEO game: most of BCRecommender’s pages were blocked for crawling via robots.txt because I was worried that search engines (=Google) would penalise the website for thin/duplicate content.

              Recently, I beefed up most of the pages, created a sitemap, and removed most pages from robots.txt. This resulted in a significant increase in traffic, as illustrated by the above graph. The number of organic impressions went up from less than ten per day to over a thousand. This is expected to go up even further, as only about 10% of pages are indexed. In addition, some traffic went to my staging site because it wasn’t blocked from crawling (I had to set up a new staging site that is password-protected and add a redirect from the old site to the production site – a bit annoying but I couldn’t find a better solution).

              I hope Google won’t suddenly decide that BCRecommender content is not valuable or too thin. The content is automatically generated, which is “bad”, but it doesn’t “consist of paragraphs of random text that make no sense to the reader but which may contain search keywords”. As a (completely unbiased) user, I think it is valuable to find similar albums when searching for an album you like – an example that represents the majority of people that click through to BCRecommender. Judging from the main engagement measure I’m using (time spent on site), a good number of these people are happy with what they find.

              More updates to come in the future. For now, my conclusion is: thin content is better than no content, as long as it’s relevant to what people are searching for and provides real value.


                Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/12/29/stochastic-gradient-boosting-choosing-the-best-number-of-iterations/index.html b/2014/12/29/stochastic-gradient-boosting-choosing-the-best-number-of-iterations/index.html index d273a35f3..97ddde93c 100644 --- a/2014/12/29/stochastic-gradient-boosting-choosing-the-best-number-of-iterations/index.html +++ b/2014/12/29/stochastic-gradient-boosting-choosing-the-best-number-of-iterations/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Stochastic Gradient Boosting: Choosing the Best Number of Iterations | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                Stochastic Gradient Boosting: Choosing the Best Number of Iterations

                In my summary of the Kaggle bulldozer price forecasting competition, I mentioned that part of my solution was based on stochastic gradient boosting. To reduce runtime, the number of boosting iterations was set by minimising the loss on the out-of-bag (OOB) samples, skipping trees where samples are in-bag. This approach was motivated by a bug in scikit-learn, where the OOB loss estimate was calculated on the in-bag samples, meaning that it always improved (and thus was useless for the purpose of setting the number of iterations).

                The bug in scikit-learn was fixed by porting the solution used in R’s GBM package, where the number of iterations is estimated by minimising the improvement on the OOB samples in each boosting iteration. This approach is known to underestimate the number of required iterations, which means that it’s not very useful in practice. This underestimation may be due to the fact that the GBM method is partly estimated on in-bag samples, as the OOB samples for the Nth iteration are likely to have been in-bag in previous iterations.

                I was curious about how my approach compares to the GBM method. Preliminary results on the toy dataset from scikit-learn’s documentation looked promising:

                Stochastic Gradient Boosting: Choosing the Best Number of Iterations

                In my summary of the Kaggle bulldozer price forecasting competition, I mentioned that part of my solution was based on stochastic gradient boosting. To reduce runtime, the number of boosting iterations was set by minimising the loss on the out-of-bag (OOB) samples, skipping trees where samples are in-bag. This approach was motivated by a bug in scikit-learn, where the OOB loss estimate was calculated on the in-bag samples, meaning that it always improved (and thus was useless for the purpose of setting the number of iterations).

                The bug in scikit-learn was fixed by porting the solution used in R’s GBM package, where the number of iterations is estimated by minimising the improvement on the OOB samples in each boosting iteration. This approach is known to underestimate the number of required iterations, which means that it’s not very useful in practice. This underestimation may be due to the fact that the GBM method is partly estimated on in-bag samples, as the OOB samples for the Nth iteration are likely to have been in-bag in previous iterations.

                I was curious about how my approach compares to the GBM method. Preliminary results on the toy dataset from scikit-learn’s documentation looked promising:

                Automating Parse.com bulk data imports | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                Automating Parse.com bulk data imports

                Parse is a great backend-as-a-service (BaaS) product. It removes much of the hassle involved in backend devops with its web hosting service, SDKs for all the major mobile platforms, and a generous free tier. Parse does have its share of flaws, including various reliability issues (which seem to be getting rarer), and limitations on what you can do (which is reasonable price to pay for working within a sandboxed environment). One such limitation is the lack of APIs to perform bulk data imports. This post introduces my workaround for this limitation (tl;dr: it’s a PhantomJS script).

                Update: The script no longer works due to changes to Parse’s website. I won’t be fixing it since I’ve migrated my projects off the platform. If you fix it, let me know and I’ll post a link to the updated script here.

                I use Parse for two of my projects: BCRecommender and Price Dingo. In both cases, some of the data is generated outside Parse by a Python backend. Doing all the data processing within Parse is not a viable option, so a solution for importing this data into Parse is required.

                My original solution for data import was using the Parse REST API via ParsePy. The problem with this solution is that Parse billing is done on a requests/second basis. The free tier includes 30 requests/second, so importing BCRecommender’s ~million objects takes about nine hours when operating at maximum capacity. However, operating at maximum capacity causes other client requests to be dropped (i.e., real users suffer). Hence, some sort of rate limiting is required, which makes the sync process take even longer.

                I thought that using batch requests would speed up the process, but it actually slowed it down! This is because batch requests are billed according to the number of sub-requests, so making even one successful batch request per second with the maximum number of sub-requests (50) causes more requests to be dropped. I implemented some code to retry failed requests, but the whole process was just too brittle.

                A few months ago I discovered that Parse supports bulk data import via the web interface (with no API support). This feature comes with the caveat that existing collections can’t be updated: a new collection must be created. This is actually a good thing, as it essentially makes the collections immutable. And immutability makes many things easier.

                BCRecommender data gets updated once a month, so I was happy with manually importing the data via the web interface. As a price comparison engine, Price Dingo’s data changes more frequently, so manual updates are out of the question. For Price Dingo to be hosted on Parse, I had to find a way to automate bulk imports. Some people suggest emulating the requests made by the web interface, but this requires relying on hardcoded cookie and CSRF token data, which may change at any time. A more robust solution would be to scriptify the manual actions, but how? PhantomJS, that’s how.

                I ended up implementing a PhantomJS script that logs in as the user and uploads a dump to a given collection. This script is available on GitHub Gist. To run it, simply install PhantomJS and run:

                $ phantomjs --ssl-protocol any \

                Automating Parse.com bulk data imports

                Parse is a great backend-as-a-service (BaaS) product. It removes much of the hassle involved in backend devops with its web hosting service, SDKs for all the major mobile platforms, and a generous free tier. Parse does have its share of flaws, including various reliability issues (which seem to be getting rarer), and limitations on what you can do (which is reasonable price to pay for working within a sandboxed environment). One such limitation is the lack of APIs to perform bulk data imports. This post introduces my workaround for this limitation (tl;dr: it’s a PhantomJS script).

                Update: The script no longer works due to changes to Parse’s website. I won’t be fixing it since I’ve migrated my projects off the platform. If you fix it, let me know and I’ll post a link to the updated script here.

                I use Parse for two of my projects: BCRecommender and Price Dingo. In both cases, some of the data is generated outside Parse by a Python backend. Doing all the data processing within Parse is not a viable option, so a solution for importing this data into Parse is required.

                My original solution for data import was using the Parse REST API via ParsePy. The problem with this solution is that Parse billing is done on a requests/second basis. The free tier includes 30 requests/second, so importing BCRecommender’s ~million objects takes about nine hours when operating at maximum capacity. However, operating at maximum capacity causes other client requests to be dropped (i.e., real users suffer). Hence, some sort of rate limiting is required, which makes the sync process take even longer.

                I thought that using batch requests would speed up the process, but it actually slowed it down! This is because batch requests are billed according to the number of sub-requests, so making even one successful batch request per second with the maximum number of sub-requests (50) causes more requests to be dropped. I implemented some code to retry failed requests, but the whole process was just too brittle.

                A few months ago I discovered that Parse supports bulk data import via the web interface (with no API support). This feature comes with the caveat that existing collections can’t be updated: a new collection must be created. This is actually a good thing, as it essentially makes the collections immutable. And immutability makes many things easier.

                BCRecommender data gets updated once a month, so I was happy with manually importing the data via the web interface. As a price comparison engine, Price Dingo’s data changes more frequently, so manual updates are out of the question. For Price Dingo to be hosted on Parse, I had to find a way to automate bulk imports. Some people suggest emulating the requests made by the web interface, but this requires relying on hardcoded cookie and CSRF token data, which may change at any time. A more robust solution would be to scriptify the manual actions, but how? PhantomJS, that’s how.

                I ended up implementing a PhantomJS script that logs in as the user and uploads a dump to a given collection. This script is available on GitHub Gist. To run it, simply install PhantomJS and run:

                $ phantomjs --ssl-protocol any \
                     import-parse-class.js <configFile> <dumpFile> <collectionName>

                See the script’s source for a detailed explanation of the command-line arguments.

                It is worth noting that the script doesn’t do any post-upload verification on the collection. This is done by an extra bit of Python code that verifies that the collection has the expected number of objects, and tries to query the collection sorted by all the keys that are supposed to be indexed (for large collections, it takes Parse a while to index all the fields, which may result in timeouts). Once these conditions are fulfilled, the Parse hosting code is updated to point to the new collection. For security, I added a bot user that has access only to the Parse app that it needs to update. Unlike the root user, this bot user can’t delete the app. As the config file contains the bot’s password, it should be encrypted and stored in a safe place (like the Parse master key).

                That’s it! I hope that other people would find this solution useful. Any suggestions/comments/issues are very welcome.

                Image source: Parse Blog.

                  diff --git a/2015/01/29/is-thinking-like-a-search-engine-possible-yandex-search-personalisation-kaggle-competition-summary-part-1/index.html b/2015/01/29/is-thinking-like-a-search-engine-possible-yandex-search-personalisation-kaggle-competition-summary-part-1/index.html index 50713f682..50571f58b 100644 --- a/2015/01/29/is-thinking-like-a-search-engine-possible-yandex-search-personalisation-kaggle-competition-summary-part-1/index.html +++ b/2015/01/29/is-thinking-like-a-search-engine-possible-yandex-search-personalisation-kaggle-competition-summary-part-1/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Is thinking like a search engine possible? (Yandex search personalisation – Kaggle competition summary – part 1) | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                  Is thinking like a search engine possible? (Yandex search personalisation – Kaggle competition summary – part 1)

                  About a year ago, I participated in the Yandex search personalisation Kaggle competition. I started off as a solo competitor, and then added a few Kaggle newbies to the team as part of a program I was running for the Sydney Data Science Meetup. My team hasn’t done too badly, finishing 9th out of 194 teams. As is usually the case with Kaggle competitions, the most valuable part was the lessons learned from the experience. In this case, the lessons go beyond the usual data science skills, and include some insights that are relevant to search engine optimisation (SEO) and privacy. This post describes the competition setup and covers the more general insights. A follow-up post will cover the technical side of our approach.

                  The data

                  Yandex is the leading search engine in Russia. For the competition, they supplied a dataset that consists of log data of search activity from a single large city, which represents one month of search activity (excluding popular queries). In total, the dataset contains about 21M unique queries, 700M unique urls, 6M unique users, and 35M search sessions. This is a relatively-big dataset for a Kaggle competition (the training file is about 16GB uncompressed), but it’s really rather small in comparison to Yandex’s overall search volume and tiny compared to what Google handles.

                  The data was anonymised, so a sample looks like this (see full description of the data format – the example and its description are taken from there):

                  744899 M 23 123123123

                  Is thinking like a search engine possible? (Yandex search personalisation – Kaggle competition summary – part 1)

                  About a year ago, I participated in the Yandex search personalisation Kaggle competition. I started off as a solo competitor, and then added a few Kaggle newbies to the team as part of a program I was running for the Sydney Data Science Meetup. My team hasn’t done too badly, finishing 9th out of 194 teams. As is usually the case with Kaggle competitions, the most valuable part was the lessons learned from the experience. In this case, the lessons go beyond the usual data science skills, and include some insights that are relevant to search engine optimisation (SEO) and privacy. This post describes the competition setup and covers the more general insights. A follow-up post will cover the technical side of our approach.

                  The data

                  Yandex is the leading search engine in Russia. For the competition, they supplied a dataset that consists of log data of search activity from a single large city, which represents one month of search activity (excluding popular queries). In total, the dataset contains about 21M unique queries, 700M unique urls, 6M unique users, and 35M search sessions. This is a relatively-big dataset for a Kaggle competition (the training file is about 16GB uncompressed), but it’s really rather small in comparison to Yandex’s overall search volume and tiny compared to what Google handles.

                  The data was anonymised, so a sample looks like this (see full description of the data format – the example and its description are taken from there):

                  744899 M 23 123123123
                   744899 0 Q 0 192902 4857,3847,2939 632428,2384 309585,28374 319567,38724 6547,28744 20264,2332 3094446,34535 90,21 841,231 8344,2342 119571,45767
                   744899 1403 C 0 632428

                  These records describe the session (SessionID = 744899) of the user with USERID 123123123, performed on the 23rd day of the dataset. The user submitted the query with QUERYID 192902, which contains terms with TermIDs 4857,3847,2939. The URL with URLID 632428 placed on the domain DomainID 2384 is the top result on the corresponding SERP. 1403 units of time after beginning of the session the user clicked on the result with URLID 632428 (ranked first in the list).

                  While this may seem daunting at first, the data is actually quite simple. For each search session, we know the user, the queries they’ve made, which URLs and domains were returned in the SERP (search engine result page), which results they’ve clicked, and at what point in time the queries and clicks happened.

                  Goal and evaluation

                  The goal of the competition is to rerank the results in each SERP such that the highest-ranking documents are those that the user would find most relevant. As the name of the competition suggests, personalising the results is key, but non-personalised approaches were also welcome (and actually worked quite well).

                  One question that arises is how to tell from this data which results the user finds relevant. In this competition, the results were labelled as either irrelevant (0), relevant (1), or highly relevant (2). Relevance is a function of clicks and dwell time, where dwell time is the time spent on the result (determined by the time that passed until the next query or click). Irrelevant results are ones that weren’t clicked, or those for which the dwell time is less than 50 (the time unit is left unspecified). Relevant results are those that were clicked and have dwell time of 50 to 399. Highly relevant results have dwell time of at least 400, or were clicked as the last action in the session (i.e., it is assumed the user finished the session satisfied with the results rather than left because they couldn’t find what they were looking for).

                  This approach to determining relevance has some obvious flaws, but it apparently correlates well with actual user satisfaction with search results.

                  Given the above definition of relevance, one can quantify how well a reranking method improves the relevance of the results. For this competition, the organisers chose the normalised discounted cumulative gain (NDCG) measure, which is a fancy name for a measure that, in the words of Wikipedia, encodes the assumptions that:

                  • Highly relevant documents are more useful when appearing earlier in a search engine result list (have higher ranks)
                  • Highly relevant documents are more useful than marginally relevant documents, which are in turn more useful than irrelevant documents.

                  SEO insights and other thoughts

                  A key insight that is relevant to SEO and privacy, is that even without considering browser-based tracking and tools like Google Analytics (which may or may not be used by Google to rerank search results), search engines can infer a lot about user behaviour on other sites, just based on user interaction with the SERP. So if your users bounce quickly because your website is slow to load or ranks highly for irrelevant queries, the search engine can know that, and will probably penalise you accordingly.

                  This works both ways, though, and is evident even on search engines that don’t track personal information. Just try searching for “f” or “fa” or “fac” using DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing, Yahoo, or even Yandex. Facebook will be one of the top results (most often the first one), probably just because people tend to search for or visit Facebook after searching for one of those terms by mistake. So if your website ranks poorly for a term for which it should rank well, and your users behave accordingly (because, for example, they’re searching for your website specifically), you may magically end up with better ranking without any changes to inbound links or to your site.

                  Another thing that is demonstrated by this competition’s dataset is just how much data search engines consider when determining ranking. The dataset is just a sample of logs for one city for one month. I don’t like throwing the words “big data” around, but the full volume of data is pretty big. Too big for anyone to grasp and fully understand how exactly search engines work, and this includes the people who build them. What’s worth keeping in mind is that for all major search engines, the user is the product that they sell to advertisers, so keeping the users happy is key. Any changes made to the underlying algorithms are usually done with the end-user in mind, because not making such changes may kill the search engine (remember AltaVista?). Further, personalisation means that different users see different results for the same query. So my feeling is that it’s somewhat futile to do any SEO beyond making the website understandable by search engines, acquiring legitimate links, and just building a website that people would want to visit.

                  Next steps

                  With those thoughts out of the way, it’s time to describe the way we addressed the challenge. This is covered in the next post, Learning to rank for personalised search.

                  Subscribe diff --git a/2015/02/11/learning-to-rank-for-personalised-search-yandex-search-personalisation-kaggle-competition-summary-part-2/index.html b/2015/02/11/learning-to-rank-for-personalised-search-yandex-search-personalisation-kaggle-competition-summary-part-2/index.html index 0ab7c3bab..d9dd95c53 100644 --- a/2015/02/11/learning-to-rank-for-personalised-search-yandex-search-personalisation-kaggle-competition-summary-part-2/index.html +++ b/2015/02/11/learning-to-rank-for-personalised-search-yandex-search-personalisation-kaggle-competition-summary-part-2/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Learning to rank for personalised search (Yandex Search Personalisation – Kaggle Competition Summary – Part 2) | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                  Learning to rank for personalised search (Yandex Search Personalisation – Kaggle Competition Summary – Part 2)

                  This is the second and last post summarising my team’s solution for the Yandex search personalisation Kaggle competition. See the first post for a summary of the dataset, evaluation approach, and some thoughts about search engine optimisation and privacy. This post discusses the algorithms and features we used.

                  To quickly recap the first post, Yandex released a 16GB dataset of query & click logs. The goal of the competition was to use this data to rerank query results such that the more relevant results appear before less relevant results. Relevance is determined by time spent on each clicked result (non-clicked results are deemed irrelevant), and overall performance is scored using the normalised discounted cumulative gain (NDCG) measure. No data about the content of sites or queries was given – each query in the dataset is a list of token IDs and each result is a (url ID, domain ID) pair.

                  First steps: memory-based heuristics

                  My initial approach wasn’t very exciting: it involved iterating through the data, summarising it in one way or another, and assigning new relevance scores to each (user, session, query) combination. In this early stage I also implemented an offline validation framework, which is an important part of every Kaggle competition: in this case I simply set aside the last three days of data for local testing, because the test dataset that was used for the leaderboard consisted of three days of log data.

                  Somewhat surprisingly, my heuristics worked quite well and put me in a top-10 position on the leaderboard. It seems like the barrier of entry for this competition was higher than for other Kaggle competitions due to the size of the data and the fact that it wasn’t given as preprocessed feature vectors. This was evident from questions on the forum, where people noted that they were having trouble downloading and looking at the data.

                  The heuristic models that worked well included:

                  • Reranking based on mean relevance (this just swapped positions 9 & 10, probably because users are more likely to click the last result)
                  • Reranking based on mean relevance for (query, url) and (query, domain) pairs (non-personalised improvements)
                  • Downranking urls observed previously in a session

                  Each one of the heuristic models was set to output relevance scores. The models were then ensembled by simply summing the relevance scores.

                  Then, I started playing with a collaborative-filtering-inspired matrix factorisation model for predicting relevance, which didn’t work too well. At around that time, I got too busy with other stuff and decided to quit while I’m ahead.

                  Getting more serious with some team work and LambdaMART

                  A few weeks after quitting, I somehow volunteered to organise Kaggle teams for newbies at the Sydney Data Science Meetup group. At that point I was joined by my teammates, which served as a good motivation to do more stuff.

                  The first thing we tried was another heuristic model I read about in one of the papers suggested by the organisers: just reranking based on the fact that people often repeat queries as a navigational aid (e.g., search for Facebook and click Facebook). Combined in a simple linear model with the other heuristics, this put us at #4. Too easy 🙂

                  With all the new motivation, it was time to read more papers and start doing things properly. We ended up using Ranklib’s LambdaMART implementation as one of our main models, and also used LambdaMART to combine the various models (the old heuristics still helped the overall score, as did the matrix factorisation model).

                  Using LambdaMART made it possible to directly optimise the NDCG measure, turning the key problem into feature engineering, i.e., finding good features to feed into the model. Explaining how LambdaMART works is beyond the scope of this post (see this paper for an in-depth discussion), but the basic idea (which is also shared by other learning to rank algorithms) is that rather than trying to solve the hard problem of predicting relevance (i.e., a regression problem), the algorithm tries to predict the ranking that yields the best results according to a user-chosen measure.

                  We tried many features for the LambdaMART model, but after feature selection (using a method learned from Phil Brierley’s talk) the best features turned out to be:

                  • percentage_recurrent_term_ids: percentage of term IDs from the test query that appeared previously in the session — indicates if this query refines previous queries
                  • query_mean_ndcg: historical NDCG for this query — indicates how satisfied people are with the results of this query. Interestingly, we also tried query click entropy, but it performed worse. Probably because we’re optimising the NDCG rather than click-through rate.
                  • query_num_unique_serps: how many different result pages were shown for this query
                  • query_mean_result_dwell_time: how much time on average people spend per result for this query
                  • user_mean_ndcg: like query_mean_ndcg, but for users — a low NDCG indicates that this user is likely to be dissatisfied with the results. As for query_mean_ndcg, adding this feature yielded better results than using the user’s click entropy.
                  • user_num_click_actions_with_relevance_0: over the history of this user, how many of their clicks had relevance 0 (i.e., short dwell time). Interestingly, user_num_click_actions_with_relevance_1 and user_num_click_actions_with_relevance_2 were found to be less useful.
                  • user_num_query_actions: number of queries performed by the user
                  • rank: the original rank, as assigned by Yandex
                  • previous_query_url_relevance_in_session: modelling repeated results within a session, e.g., if a (query, url) pair was already found irrelevant in this session, the user may not want to see it again
                  • previous_url_relevance_in_session: the same as previous_query_url_relevance_in_session, but for a url regardless of the query
                  • user_query_url_relevance_sum: over the entire history of the user, not just the session
                  • user_normalised_rank_relevance: how relevant does the user usually find this rank? The idea is that some people are more likely to go through all the results than others
                  • query_url_click_probability: estimated simply as num_query_url_clicks / num_query_url_occurrences (across all the users)
                  • average_time_on_page: how much time people spend on this url on average

                  Our best submission ended up placing us at the 9th place (out of 194 teams), which is respectable. Things got a bit more interesting towards the end of the competition – if we had used the original heuristic model that put at #4 early on, we would have finished 18th.


                  I really enjoyed this competition. The data was well-organised and well-defined, which is not something you get in every competition (or in “real life”). Its size did present some challenges, but we stuck to using flat files and some preprocessing and other tricks to speed things up (e.g., I got to use Cython for the first time). It was good to learn how learning to rank algorithms work and get some insights on search personalisation. As is often the case with Kaggle competitions, this was time well spent.

                  Subscribe +

                  Learning to rank for personalised search (Yandex Search Personalisation – Kaggle Competition Summary – Part 2)

                  This is the second and last post summarising my team’s solution for the Yandex search personalisation Kaggle competition. See the first post for a summary of the dataset, evaluation approach, and some thoughts about search engine optimisation and privacy. This post discusses the algorithms and features we used.

                  To quickly recap the first post, Yandex released a 16GB dataset of query & click logs. The goal of the competition was to use this data to rerank query results such that the more relevant results appear before less relevant results. Relevance is determined by time spent on each clicked result (non-clicked results are deemed irrelevant), and overall performance is scored using the normalised discounted cumulative gain (NDCG) measure. No data about the content of sites or queries was given – each query in the dataset is a list of token IDs and each result is a (url ID, domain ID) pair.

                  First steps: memory-based heuristics

                  My initial approach wasn’t very exciting: it involved iterating through the data, summarising it in one way or another, and assigning new relevance scores to each (user, session, query) combination. In this early stage I also implemented an offline validation framework, which is an important part of every Kaggle competition: in this case I simply set aside the last three days of data for local testing, because the test dataset that was used for the leaderboard consisted of three days of log data.

                  Somewhat surprisingly, my heuristics worked quite well and put me in a top-10 position on the leaderboard. It seems like the barrier of entry for this competition was higher than for other Kaggle competitions due to the size of the data and the fact that it wasn’t given as preprocessed feature vectors. This was evident from questions on the forum, where people noted that they were having trouble downloading and looking at the data.

                  The heuristic models that worked well included:

                  • Reranking based on mean relevance (this just swapped positions 9 & 10, probably because users are more likely to click the last result)
                  • Reranking based on mean relevance for (query, url) and (query, domain) pairs (non-personalised improvements)
                  • Downranking urls observed previously in a session

                  Each one of the heuristic models was set to output relevance scores. The models were then ensembled by simply summing the relevance scores.

                  Then, I started playing with a collaborative-filtering-inspired matrix factorisation model for predicting relevance, which didn’t work too well. At around that time, I got too busy with other stuff and decided to quit while I’m ahead.

                  Getting more serious with some team work and LambdaMART

                  A few weeks after quitting, I somehow volunteered to organise Kaggle teams for newbies at the Sydney Data Science Meetup group. At that point I was joined by my teammates, which served as a good motivation to do more stuff.

                  The first thing we tried was another heuristic model I read about in one of the papers suggested by the organisers: just reranking based on the fact that people often repeat queries as a navigational aid (e.g., search for Facebook and click Facebook). Combined in a simple linear model with the other heuristics, this put us at #4. Too easy 🙂

                  With all the new motivation, it was time to read more papers and start doing things properly. We ended up using Ranklib’s LambdaMART implementation as one of our main models, and also used LambdaMART to combine the various models (the old heuristics still helped the overall score, as did the matrix factorisation model).

                  Using LambdaMART made it possible to directly optimise the NDCG measure, turning the key problem into feature engineering, i.e., finding good features to feed into the model. Explaining how LambdaMART works is beyond the scope of this post (see this paper for an in-depth discussion), but the basic idea (which is also shared by other learning to rank algorithms) is that rather than trying to solve the hard problem of predicting relevance (i.e., a regression problem), the algorithm tries to predict the ranking that yields the best results according to a user-chosen measure.

                  We tried many features for the LambdaMART model, but after feature selection (using a method learned from Phil Brierley’s talk) the best features turned out to be:

                  • percentage_recurrent_term_ids: percentage of term IDs from the test query that appeared previously in the session — indicates if this query refines previous queries
                  • query_mean_ndcg: historical NDCG for this query — indicates how satisfied people are with the results of this query. Interestingly, we also tried query click entropy, but it performed worse. Probably because we’re optimising the NDCG rather than click-through rate.
                  • query_num_unique_serps: how many different result pages were shown for this query
                  • query_mean_result_dwell_time: how much time on average people spend per result for this query
                  • user_mean_ndcg: like query_mean_ndcg, but for users — a low NDCG indicates that this user is likely to be dissatisfied with the results. As for query_mean_ndcg, adding this feature yielded better results than using the user’s click entropy.
                  • user_num_click_actions_with_relevance_0: over the history of this user, how many of their clicks had relevance 0 (i.e., short dwell time). Interestingly, user_num_click_actions_with_relevance_1 and user_num_click_actions_with_relevance_2 were found to be less useful.
                  • user_num_query_actions: number of queries performed by the user
                  • rank: the original rank, as assigned by Yandex
                  • previous_query_url_relevance_in_session: modelling repeated results within a session, e.g., if a (query, url) pair was already found irrelevant in this session, the user may not want to see it again
                  • previous_url_relevance_in_session: the same as previous_query_url_relevance_in_session, but for a url regardless of the query
                  • user_query_url_relevance_sum: over the entire history of the user, not just the session
                  • user_normalised_rank_relevance: how relevant does the user usually find this rank? The idea is that some people are more likely to go through all the results than others
                  • query_url_click_probability: estimated simply as num_query_url_clicks / num_query_url_occurrences (across all the users)
                  • average_time_on_page: how much time people spend on this url on average

                  Our best submission ended up placing us at the 9th place (out of 194 teams), which is respectable. Things got a bit more interesting towards the end of the competition – if we had used the original heuristic model that put at #4 early on, we would have finished 18th.


                  I really enjoyed this competition. The data was well-organised and well-defined, which is not something you get in every competition (or in “real life”). Its size did present some challenges, but we stuck to using flat files and some preprocessing and other tricks to speed things up (e.g., I got to use Cython for the first time). It was good to learn how learning to rank algorithms work and get some insights on search personalisation. As is often the case with Kaggle competitions, this was time well spent.


                    Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2015/03/22/the-long-road-to-a-lifestyle-business/index.html b/2015/03/22/the-long-road-to-a-lifestyle-business/index.html index 5b0c6ffe1..a93091ba0 100644 --- a/2015/03/22/the-long-road-to-a-lifestyle-business/index.html +++ b/2015/03/22/the-long-road-to-a-lifestyle-business/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ The long road to a lifestyle business | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                    The long road to a lifestyle business

                    Almost a year ago, I left my last full-time job and decided to set on an independent path that includes data science consulting and work on my own projects. The ultimate goal is not to have to sell my time for money by generating enough passive income to live comfortably. My five main areas of focus are – in no particular order – personal branding & networking, data science contracting, Bandcamp Recommender, Price Dingo, and marine conservation. This post summarises what I’ve been doing in each of these five areas, including highlights and lowlights. So far, it’s way better than having a “real” job. I hope this post will help others who are on a similar journey (there seem to be more and more of us – I’d love to hear from you).

                    Personal branding & networking

                    Finding clients requires considerably more work than finding a full-time job. As with job hunting, the ideal situation is where people come to you for help, rather than you chasing them. To this end, I’ve been networking a lot, giving talks, writing up posts and working on distributing them. It may be harder than getting a full-time job, but it’s also much more interesting.

                    Highlights: going viral in China, getting a post featured in KDNuggets
                    Lowlights: not having enough time to write all the things and meet all the people

                    Data science contracting

                    My goal with contracting/consulting is to have a steady income stream while working on my own projects. As my projects are small enough to be done only by me (with optional outsourcing to contractors), this means I have infinite runway to pursue them. While this is probably not the best way of building a Silicon Valley-style startup that is going to make the world a better place, many others have applied this approach to building a so-called lifestyle business, which is what I want to achieve.

                    Early on, I realised that doing full-on consulting would be too time consuming, as many clients expect full-time availability. In addition, constantly needing to find new clients means that not much time would be left for work on my own projects. What I really wanted was a stable part-time gig. The first one was with GetUp (who reached out to me following a workshop I gave at General Assembly), where I did some work on forecasting engagement and churn. In parallel, I went through the interview process at DuckDuckGo, which included delivering a piece of work to production. DuckDuckGo ended up wanting me to work full-time (like a few other companies), so last month I started a part-time (three days a week) contract at Commonwealth Bank. I joined a team of very strong data scientists – it looks like it’s going to be interesting.

                    Highlights: seeing my DuckDuckGo work every time I search for a Python package, the work environment at GetUp
                    Lowlights: chasing leads that never eventuated

                    Bandcamp Recommender (BCRecommender)

                    I’ve written a several posts about BCRecommender, my Bandcamp music recommendation project. While I’ve always treated it as a side-project, it’s been useful in learning how to get traction for a product. It now has thousands of monthly users, and is still growing. My goal for BCRecommender has changed from the original one of finding music for myself to growing it enough to be a noticeable source of traffic for Bandcamp, thereby helping artists and fans. Doing it in side-project mode can be a bit challenging at times (because I have so many other things to do and a long list of ideas to make the app better), but I’ve been making gradual progress and discovering a lot of great music in the process.

                    Highlights: every time someone gives me positive feedback, every time I listen to music I found using BCRecommender
                    Lowlights: dealing with Parse issues and random errors

                    Price Dingo

                    The inability to reliably compare prices for many types of products has been bothering me for a while. Unlike general web search, where the main providers rank results by relevance, most Australian price comparison engines still require merchants to pay to even have their products listed. This creates an obvious bias in the results. To address this bias, I created Price Dingo – a user-centric price comparison engine. It serves users with results they can trust by not requiring merchants to pay to have their products listed. Just like general web search engines, the main ranking factor is relevancy to the user. This relevancy is also achieved by implementing Price Dingo as a network of independent sites, each focused on a specific product category, with the first category being scuba diving gear.

                    Implementing Price Dingo hasn’t been too hard – the main challenge has been finding the time to do it with all the other stuff I’ve been doing. There are still plenty of improvements to be made to the site, but now the main goal is to get enough traction to make ongoing time investment worthwhile. Judging by the experience of Booko’s founder, there is space in the market for niche price comparison sites and apps, so it is just a matter of execution.

                    Highlights: being able to finally compare dive gear prices, the joys of integrating Algolia
                    Lowlights: extracting data from messy websites – I’ve seen some horrible things…

                    Marine conservation

                    The first thing I did after leaving my last job was go overseas for five weeks, which included a ten-day visit to Israel (rockets!) and three weeks of conservation diving with New Heaven Dive School in Thailand. Back in Sydney, I joined the Underwater Research Group of NSW, a dive club that’s involved in many marine conservation and research activities, including Reef Life Survey (RLS) and underwater cleanups. With URG, I’ve been diving more than before, and for a change, some of my dives actually do good. I’d love to do this kind of stuff full-time, but there’s a lot less money in getting people to do less stuff (i.e., conservation and sustainability) than in consuming more. The compromise for now is that a portion of Price Dingo’s scuba revenue goes to the Australian Marine Conservation Society, and the plan is to expand this to other charities as more categories are added. Update – May 2015: I decided that this compromise isn’t good enough for me, so I shut down Price Dingo to focus on projects that are more aligned with my values.

                    Highlights: becoming a certified RLS diver, pretty much every dive
                    Lowlights: cutting my hand open by falling on rocks on the first day of diving in Thailand

                    The future

                    So far, I’m pretty happy with this not-having-a-job-doing-my-own-thing business. According to The 1000 Day Rule, I still have a long way to go until I get the lifestyle I want. It may even take longer than 1000 days given my decision to not work full-time on a single profitable project, together with my tendency to take more time off than I would if I had a “real” job. But the beauty of this path is that there are no investors breathing down my neck or the feeling of mental rot that comes with a full-time job, so there’s really no rush and I can just enjoy the ride.

                    Subscribe +

                    The long road to a lifestyle business

                    Almost a year ago, I left my last full-time job and decided to set on an independent path that includes data science consulting and work on my own projects. The ultimate goal is not to have to sell my time for money by generating enough passive income to live comfortably. My five main areas of focus are – in no particular order – personal branding & networking, data science contracting, Bandcamp Recommender, Price Dingo, and marine conservation. This post summarises what I’ve been doing in each of these five areas, including highlights and lowlights. So far, it’s way better than having a “real” job. I hope this post will help others who are on a similar journey (there seem to be more and more of us – I’d love to hear from you).

                    Personal branding & networking

                    Finding clients requires considerably more work than finding a full-time job. As with job hunting, the ideal situation is where people come to you for help, rather than you chasing them. To this end, I’ve been networking a lot, giving talks, writing up posts and working on distributing them. It may be harder than getting a full-time job, but it’s also much more interesting.

                    Highlights: going viral in China, getting a post featured in KDNuggets
                    Lowlights: not having enough time to write all the things and meet all the people

                    Data science contracting

                    My goal with contracting/consulting is to have a steady income stream while working on my own projects. As my projects are small enough to be done only by me (with optional outsourcing to contractors), this means I have infinite runway to pursue them. While this is probably not the best way of building a Silicon Valley-style startup that is going to make the world a better place, many others have applied this approach to building a so-called lifestyle business, which is what I want to achieve.

                    Early on, I realised that doing full-on consulting would be too time consuming, as many clients expect full-time availability. In addition, constantly needing to find new clients means that not much time would be left for work on my own projects. What I really wanted was a stable part-time gig. The first one was with GetUp (who reached out to me following a workshop I gave at General Assembly), where I did some work on forecasting engagement and churn. In parallel, I went through the interview process at DuckDuckGo, which included delivering a piece of work to production. DuckDuckGo ended up wanting me to work full-time (like a few other companies), so last month I started a part-time (three days a week) contract at Commonwealth Bank. I joined a team of very strong data scientists – it looks like it’s going to be interesting.

                    Highlights: seeing my DuckDuckGo work every time I search for a Python package, the work environment at GetUp
                    Lowlights: chasing leads that never eventuated

                    Bandcamp Recommender (BCRecommender)

                    I’ve written a several posts about BCRecommender, my Bandcamp music recommendation project. While I’ve always treated it as a side-project, it’s been useful in learning how to get traction for a product. It now has thousands of monthly users, and is still growing. My goal for BCRecommender has changed from the original one of finding music for myself to growing it enough to be a noticeable source of traffic for Bandcamp, thereby helping artists and fans. Doing it in side-project mode can be a bit challenging at times (because I have so many other things to do and a long list of ideas to make the app better), but I’ve been making gradual progress and discovering a lot of great music in the process.

                    Highlights: every time someone gives me positive feedback, every time I listen to music I found using BCRecommender
                    Lowlights: dealing with Parse issues and random errors

                    Price Dingo

                    The inability to reliably compare prices for many types of products has been bothering me for a while. Unlike general web search, where the main providers rank results by relevance, most Australian price comparison engines still require merchants to pay to even have their products listed. This creates an obvious bias in the results. To address this bias, I created Price Dingo – a user-centric price comparison engine. It serves users with results they can trust by not requiring merchants to pay to have their products listed. Just like general web search engines, the main ranking factor is relevancy to the user. This relevancy is also achieved by implementing Price Dingo as a network of independent sites, each focused on a specific product category, with the first category being scuba diving gear.

                    Implementing Price Dingo hasn’t been too hard – the main challenge has been finding the time to do it with all the other stuff I’ve been doing. There are still plenty of improvements to be made to the site, but now the main goal is to get enough traction to make ongoing time investment worthwhile. Judging by the experience of Booko’s founder, there is space in the market for niche price comparison sites and apps, so it is just a matter of execution.

                    Highlights: being able to finally compare dive gear prices, the joys of integrating Algolia
                    Lowlights: extracting data from messy websites – I’ve seen some horrible things…

                    Marine conservation

                    The first thing I did after leaving my last job was go overseas for five weeks, which included a ten-day visit to Israel (rockets!) and three weeks of conservation diving with New Heaven Dive School in Thailand. Back in Sydney, I joined the Underwater Research Group of NSW, a dive club that’s involved in many marine conservation and research activities, including Reef Life Survey (RLS) and underwater cleanups. With URG, I’ve been diving more than before, and for a change, some of my dives actually do good. I’d love to do this kind of stuff full-time, but there’s a lot less money in getting people to do less stuff (i.e., conservation and sustainability) than in consuming more. The compromise for now is that a portion of Price Dingo’s scuba revenue goes to the Australian Marine Conservation Society, and the plan is to expand this to other charities as more categories are added. Update – May 2015: I decided that this compromise isn’t good enough for me, so I shut down Price Dingo to focus on projects that are more aligned with my values.

                    Highlights: becoming a certified RLS diver, pretty much every dive
                    Lowlights: cutting my hand open by falling on rocks on the first day of diving in Thailand

                    The future

                    So far, I’m pretty happy with this not-having-a-job-doing-my-own-thing business. According to The 1000 Day Rule, I still have a long way to go until I get the lifestyle I want. It may even take longer than 1000 days given my decision to not work full-time on a single profitable project, together with my tendency to take more time off than I would if I had a “real” job. But the beauty of this path is that there are no investors breathing down my neck or the feeling of mental rot that comes with a full-time job, so there’s really no rush and I can just enjoy the ride.


                      Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2015/04/24/my-divestment-from-fossil-fuels/index.html b/2015/04/24/my-divestment-from-fossil-fuels/index.html index eacdd8f01..e29ed4ad6 100644 --- a/2015/04/24/my-divestment-from-fossil-fuels/index.html +++ b/2015/04/24/my-divestment-from-fossil-fuels/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ My divestment from fossil fuels | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                      My divestment from fossil fuels

                      This post covers recent choices I've made to reduce my exposure to fossil fuels, including practical steps that can be taken by Australians and generally applicable lessons.

                      I recently read Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything, which deeply influenced me. The book describes how the world has been dragging its feet when it comes to reducing carbon emissions, and how we are coming very close to a point where climate change is likely to spin out of control. While many of the facts presented in the book can be very depressing, one ray of light is that it is still not too late to act. There are still things we can do to avoid catastrophic climate change.

                      One such thing is divestment from fossil fuels. Fossil fuel companies have committed to extracting (and therefore burning) more than what scientists agree is the safe amount of carbon that can be pumped into the atmosphere. While governments have been rather ineffective in stopping this (the current Australian government is even embarrassingly rolling back emission-reduction measures), divesting your money from such companies can help take away the social licence of these companies to do as they please. Further, this may be a smart investment strategy because the world is moving towards renewable energy. Indeed, according to one index, investors who divested from fossil fuels have had higher returns than conventional investors over the last five years.

                      It’s worth noting that even if you disagree with the scientific consensus that releasing billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere increases the likelihood of climate change, you should agree that it’d be better to stop breathing all the pollutants that result from burning fossil fuels. Further, the environmental damage that comes with extracting fossil fuels is something worth avoiding. Examples include the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, numerous cases of poisoned water due to fracking, and the potential damage to the Great Barrier Reef due to coal mine expansion. Even climate change deniers would admit that divestment from fossil fuels and a rapid move to clean renewables will prevent such disasters.

                      The rest of this post describes steps I’ve recently taken towards divesting from fossil fuels. These are mostly relevant to Australians, though other countries may have similar options.


                      In Australia, we have compulsory superannuation (commonly known as super), meaning that most working Australians have some money invested somewhere. As this money is only available at retirement, investors can afford to optimise for long-term returns. Many super funds allow investors to choose what to invest in, and switching funds is relatively straightforward. My super fund is UniSuper. Last week, I switched my plan from Balanced, which includes investments in coal miners Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, to 75% Sustainable Balanced, which doesn’t directly invest in fossil fuels, and 25% Global Environment Opportunities, which is focused on companies with a green agenda such as Tesla. This switch was very simple – I wish I had done it earlier. If you’re interested in making a similar switch, check out Superswitch’s guide to fossil-free super options.


                      While our previous energy retailer (ClickEnergy) isn’t one of the big three retailers who are actively lobbying the government to reduce the renewable energy target for 2020, my partner and I decided to switch to Powershop, as it appears to be the greenest energy retailer in New South Wales. Powershop supports maintaining the renewable energy target in its current form and provides free carbon offsets for all non-renewable energy. In addition, Powershop allows customers to purchase 100% green power from renewables – an option that we choose to take. With the savings from moving to Powershop and the extra payment for green power, our bill is expected to be more or less the same as before. Everyone wins!

                      Note: If you live in New South Wales or Victoria and generally support what GetUp is doing, you can sign up via the links on this page, and GetUp will be paid a referral fee by Powershop.


                      There’s been a lot of focus recently on financing provided by the major banks to fossil fuel companies. The problem is that – unlike with super and energy – there aren’t many viable alternatives to the big banks. Reading the statements by smaller banks and credit unions, it is clear that they don’t provide financing to polluters just because they’re too small or not focused on commercial lending. Further, some of the smaller banks invest their money with the bigger banks. If the smaller banks were to become big due to the divestment movement, they may end up financing polluters. Unfortunately, changing your bank doesn’t give you more control over how your chosen financial institute uses your money.

                      For now, I think it makes sense to push the banks to become fossil free by putting them on notice or participating in demonstrations. With enough pressure, one of the big banks may make a strong statement against lending to polluters, and then it’ll be time to act on the notices. One thing that the big banks care about is customer satisfaction and public image. Sending a strong message about the connection between financing polluters and satisfaction may be enough to make a difference. I’ll be tracking news in this area and will possibly make a switch in the future, depending on how things evolve.


                      My top transportation choices are cycling and public transport, followed by driving when the former two are highly inconvenient (e.g., when going scuba diving). Every bike ride means less pollution and is a vote against fossil fuels. Further, bike riding is my main form of exercise, so I don’t need to set aside time to go to the gym. Finally, it’s almost free, and it’s also the fastest way of getting to the city from where I live.

                      Since January, I’ve been allowing people to borrow my car through Car Next Door. This service, which is currently active in Sydney and Melbourne, allows people to hire their neighbours’ cars, thereby reducing the number of cars on the road. They also carbon offset all the rides taken through the service. While making my car available has made using it slightly less convenient (because I need to book it for myself), it’s also saved me money, so far covering the cost of insurance and roadside assistance. With my car sitting idle for 95% of the time before joining Car Next Door, it’s definitely another win-win situation. If you’d like to join Car Next Door as either a borrower or an owner, you can use this link to get $15 credit.

                      Other areas and next steps

                      Many of the choices we make every day have the power to reduce energy demand. These choices often make our life better, as seen with the bike riding example above. There’s a lot of material online about these green choices, which I may cover from my angle in another post. In general, I’m planning to be more active in the area of environmentalism. While this may come at the cost of reduced focus on my other activities, I would rather be more a part of the solution than a part of the problem. I’ll update as I go – please subscribe to get notified when updates occur.

                      Subscribe +

                      My divestment from fossil fuels

                      This post covers recent choices I've made to reduce my exposure to fossil fuels, including practical steps that can be taken by Australians and generally applicable lessons.

                      I recently read Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything, which deeply influenced me. The book describes how the world has been dragging its feet when it comes to reducing carbon emissions, and how we are coming very close to a point where climate change is likely to spin out of control. While many of the facts presented in the book can be very depressing, one ray of light is that it is still not too late to act. There are still things we can do to avoid catastrophic climate change.

                      One such thing is divestment from fossil fuels. Fossil fuel companies have committed to extracting (and therefore burning) more than what scientists agree is the safe amount of carbon that can be pumped into the atmosphere. While governments have been rather ineffective in stopping this (the current Australian government is even embarrassingly rolling back emission-reduction measures), divesting your money from such companies can help take away the social licence of these companies to do as they please. Further, this may be a smart investment strategy because the world is moving towards renewable energy. Indeed, according to one index, investors who divested from fossil fuels have had higher returns than conventional investors over the last five years.

                      It’s worth noting that even if you disagree with the scientific consensus that releasing billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere increases the likelihood of climate change, you should agree that it’d be better to stop breathing all the pollutants that result from burning fossil fuels. Further, the environmental damage that comes with extracting fossil fuels is something worth avoiding. Examples include the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, numerous cases of poisoned water due to fracking, and the potential damage to the Great Barrier Reef due to coal mine expansion. Even climate change deniers would admit that divestment from fossil fuels and a rapid move to clean renewables will prevent such disasters.

                      The rest of this post describes steps I’ve recently taken towards divesting from fossil fuels. These are mostly relevant to Australians, though other countries may have similar options.


                      In Australia, we have compulsory superannuation (commonly known as super), meaning that most working Australians have some money invested somewhere. As this money is only available at retirement, investors can afford to optimise for long-term returns. Many super funds allow investors to choose what to invest in, and switching funds is relatively straightforward. My super fund is UniSuper. Last week, I switched my plan from Balanced, which includes investments in coal miners Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, to 75% Sustainable Balanced, which doesn’t directly invest in fossil fuels, and 25% Global Environment Opportunities, which is focused on companies with a green agenda such as Tesla. This switch was very simple – I wish I had done it earlier. If you’re interested in making a similar switch, check out Superswitch’s guide to fossil-free super options.


                      While our previous energy retailer (ClickEnergy) isn’t one of the big three retailers who are actively lobbying the government to reduce the renewable energy target for 2020, my partner and I decided to switch to Powershop, as it appears to be the greenest energy retailer in New South Wales. Powershop supports maintaining the renewable energy target in its current form and provides free carbon offsets for all non-renewable energy. In addition, Powershop allows customers to purchase 100% green power from renewables – an option that we choose to take. With the savings from moving to Powershop and the extra payment for green power, our bill is expected to be more or less the same as before. Everyone wins!

                      Note: If you live in New South Wales or Victoria and generally support what GetUp is doing, you can sign up via the links on this page, and GetUp will be paid a referral fee by Powershop.


                      There’s been a lot of focus recently on financing provided by the major banks to fossil fuel companies. The problem is that – unlike with super and energy – there aren’t many viable alternatives to the big banks. Reading the statements by smaller banks and credit unions, it is clear that they don’t provide financing to polluters just because they’re too small or not focused on commercial lending. Further, some of the smaller banks invest their money with the bigger banks. If the smaller banks were to become big due to the divestment movement, they may end up financing polluters. Unfortunately, changing your bank doesn’t give you more control over how your chosen financial institute uses your money.

                      For now, I think it makes sense to push the banks to become fossil free by putting them on notice or participating in demonstrations. With enough pressure, one of the big banks may make a strong statement against lending to polluters, and then it’ll be time to act on the notices. One thing that the big banks care about is customer satisfaction and public image. Sending a strong message about the connection between financing polluters and satisfaction may be enough to make a difference. I’ll be tracking news in this area and will possibly make a switch in the future, depending on how things evolve.


                      My top transportation choices are cycling and public transport, followed by driving when the former two are highly inconvenient (e.g., when going scuba diving). Every bike ride means less pollution and is a vote against fossil fuels. Further, bike riding is my main form of exercise, so I don’t need to set aside time to go to the gym. Finally, it’s almost free, and it’s also the fastest way of getting to the city from where I live.

                      Since January, I’ve been allowing people to borrow my car through Car Next Door. This service, which is currently active in Sydney and Melbourne, allows people to hire their neighbours’ cars, thereby reducing the number of cars on the road. They also carbon offset all the rides taken through the service. While making my car available has made using it slightly less convenient (because I need to book it for myself), it’s also saved me money, so far covering the cost of insurance and roadside assistance. With my car sitting idle for 95% of the time before joining Car Next Door, it’s definitely another win-win situation. If you’d like to join Car Next Door as either a borrower or an owner, you can use this link to get $15 credit.

                      Other areas and next steps

                      Many of the choices we make every day have the power to reduce energy demand. These choices often make our life better, as seen with the bike riding example above. There’s a lot of material online about these green choices, which I may cover from my angle in another post. In general, I’m planning to be more active in the area of environmentalism. While this may come at the cost of reduced focus on my other activities, I would rather be more a part of the solution than a part of the problem. I’ll update as I go – please subscribe to get notified when updates occur.


                        Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2015/05/02/first-steps-in-data-science-author-aware-sentiment-analysis/index.html b/2015/05/02/first-steps-in-data-science-author-aware-sentiment-analysis/index.html index 081c56642..0e2002fdf 100644 --- a/2015/05/02/first-steps-in-data-science-author-aware-sentiment-analysis/index.html +++ b/2015/05/02/first-steps-in-data-science-author-aware-sentiment-analysis/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ First steps in data science: author-aware sentiment analysis | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                        First steps in data science: author-aware sentiment analysis

                        People often ask me what’s the best way of becoming a data scientist. The way I got there was by first becoming a software engineer and then doing a PhD in what was essentially data science (before it became such a popular term). This post describes my first steps in the field with the goal of helping others who are interested in making the transition from pure software engineering to data science.

                        While my first steps were in a PhD program, I don’t think that going through the formal PhD process is necessary if you wish to become a data scientist. Self-motivated individuals can get very far by making use of the abundance of learning resources available online. In fact, one can make progress much faster than in a PhD, because PhD programs have many overheads.

                        This post is organised as a list of steps. Despite the sequential numbering, many steps can be done in parallel. These steps roughly recount the work I’ve done to publish my first paper, which was co-authored by Ingrid Zukerman and Fabian Bohnert. Most of the technical details are intentionally omitted. Readers who are interested in learning more are invited to read the original paper or chapter 6 in my thesis, which includes more thorough experiments and explanations.

                        Step one: Find a problem to work on

                        Even if you know nothing about the machine learning and statistics side of data science, it’s important to find a problem to work on. Ideally it’d be something you find personally interesting, as this helps with motivation. You could use a predefined problem such as a Kaggle competition or one of the UCI datasets. Alternatively, you could collect the data yourself to make things a bit more challenging.

                        In my case, I was interested in natural language processing and user modelling. My supervisor was given a grant to work on sentiment analysis of opinion polls, which was my first direction of research. This quickly changed to focus on the connection between authors and the way they express their sentiments, with the application of harnessing this connection to improve the accuracy of sentiment analysis algorithms. For the purpose of this research, I collected a dataset of texts by the most prolific IMDb users. The problem was to infer the ratings these users assigned to their own reviews, with the hypothesis that methods that take author identity into account would outperform methods that ignore authorship information.

                        Step two: Close your knowledge gaps

                        Whatever problem you choose, you will have some knowledge gaps that require filling. Wikipedia, textbooks, and online courses will be your best guide for foundational areas like machine learning and statistics. Reading academic papers is often required to get a better understanding of recent work on the specific problem you’re trying to solve.

                        Doing a PhD afforded me the luxury of spending about a month just reading papers. Most of the ~200 papers I read were on sentiment analysis, which gave me a good overview of what’s been done in the field. However, the best thing I’ve done was to stop reading and move on to working on the problem. This is also the best advice I can give: there’s no better way to learn than getting your hands dirty working on a problem.

                        Step three: Get your hands dirty

                        With a well-defined problem and the knowledge gaps more-or-less closed, it is time to come up with a plan and implement it. Due to my background in software engineering and some exposure to early collaborative filtering approaches to recommender systems, my plan was very much a part of what Leo Breiman called the algorithmic modelling culture. That is, I was more focused on developing algorithms that work than on modelling the process that generated the data. This approach is arguably more in line with the mindset that software engineers tend to have than with the approach of mathematicians and statisticians.

                        The plan was quite simple:

                        • Reproduce results that showed that rating inference models trained on enough texts by the target author (i.e., the author who wrote the text whose rating we want to predict) outperform models trained on texts by multiple authors
                        • Use an approach inspired by collaborative filtering to combine multiple single-author models to infer ratings for texts by the target author, where those models are weighted by similarity to the target author
                        • Experiment with multiple similarity measurements under various constraints on the number of texts available by the training and target authors
                        • Iterate on these ideas until the results are publishable

                        The rationale behind this plan was that while different people express their sentiments differently, similar people would express their sentiments similarly (e.g., use of understatements varies by culture). The key motivation was Pang and Lee’s finding that a model trained on a single author is best if we have enough texts by this author.

                        The way I implemented the plan was vastly different from how I’d do it today. This was 2009, and using Java with the Weka package for the core modelling seemed like a huge improvement over the C/C++ I was used to. I relied heavily on the university grid to run experiments and wrote a bunch of code to handle experimental logic, including some Perl scripts for post-processing. It ended up being pretty messy, but it worked and I got publishable results. If I were to do the same work today, I’d use Python for everything. IPython Notebook is a great way of keeping track of experimental work, and Python packages like pandas, scikit-learn, gensim, TextBlob, etc. are mature and easy to use for data science applications.

                        Step four: Publish your results

                        Having a deadline for publishing results can be stressful, but it has two positive outcomes. First, making your work public allows you to obtain valuable feedback. Second, hard deadlines are great in making you work towards a tangible goal. You can always keep iterating to get infinitesimal improvements, but publication deadlines force you to decide that you’ve done enough.

                        In my case, the deadline for the UMAP 2010 conference and the promise of a free trip to Hawaii served as excellent motivators. But even if you don’t have the time or energy to get an academic paper published, you should set yourself a deadline to publish something on a blog or a forum, or even as a report to a mentor who can assess your work. Receiving continuous feedback is a key factor in improvement, so release early and release often.

                        Step five: Improve results or move on

                        Congratulations! You have published the results of your study. What now? You can either keep working on the same problem – try more approaches, add more data, change the constraints, etc. Or you can move on to work on other problems that interest you.

                        In my case, I had to go back to iterate on the results of the first paper because of things I learned later. I ended up rerunning all the experiments to make things fit together into a more-or-less coherent story for the thesis (writing a thesis is one of the main overheads that comes with doing a PhD). If I had a choice, I wouldn’t have done that. I would instead have pursued more sensible enhancements to the work presented in the paper, such as using the author as a feature, employing more robust ensemble methods, and testing different base methods than support vector machines. Nonetheless, I still think that the core idea – that the identity of authors should be taken into account in sentiment analysis – is still relevant and viable today. But I’ve taken my own advice and moved on.

                        Subscribe +

                        First steps in data science: author-aware sentiment analysis

                        People often ask me what’s the best way of becoming a data scientist. The way I got there was by first becoming a software engineer and then doing a PhD in what was essentially data science (before it became such a popular term). This post describes my first steps in the field with the goal of helping others who are interested in making the transition from pure software engineering to data science.

                        While my first steps were in a PhD program, I don’t think that going through the formal PhD process is necessary if you wish to become a data scientist. Self-motivated individuals can get very far by making use of the abundance of learning resources available online. In fact, one can make progress much faster than in a PhD, because PhD programs have many overheads.

                        This post is organised as a list of steps. Despite the sequential numbering, many steps can be done in parallel. These steps roughly recount the work I’ve done to publish my first paper, which was co-authored by Ingrid Zukerman and Fabian Bohnert. Most of the technical details are intentionally omitted. Readers who are interested in learning more are invited to read the original paper or chapter 6 in my thesis, which includes more thorough experiments and explanations.

                        Step one: Find a problem to work on

                        Even if you know nothing about the machine learning and statistics side of data science, it’s important to find a problem to work on. Ideally it’d be something you find personally interesting, as this helps with motivation. You could use a predefined problem such as a Kaggle competition or one of the UCI datasets. Alternatively, you could collect the data yourself to make things a bit more challenging.

                        In my case, I was interested in natural language processing and user modelling. My supervisor was given a grant to work on sentiment analysis of opinion polls, which was my first direction of research. This quickly changed to focus on the connection between authors and the way they express their sentiments, with the application of harnessing this connection to improve the accuracy of sentiment analysis algorithms. For the purpose of this research, I collected a dataset of texts by the most prolific IMDb users. The problem was to infer the ratings these users assigned to their own reviews, with the hypothesis that methods that take author identity into account would outperform methods that ignore authorship information.

                        Step two: Close your knowledge gaps

                        Whatever problem you choose, you will have some knowledge gaps that require filling. Wikipedia, textbooks, and online courses will be your best guide for foundational areas like machine learning and statistics. Reading academic papers is often required to get a better understanding of recent work on the specific problem you’re trying to solve.

                        Doing a PhD afforded me the luxury of spending about a month just reading papers. Most of the ~200 papers I read were on sentiment analysis, which gave me a good overview of what’s been done in the field. However, the best thing I’ve done was to stop reading and move on to working on the problem. This is also the best advice I can give: there’s no better way to learn than getting your hands dirty working on a problem.

                        Step three: Get your hands dirty

                        With a well-defined problem and the knowledge gaps more-or-less closed, it is time to come up with a plan and implement it. Due to my background in software engineering and some exposure to early collaborative filtering approaches to recommender systems, my plan was very much a part of what Leo Breiman called the algorithmic modelling culture. That is, I was more focused on developing algorithms that work than on modelling the process that generated the data. This approach is arguably more in line with the mindset that software engineers tend to have than with the approach of mathematicians and statisticians.

                        The plan was quite simple:

                        • Reproduce results that showed that rating inference models trained on enough texts by the target author (i.e., the author who wrote the text whose rating we want to predict) outperform models trained on texts by multiple authors
                        • Use an approach inspired by collaborative filtering to combine multiple single-author models to infer ratings for texts by the target author, where those models are weighted by similarity to the target author
                        • Experiment with multiple similarity measurements under various constraints on the number of texts available by the training and target authors
                        • Iterate on these ideas until the results are publishable

                        The rationale behind this plan was that while different people express their sentiments differently, similar people would express their sentiments similarly (e.g., use of understatements varies by culture). The key motivation was Pang and Lee’s finding that a model trained on a single author is best if we have enough texts by this author.

                        The way I implemented the plan was vastly different from how I’d do it today. This was 2009, and using Java with the Weka package for the core modelling seemed like a huge improvement over the C/C++ I was used to. I relied heavily on the university grid to run experiments and wrote a bunch of code to handle experimental logic, including some Perl scripts for post-processing. It ended up being pretty messy, but it worked and I got publishable results. If I were to do the same work today, I’d use Python for everything. IPython Notebook is a great way of keeping track of experimental work, and Python packages like pandas, scikit-learn, gensim, TextBlob, etc. are mature and easy to use for data science applications.

                        Step four: Publish your results

                        Having a deadline for publishing results can be stressful, but it has two positive outcomes. First, making your work public allows you to obtain valuable feedback. Second, hard deadlines are great in making you work towards a tangible goal. You can always keep iterating to get infinitesimal improvements, but publication deadlines force you to decide that you’ve done enough.

                        In my case, the deadline for the UMAP 2010 conference and the promise of a free trip to Hawaii served as excellent motivators. But even if you don’t have the time or energy to get an academic paper published, you should set yourself a deadline to publish something on a blog or a forum, or even as a report to a mentor who can assess your work. Receiving continuous feedback is a key factor in improvement, so release early and release often.

                        Step five: Improve results or move on

                        Congratulations! You have published the results of your study. What now? You can either keep working on the same problem – try more approaches, add more data, change the constraints, etc. Or you can move on to work on other problems that interest you.

                        In my case, I had to go back to iterate on the results of the first paper because of things I learned later. I ended up rerunning all the experiments to make things fit together into a more-or-less coherent story for the thesis (writing a thesis is one of the main overheads that comes with doing a PhD). If I had a choice, I wouldn’t have done that. I would instead have pursued more sensible enhancements to the work presented in the paper, such as using the author as a feature, employing more robust ensemble methods, and testing different base methods than support vector machines. Nonetheless, I still think that the core idea – that the identity of authors should be taken into account in sentiment analysis – is still relevant and viable today. But I’ve taken my own advice and moved on.


                          Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2015/06/06/hopping-on-the-deep-learning-bandwagon/index.html b/2015/06/06/hopping-on-the-deep-learning-bandwagon/index.html index 655504b7b..ab90f2936 100644 --- a/2015/06/06/hopping-on-the-deep-learning-bandwagon/index.html +++ b/2015/06/06/hopping-on-the-deep-learning-bandwagon/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Hopping on the deep learning bandwagon | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                          Hopping on the deep learning bandwagon

                          I’ve been meaning to get into deep learning for the last few years. Now, the stars having finally aligned and I have the time and motivation to work on a small project that will hopefully improve my understanding of the field. This is the first in a series of posts that will document my progress on this project.

                          As mentioned in a previous post on getting started as a data scientist, I believe that the best way of becoming proficient at solving data science problems is by getting your hands dirty. Despite being familiar with high-level terminology and having some understanding of how it all works, I don’t have any practical experience applying deep learning. The purpose of this project is to fix this experience gap by working on a real problem.

                          The problem: Inferring genre from album covers

                          Deep learning has been very successful at image classification. Therefore, it makes sense to work on an image classification problem for this project. Rather than using an existing dataset, I decided to make things a bit more interesting by building my own dataset. Over the last year, I’ve been running BCRecommender – a recommendation system for Bandcamp music. I’ve noticed that album covers vary by genre, though it’s hard to quantify exactly how they vary. So the question I’ll be trying to answer with this project is how accurately can genre be inferred from Bandcamp album covers?

                          As the goal of this project is to learn about deep learning rather than make a novel contribution, I didn’t do a comprehensive search to see whether this problem has been addressed before. However, I did find a recent post by Alexandre Passant that describes his use of Clarifai’s API to tag the content of Spotify album covers (identifying elements such as men, night, dark, etc.), and then using these tags to infer the album’s genre. Another related project is Karayev et al.’s Recognizing image style paper, in which the authors classified datasets of images from Flickr and Wikipedia by style and art genre, respectively. In all these cases, the results are pretty good, supporting my intuition that the genre inference task is feasible.

                          Data collection & splits

                          As I’ve already been crawling Bandcamp data for BCRecommender, creating the dataset was relatively straightforward. Currently, I have data on about 1.8 million tracks and albums. Bandcamp artists assign multiple tags to each release. To create the dataset, I selected 10 of the top tags: ambient, dubstep, folk, hiphop_rap, jazz, metal, pop, punk, rock, and soul. Then, I randomly selected 10,000 album covers that have exactly one of those tags, with 1,000 albums for each tag/genre. Each cover image size is 350×350. The following image shows a sample of the dataset.

                          Hopping on the deep learning bandwagon

                          I’ve been meaning to get into deep learning for the last few years. Now, the stars having finally aligned and I have the time and motivation to work on a small project that will hopefully improve my understanding of the field. This is the first in a series of posts that will document my progress on this project.

                          As mentioned in a previous post on getting started as a data scientist, I believe that the best way of becoming proficient at solving data science problems is by getting your hands dirty. Despite being familiar with high-level terminology and having some understanding of how it all works, I don’t have any practical experience applying deep learning. The purpose of this project is to fix this experience gap by working on a real problem.

                          The problem: Inferring genre from album covers

                          Deep learning has been very successful at image classification. Therefore, it makes sense to work on an image classification problem for this project. Rather than using an existing dataset, I decided to make things a bit more interesting by building my own dataset. Over the last year, I’ve been running BCRecommender – a recommendation system for Bandcamp music. I’ve noticed that album covers vary by genre, though it’s hard to quantify exactly how they vary. So the question I’ll be trying to answer with this project is how accurately can genre be inferred from Bandcamp album covers?

                          As the goal of this project is to learn about deep learning rather than make a novel contribution, I didn’t do a comprehensive search to see whether this problem has been addressed before. However, I did find a recent post by Alexandre Passant that describes his use of Clarifai’s API to tag the content of Spotify album covers (identifying elements such as men, night, dark, etc.), and then using these tags to infer the album’s genre. Another related project is Karayev et al.’s Recognizing image style paper, in which the authors classified datasets of images from Flickr and Wikipedia by style and art genre, respectively. In all these cases, the results are pretty good, supporting my intuition that the genre inference task is feasible.

                          Data collection & splits

                          As I’ve already been crawling Bandcamp data for BCRecommender, creating the dataset was relatively straightforward. Currently, I have data on about 1.8 million tracks and albums. Bandcamp artists assign multiple tags to each release. To create the dataset, I selected 10 of the top tags: ambient, dubstep, folk, hiphop_rap, jazz, metal, pop, punk, rock, and soul. Then, I randomly selected 10,000 album covers that have exactly one of those tags, with 1,000 albums for each tag/genre. Each cover image size is 350×350. The following image shows a sample of the dataset.

                          Learning about deep learning through album cover classification | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                          Learning about deep learning through album cover classification

                          In the past month, I’ve spent some time on my album cover classification project. The goal of this project is for me to learn about deep learning by working on an actual problem. This post covers my progress so far, highlighting lessons that would be useful to others who are getting started with deep learning.

                          Initial steps summary

                          The following points were discussed in detail in the previous post on this project.

                          • The problem I chose to work on is classifying Bandcamp album covers by genre, using a balanced dataset of 10,000 images from 10 different genres.
                          • The experimental code is based on Lasagne, and is available on GitHub.
                          • Having set up the environment for running experiments on a GPU, the plan was to get Lasagne’s examples working on my dataset, and then iteratively read tutorials/papers/books, implement ideas, play with parameters, and visualise parts of the network until I’m satisfied with the results.

                          Preliminary experiments and learning resources

                          I hit several issues when adapting Lasagne’s example code to my dataset. The key issue is that the example code is based on the MNIST digits dataset. That dataset’s images are 28×28 grayscale, and my dataset’s images are 350×350 RGB. This difference led to the training loss quickly diverging when running the example code without any changes. It turns out that simply lowering the learning rate resolves this issue, though the initial results I got were still not much better than random. In general, it appears that everything works on the MNIST digits dataset, so choosing to work on my own dataset made things more challenging (which is a good thing).

                          The main learning resource I used is the excellent notes for the Stanford course Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition. The notes are very clear, contain up-to-date information from recent publications, and include many practical tips for successful training of convolutional networks (convnets). In addition, I read some other tutorials and a few papers. These are summarised in a separate page.

                          The first step after getting the MNIST examples working on my dataset was to extend the code to enable more flexible architectures. My main focus was on vanilla convnets, i.e., networks with several convolutional layers, where each convolutional layer is optionally followed by a max-pooling layer, and the convolutional layers are followed by multiple dense/fully-connected layers and dropout layers. To allow for easy experimentation, the specification of the network can be done from the command line. For example, to train an AlexNet architecture:

                          $ python manage.py run_experiment \

                          Learning about deep learning through album cover classification

                          In the past month, I’ve spent some time on my album cover classification project. The goal of this project is for me to learn about deep learning by working on an actual problem. This post covers my progress so far, highlighting lessons that would be useful to others who are getting started with deep learning.

                          Initial steps summary

                          The following points were discussed in detail in the previous post on this project.

                          • The problem I chose to work on is classifying Bandcamp album covers by genre, using a balanced dataset of 10,000 images from 10 different genres.
                          • The experimental code is based on Lasagne, and is available on GitHub.
                          • Having set up the environment for running experiments on a GPU, the plan was to get Lasagne’s examples working on my dataset, and then iteratively read tutorials/papers/books, implement ideas, play with parameters, and visualise parts of the network until I’m satisfied with the results.

                          Preliminary experiments and learning resources

                          I hit several issues when adapting Lasagne’s example code to my dataset. The key issue is that the example code is based on the MNIST digits dataset. That dataset’s images are 28×28 grayscale, and my dataset’s images are 350×350 RGB. This difference led to the training loss quickly diverging when running the example code without any changes. It turns out that simply lowering the learning rate resolves this issue, though the initial results I got were still not much better than random. In general, it appears that everything works on the MNIST digits dataset, so choosing to work on my own dataset made things more challenging (which is a good thing).

                          The main learning resource I used is the excellent notes for the Stanford course Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition. The notes are very clear, contain up-to-date information from recent publications, and include many practical tips for successful training of convolutional networks (convnets). In addition, I read some other tutorials and a few papers. These are summarised in a separate page.

                          The first step after getting the MNIST examples working on my dataset was to extend the code to enable more flexible architectures. My main focus was on vanilla convnets, i.e., networks with several convolutional layers, where each convolutional layer is optionally followed by a max-pooling layer, and the convolutional layers are followed by multiple dense/fully-connected layers and dropout layers. To allow for easy experimentation, the specification of the network can be done from the command line. For example, to train an AlexNet architecture:

                          $ python manage.py run_experiment \
                               --dataset-path /path/to/dataset \
                               --model-architecture ConvNet \
                               --model-params num_conv_layers=5:num_dense_layers=2:lc0_num_filters=48:lc0_filter_size=11:lc0_stride=4:lc0_mp=True:lm0_pool_size=3:lm0_stride=2:lc1_num_filters=128:lc1_filter_size=5:lc1_mp=True:lm1_pool_size=3:lm1_stride=2:lc2_num_filters=192:lc2_filter_size=3:lc3_num_filters=192:lc3_filter_size=3:lc4_num_filters=128:lc4_filter_size=3:lc4_mp=True:lm4_pool_size=3:lm4_stride=2:ld0_num_units=2048:ld1_num_units=2048
                          diff --git a/2015/07/31/goodbye-parse-com/index.html b/2015/07/31/goodbye-parse-com/index.html
                          index eb0377c31..1c5ddacb0 100644
                          --- a/2015/07/31/goodbye-parse-com/index.html
                          +++ b/2015/07/31/goodbye-parse-com/index.html
                          @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
                           Goodbye, Parse.com | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact

                          Goodbye, Parse.com

                          Over the past year, I’ve been using Parse‘s free backend-as-a-service and web hosting to serve BCRecommender (music recommendation service) and Price Dingo (now-closed shopping comparison engine). The main lesson: You get what you pay for. Despite some improvements, Parse remains very unreliable, and any time saved by using their APIs and SDKs tends to be offset by having to work around the restrictions of their sandboxed environment. This post details some of the issues I faced and the transition away from the service.

                          What’s so bad about Parse?

                          In one word: reliability. The service is simply unreliable, with many latency spikes and random errors. I reported this issue six months ago, and it’s still being investigated. Reliability has been a known issue for years (see Stack Overflow and Hacker News discussions). Parse’s acquisition by Facebook over two years ago gave some hope that these issues would be resolved quickly, but this is just not the case.

                          It is worth noting that the way I used Parse was probably somewhat uncommon. For both Price Dingo and BCRecommender, data was scraped and processed outside Parse, and then imported in bulk into Parse. As bulk imports are not supported by the API, automating the process required reliance on the web interface, which made things somewhat fragile. Further, a few months ago Parse inexplicably dropped support for uploading zipped files, making imports much slower. Finally, when importing large collections, I found that it takes ages for the data to get indexed. The final straw was with the last BCRecommender update, where even after days of waiting the data was still not fully indexed.

                          Price Dingo’s transition

                          Price Dingo was a shopping comparison engine with a web interface. The idea was to focus on user needs in specialised product categories, as opposed to the traditional model that requires merchants to pay to be listed. I decided to shut down the service a few months ago to focus on other things, but before the shutdown, I almost completed the transition away from Parse. The first step was replacing the persistence layer with Algolia – search engine as a service. Algolia is super-fast, its advanced search capabilities are way better than Parse’s search options, and as a paid service their customer support was excellent. If I hadn’t shut Price Dingo down, the second step would have been replacing Parse hosting with a more reliable service, as I have recently done for BCRecommender.

                          BCRecommender’s transition

                          The Parse-hosted part of BCRecommender was a fairly simple express.js backend that rendered Jade templates. The fastest transition would probably have been to set up a standalone express.js backend and replace the Parse API calls with calls to the database. But as I much prefer coding in Python (the recommendation-generating backend is in Python), I decided to completely rewrite the web backend using Flask.

                          For hosting, I decided to go with DigitalOcean (signing up with this link gives you US$10 credit), because it has a good reputation, and it compares favourably with other infrastructure-as-a-service providers. For US$10/month you get a server with 1GB of memory, 30GB of SSD storage, and 2TB of data transfers, which should be more than enough for BCRecommender’s modest traffic (200 daily users + ~2 bot requests per second).

                          Setting up the BCRecommender webapp stack is a bit more involved than getting started with Parse, but fortunately I was already familiar with all parts of the stack. It ended up being almost identical to the stack used in Charlie Huang’s blog post Deploy a MongoDB powered Flask app in 5 minutes: an Ubuntu server running MongoDB as the persistence layer, Nginx as the webserver, Gunicorn as the WSGI proxy, Supervisor for daemon management, and Fabric for managing deployments.

                          Before deploying to DigitalOcean, I used Vagrant to set up a local development environment, which is almost identical to the production environment. Deployment scripts are one thing that you don’t have to worry about when using Parse, as they provide their own build tools. However, it’s not too hard to implement your own scripts, so within a few hours I had the environment and the deployment scripts up and ready for translating the webapp code from express.js to Flask.

                          The translation process was pretty straightforward and actually enjoyable. The Python code ended up being much cleaner and shorter than the JavaScript code (line count reduced to 284 from 378). This was partly thanks to the newly-found freedom of being able to install any package I wanted, and partly due to the reduction in callbacks, which made the code less nested and easier to understand.

                          I was hoping to use PyJade to obviate the need for translating the page templates to Jinja. However, I ran into a bunch of issues and subtle bugs that made me decide to use PyJade for one-off translation to Jinja, followed by a manual process of ensuring that each template was converted correctly. Some of the issues were:

                          • Using PyJade’s Flask extension compiles the templates to Jinja on the fly, so debugging issues is hard because the line numbers in the generated Jinja templates don’t match the line numbers in the original Jade files.
                          • Jade allows the use of arbitrary JavaScript code, which PyJade doesn’t translate to Python (makes sense – it’d be too hard and messy). This caused many of my templates to simply not work because, e.g., I used the ternary operator or called a built-in JavaScript function. Worse than that, some cases failed silently, e.g., calling arr.length where arr is an array works fine in pure Jade, but is undefined in Python because arrays don’t have a length attribute.
                          • Hyphenated block names are fine in Jade, but don’t compile in Jinja.

                          The conversion to Jinja pretty much offset the cleanliness gained in the Python code, with a growth in template line count from 403 to 464 lines, and much clutter with unnecessary closing tags. Jade, I will miss you, but I guess I can’t have it all.

                          The good news is that latency immediately dropped as I deployed the new environment. The graph below almost says it all. What’s missing is the much more massive spikes (5-60 seconds) and timeouts that happen pretty frequently with Parse hosting.

                          Goodbye, Parse.com

                          Over the past year, I’ve been using Parse‘s free backend-as-a-service and web hosting to serve BCRecommender (music recommendation service) and Price Dingo (now-closed shopping comparison engine). The main lesson: You get what you pay for. Despite some improvements, Parse remains very unreliable, and any time saved by using their APIs and SDKs tends to be offset by having to work around the restrictions of their sandboxed environment. This post details some of the issues I faced and the transition away from the service.

                          What’s so bad about Parse?

                          In one word: reliability. The service is simply unreliable, with many latency spikes and random errors. I reported this issue six months ago, and it’s still being investigated. Reliability has been a known issue for years (see Stack Overflow and Hacker News discussions). Parse’s acquisition by Facebook over two years ago gave some hope that these issues would be resolved quickly, but this is just not the case.

                          It is worth noting that the way I used Parse was probably somewhat uncommon. For both Price Dingo and BCRecommender, data was scraped and processed outside Parse, and then imported in bulk into Parse. As bulk imports are not supported by the API, automating the process required reliance on the web interface, which made things somewhat fragile. Further, a few months ago Parse inexplicably dropped support for uploading zipped files, making imports much slower. Finally, when importing large collections, I found that it takes ages for the data to get indexed. The final straw was with the last BCRecommender update, where even after days of waiting the data was still not fully indexed.

                          Price Dingo’s transition

                          Price Dingo was a shopping comparison engine with a web interface. The idea was to focus on user needs in specialised product categories, as opposed to the traditional model that requires merchants to pay to be listed. I decided to shut down the service a few months ago to focus on other things, but before the shutdown, I almost completed the transition away from Parse. The first step was replacing the persistence layer with Algolia – search engine as a service. Algolia is super-fast, its advanced search capabilities are way better than Parse’s search options, and as a paid service their customer support was excellent. If I hadn’t shut Price Dingo down, the second step would have been replacing Parse hosting with a more reliable service, as I have recently done for BCRecommender.

                          BCRecommender’s transition

                          The Parse-hosted part of BCRecommender was a fairly simple express.js backend that rendered Jade templates. The fastest transition would probably have been to set up a standalone express.js backend and replace the Parse API calls with calls to the database. But as I much prefer coding in Python (the recommendation-generating backend is in Python), I decided to completely rewrite the web backend using Flask.

                          For hosting, I decided to go with DigitalOcean (signing up with this link gives you US$10 credit), because it has a good reputation, and it compares favourably with other infrastructure-as-a-service providers. For US$10/month you get a server with 1GB of memory, 30GB of SSD storage, and 2TB of data transfers, which should be more than enough for BCRecommender’s modest traffic (200 daily users + ~2 bot requests per second).

                          Setting up the BCRecommender webapp stack is a bit more involved than getting started with Parse, but fortunately I was already familiar with all parts of the stack. It ended up being almost identical to the stack used in Charlie Huang’s blog post Deploy a MongoDB powered Flask app in 5 minutes: an Ubuntu server running MongoDB as the persistence layer, Nginx as the webserver, Gunicorn as the WSGI proxy, Supervisor for daemon management, and Fabric for managing deployments.

                          Before deploying to DigitalOcean, I used Vagrant to set up a local development environment, which is almost identical to the production environment. Deployment scripts are one thing that you don’t have to worry about when using Parse, as they provide their own build tools. However, it’s not too hard to implement your own scripts, so within a few hours I had the environment and the deployment scripts up and ready for translating the webapp code from express.js to Flask.

                          The translation process was pretty straightforward and actually enjoyable. The Python code ended up being much cleaner and shorter than the JavaScript code (line count reduced to 284 from 378). This was partly thanks to the newly-found freedom of being able to install any package I wanted, and partly due to the reduction in callbacks, which made the code less nested and easier to understand.

                          I was hoping to use PyJade to obviate the need for translating the page templates to Jinja. However, I ran into a bunch of issues and subtle bugs that made me decide to use PyJade for one-off translation to Jinja, followed by a manual process of ensuring that each template was converted correctly. Some of the issues were:

                          • Using PyJade’s Flask extension compiles the templates to Jinja on the fly, so debugging issues is hard because the line numbers in the generated Jinja templates don’t match the line numbers in the original Jade files.
                          • Jade allows the use of arbitrary JavaScript code, which PyJade doesn’t translate to Python (makes sense – it’d be too hard and messy). This caused many of my templates to simply not work because, e.g., I used the ternary operator or called a built-in JavaScript function. Worse than that, some cases failed silently, e.g., calling arr.length where arr is an array works fine in pure Jade, but is undefined in Python because arrays don’t have a length attribute.
                          • Hyphenated block names are fine in Jade, but don’t compile in Jinja.

                          The conversion to Jinja pretty much offset the cleanliness gained in the Python code, with a growth in template line count from 403 to 464 lines, and much clutter with unnecessary closing tags. Jade, I will miss you, but I guess I can’t have it all.

                          The good news is that latency immediately dropped as I deployed the new environment. The graph below almost says it all. What’s missing is the much more massive spikes (5-60 seconds) and timeouts that happen pretty frequently with Parse hosting.

                          You don’t need a data scientist (yet) | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                          You don’t need a data scientist (yet)

                          The hype around big data has caused many organisations to hire data scientists without giving much thought to what these data scientists are going to do and whether they’re actually needed. This is a source of frustration for all parties involved. This post discusses some questions you should ask yourself before deciding to hire your first data scientist.

                          Q1: Do you know what data scientists do?

                          Somewhat surprisingly, there are quite a few companies that hire data scientists without having a clear idea of what data scientists actually do. People seem to have a fear of missing out on the big data hype, and think of hiring data scientists as the solution. A common misconception is that a data scientist’s role includes telling you what to do with your data. While this may sometimes happen in practice, the ideal scenario is where the business has problems that can be solved using data science (more on this under Q3 below). If you don’t know what your data scientist is going to do, you probably don’t need one.

                          So what do data scientists do? When you think about it, adding the word “data” to “science” is a bit redundant, as all science is based on data. Following from this, anyone who does any kind of data analysis is a data scientist. While it may be true, this broad definition is not very helpful. As discussed in a previous post, it’s more useful to define data scientists as individuals who combine expertise in statistics and machine learning with strong software engineering skills.

                          Q2: Do you have enough data available?

                          It’s not uncommon to see products that suffer from over-engineering and premature investment in advanced analytics capabilities. In the early stages, it’s important to focus on creating a minimum viable product and getting it to market quickly. Data science starts to shine once the product is generating enough data, as most of the power of advanced analytics is in optimising and automating existing processes.

                          Not having a data scientist in the early stages doesn’t mean the data is being ignored – it just means that it doesn’t require the attention of a full-time data scientist. If your product is at an early stage and you are still concerned, you’re better off hiring a data science consultant for a few days to help lay out the long-term vision for data-driven capabilities. This would be cheaper and less time-consuming than hiring a full-timer. The exception to this rule is when the product itself is built around advanced analytics (e.g., AlchemyAPI or Enlitic). Building such products without data scientists is far from ideal, or just impossible.

                          Even if your product is mature and generating a lot of data, it doesn’t mean it’s ready for data science. Advanced analytics capabilities are at the top of data’s hierarchy of needs: If your product is buggy, or if your data is scattered everywhere and your platform lacks centralised reporting, you need to first invest in fixing your data plumbing. This is the job of data engineers. Getting data scientists involved when the data is hardly available due to infrastructure issues is likely to lead to frustration. In addition, setting up centralised reporting and dashboarding is likely to give you ideas for problems that data scientists can solve.

                          Q3: Do you have a specific problem to solve?

                          If the problem you’re trying to solve is “everyone is doing smart things with data, we should be doing stuff with data too”, you don’t have a specific problem that can be solved by bringing a data scientist on board. Defining the problem often ends up occupying a lot of the data scientist’s time, so you are likely to obtain better results if have more than just a vague idea around “doing something with data, because Hadoop”. Ideally you want to optimise an existing process that is currently being solved with heuristics, make an existing model better, implement a new data-driven feature, or something along these lines. Common examples include reducing churn, increasing conversions, and replacing manual processes with automated data-driven systems. Again, getting advice from experienced data scientists before committing to hiring one may be your best first step.

                          Q4: Can you get away with heuristics, intuition, and/or manual processes?

                          Some data scientists would passionately claim that you must deploy only models that are theoretically justified and well-tested. However, in many cases you can get away with using simple heuristics, intuition, and/or manual processes. These can be orders of magnitude cheaper than building sophisticated predictive models and the infrastructure to support them. For many businesses, there are more pressing needs than doing everything in a theoretically sound way. Despite what many technical people like to think, customers don’t tend to care how things are implemented, as long as their needs are fulfilled.

                          For example, I spent some time with a client whose product includes a semi-manual part where structured data is extracted from documents. Their process included sending some of the documents to a trained team in the Philippines for manual analysis. The client was interested in replacing that manual work with a machine learning algorithm. As is often the case with machine learning, it was unknown whether the resultant model would be accurate enough to completely replace the manual workers. This generally depends on data quality and the feasibility of solving the problem. Assessing the feasibility would have taken some time and money, so the client decided to park the idea and focus on other areas of their business.

                          Every business has resource constraints. Situations where the best investment you can make is hiring a full-time data scientist are rarer than what the hype may make you think. It’s often the case that functions that would be the responsibility of a data scientist are adequately performed by existing employees, such as software engineers, business/data analysts, and marketers.

                          Q5: Are you committed to being data-driven?

                          I have seen more than one case where data scientists are hired only to be blocked or ignored. This is more prevalent in the corporate world, where managers are often incentivised to prioritise doing things that look good over things that make financial sense. But even if recruitment is done with the best intentions, progress may be blocked by employees who feel threatened because they would be replaced by automated data-driven algorithms. Successful data science projects require support from senior leadership, as discussed by Greta Roberts, Radim Řehůřek, Alec Smith, and many others. Without such support and a strong commitment to making data-driven decisions, everyone is just wasting their time.

                          Closing thoughts

                          While data science is currently over-hyped, many organisations still have much to gain from hiring data scientists. I hope that this post has helped you decide whether you need a data scientist right now. If you’re unsure, please don’t hesitate to contact me. And to any data scientists reading this: Be very wary of potential employers who do not have good answers to the above questions. At this point in time you can afford to be picky, at least until the hype is over.

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                          You don’t need a data scientist (yet)

                          The hype around big data has caused many organisations to hire data scientists without giving much thought to what these data scientists are going to do and whether they’re actually needed. This is a source of frustration for all parties involved. This post discusses some questions you should ask yourself before deciding to hire your first data scientist.

                          Q1: Do you know what data scientists do?

                          Somewhat surprisingly, there are quite a few companies that hire data scientists without having a clear idea of what data scientists actually do. People seem to have a fear of missing out on the big data hype, and think of hiring data scientists as the solution. A common misconception is that a data scientist’s role includes telling you what to do with your data. While this may sometimes happen in practice, the ideal scenario is where the business has problems that can be solved using data science (more on this under Q3 below). If you don’t know what your data scientist is going to do, you probably don’t need one.

                          So what do data scientists do? When you think about it, adding the word “data” to “science” is a bit redundant, as all science is based on data. Following from this, anyone who does any kind of data analysis is a data scientist. While it may be true, this broad definition is not very helpful. As discussed in a previous post, it’s more useful to define data scientists as individuals who combine expertise in statistics and machine learning with strong software engineering skills.

                          Q2: Do you have enough data available?

                          It’s not uncommon to see products that suffer from over-engineering and premature investment in advanced analytics capabilities. In the early stages, it’s important to focus on creating a minimum viable product and getting it to market quickly. Data science starts to shine once the product is generating enough data, as most of the power of advanced analytics is in optimising and automating existing processes.

                          Not having a data scientist in the early stages doesn’t mean the data is being ignored – it just means that it doesn’t require the attention of a full-time data scientist. If your product is at an early stage and you are still concerned, you’re better off hiring a data science consultant for a few days to help lay out the long-term vision for data-driven capabilities. This would be cheaper and less time-consuming than hiring a full-timer. The exception to this rule is when the product itself is built around advanced analytics (e.g., AlchemyAPI or Enlitic). Building such products without data scientists is far from ideal, or just impossible.

                          Even if your product is mature and generating a lot of data, it doesn’t mean it’s ready for data science. Advanced analytics capabilities are at the top of data’s hierarchy of needs: If your product is buggy, or if your data is scattered everywhere and your platform lacks centralised reporting, you need to first invest in fixing your data plumbing. This is the job of data engineers. Getting data scientists involved when the data is hardly available due to infrastructure issues is likely to lead to frustration. In addition, setting up centralised reporting and dashboarding is likely to give you ideas for problems that data scientists can solve.

                          Q3: Do you have a specific problem to solve?

                          If the problem you’re trying to solve is “everyone is doing smart things with data, we should be doing stuff with data too”, you don’t have a specific problem that can be solved by bringing a data scientist on board. Defining the problem often ends up occupying a lot of the data scientist’s time, so you are likely to obtain better results if have more than just a vague idea around “doing something with data, because Hadoop”. Ideally you want to optimise an existing process that is currently being solved with heuristics, make an existing model better, implement a new data-driven feature, or something along these lines. Common examples include reducing churn, increasing conversions, and replacing manual processes with automated data-driven systems. Again, getting advice from experienced data scientists before committing to hiring one may be your best first step.

                          Q4: Can you get away with heuristics, intuition, and/or manual processes?

                          Some data scientists would passionately claim that you must deploy only models that are theoretically justified and well-tested. However, in many cases you can get away with using simple heuristics, intuition, and/or manual processes. These can be orders of magnitude cheaper than building sophisticated predictive models and the infrastructure to support them. For many businesses, there are more pressing needs than doing everything in a theoretically sound way. Despite what many technical people like to think, customers don’t tend to care how things are implemented, as long as their needs are fulfilled.

                          For example, I spent some time with a client whose product includes a semi-manual part where structured data is extracted from documents. Their process included sending some of the documents to a trained team in the Philippines for manual analysis. The client was interested in replacing that manual work with a machine learning algorithm. As is often the case with machine learning, it was unknown whether the resultant model would be accurate enough to completely replace the manual workers. This generally depends on data quality and the feasibility of solving the problem. Assessing the feasibility would have taken some time and money, so the client decided to park the idea and focus on other areas of their business.

                          Every business has resource constraints. Situations where the best investment you can make is hiring a full-time data scientist are rarer than what the hype may make you think. It’s often the case that functions that would be the responsibility of a data scientist are adequately performed by existing employees, such as software engineers, business/data analysts, and marketers.

                          Q5: Are you committed to being data-driven?

                          I have seen more than one case where data scientists are hired only to be blocked or ignored. This is more prevalent in the corporate world, where managers are often incentivised to prioritise doing things that look good over things that make financial sense. But even if recruitment is done with the best intentions, progress may be blocked by employees who feel threatened because they would be replaced by automated data-driven algorithms. Successful data science projects require support from senior leadership, as discussed by Greta Roberts, Radim Řehůřek, Alec Smith, and many others. Without such support and a strong commitment to making data-driven decisions, everyone is just wasting their time.

                          Closing thoughts

                          While data science is currently over-hyped, many organisations still have much to gain from hiring data scientists. I hope that this post has helped you decide whether you need a data scientist right now. If you’re unsure, please don’t hesitate to contact me. And to any data scientists reading this: Be very wary of potential employers who do not have good answers to the above questions. At this point in time you can afford to be picky, at least until the hype is over.


                            Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2015/10/02/the-wonderful-world-of-recommender-systems/index.html b/2015/10/02/the-wonderful-world-of-recommender-systems/index.html index 5b150e39e..562e75602 100644 --- a/2015/10/02/the-wonderful-world-of-recommender-systems/index.html +++ b/2015/10/02/the-wonderful-world-of-recommender-systems/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ The wonderful world of recommender systems | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                            The wonderful world of recommender systems

                            I recently gave a talk about recommender systems at the Data Science Sydney meetup (the slides are available here). This post roughly follows the outline of the talk, expanding on some of the key points in non-slide form (i.e., complete sentences and paragraphs!). The first few sections give a broad overview of the field and the common recommendation paradigms, while the final part is dedicated to debunking five common myths about recommender systems.

                            Motivation: Why should we care about recommender systems?

                            The key reason why many people seem to care about recommender systems is money. For companies such as Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify, recommender systems drive significant engagement and revenue. But this is the more cynical view of things. The reason these companies (and others) see increased revenue is because they deliver actual value to their customers – recommender systems provide a scalable way of personalising content for users in scenarios with many items.

                            Another reason why data scientists specifically should care about recommender systems is that it is a true data science problem. That is, at least according to my favourite definition of data science as the intersection between software engineering, machine learning, and statistics. As we will see, building successful recommender systems requires all of these skills (and more).

                            Defining recommender systems

                            When trying to the define anything, a reasonable first step is to ask Wikipedia. Unfortunately, as of the day of this post’s publication, Wikipedia defines recommender systems too narrowly, as “a subclass of information filtering system that seek to predict the ‘rating’ or ‘preference’ that a user would give to an item” (I should probably fix it, but this wrong definition helped my talk flow better – let me know if you fix it and I’ll update this paragraph).

                            The problem with Wikipedia’s definition is that there’s so much more to recommender systems than rating prediction. First, recommender is a misnomer – calling it a discovery assistant is better, as the so-called recommendations are far from binding. Second, system means that elements like presentation are important, which is part of what makes recommendation such an interesting data science problem.

                            My definition is simply:

                            Recommender systems are systems that help users discover items they may like.

                            Recommendation paradigms

                            Depending on who you ask, there are between two and twenty different recommendation paradigms. The usual classification is by the type of data that is used to generate recommendations. The distinction between approaches is more academic than practical, as it is often a good idea to use hybrids/ensembles to address each method’s limitations. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile discussing the different paradigms. The way I see it, if you ignore trivial approaches that often work surprisingly well (e.g., popular items, and “watch it again”), there are four main paradigms: collaborative filtering, content-based, social/demographic, and contextual recommendation.

                            Collaborative filtering is perhaps the most famous approach to recommendation, to the point that it is sometimes seen as synonymous with the field. The main idea is that you’re given a matrix of preferences by users for items, and these are used to predict missing preferences and recommend items with high predictions. One of the key advantages of this approach is that there has been a huge amount of research into collaborative filtering, making it pretty well-understood, with existing libraries that make implementation fairly straightforward. Another important advantage is that collaborative filtering is independent of item properties. All you need to get started is user and item IDs, and some notion of preference by users for items (ratings, views, etc.).

                            The major limitation of collaborative filtering is its reliance on preferences. In a cold-start scenario, where there are no preferences at all, it can’t generate any recommendations. However, cold starts can also occur when there are millions of available preferences, because pure collaborative recommendation doesn’t work for items or users with no ratings, and often performs pretty poorly when there are only a few ratings. Further, the underlying collaborative model may yield disappointing results when the preference matrix is sparse. In fact, this has been my experience in nearly every situation where I deployed collaborative filtering. It always requires tweaking, and never simply works out of the box.

                            Content-based algorithms are given user preferences for items, and recommend similar items based on a domain-specific notion of item content. The main advantage of content-based recommendation over collaborative filtering is that it doesn’t require as much user feedback to get going. Even one known user preference can yield many good recommendations (which can lead to the collection of preferences to enable collaborative recommendation). In many scenarios, content-based recommendation is the most natural approach. For example, when recommending news articles or blog posts, it’s natural to compare the textual content of the items. This approach also extends naturally to cases where item metadata is available (e.g., movie stars, book authors, and music genres).

                            One problem with deploying content-based recommendations arises when item similarity is not so easily defined. However, even when it is natural to measure similarity, content-based recommendations may end up being too homogeneous to be useful. Such recommendations may also be too static over time, thereby failing to adjust to changes in individual user tastes and other shifts in the underlying data.

                            Social and demographic recommenders suggest items that are liked by friends, friends of friends, and demographically-similar people. Such recommenders don’t need any preferences by the user to whom recommendations are made, making them very powerful. In my experience, even trivially-implemented approaches can be depressingly accurate. For example, just summing the number of Facebook likes by a person’s close friends can often be enough to paint a pretty accurate picture of what that person likes.

                            Given this power of social and demographic recommenders, it isn’t surprising that social networks don’t easily give their data away. This means that for many practitioners, employing social/demographic recommendation algorithms is simply impossible. However, even when such data is available, it is not always easy to use without creeping users out. Further, privacy concerns need to be carefully addressed to ensure that users are comfortable with using the system.

                            Contextual recommendation algorithms recommend items that match the user’s current context. This allows them to be more flexible and adaptive to current user needs than methods that ignore context (essentially giving the same weight to all of the user’s history). Hence, contextual algorithms are more likely to elicit a response than approaches that are based only on historical data.

                            The key limitations of contextual recommenders are similar to those of social and demographic recommenders – contextual data may not always be available, and there’s a risk of creeping out the user. For example, ad retargeting can be seen as a form of contextual recommendation that follows users around the web and across devices, without having the explicit consent of the users to being tracked in this manner.

                            Five common myths about recommender systems

                            There are some common myths and misconceptions surrounding recommender systems. I’ve picked five to address in this post. If you disagree, agree, or have more to add, I would love to hear from you either privately or in the comment section.

                            The accuracy myth
                            Offline optimisation of an accuracy measure is sufficient for creating a successful recommender
                            Users don't really care about accuracy

                            This is perhaps the most prevalent myth of all, as evidenced by Wikipedia’s definition of recommender systems. It’s somewhat surprising that it still persists, as it’s been almost ten years since McNee et al.’s influential paper on the damage the focus on accuracy measures has done to the field.

                            It is therefore worth asking where this myth came from. My theory is that it is a feedback loop between academia and industry. In academia it is pretty easy to publish papers with infinitesimal improvements to arbitrary accuracy measures on offline datasets (I’m also guilty of doing just that), while it’s relatively hard to run experiments on live systems. However, one of the moves that significantly increased focus on offline predictive accuracy came from industry, in the form of the $1M Netflix prize, where the goal was to improve the accuracy of Netflix’s rating prediction algorithm by 10%.

                            Notably, most of the algorithms that came out of the three-year competition were never integrated into Netflix. As discussed on the Netflix blog:

                            You might be wondering what happened with the final Grand Prize ensemble that won the $1M two years later… We evaluated some of the new methods offline but the additional accuracy gains that we measured did not seem to justify the engineering effort needed to bring them into a production environment.

                            Our business objective is to maximize member satisfaction and month-to-month subscription retention… Now it is clear that the Netflix Prize objective, accurate prediction of a movie’s rating, is just one of the many components of an effective recommendation system that optimizes our members’ enjoyment.

                            The following chart says it all (taken from the second part of the blog post quoted above):

                            The wonderful world of recommender systems

                            I recently gave a talk about recommender systems at the Data Science Sydney meetup (the slides are available here). This post roughly follows the outline of the talk, expanding on some of the key points in non-slide form (i.e., complete sentences and paragraphs!). The first few sections give a broad overview of the field and the common recommendation paradigms, while the final part is dedicated to debunking five common myths about recommender systems.

                            Motivation: Why should we care about recommender systems?

                            The key reason why many people seem to care about recommender systems is money. For companies such as Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify, recommender systems drive significant engagement and revenue. But this is the more cynical view of things. The reason these companies (and others) see increased revenue is because they deliver actual value to their customers – recommender systems provide a scalable way of personalising content for users in scenarios with many items.

                            Another reason why data scientists specifically should care about recommender systems is that it is a true data science problem. That is, at least according to my favourite definition of data science as the intersection between software engineering, machine learning, and statistics. As we will see, building successful recommender systems requires all of these skills (and more).

                            Defining recommender systems

                            When trying to the define anything, a reasonable first step is to ask Wikipedia. Unfortunately, as of the day of this post’s publication, Wikipedia defines recommender systems too narrowly, as “a subclass of information filtering system that seek to predict the ‘rating’ or ‘preference’ that a user would give to an item” (I should probably fix it, but this wrong definition helped my talk flow better – let me know if you fix it and I’ll update this paragraph).

                            The problem with Wikipedia’s definition is that there’s so much more to recommender systems than rating prediction. First, recommender is a misnomer – calling it a discovery assistant is better, as the so-called recommendations are far from binding. Second, system means that elements like presentation are important, which is part of what makes recommendation such an interesting data science problem.

                            My definition is simply:

                            Recommender systems are systems that help users discover items they may like.

                            Recommendation paradigms

                            Depending on who you ask, there are between two and twenty different recommendation paradigms. The usual classification is by the type of data that is used to generate recommendations. The distinction between approaches is more academic than practical, as it is often a good idea to use hybrids/ensembles to address each method’s limitations. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile discussing the different paradigms. The way I see it, if you ignore trivial approaches that often work surprisingly well (e.g., popular items, and “watch it again”), there are four main paradigms: collaborative filtering, content-based, social/demographic, and contextual recommendation.

                            Collaborative filtering is perhaps the most famous approach to recommendation, to the point that it is sometimes seen as synonymous with the field. The main idea is that you’re given a matrix of preferences by users for items, and these are used to predict missing preferences and recommend items with high predictions. One of the key advantages of this approach is that there has been a huge amount of research into collaborative filtering, making it pretty well-understood, with existing libraries that make implementation fairly straightforward. Another important advantage is that collaborative filtering is independent of item properties. All you need to get started is user and item IDs, and some notion of preference by users for items (ratings, views, etc.).

                            The major limitation of collaborative filtering is its reliance on preferences. In a cold-start scenario, where there are no preferences at all, it can’t generate any recommendations. However, cold starts can also occur when there are millions of available preferences, because pure collaborative recommendation doesn’t work for items or users with no ratings, and often performs pretty poorly when there are only a few ratings. Further, the underlying collaborative model may yield disappointing results when the preference matrix is sparse. In fact, this has been my experience in nearly every situation where I deployed collaborative filtering. It always requires tweaking, and never simply works out of the box.

                            Content-based algorithms are given user preferences for items, and recommend similar items based on a domain-specific notion of item content. The main advantage of content-based recommendation over collaborative filtering is that it doesn’t require as much user feedback to get going. Even one known user preference can yield many good recommendations (which can lead to the collection of preferences to enable collaborative recommendation). In many scenarios, content-based recommendation is the most natural approach. For example, when recommending news articles or blog posts, it’s natural to compare the textual content of the items. This approach also extends naturally to cases where item metadata is available (e.g., movie stars, book authors, and music genres).

                            One problem with deploying content-based recommendations arises when item similarity is not so easily defined. However, even when it is natural to measure similarity, content-based recommendations may end up being too homogeneous to be useful. Such recommendations may also be too static over time, thereby failing to adjust to changes in individual user tastes and other shifts in the underlying data.

                            Social and demographic recommenders suggest items that are liked by friends, friends of friends, and demographically-similar people. Such recommenders don’t need any preferences by the user to whom recommendations are made, making them very powerful. In my experience, even trivially-implemented approaches can be depressingly accurate. For example, just summing the number of Facebook likes by a person’s close friends can often be enough to paint a pretty accurate picture of what that person likes.

                            Given this power of social and demographic recommenders, it isn’t surprising that social networks don’t easily give their data away. This means that for many practitioners, employing social/demographic recommendation algorithms is simply impossible. However, even when such data is available, it is not always easy to use without creeping users out. Further, privacy concerns need to be carefully addressed to ensure that users are comfortable with using the system.

                            Contextual recommendation algorithms recommend items that match the user’s current context. This allows them to be more flexible and adaptive to current user needs than methods that ignore context (essentially giving the same weight to all of the user’s history). Hence, contextual algorithms are more likely to elicit a response than approaches that are based only on historical data.

                            The key limitations of contextual recommenders are similar to those of social and demographic recommenders – contextual data may not always be available, and there’s a risk of creeping out the user. For example, ad retargeting can be seen as a form of contextual recommendation that follows users around the web and across devices, without having the explicit consent of the users to being tracked in this manner.

                            Five common myths about recommender systems

                            There are some common myths and misconceptions surrounding recommender systems. I’ve picked five to address in this post. If you disagree, agree, or have more to add, I would love to hear from you either privately or in the comment section.

                            The accuracy myth
                            Offline optimisation of an accuracy measure is sufficient for creating a successful recommender
                            Users don't really care about accuracy

                            This is perhaps the most prevalent myth of all, as evidenced by Wikipedia’s definition of recommender systems. It’s somewhat surprising that it still persists, as it’s been almost ten years since McNee et al.’s influential paper on the damage the focus on accuracy measures has done to the field.

                            It is therefore worth asking where this myth came from. My theory is that it is a feedback loop between academia and industry. In academia it is pretty easy to publish papers with infinitesimal improvements to arbitrary accuracy measures on offline datasets (I’m also guilty of doing just that), while it’s relatively hard to run experiments on live systems. However, one of the moves that significantly increased focus on offline predictive accuracy came from industry, in the form of the $1M Netflix prize, where the goal was to improve the accuracy of Netflix’s rating prediction algorithm by 10%.

                            Notably, most of the algorithms that came out of the three-year competition were never integrated into Netflix. As discussed on the Netflix blog:

                            You might be wondering what happened with the final Grand Prize ensemble that won the $1M two years later… We evaluated some of the new methods offline but the additional accuracy gains that we measured did not seem to justify the engineering effort needed to bring them into a production environment.

                            Our business objective is to maximize member satisfaction and month-to-month subscription retention… Now it is clear that the Netflix Prize objective, accurate prediction of a movie’s rating, is just one of the many components of an effective recommendation system that optimizes our members’ enjoyment.

                            The following chart says it all (taken from the second part of the blog post quoted above):

                            Miscommunicating science: Simplistic models, nutritionism, and the art of storytelling | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                            Miscommunicating science: Simplistic models, nutritionism, and the art of storytelling

                            I recently finished reading the book In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan. The book criticises nutritionism – the idea that one should eat according to the sum of measured nutrients while ignoring the food that contains these nutrients. The key argument of the book is that since the knowledge derived using food science is still very limited, completely relying on the partial findings and tools provided by this science is likely to lead to health issues. Instead, the author says we should “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” One of the reasons I found the book interesting is that nutritionism is a special case of misinterpretation and miscommunication of scientific results. This is something many data scientists encounter in their everyday work – finding the balance between simple and complex models, the need to “sell” models and their results to non-technical stakeholders, and the requirement for well-performing models. This post explores these issues through the example of predicting human health based on diet.

                            As an aside, I generally agree with the book’s message, which is backed by fairly thorough research (though it is a bit dated, as the book was released in 2008). There are many commercial interests invested in persuading us to eat things that may be edible, but shouldn’t really be considered food. These food-like products tend to rely on health claims that dumb down the science. A common example can be found in various fat-free products, where healthy fat is replaced with unhealthy amounts of sugar to compensate for the loss of flavour. These products are then marketed as healthy due to their lack of fat. The book is full of such examples, and is definitely worth reading, especially if you live in the US or in a country that’s heavily influenced by American food culture.

                            Running example: Predicting a person’s health based on their diet

                            Predicting health based on diet isn’t an easy problem. First, how do you quantify and measure health? You could use proxies like longevity and occurrence/duration of disease, but these are imperfect measures because you can have a long unhealthy life (thanks to modern medicine) and some diseases are more unbearable than others. Another issue is that there are many factors other than diet that contribute to health, such as genetics, age, lifestyle, access to healthcare, etc. Finally, even if you could reliably study the effect of diet in isolation from other factors, there’s the question of measuring the diet. Do you measure each nutrient separately or do you look at foods and consumption patterns? Do you group foods by time (e.g., looking at overall daily or monthly patterns)? If you just looked at the raw data of foods and nutrients consumed at certain points in time, every studied subject is likely to be an outlier (due to the curse of dimensionality). The raw data on foods consumed by individuals has to be grouped in some way to build a generalisable model, but groupings necessitate removal of some data.

                            Modelling real-world data is rarely straightforward. Many assumptions are embedded in the measurements and models. Good scientific papers are explicit about the shortcomings and limitations of the presented work. However, by the time scientific studies make it to the real world, shortcomings and limitations are removed to present palatable (and often wrong) conclusions to a general audience. This is illustrated nicely by the following comic:

                            Miscommunicating science: Simplistic models, nutritionism, and the art of storytelling

                            I recently finished reading the book In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan. The book criticises nutritionism – the idea that one should eat according to the sum of measured nutrients while ignoring the food that contains these nutrients. The key argument of the book is that since the knowledge derived using food science is still very limited, completely relying on the partial findings and tools provided by this science is likely to lead to health issues. Instead, the author says we should “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” One of the reasons I found the book interesting is that nutritionism is a special case of misinterpretation and miscommunication of scientific results. This is something many data scientists encounter in their everyday work – finding the balance between simple and complex models, the need to “sell” models and their results to non-technical stakeholders, and the requirement for well-performing models. This post explores these issues through the example of predicting human health based on diet.

                            As an aside, I generally agree with the book’s message, which is backed by fairly thorough research (though it is a bit dated, as the book was released in 2008). There are many commercial interests invested in persuading us to eat things that may be edible, but shouldn’t really be considered food. These food-like products tend to rely on health claims that dumb down the science. A common example can be found in various fat-free products, where healthy fat is replaced with unhealthy amounts of sugar to compensate for the loss of flavour. These products are then marketed as healthy due to their lack of fat. The book is full of such examples, and is definitely worth reading, especially if you live in the US or in a country that’s heavily influenced by American food culture.

                            Running example: Predicting a person’s health based on their diet

                            Predicting health based on diet isn’t an easy problem. First, how do you quantify and measure health? You could use proxies like longevity and occurrence/duration of disease, but these are imperfect measures because you can have a long unhealthy life (thanks to modern medicine) and some diseases are more unbearable than others. Another issue is that there are many factors other than diet that contribute to health, such as genetics, age, lifestyle, access to healthcare, etc. Finally, even if you could reliably study the effect of diet in isolation from other factors, there’s the question of measuring the diet. Do you measure each nutrient separately or do you look at foods and consumption patterns? Do you group foods by time (e.g., looking at overall daily or monthly patterns)? If you just looked at the raw data of foods and nutrients consumed at certain points in time, every studied subject is likely to be an outlier (due to the curse of dimensionality). The raw data on foods consumed by individuals has to be grouped in some way to build a generalisable model, but groupings necessitate removal of some data.

                            Modelling real-world data is rarely straightforward. Many assumptions are embedded in the measurements and models. Good scientific papers are explicit about the shortcomings and limitations of the presented work. However, by the time scientific studies make it to the real world, shortcomings and limitations are removed to present palatable (and often wrong) conclusions to a general audience. This is illustrated nicely by the following comic:

                            PHD Comics: Science News Cycle

                            Selling your model with simple explanations

                            People like simple explanations for complex phenomena. If you work as a data scientist, or if you are planning to become/hire one, you’ve probably seen storytelling listed as one of the key skills that data scientists should have. Unlike “real” scientists that work in academia and have to explain their results mostly to peers who can handle technical complexities, data scientists in industry have to deal with non-technical stakeholders who want to understand how the models work. However, these stakeholders rarely have the time or patience to understand how things truly work. What they want is a simple hand-wavy explanation to make them feel as if they understand the matter – they want a story, not a technical report (an aside: don’t feel too smug, there is a lot of knowledge out there and in matters that fall outside of our main interests we are all non-technical stakeholders who get fed simple stories).

                            One of the simplest stories that most people can understand is the story of correlation. Going back to the running example of predicting health based on diet, it is well-known that excessive consumption of certain fats under certain conditions is correlated with an increase in likelihood of certain diseases. This is simplified in some stories to “consuming more fat increases your chance of disease”, which leads to the conclusion that consuming no fat at all decreases the chance of disease to zero. While this may sound ridiculous, it’s the sad reality. According to a recent survey, while the image of fat has improved over the past few years, 42% of Americans still try to limit or avoid all fats.

                            A slightly more involved story is that of linear models – looking at the effect of the most important factors, rather than presenting a single factor’s contribution. This storytelling technique is commonly used even with non-linear models, where the most important features are identified using various techniques. The problem is that people still tend to interpret this form of presentation as a simple linear relationship. Expanding on the previous example, this approach goes from a single-minded focus on fat to the need to consume less fat and sugar, but more calcium, protein and vitamin D. Unfortunately, even linear models with tens of variables are hard for people to use and follow. In the case of nutrition, few people really track the intake of all the nutrients covered by recommended daily intakes.

                            Few interesting relationships are linear

                            Complex phenomena tend to be explained by complex non-linear models. For example, it’s not enough to consume the “right” amount of calcium – you also need vitamin D to absorb it, but popping a few vitamin D pills isn’t going to work well if you don’t consume them with fat, though over-consumption of certain fats is likely to lead to health issues. This list of human-friendly rules can go on and on, but reality is much more complex. It is naive to think that it is possible to predict something as complex as human health with a simple linear model that is based on daily nutrient intake. That being said, some relationships do lend themselves to simple rules of thumb. For example, if you don’t have enough vitamin C, you’re very likely to get scurvy, and people who don’t consume enough vitamin B1 may contract beriberi. However, when it comes to cancers and other diseases that take years to develop, linear models are inadequate.

                            An accurate model to predict human health based on diet would be based on thousands to millions of variables, and would consider many non-linear relationships. It is fairly safe to assume that there is no magic bullet that simply explains how diet affects our health, and no superfood is going to save us from the complexity of our nutritional needs. It is likely that even if we had such a model, it would not be completely accurate. All models are wrong, but some models are useful. For example, the vitamin C versus scurvy model is very useful, but it is often wrong when it comes to predicting overall health. Predictions made by useful complex models can be very hard to reason about and explain, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use them.

                            The ongoing quest for sellable complex models

                            All of the above should be pretty obvious to any modern data scientist. The culture of preferring complex models with high predictive accuracy to simplistic models with questionable predictive power is now prevalent (see Leo Breiman’s 2001 paper for a discussion of these two cultures of statistical modelling). This is illustrated by the focus of many Kaggle competitions on producing accurate models and the recent successes of deep learning for computer vision. Especially with deep learning for vision, no one expects a handful of variables (pixels) to be predictive, so traditional explanations of variable importance are useless. This does lead to a general suspicion of such models, as they are too complex for us to reason about or fully explain. However, it is very hard to argue with the empirical success of accurate modelling techniques.

                            Nonetheless, many data scientists still work in environments that require simple explanations. This may lead some data scientists to settle for simple models that are easier to sell. In my opinion, it is better to make up a simple explanation for an accurate complex model than settle for a simple model that doesn’t really work. That being said, some situations do call for simple or inflexible models due to a lack of data or the need to enforce strong prior assumptions. In Albert Einstein’s words, “it can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience”. Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler, and always consider the interests of people who try to sell you simplistic (or unnecessarily complex) explanations.

                            Subscribe diff --git a/2015/11/04/migrating-a-simple-web-application-from-mongodb-to-elasticsearch/index.html b/2015/11/04/migrating-a-simple-web-application-from-mongodb-to-elasticsearch/index.html index 9329cf858..dcbcb0b0f 100644 --- a/2015/11/04/migrating-a-simple-web-application-from-mongodb-to-elasticsearch/index.html +++ b/2015/11/04/migrating-a-simple-web-application-from-mongodb-to-elasticsearch/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Migrating a simple web application from MongoDB to Elasticsearch | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                            Migrating a simple web application from MongoDB to Elasticsearch

                            Bandcamp Recommender (BCRecommender) is a web application that serves music recommendations from Bandcamp. I recently switched BCRecommender’s data store from MongoDB to Elasticsearch. This has made it possible to offer a richer search experience to users at a similar cost. This post describes the migration process and discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of using Elasticsearch instead of MongoDB.

                            Motivation: Why swap MongoDB for Elasticsearch?

                            I’ve written a few posts in the past on BCRecommender’s design and implementation. It is a fairly simple application with two main components: the backend worker that crawls data and generates recommendations in batch, and the webapp that serves the recommendations. Importantly, each of these components has its own data store, with the recommendations synced up from the worker to the webapp, and data like events and subscriptions synced down from the webapp to the worker. Recently, I migrated the webapp component from Parse to DigitalOcean, replacing Parse’s data store with MongoDB. Choosing MongoDB was meant to simplify the transition – Parse uses MongoDB behind the scenes, as does the backend worker. However, moving out of Parse’s sandboxed environment freed me to choose any data store, and Elasticsearch seemed like a good candidate that would make it possible to expose advanced search capabilities to end users.

                            Advanced search means different things to different people. In BCRecommender’s case what I had in mind was rather modest, at least for the initial stages. BCRecommender presents recommendations for two types of entities: fans and tralbums (tracks/albums). In both cases, the recommended items are tralbums. When the key is a fan, the recommendations are tralbums that they may like, and when the key is a tralbum, the recommendations are similar tralbums. Each tralbum has a title, an artist name, and a list of tags. Each fan has its Bandcamp username as a primary key, and a list of tags that is derived from the tralbums in the fan’s collection. Originally, “searching” required users to either enter the exact username of a Bandcamp fan, or the exact Bandcamp link of a tralbum – not the best user experience! Indeed, I was tracking the search terms and found that many people were unsuccessfully trying to use unstructured queries. My idea of advanced search was to move away from the original key-value approach to full-text search that considers tags, titles, artists, and other fields that may get added later.

                            It was clear that while it may be possible to provide advanced search with MongoDB, it wouldn’t be a smooth ride. While recent versions of MongoDB include support for full-text search, it isn’t as feature-rich as Elasticsearch. For example, MongoDB text indices do not store phrases or information about the proximity of words in the documents, making phrase queries run slowly unless the entire collection fits in memory. The names really say it all: MongoDB is a database with some search capabilities, and Elasticsearch is a search engine with some database capabilities. It seems pretty common to use MongoDB (or another database) as a data store and supply search through Elasticsearch, so I figured it isn’t a bad idea to apply this pattern to BCRecommender.

                            It is worth noting that if BCRecommender were a for-profit project, I would probably use Algolia rather than Elasticsearch. My experience with Algolia on a different project has been excellent – they make it easy for you to get started, have great customer service, and deliver good and fast results with minimal development and operational effort. The two main disadvantages of Algolia are its price and the fact that it’s a closed-source solution (see further discussion on Quora). At over two million records, the monthly cost of running Algolia for BCRecommender would be around US$649, which is more than what I’m willing to spend on this project. However, for a business this may be a reasonable cost because deploying and maintaining an Elasticsearch cluster may end up costing more. Nonetheless, many businesses use Elasticsearch successfully, which is why I have no doubt that it’s a great choice for my use case – it just requires more work than Algolia to get up and running.

                            Executing the migration plan

                            The plan for migrating the webapp from MongoDB to Elasticsearch was pretty simple:

                            1. Read the Elasticsearch manual to ensure it suits my needs
                            2. Replace MongoDB with Elasticsearch without making any user-facing changes
                            3. Expose full-text search to BCRecommender users
                            4. Improve search performance based on user behaviour
                            5. Implement more search features

                            Reading the manual is not something I do for every piece of technology I use (there are just too many tools out there these days), but for Elasticsearch it seemed to be worth the effort. I’m not done reading yet, but covering the material in the Getting Started and Search in Depth sections gave me enough information to complete steps 2 & 3. The main things I was worried about was Elasticsearch’s performance as a database and how memory-hungry it’d be. Reading the manual allowed me to avoid some memory-use pitfalls and gave me insights on the way MongoDB and Elasticsearch compare (see details below).

                            Switching from MongoDB to Elasticsearch as a simple database was pretty straightforward. Both are document-based, so there were no changes required to the data models, but I did use the opportunity to fix some issues. For example, I changed the sitemap generation process from dynamic to static to avoid having to scroll through the entire dataset to fetch deep sitemap pages. To support BCRecommender’s feature of browsing through random fans, I replaced MongoDB’s somewhat-hacky approach of returning random results with Elasticsearch’s cleaner method. As the webapp is implemented in Python, I originally used the elasticsearch-dsl package, but found it too hard to debug queries (e.g., figuring out how to rank results randomly was a bit of a nightmare). Instead, I ended up using the elasticsearch-py package, which is only a thin wrapper around the Elasticsearch API. This approach yields code that doesn’t look very Pythonic – rather than following the Zen of Python’s flat is better than nested aphorism, the API follows the more Java-esque belief of you can never have enough nesting (see image below for example). However, I prefer overly-nested structures that I can debug to flat code that doesn’t work. I may try using the DSL again in the future, once I’ve gained more experience with Elasticsearch.

                            Migrating a simple web application from MongoDB to Elasticsearch

                            Bandcamp Recommender (BCRecommender) is a web application that serves music recommendations from Bandcamp. I recently switched BCRecommender’s data store from MongoDB to Elasticsearch. This has made it possible to offer a richer search experience to users at a similar cost. This post describes the migration process and discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of using Elasticsearch instead of MongoDB.

                            Motivation: Why swap MongoDB for Elasticsearch?

                            I’ve written a few posts in the past on BCRecommender’s design and implementation. It is a fairly simple application with two main components: the backend worker that crawls data and generates recommendations in batch, and the webapp that serves the recommendations. Importantly, each of these components has its own data store, with the recommendations synced up from the worker to the webapp, and data like events and subscriptions synced down from the webapp to the worker. Recently, I migrated the webapp component from Parse to DigitalOcean, replacing Parse’s data store with MongoDB. Choosing MongoDB was meant to simplify the transition – Parse uses MongoDB behind the scenes, as does the backend worker. However, moving out of Parse’s sandboxed environment freed me to choose any data store, and Elasticsearch seemed like a good candidate that would make it possible to expose advanced search capabilities to end users.

                            Advanced search means different things to different people. In BCRecommender’s case what I had in mind was rather modest, at least for the initial stages. BCRecommender presents recommendations for two types of entities: fans and tralbums (tracks/albums). In both cases, the recommended items are tralbums. When the key is a fan, the recommendations are tralbums that they may like, and when the key is a tralbum, the recommendations are similar tralbums. Each tralbum has a title, an artist name, and a list of tags. Each fan has its Bandcamp username as a primary key, and a list of tags that is derived from the tralbums in the fan’s collection. Originally, “searching” required users to either enter the exact username of a Bandcamp fan, or the exact Bandcamp link of a tralbum – not the best user experience! Indeed, I was tracking the search terms and found that many people were unsuccessfully trying to use unstructured queries. My idea of advanced search was to move away from the original key-value approach to full-text search that considers tags, titles, artists, and other fields that may get added later.

                            It was clear that while it may be possible to provide advanced search with MongoDB, it wouldn’t be a smooth ride. While recent versions of MongoDB include support for full-text search, it isn’t as feature-rich as Elasticsearch. For example, MongoDB text indices do not store phrases or information about the proximity of words in the documents, making phrase queries run slowly unless the entire collection fits in memory. The names really say it all: MongoDB is a database with some search capabilities, and Elasticsearch is a search engine with some database capabilities. It seems pretty common to use MongoDB (or another database) as a data store and supply search through Elasticsearch, so I figured it isn’t a bad idea to apply this pattern to BCRecommender.

                            It is worth noting that if BCRecommender were a for-profit project, I would probably use Algolia rather than Elasticsearch. My experience with Algolia on a different project has been excellent – they make it easy for you to get started, have great customer service, and deliver good and fast results with minimal development and operational effort. The two main disadvantages of Algolia are its price and the fact that it’s a closed-source solution (see further discussion on Quora). At over two million records, the monthly cost of running Algolia for BCRecommender would be around US$649, which is more than what I’m willing to spend on this project. However, for a business this may be a reasonable cost because deploying and maintaining an Elasticsearch cluster may end up costing more. Nonetheless, many businesses use Elasticsearch successfully, which is why I have no doubt that it’s a great choice for my use case – it just requires more work than Algolia to get up and running.

                            Executing the migration plan

                            The plan for migrating the webapp from MongoDB to Elasticsearch was pretty simple:

                            1. Read the Elasticsearch manual to ensure it suits my needs
                            2. Replace MongoDB with Elasticsearch without making any user-facing changes
                            3. Expose full-text search to BCRecommender users
                            4. Improve search performance based on user behaviour
                            5. Implement more search features

                            Reading the manual is not something I do for every piece of technology I use (there are just too many tools out there these days), but for Elasticsearch it seemed to be worth the effort. I’m not done reading yet, but covering the material in the Getting Started and Search in Depth sections gave me enough information to complete steps 2 & 3. The main things I was worried about was Elasticsearch’s performance as a database and how memory-hungry it’d be. Reading the manual allowed me to avoid some memory-use pitfalls and gave me insights on the way MongoDB and Elasticsearch compare (see details below).

                            Switching from MongoDB to Elasticsearch as a simple database was pretty straightforward. Both are document-based, so there were no changes required to the data models, but I did use the opportunity to fix some issues. For example, I changed the sitemap generation process from dynamic to static to avoid having to scroll through the entire dataset to fetch deep sitemap pages. To support BCRecommender’s feature of browsing through random fans, I replaced MongoDB’s somewhat-hacky approach of returning random results with Elasticsearch’s cleaner method. As the webapp is implemented in Python, I originally used the elasticsearch-dsl package, but found it too hard to debug queries (e.g., figuring out how to rank results randomly was a bit of a nightmare). Instead, I ended up using the elasticsearch-py package, which is only a thin wrapper around the Elasticsearch API. This approach yields code that doesn’t look very Pythonic – rather than following the Zen of Python’s flat is better than nested aphorism, the API follows the more Java-esque belief of you can never have enough nesting (see image below for example). However, I prefer overly-nested structures that I can debug to flat code that doesn’t work. I may try using the DSL again in the future, once I’ve gained more experience with Elasticsearch.

                            elasticsearch is nesty

                            As mentioned, one of my worries was that I would have to increase the amount of memory allocated to the machine where Elasticsearch runs. Since BCRecommender is a fairly low-budget project, I’m willing to sacrifice high availability to save a bit on operational costs. Therefore, the webapp and its data store run on the same DigitalOcean instance, which is enough to happily serve the current amount of traffic (around one request per second). By default, Elasticsearch indexes all the fields, and even includes an extra indexed _all field that is a concatenation of all string fields in a document. While indexing everything may be convenient, it wasn’t necessary for the first stage. Choosing the minimal index settings allowed me to keep using the same instance size as before (1GB RAM and 30GB SSD). In fact, due to the switch to static sitemaps and the removal of MongoDB’s random attribute hack, fewer indexes were required after the change.

                            Once I had all the code converted and working on my local Vagrant environment, it was time to deploy. The deployment was fairly straightforward and required no downtime, as I simply provisioned a new instance and switched over the floating IP once it was all tested and ready to go. I monitored response time and memory use closely and everything seemed to be working just fine – similarly to MongoDB. After a week of monitoring, it was time to take the next step and enable advanced search.

                            Enabling full-text search is where things got interesting. This phase required adding a search result page (previously users were redirected to the queried page if it was found), and reindexing the data. For this phase, I tried to keep things as simple as possible, and just indexed the string fields (tags, artist, and title) using the standard analyser. I did some manual testing of search results based on common queries, and played a bit with improving precision and recall. Perhaps the most important tweak was allowing an item’s activity level to influence the ranking. For each tralbum, the activity level is the number of fans that have the tralbum in their collection, and for each fan, it is the size of the collection. For example, when searching for amanda, the top result is the fan with username amanda, followed by tralbums by the popular Amanda Palmer. Before I added the consideration of activity level, all tralbums and fans that contained the word amanda had the same ranking.

                            The hardest parts of data science | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                            The hardest parts of data science

                            Contrary to common belief, the hardest part of data science isn’t building an accurate model or obtaining good, clean data. It is much harder to define feasible problems and come up with reasonable ways of measuring solutions. This post discusses some examples of these issues and how they can be addressed.

                            The not-so-hard parts

                            Before discussing the hardest parts of data science, it’s worth quickly addressing the two main contenders: model fitting and data collection/cleaning.

                            Model fitting is seen by some as particularly hard, or as real data science. This belief is fuelled in part by the success of Kaggle, that calls itself the home of data science. Most Kaggle competitions are focused on model fitting: Participants are given a well-defined problem, a dataset, and a measure to optimise, and they compete to produce the most accurate model. Coupling Kaggle’s excellent marketing with their competition setup leads many people to believe that data science is all about fitting models. In reality, building reasonably-accurate models is not that hard, because many model-building phases can easily be automated. Indeed, there are many companies that offer model fitting as a service (e.g., Microsoft, Amazon, Google and others). Even Ben Hamner, CTO of Kaggle, has said that he is “surprised at the number of ‘black box machine learning in the cloud’ services emerging: model fitting is easy. Problem definition and data collection are not.”

                            The hardest parts of data science

                            Contrary to common belief, the hardest part of data science isn’t building an accurate model or obtaining good, clean data. It is much harder to define feasible problems and come up with reasonable ways of measuring solutions. This post discusses some examples of these issues and how they can be addressed.

                            The not-so-hard parts

                            Before discussing the hardest parts of data science, it’s worth quickly addressing the two main contenders: model fitting and data collection/cleaning.

                            Model fitting is seen by some as particularly hard, or as real data science. This belief is fuelled in part by the success of Kaggle, that calls itself the home of data science. Most Kaggle competitions are focused on model fitting: Participants are given a well-defined problem, a dataset, and a measure to optimise, and they compete to produce the most accurate model. Coupling Kaggle’s excellent marketing with their competition setup leads many people to believe that data science is all about fitting models. In reality, building reasonably-accurate models is not that hard, because many model-building phases can easily be automated. Indeed, there are many companies that offer model fitting as a service (e.g., Microsoft, Amazon, Google and others). Even Ben Hamner, CTO of Kaggle, has said that he is “surprised at the number of ‘black box machine learning in the cloud’ services emerging: model fitting is easy. Problem definition and data collection are not.”

                            Ben Hamner tweet on black box ML in the cloud

                            Data collection/cleaning is the essential part that everyone loves to hate. DJ Patil (US Chief Data Scientist) is quoted as saying that “the hardest part of data science is getting good, clean data. Cleaning data is often 80% of the work.” While I agree that collecting data and cleaning it can be a lot of work, I don’t think of this part as particularly hard. It’s definitely important and may require careful planning, but in many cases it just isn’t very challenging. In addition, it is often the case that the data is already given, or is collected using previously-developed methods.

                            Problem definition is hard

                            There are many reasons why problem definition can be hard. It is sometimes due to stakeholders who don’t know what they want, and expect data scientists to solve all their data problems (either real or imagined). This type of situation is summarised by the following Dilbert strip. It is best handled by cleverly managing stakeholder expectations, while stirring them towards better-defined problems.

                            This holiday season, give me real insights | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                            This holiday season, give me real insights

                            Merriam-Webster defines an insight as an understanding of the true nature of something. Many companies seem to define an insight as any piece of data or information, which I would call a pseudo-insight. This post surveys some examples of pseudo-insights, and discusses how these can be built upon to provide real insights.

                            Exhibit A: WordPress stats

                            This website is hosted on wordpress.com. I’m generally happy with WordPress – though it’s not as exciting and shiny as newer competitors, it is rock-solid and very feature-rich. An example of a great WordPress feature is the new stats area (available under wordpress.com/stats if you have a WordPress website). This area includes an insights page, which is full of prime examples of pseudo-insights.

                            At the top of the insights page, there is a visualisation of posting activity. As the image below shows, this isn’t very interesting for websites like mine. I already know that I post irregularly, because writing a blog post is time-consuming. I suspect that this visualisation isn’t very useful even for more active multi-author blogs, as it is essentially just a different way of displaying the raw data of post dates. Without joining this data with other information, we won’t gain a better understanding of how the blog is performing and why it performs the way it does.

                            This holiday season, give me real insights

                            Merriam-Webster defines an insight as an understanding of the true nature of something. Many companies seem to define an insight as any piece of data or information, which I would call a pseudo-insight. This post surveys some examples of pseudo-insights, and discusses how these can be built upon to provide real insights.

                            Exhibit A: WordPress stats

                            This website is hosted on wordpress.com. I’m generally happy with WordPress – though it’s not as exciting and shiny as newer competitors, it is rock-solid and very feature-rich. An example of a great WordPress feature is the new stats area (available under wordpress.com/stats if you have a WordPress website). This area includes an insights page, which is full of prime examples of pseudo-insights.

                            At the top of the insights page, there is a visualisation of posting activity. As the image below shows, this isn’t very interesting for websites like mine. I already know that I post irregularly, because writing a blog post is time-consuming. I suspect that this visualisation isn’t very useful even for more active multi-author blogs, as it is essentially just a different way of displaying the raw data of post dates. Without joining this data with other information, we won’t gain a better understanding of how the blog is performing and why it performs the way it does.

                            WordPress insights: posting activity

                            An attempt to extract more meaningful insights from posting times appears further down the page, in the form of a widget that tells you the most popular day and hour. The help text says that This is the day and hour when you have been getting the most Views on average. The best timing for publishing a post may be around this period. Unfortunately, I’m pretty certain that this isn’t true in my case. Monday happens to be the most popular day because that’s when I published two of my most popular posts, and I usually try to spread the word about a new post as soon as I publish it. Further, blog posts can become popular a long time after publication, so it is unlikely that the best timing for publishing a post is around Monday 3pm.

                            The joys of offline data collection | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                            The joys of offline data collection

                            Many modern data scientists don’t get to experience data collection in the offline world. Recently, I spent a month sailing down the northern Great Barrier Reef, collecting data for the Reef Life Survey project. In addition to being a great diving experience, the trip helped me obtain general insights on data collection and machine learning, which are shared in this article.

                            The Reef Life Survey project

                            Reef Life Survey (RLS) is a citizen scientist project, led by a team from the University of Tasmania. The data collected by RLS volunteers is freely available on the RLS website, and has been used for producing various reports and scientific publications. An RLS survey is performed along a 50 metre tape, which is laid at a constant depth following a reef’s contour. After laying the tape, one diver takes photos of the bottom at 2.5 metre intervals along the transect line. These photos are automatically analysed to classify the type of substrate or growth (e.g., hard coral or sand). Divers then complete two swims along each side of the transect. On the first swim (method 1), divers record all the fish species and large swimming animals found in a 5 metre corridor from the line. The second swim (method 2) requires keeping closer to the bottom and looking under ledges and vegetation in a 1 metre corridor from the line, targeting invertebrates and cryptic animals. The RLS manual includes all the details on how surveys are performed.

                            Performing RLS surveys is not a trivial task. In the tropics, it is not uncommon to record around 100 fish species on method 1. The scientists running the project are very conscious of the importance of obtaining high-quality data, so training to become an RLS volunteer takes considerable effort and dedication. The process generally consists of doing surveys together with an experienced RLS diver, and comparing the data after each dive. Once the trainee’s data matches that of the experienced RLSer, they are considered good enough to perform surveys independently. However, retraining is often required when surveying new ecoregions (e.g., an RLSer trained in Sydney needs further training to survey the Great Barrier Reef).

                            RLS requires a lot of hard work, but there are many reasons why it’s worth the effort. As someone who cares about marine conservation, I like the fact that RLS dives yield useful data that is used to drive environmental management decisions. As a scuba diver, I enjoy the opportunity to dive places that are rarely dived and the enhanced knowledge of the marine environment – doing surveys makes me notice things that I would otherwise overlook. Finally, as a data scientist, I find the exposure to the work of marine scientists very educational.

                            Pre-training and thoughts on supervised learning

                            Doing surveys in the tropics is a completely different story from surveying temperate reefs, due to the substantially higher diversity and abundance of marine creatures. Producing high-quality results requires being able to identify most creatures underwater, while doing the survey. It is possible to write down descriptions and take photos of unidentified species, but doing this for a large number of species is impractical.

                            Training the neural network in my head to classify tropical fish by species was an interesting experience. The approach that worked best was making flashcards using reveal.js, photos scraped from various sources, and past survey data. As the image below shows, each flashcard consists of a single photo, and pressing the down arrow reveals the name of the creature. With some basic JavaScript, I made the presentation select a different subset of photos on each load. Originally, I tried to learn all the 1000+ species that were previously recorded in the northern Great Barrier Reef, but this proved to be too hard – I realised that a better strategy was needed. The strategy that I chose was to focus on the most frequently-recorded species: I started by memorising the most frequent ones (e.g., those recorded on more than 50% of surveys), and gradually made it more challenging by decreasing the frequency threshold (e.g., to 25% in 5% steps). This proved to be pretty effective – by the time I started diving I could identify about 50-100 species underwater, even though I had mostly been using static images. It’d be interesting to know whether this kind of approach would be effective in training neural networks (or other batch-trained models) in certain scenarios – spend a few epochs training with instances from a subset of the classes, and gradually increase the number of considered classes. This may be effective when errors on certain classes are more important than others, and may yield different results from simply weighting classes or instances. Please let me know if you know of anyone who has experimented with this idea (update: gwern from Reddit pointed me to the paper Curriculum Learning by Bengio et al., which discusses this idea).

                            The joys of offline data collection

                            Many modern data scientists don’t get to experience data collection in the offline world. Recently, I spent a month sailing down the northern Great Barrier Reef, collecting data for the Reef Life Survey project. In addition to being a great diving experience, the trip helped me obtain general insights on data collection and machine learning, which are shared in this article.

                            The Reef Life Survey project

                            Reef Life Survey (RLS) is a citizen scientist project, led by a team from the University of Tasmania. The data collected by RLS volunteers is freely available on the RLS website, and has been used for producing various reports and scientific publications. An RLS survey is performed along a 50 metre tape, which is laid at a constant depth following a reef’s contour. After laying the tape, one diver takes photos of the bottom at 2.5 metre intervals along the transect line. These photos are automatically analysed to classify the type of substrate or growth (e.g., hard coral or sand). Divers then complete two swims along each side of the transect. On the first swim (method 1), divers record all the fish species and large swimming animals found in a 5 metre corridor from the line. The second swim (method 2) requires keeping closer to the bottom and looking under ledges and vegetation in a 1 metre corridor from the line, targeting invertebrates and cryptic animals. The RLS manual includes all the details on how surveys are performed.

                            Performing RLS surveys is not a trivial task. In the tropics, it is not uncommon to record around 100 fish species on method 1. The scientists running the project are very conscious of the importance of obtaining high-quality data, so training to become an RLS volunteer takes considerable effort and dedication. The process generally consists of doing surveys together with an experienced RLS diver, and comparing the data after each dive. Once the trainee’s data matches that of the experienced RLSer, they are considered good enough to perform surveys independently. However, retraining is often required when surveying new ecoregions (e.g., an RLSer trained in Sydney needs further training to survey the Great Barrier Reef).

                            RLS requires a lot of hard work, but there are many reasons why it’s worth the effort. As someone who cares about marine conservation, I like the fact that RLS dives yield useful data that is used to drive environmental management decisions. As a scuba diver, I enjoy the opportunity to dive places that are rarely dived and the enhanced knowledge of the marine environment – doing surveys makes me notice things that I would otherwise overlook. Finally, as a data scientist, I find the exposure to the work of marine scientists very educational.

                            Pre-training and thoughts on supervised learning

                            Doing surveys in the tropics is a completely different story from surveying temperate reefs, due to the substantially higher diversity and abundance of marine creatures. Producing high-quality results requires being able to identify most creatures underwater, while doing the survey. It is possible to write down descriptions and take photos of unidentified species, but doing this for a large number of species is impractical.

                            Training the neural network in my head to classify tropical fish by species was an interesting experience. The approach that worked best was making flashcards using reveal.js, photos scraped from various sources, and past survey data. As the image below shows, each flashcard consists of a single photo, and pressing the down arrow reveals the name of the creature. With some basic JavaScript, I made the presentation select a different subset of photos on each load. Originally, I tried to learn all the 1000+ species that were previously recorded in the northern Great Barrier Reef, but this proved to be too hard – I realised that a better strategy was needed. The strategy that I chose was to focus on the most frequently-recorded species: I started by memorising the most frequent ones (e.g., those recorded on more than 50% of surveys), and gradually made it more challenging by decreasing the frequency threshold (e.g., to 25% in 5% steps). This proved to be pretty effective – by the time I started diving I could identify about 50-100 species underwater, even though I had mostly been using static images. It’d be interesting to know whether this kind of approach would be effective in training neural networks (or other batch-trained models) in certain scenarios – spend a few epochs training with instances from a subset of the classes, and gradually increase the number of considered classes. This may be effective when errors on certain classes are more important than others, and may yield different results from simply weighting classes or instances. Please let me know if you know of anyone who has experimented with this idea (update: gwern from Reddit pointed me to the paper Curriculum Learning by Bengio et al., which discusses this idea).

                            Why you should stop worrying about deep learning and deepen your understanding of causality instead | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                            Why you should stop worrying about deep learning and deepen your understanding of causality instead

                            Everywhere you go these days, you hear about deep learning’s impressive advancements. New deep learning libraries, tools, and products get announced on a regular basis, making the average data scientist feel like they’re missing out if they don’t hop on the deep learning bandwagon. However, as Kamil Bartocha put it in his post The Inconvenient Truth About Data Science, 95% of tasks do not require deep learning. This is obviously a made up number, but it’s probably an accurate representation of the everyday reality of many data scientists. This post discusses an often-overlooked area of study that is of much higher relevance to most data scientists than deep learning: causality.

                            Causality is everywhere

                            An understanding of cause and effect is something that is not unique to humans. For example, the many videos of cats knocking things off tables appear to exemplify experimentation by animals. If you are not familiar with such videos, it can easily be fixed. The thing to notice is that cats appear genuinely curious about what happens when they push an object. And they tend to repeat the experiment to verify that if you push something off, it falls to the ground.

                            Humans rely on much more complex causal analysis than that done by cats – an understanding of the long-term effects of one’s actions is crucial to survival. Science, as defined by Wikipedia, is a systematic enterprise that creates, builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. Causal analysis is key to producing explanations and predictions that are valid and sound, which is why understanding causality is so important to data scientists, traditional scientists, and all humans.

                            What is causality?

                            It is surprisingly hard to define causality. Just like cats, we all have an intuitive sense of what causality is, but things get complicated on deeper inspection. For example, few people would disagree with the statement that smoking causes cancer. But does it cause cancer immediately? Would smoking a few cigarettes today and never again cause cancer? Do all smokers develop cancer eventually? What about light smokers who live in areas with heavy air pollution?

                            Samantha Kleinberg summarises it very well in her book, Why: A Guide to Finding and Using Causes:

                            While most definitions of causality are based on Hume’s work, none of the ones we can come up with cover all possible cases and each one has counterexamples another does not. For instance, a medication may lead to side effects in only a small fraction of users (so we can’t assume that a cause will always produce an effect), and seat belts normally prevent death but can cause it in some car accidents (so we need to allow for factors that can have mixed producer/preventer roles depending on context).

                            The question often boils down to whether we should see causes as a fundamental building block or force of the world (that can’t be further reduced to any other laws), or if this structure is something we impose. As with nearly every facet of causality, there is disagreement on this point (and even disagreement about whether particular theories are compatible with this notion, which is called causal realism). Some have felt that causes are so hard to find as for the search to be hopeless and, further, that once we have some physical laws, those are more useful than causes anyway. That is, “causes” may be a mere shorthand for things like triggers, pushes, repels, prevents, and so on, rather than a fundamental notion.

                            It is somewhat surprising, given how central the idea of causality is to our daily lives, but there is simply no unified philosophical theory of what causes are, and no single foolproof computational method for finding them with absolute certainty. What makes this even more challenging is that, depending on one’s definition of causality, different factors may be identified as causes in the same situation, and it may not be clear what the ground truth is.

                            Why study causality now?

                            While it’s hard to conclusively prove, it seems to me like interest in formal causal analysis has increased in recent years. My hypothesis is that it’s just a natural progression along the levels of data’s hierarchy of needs. At the start of the big data boom, people were mostly concerned with storing and processing large amounts of data (e.g., using Hadoop, Elasticsearch, or your favourite NoSQL database). Just having your data flowing through pipelines is nice, but not very useful, so the focus switched to reporting and visualisation to extract insights about what happened (commonly known as business intelligence). While having a good picture of what happened is great, it isn’t enough – you can make better decisions if you can predict what’s going to happen, so the focus switched again to predictive analytics. Those who are familiar with predictive analytics know that models often end up relying on correlations between the features and the predicted labels. Using such models without considering the meaning of the variables can lead us to erroneous conclusions, and potentially harmful interventions. For example, based on the following graph we may make a recommendation that the US government decrease its spending on science to reduce the number of suicides by hanging.

                            Why you should stop worrying about deep learning and deepen your understanding of causality instead

                            Everywhere you go these days, you hear about deep learning’s impressive advancements. New deep learning libraries, tools, and products get announced on a regular basis, making the average data scientist feel like they’re missing out if they don’t hop on the deep learning bandwagon. However, as Kamil Bartocha put it in his post The Inconvenient Truth About Data Science, 95% of tasks do not require deep learning. This is obviously a made up number, but it’s probably an accurate representation of the everyday reality of many data scientists. This post discusses an often-overlooked area of study that is of much higher relevance to most data scientists than deep learning: causality.

                            Causality is everywhere

                            An understanding of cause and effect is something that is not unique to humans. For example, the many videos of cats knocking things off tables appear to exemplify experimentation by animals. If you are not familiar with such videos, it can easily be fixed. The thing to notice is that cats appear genuinely curious about what happens when they push an object. And they tend to repeat the experiment to verify that if you push something off, it falls to the ground.

                            Humans rely on much more complex causal analysis than that done by cats – an understanding of the long-term effects of one’s actions is crucial to survival. Science, as defined by Wikipedia, is a systematic enterprise that creates, builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. Causal analysis is key to producing explanations and predictions that are valid and sound, which is why understanding causality is so important to data scientists, traditional scientists, and all humans.

                            What is causality?

                            It is surprisingly hard to define causality. Just like cats, we all have an intuitive sense of what causality is, but things get complicated on deeper inspection. For example, few people would disagree with the statement that smoking causes cancer. But does it cause cancer immediately? Would smoking a few cigarettes today and never again cause cancer? Do all smokers develop cancer eventually? What about light smokers who live in areas with heavy air pollution?

                            Samantha Kleinberg summarises it very well in her book, Why: A Guide to Finding and Using Causes:

                            While most definitions of causality are based on Hume’s work, none of the ones we can come up with cover all possible cases and each one has counterexamples another does not. For instance, a medication may lead to side effects in only a small fraction of users (so we can’t assume that a cause will always produce an effect), and seat belts normally prevent death but can cause it in some car accidents (so we need to allow for factors that can have mixed producer/preventer roles depending on context).

                            The question often boils down to whether we should see causes as a fundamental building block or force of the world (that can’t be further reduced to any other laws), or if this structure is something we impose. As with nearly every facet of causality, there is disagreement on this point (and even disagreement about whether particular theories are compatible with this notion, which is called causal realism). Some have felt that causes are so hard to find as for the search to be hopeless and, further, that once we have some physical laws, those are more useful than causes anyway. That is, “causes” may be a mere shorthand for things like triggers, pushes, repels, prevents, and so on, rather than a fundamental notion.

                            It is somewhat surprising, given how central the idea of causality is to our daily lives, but there is simply no unified philosophical theory of what causes are, and no single foolproof computational method for finding them with absolute certainty. What makes this even more challenging is that, depending on one’s definition of causality, different factors may be identified as causes in the same situation, and it may not be clear what the ground truth is.

                            Why study causality now?

                            While it’s hard to conclusively prove, it seems to me like interest in formal causal analysis has increased in recent years. My hypothesis is that it’s just a natural progression along the levels of data’s hierarchy of needs. At the start of the big data boom, people were mostly concerned with storing and processing large amounts of data (e.g., using Hadoop, Elasticsearch, or your favourite NoSQL database). Just having your data flowing through pipelines is nice, but not very useful, so the focus switched to reporting and visualisation to extract insights about what happened (commonly known as business intelligence). While having a good picture of what happened is great, it isn’t enough – you can make better decisions if you can predict what’s going to happen, so the focus switched again to predictive analytics. Those who are familiar with predictive analytics know that models often end up relying on correlations between the features and the predicted labels. Using such models without considering the meaning of the variables can lead us to erroneous conclusions, and potentially harmful interventions. For example, based on the following graph we may make a recommendation that the US government decrease its spending on science to reduce the number of suicides by hanging.

                            The rise of greedy robots | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                            The rise of greedy robots

                            Given the impressive advancement of machine intelligence in recent years, many people have been speculating on what the future holds when it comes to the power and roles of robots in our society. Some have even called for regulation of machine intelligence before it’s too late. My take on this issue is that there is no need to speculate – machine intelligence is already here, with greedy robots already dominating our lives.

                            Machine intelligence or artificial intelligence?

                            The problem with talking about artificial intelligence is that it creates an inflated expectation of machines that would be completely human-like – we won’t have true artificial intelligence until we can create machines that are indistinguishable from humans. While the goal of mimicking human intelligence is certainly interesting, it is clear that we are very far from achieving it. We currently can’t even fully simulate C. elegans, a 1mm worm with 302 neurons. However, we do have machines that can perform tasks that require intelligence, where intelligence is defined as the ability to learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations. Unlike artificial intelligence, there is no doubt that machine intelligence already exists.

                            Airplanes provide a famous example: we don’t commonly think of them as performing artificial flight – they are machines that fly faster than any bird. Likewise, computers are super-intelligent machines. They can perform calculations that humans can’t, store and recall enormous amounts of information, translate text, play Go, drive cars, and much more – all without requiring rest or food. The robots are here, and they are becoming increasingly useful and powerful.

                            Who are those greedy robots?

                            Greed is defined as a selfish desire to have more of something (especially money). It is generally seen as a negative trait in humans. However, we have been cultivating an environment where greedy entities – for-profit organisations – thrive. The primary goal of for-profit organisations is to generate profit for their shareholders. If these organisations were human, they would be seen as the embodiment of greed, as they are focused on making money and little else. Greedy organisations “live” among us and have been enjoying a plethora of legal rights and protections for hundreds of years. These entities, which were formed and shaped by humans, now form and shape human lives.

                            Humans running for-profit organisations have little choice but to play by their rules. For example, many people acknowledge that corporate tax avoidance is morally wrong, as revenue from taxes supports the infrastructure and society that enable corporate profits. However, any executive of a public company who refuses to do everything they legally can to minimise their tax bill is likely to lose their job. Despite being separate from the greedy organisations we run, humans have to act greedily to effectively serve their employers.

                            The relationship between greedy organisations and greedy robots is clear. Much of the funding that goes into machine intelligence research comes from for-profit organisations, with the end goal of producing profit for these entities. In the words of Jeffrey Hammerbacher: The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. Hammerbacher, an early Facebook employee, was referring to Facebook’s business model, where considerable resources are dedicated to getting people to engage with advertising – the main driver of Facebook’s revenue. Indeed, Facebook has hired Yann LeCun (a prominent machine intelligence researcher) to head its artificial intelligence research efforts. While LeCun’s appointment will undoubtedly result in general research advancements, Facebook’s motivation is clear – they see machine intelligence as a key driver of future profits. They, and other companies, use machine intelligence to build greedy robots, whose sole goal is to increase profits.

                            Greedy robots are all around us. Advertising-driven companies like Facebook and Google use sophisticated algorithms to get people to click on ads. Retail companies like Amazon use machine intelligence to mine through people’s shopping history and generate product recommendations. Banks and mutual funds utilise algorithmic trading to drive their investments. None of this is science fiction, and it doesn’t take much of a leap to imagine a world where greedy robots are even more dominant. Just like we have allowed greedy legal entities to dominate our world and shape our lives, we are allowing greedy robots to do the same, just more efficiently and pervasively.

                            Will robots take your job?

                            The growing range of machine intelligence capabilities gives rise to the question of whether robots are going to take over human jobs. One salient example is that of self-driving cars, that are projected to render millions of professional drivers obsolete in the next few decades. The potential impact of machine intelligence on jobs was summarised very well by CGP Grey in his video Humans Need Not Apply. The main message of the video is that machines will soon be able to perform any job better or more cost-effectively than any human, thereby making humans unemployable for economic reasons. The video ends with a call to society to consider how to deal with a future where there are simply no jobs for a large part of the population.

                            Despite all the technological advancements since the start of the industrial revolution, the prevailing mode of wealth distribution remains paid labour, i.e., jobs. The implication of this is that much of the work we do is unnecessary or harmful – people work because they have no other option, but their work doesn’t necessarily benefit society. This isn’t a new insight, as the following quotes demonstrate:

                            • “Most men appear never to have considered what a house is, and are actually though needlessly poor all their lives because they think that they must have such a one as their neighbors have. […] For more than five years I maintained myself thus solely by the labor of my hands, and I found that, by working about six weeks in a year, I could meet all the expenses of living.” – Henry David Thoreau, Walden (1854)
                            • “I think that there is far too much work done in the world, that immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous, and that what needs to be preached in modern industrial countries is quite different from what always has been preached. […] Modern technique has made it possible to diminish enormously the amount of labor required to secure the necessaries of life for everyone. […] If, at the end of the war, the scientific organization, which had been created in order to liberate men for fighting and munition work, had been preserved, and the hours of the week had been cut down to four, all would have been well. Instead of that the old chaos was restored, those whose work was demanded were made to work long hours, and the rest were left to starve as unemployed.” – Bertrand Russell, In Praise of Idleness (1932)
                            • “In the year 1930, John Maynard Keynes predicted that technology would have advanced sufficiently by century’s end that countries like Great Britain or the United States would achieve a 15-hour work week. There’s every reason to believe he was right. In technological terms, we are quite capable of this. And yet it didn’t happen. Instead, technology has been marshaled, if anything, to figure out ways to make us all work more. In order to achieve this, jobs have had to be created that are, effectively, pointless. Huge swathes of people, in Europe and North America in particular, spend their entire working lives performing tasks they secretly believe do not really need to be performed. The moral and spiritual damage that comes from this situation is profound. It is a scar across our collective soul. Yet virtually no one talks about it.” – David Graeber, On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs (2013)

                            This leads to the conclusion that we are unlikely to experience the utopian future in which intelligent machines do all our work, leaving us ample time for leisure. Yes, people will lose their jobs. But it is not unlikely that new unnecessary jobs will be invented to keep people busy, or worse, many people will simply be unemployed and will not get to enjoy the wealth provided by technology. Stephen Hawking summarised it well recently:

                            If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality.

                            Where to from here?

                            Many people believe that the existence of powerful greedy entities is good for society. Indeed, there is no doubt that we owe many beneficial technological breakthroughs to competition between for-profit companies. However, a single-minded focus on profit means that in many cases companies do what they can to reduce their responsibility for harmful side-effects of their activities. Examples include environmental pollution, multinational tax evasion, and health effects of products like tobacco and junk food. As history shows us, in truly unregulated markets, companies would happily utilise slavery and child labour to reduce their costs. Clearly, some regulation of greedy entities is required to obtain the best results for society.

                            With machine intelligence becoming increasingly powerful every day, some people think that to produce the best outcomes, we just need to wait for robots to be intelligent enough to completely run our lives. However, as anyone who has actually built intelligent systems knows, the outputs of such systems are strongly dependent on the inputs and goals set by system designers. Machine intelligence is just a tool – a very powerful tool. Like nuclear energy, we can use it to improve our lives, or we can use it to obliterate everything around us. The collective choice is ours to make, but is far from simple.

                            Subscribe +

                            The rise of greedy robots

                            Given the impressive advancement of machine intelligence in recent years, many people have been speculating on what the future holds when it comes to the power and roles of robots in our society. Some have even called for regulation of machine intelligence before it’s too late. My take on this issue is that there is no need to speculate – machine intelligence is already here, with greedy robots already dominating our lives.

                            Machine intelligence or artificial intelligence?

                            The problem with talking about artificial intelligence is that it creates an inflated expectation of machines that would be completely human-like – we won’t have true artificial intelligence until we can create machines that are indistinguishable from humans. While the goal of mimicking human intelligence is certainly interesting, it is clear that we are very far from achieving it. We currently can’t even fully simulate C. elegans, a 1mm worm with 302 neurons. However, we do have machines that can perform tasks that require intelligence, where intelligence is defined as the ability to learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations. Unlike artificial intelligence, there is no doubt that machine intelligence already exists.

                            Airplanes provide a famous example: we don’t commonly think of them as performing artificial flight – they are machines that fly faster than any bird. Likewise, computers are super-intelligent machines. They can perform calculations that humans can’t, store and recall enormous amounts of information, translate text, play Go, drive cars, and much more – all without requiring rest or food. The robots are here, and they are becoming increasingly useful and powerful.

                            Who are those greedy robots?

                            Greed is defined as a selfish desire to have more of something (especially money). It is generally seen as a negative trait in humans. However, we have been cultivating an environment where greedy entities – for-profit organisations – thrive. The primary goal of for-profit organisations is to generate profit for their shareholders. If these organisations were human, they would be seen as the embodiment of greed, as they are focused on making money and little else. Greedy organisations “live” among us and have been enjoying a plethora of legal rights and protections for hundreds of years. These entities, which were formed and shaped by humans, now form and shape human lives.

                            Humans running for-profit organisations have little choice but to play by their rules. For example, many people acknowledge that corporate tax avoidance is morally wrong, as revenue from taxes supports the infrastructure and society that enable corporate profits. However, any executive of a public company who refuses to do everything they legally can to minimise their tax bill is likely to lose their job. Despite being separate from the greedy organisations we run, humans have to act greedily to effectively serve their employers.

                            The relationship between greedy organisations and greedy robots is clear. Much of the funding that goes into machine intelligence research comes from for-profit organisations, with the end goal of producing profit for these entities. In the words of Jeffrey Hammerbacher: The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. Hammerbacher, an early Facebook employee, was referring to Facebook’s business model, where considerable resources are dedicated to getting people to engage with advertising – the main driver of Facebook’s revenue. Indeed, Facebook has hired Yann LeCun (a prominent machine intelligence researcher) to head its artificial intelligence research efforts. While LeCun’s appointment will undoubtedly result in general research advancements, Facebook’s motivation is clear – they see machine intelligence as a key driver of future profits. They, and other companies, use machine intelligence to build greedy robots, whose sole goal is to increase profits.

                            Greedy robots are all around us. Advertising-driven companies like Facebook and Google use sophisticated algorithms to get people to click on ads. Retail companies like Amazon use machine intelligence to mine through people’s shopping history and generate product recommendations. Banks and mutual funds utilise algorithmic trading to drive their investments. None of this is science fiction, and it doesn’t take much of a leap to imagine a world where greedy robots are even more dominant. Just like we have allowed greedy legal entities to dominate our world and shape our lives, we are allowing greedy robots to do the same, just more efficiently and pervasively.

                            Will robots take your job?

                            The growing range of machine intelligence capabilities gives rise to the question of whether robots are going to take over human jobs. One salient example is that of self-driving cars, that are projected to render millions of professional drivers obsolete in the next few decades. The potential impact of machine intelligence on jobs was summarised very well by CGP Grey in his video Humans Need Not Apply. The main message of the video is that machines will soon be able to perform any job better or more cost-effectively than any human, thereby making humans unemployable for economic reasons. The video ends with a call to society to consider how to deal with a future where there are simply no jobs for a large part of the population.

                            Despite all the technological advancements since the start of the industrial revolution, the prevailing mode of wealth distribution remains paid labour, i.e., jobs. The implication of this is that much of the work we do is unnecessary or harmful – people work because they have no other option, but their work doesn’t necessarily benefit society. This isn’t a new insight, as the following quotes demonstrate:

                            • “Most men appear never to have considered what a house is, and are actually though needlessly poor all their lives because they think that they must have such a one as their neighbors have. […] For more than five years I maintained myself thus solely by the labor of my hands, and I found that, by working about six weeks in a year, I could meet all the expenses of living.” – Henry David Thoreau, Walden (1854)
                            • “I think that there is far too much work done in the world, that immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous, and that what needs to be preached in modern industrial countries is quite different from what always has been preached. […] Modern technique has made it possible to diminish enormously the amount of labor required to secure the necessaries of life for everyone. […] If, at the end of the war, the scientific organization, which had been created in order to liberate men for fighting and munition work, had been preserved, and the hours of the week had been cut down to four, all would have been well. Instead of that the old chaos was restored, those whose work was demanded were made to work long hours, and the rest were left to starve as unemployed.” – Bertrand Russell, In Praise of Idleness (1932)
                            • “In the year 1930, John Maynard Keynes predicted that technology would have advanced sufficiently by century’s end that countries like Great Britain or the United States would achieve a 15-hour work week. There’s every reason to believe he was right. In technological terms, we are quite capable of this. And yet it didn’t happen. Instead, technology has been marshaled, if anything, to figure out ways to make us all work more. In order to achieve this, jobs have had to be created that are, effectively, pointless. Huge swathes of people, in Europe and North America in particular, spend their entire working lives performing tasks they secretly believe do not really need to be performed. The moral and spiritual damage that comes from this situation is profound. It is a scar across our collective soul. Yet virtually no one talks about it.” – David Graeber, On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs (2013)

                            This leads to the conclusion that we are unlikely to experience the utopian future in which intelligent machines do all our work, leaving us ample time for leisure. Yes, people will lose their jobs. But it is not unlikely that new unnecessary jobs will be invented to keep people busy, or worse, many people will simply be unemployed and will not get to enjoy the wealth provided by technology. Stephen Hawking summarised it well recently:

                            If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality.

                            Where to from here?

                            Many people believe that the existence of powerful greedy entities is good for society. Indeed, there is no doubt that we owe many beneficial technological breakthroughs to competition between for-profit companies. However, a single-minded focus on profit means that in many cases companies do what they can to reduce their responsibility for harmful side-effects of their activities. Examples include environmental pollution, multinational tax evasion, and health effects of products like tobacco and junk food. As history shows us, in truly unregulated markets, companies would happily utilise slavery and child labour to reduce their costs. Clearly, some regulation of greedy entities is required to obtain the best results for society.

                            With machine intelligence becoming increasingly powerful every day, some people think that to produce the best outcomes, we just need to wait for robots to be intelligent enough to completely run our lives. However, as anyone who has actually built intelligent systems knows, the outputs of such systems are strongly dependent on the inputs and goals set by system designers. Machine intelligence is just a tool – a very powerful tool. Like nuclear energy, we can use it to improve our lives, or we can use it to obliterate everything around us. The collective choice is ours to make, but is far from simple.


                              Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2016/05/15/diving-deeper-into-causality-pearl-kleinberg-hill-and-untested-assumptions/index.html b/2016/05/15/diving-deeper-into-causality-pearl-kleinberg-hill-and-untested-assumptions/index.html index 2e509ad6c..5b14335e0 100644 --- a/2016/05/15/diving-deeper-into-causality-pearl-kleinberg-hill-and-untested-assumptions/index.html +++ b/2016/05/15/diving-deeper-into-causality-pearl-kleinberg-hill-and-untested-assumptions/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Diving deeper into causality: Pearl, Kleinberg, Hill, and untested assumptions | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                              Diving deeper into causality: Pearl, Kleinberg, Hill, and untested assumptions

                              Background: I have previously written about the need for real insights that address the why behind events, not only the what and how. This was followed by a fairly popular post on causality, which was heavily influenced by Samantha Kleinberg's book Why: A Guide to Finding and Using Causes. This post continues my exploration of the field, and is primarily based on Kleinberg's previous book: Causality, Probability, and Time.

                              The study of causality and causal inference is central to science in general and data science in particular. Being able to distinguish between correlation and causation is key to designing effective interventions in business, public policy, medicine, and many other fields. There are quite a few approaches to inferring causal relationships from data. In this post, I discuss some aspects of Judea Pearl’s graphical modelling approach, and how its limitations are addressed in recent work by Samantha Kleinberg. I then finish with a brief survey of the Bradford Hill criteria and their applicability to a key limitation of all causal inference methods: The need for untested assumptions.

                              Diving deeper into causality: Pearl, Kleinberg, Hill, and untested assumptions

                              Background: I have previously written about the need for real insights that address the why behind events, not only the what and how. This was followed by a fairly popular post on causality, which was heavily influenced by Samantha Kleinberg's book Why: A Guide to Finding and Using Causes. This post continues my exploration of the field, and is primarily based on Kleinberg's previous book: Causality, Probability, and Time.

                              The study of causality and causal inference is central to science in general and data science in particular. Being able to distinguish between correlation and causation is key to designing effective interventions in business, public policy, medicine, and many other fields. There are quite a few approaches to inferring causal relationships from data. In this post, I discuss some aspects of Judea Pearl’s graphical modelling approach, and how its limitations are addressed in recent work by Samantha Kleinberg. I then finish with a brief survey of the Bradford Hill criteria and their applicability to a key limitation of all causal inference methods: The need for untested assumptions.

                              Judea Pearl

                              Judea Pearl

                              Overcoming my Pearl bias

                              First, I must disclose that I have a personal bias in favour of Pearl’s work. While I’ve never met him, Pearl is my academic grandfather – he was the PhD advisor of my main PhD supervisor (Ingrid Zukerman). My first serious exposure to his work was through a Sydney reading group, where we discussed parts of Pearl’s approach to causal inference. Recently, I refreshed my knowledge of Pearl causality by reading Causal inference in statistics: An overview. I am by no means an expert in Pearl’s huge body of work, but I think I understand enough of it to write something of use.

                              Pearl’s theory of causality employs Bayesian networks to represent causal structures. These are directed acyclic graphs, where each vertex represents a variable, and an edge from X to Y implies that X causes Y. Pearl also introduces the do(X) operator, which simulates interventions by removing all the causes of X, setting it to a constant. There is much more to this theory, but two of its main contributions are the formalisation of causal concepts that are often given only a verbal treatment, and the explicit encoding of causal assumptions. These assumptions must be made by the modeller based on background knowledge, and are encoded in the graph’s structure – a missing edge between two vertices indicates that there is no direct causal relationship between the two variables.

                              My main issue with Pearl’s treatment of causality is that he doesn’t explicitly handle time. While time can be encoded into Pearl’s models (e.g., via dynamic Bayesian networks), there is nothing that prevents creation of models where the future causes changes in the past. A closely-related issue is that Pearl’s causal models must be directed acyclic graphs, making it hard to model feedback loops. For example, Pearl says that “mud does not cause rain”, but this isn’t true – water from mud evaporates, causing rain (which causes mud). What’s true is that “mud now doesn’t cause rain now” or something along these lines, which is something that must be accounted for by adding temporal information to the models.

                              Nonetheless, Pearl’s theory is an important step forward in the study of causality. In his words, “in the bulk of the statistical literature before 2000, causal claims rarely appear in the mathematics. They surface only in the verbal interpretation that investigators occasionally attach to certain associations, and in the verbal description with which investigators justify assumptions.” The importance of formal causal analysis cannot be overstated, as it underlies many decisions that affect our lives. However, it seems to me like there’s still plenty of work to be done before causal analysis becomes as established as other statistical tools.

                              Making Bayesian A/B testing more accessible | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                              Making Bayesian A/B testing more accessible

                              Much has been written in recent years on the pitfalls of using traditional hypothesis testing with online A/B tests. A key issue is that you’re likely to end up with many false positives if you repeatedly check your results and stop as soon as you reach statistical significance. One way of dealing with this issue is by following a Bayesian approach to deciding when the experiment should be stopped. While I find the Bayesian view of statistics much more intuitive than the frequentist view, it can be quite challenging to explain Bayesian concepts to laypeople. Hence, I decided to build a new Bayesian A/B testing calculator, which aims to make these concepts clear to any user. This post discusses the general problem and existing solutions, followed by a review of the new tool and how it can be improved further.

                              The problem

                              The classic A/B testing problem is as follows. Suppose we run an experiment where we have a control group and a test group. Participants (typically website visitors) are allocated to groups randomly, and each group is presented with a different variant of the website or page (e.g., variant A is assigned to the control group and variant B is assigned to the test group). Our aim is to increase the overall number of binary successes, where success can be defined as clicking a button or opening a new account. Hence, we track the number of trials in each group together with the number of successes. For a given group, the number of successes divided by number of trials is the group’s raw success rate.

                              Given the results of an experiment (trials and successes for each group), there are a few questions we would typically like to answer:

                              1. Should we choose variant A or variant B to maximise our success rate?
                              2. How much would our success rate change if we chose one variant over the other?
                              3. Do we have enough data or should we keep experimenting?

                              It’s important to note some points that might be obvious, but are often overlooked. First, we run an experiment because we assume that it will help us uncover a causal link, where something about A or B is hypothesised to cause people to behave differently, thereby affecting the overall success rate. Second, we want to make a decision and choose either A or B, rather than maintain multiple variants and present the best variant depending on a participant’s features (a problem that’s addressed by contextual bandits, for example). Third, online A/B testing is different from traditional experiments in a lab, because we often have little control over the characteristics of our participants, and when, where, and how they choose to interact with our experiment. This is an important point, because it means that we may need to wait a long time until we get a representative sample of the population. In addition, the raw numbers of trials and successes can’t tell us whether the sample is representative.

                              Bayesian solutions

                              Many blog posts have been written on how to use Bayesian statistics to answer the above questions, so I won’t get into too much detail here (see the posts by David Robinson, Maciej Kula, Chris Stucchio, and Evan Miller if you need more background). The general idea is that we assume that the success rates for the control and test variants are drawn from Beta(αA, βA) and Beta(αB, βB), respectively, where Beta(α, β) is the beta distribution with shape parameters α and β (which yields values in the [0, 1] interval). As the experiment runs, we update the parameters of the distributions – each success gets added to the group’s α, and each unsuccessful trial gets added to the group’s β. It is often reasonable to assume that the prior (i.e., initial) values of α and β are the same for both variants. If we denote the prior values of the parameters with α and β, and the number of successes and trials for group x with Sx and Tx respectively, we get that the success rates are distributed according to Beta(α + SA, β + TA – SA) for control and Beta(α + SB, β + TB – SB) for test.

                              For example, if α = β = 1, TA = 200, SA = 120, TB = 200, and SB = 100, plotting the probability density functions yields the following chart (A – blue, B – red):

                              Making Bayesian A/B testing more accessible

                              Much has been written in recent years on the pitfalls of using traditional hypothesis testing with online A/B tests. A key issue is that you’re likely to end up with many false positives if you repeatedly check your results and stop as soon as you reach statistical significance. One way of dealing with this issue is by following a Bayesian approach to deciding when the experiment should be stopped. While I find the Bayesian view of statistics much more intuitive than the frequentist view, it can be quite challenging to explain Bayesian concepts to laypeople. Hence, I decided to build a new Bayesian A/B testing calculator, which aims to make these concepts clear to any user. This post discusses the general problem and existing solutions, followed by a review of the new tool and how it can be improved further.

                              The problem

                              The classic A/B testing problem is as follows. Suppose we run an experiment where we have a control group and a test group. Participants (typically website visitors) are allocated to groups randomly, and each group is presented with a different variant of the website or page (e.g., variant A is assigned to the control group and variant B is assigned to the test group). Our aim is to increase the overall number of binary successes, where success can be defined as clicking a button or opening a new account. Hence, we track the number of trials in each group together with the number of successes. For a given group, the number of successes divided by number of trials is the group’s raw success rate.

                              Given the results of an experiment (trials and successes for each group), there are a few questions we would typically like to answer:

                              1. Should we choose variant A or variant B to maximise our success rate?
                              2. How much would our success rate change if we chose one variant over the other?
                              3. Do we have enough data or should we keep experimenting?

                              It’s important to note some points that might be obvious, but are often overlooked. First, we run an experiment because we assume that it will help us uncover a causal link, where something about A or B is hypothesised to cause people to behave differently, thereby affecting the overall success rate. Second, we want to make a decision and choose either A or B, rather than maintain multiple variants and present the best variant depending on a participant’s features (a problem that’s addressed by contextual bandits, for example). Third, online A/B testing is different from traditional experiments in a lab, because we often have little control over the characteristics of our participants, and when, where, and how they choose to interact with our experiment. This is an important point, because it means that we may need to wait a long time until we get a representative sample of the population. In addition, the raw numbers of trials and successes can’t tell us whether the sample is representative.

                              Bayesian solutions

                              Many blog posts have been written on how to use Bayesian statistics to answer the above questions, so I won’t get into too much detail here (see the posts by David Robinson, Maciej Kula, Chris Stucchio, and Evan Miller if you need more background). The general idea is that we assume that the success rates for the control and test variants are drawn from Beta(αA, βA) and Beta(αB, βB), respectively, where Beta(α, β) is the beta distribution with shape parameters α and β (which yields values in the [0, 1] interval). As the experiment runs, we update the parameters of the distributions – each success gets added to the group’s α, and each unsuccessful trial gets added to the group’s β. It is often reasonable to assume that the prior (i.e., initial) values of α and β are the same for both variants. If we denote the prior values of the parameters with α and β, and the number of successes and trials for group x with Sx and Tx respectively, we get that the success rates are distributed according to Beta(α + SA, β + TA – SA) for control and Beta(α + SB, β + TB – SB) for test.

                              For example, if α = β = 1, TA = 200, SA = 120, TB = 200, and SB = 100, plotting the probability density functions yields the following chart (A – blue, B – red):

                              Beta distributions examples

                              Given these distributions, we can calculate the most probable range for the success rate of each variant, and estimate the difference in success rate between the variants. These can be calculated by deriving closed formulas, or by drawing samples from each distribution. In addition, it is important to note that the distributions change as we gather more data, even if the raw success rates don’t. For example, multiplying each count by 10 to obtain TA = 2000, SA = 1200, TB = 2000, and SB = 1000 doesn’t change the success rates, but it does change the distributions – they become much narrower:

                              Is Data Scientist a useless job title? | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                              Is Data Scientist a useless job title?

                              Data science can be defined as either the intersection or union of software engineering and statistics. In recent years, the field seems to be gravitating towards the broader unifying definition, where everyone who touches data in some way can call themselves a data scientist. Hence, while many people whose job title is Data Scientist do very useful work, the title itself has become fairly useless as an indication of what the title holder actually does. This post briefly discusses how we got to this point, where I think the field is likely to go, and what data scientists can do to remain relevant.

                              The many definitions of data science

                              About two years ago, I published a post discussing the definition of data scientist by Josh Wills, as a person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician. I still quite like this definition, because it describes me well, as someone with education and experience in both areas. However, to be better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician, you have to be truly proficient in both areas, as some software engineers are comfortable running complex experiments, and some statisticians are capable of building solid software. Quite a few people who don’t meet Wills’s criteria have decided they wanted to be data scientists too, expanding the definition to be something along the lines of someone who is better at statistics than some software engineers (who’ve never done anything fancier than calculating a sample mean) and better at software engineering than some statisticians (who can’t code).

                              In addition to software engineering and statistics, data scientists are expected to deeply understand the domain in which they operate, and be excellent communicators. This leads to the proliferation of increasingly ridiculous Venn diagrams, such as the one by Stephan Kolassa:

                              Is Data Scientist a useless job title?

                              Data science can be defined as either the intersection or union of software engineering and statistics. In recent years, the field seems to be gravitating towards the broader unifying definition, where everyone who touches data in some way can call themselves a data scientist. Hence, while many people whose job title is Data Scientist do very useful work, the title itself has become fairly useless as an indication of what the title holder actually does. This post briefly discusses how we got to this point, where I think the field is likely to go, and what data scientists can do to remain relevant.

                              The many definitions of data science

                              About two years ago, I published a post discussing the definition of data scientist by Josh Wills, as a person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician. I still quite like this definition, because it describes me well, as someone with education and experience in both areas. However, to be better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician, you have to be truly proficient in both areas, as some software engineers are comfortable running complex experiments, and some statisticians are capable of building solid software. Quite a few people who don’t meet Wills’s criteria have decided they wanted to be data scientists too, expanding the definition to be something along the lines of someone who is better at statistics than some software engineers (who’ve never done anything fancier than calculating a sample mean) and better at software engineering than some statisticians (who can’t code).

                              In addition to software engineering and statistics, data scientists are expected to deeply understand the domain in which they operate, and be excellent communicators. This leads to the proliferation of increasingly ridiculous Venn diagrams, such as the one by Stephan Kolassa:

                              Perfect data scientist Venn diagram

                              The perfect data scientist from Kolassa’s Venn diagram is a mythical sexy unicorn ninja rockstar who can transform a business just by thinking about its problems. A more realistic (and less exciting) view of data scientists is offered by Rob Hyndman:

                              I take the broad inclusive view. I am a data scientist because I do data analysis, and I do research on the methodology of data analysis. The way I would express it is that I’m a data scientist with a statistical perspective and training. Other data scientists will have different perspectives and different training.

                              We are comfortable with having medical specialists, and we will go to a GP, endocrinologist, physiotherapist, etc., when we have medical problems. We also need to take a team perspective on data science.

                              None of us can realistically cover the whole field, and so we specialise on certain problems and techniques. It is crazy to think that a doctor must know everything, and it is just as crazy to think a data scientist should be an expert in statistics, mathematics, computing, programming, the application discipline, etc. Instead, we need teams of data scientists with different skills, with each being aware of the boundary of their expertise, and who to call in for help when required.

                              Indeed, data science is too broad for any data scientist to fully master all areas of expertise. Despite the misleading name of the field, it encompasses both science and engineering, which is why data scientists can be categorised into two types, as suggested by Michael Hochster:

                              • Type A (analyst): focused on static data analysis. Essentially a statistician with coding skills.
                              • Type B (builder): focused on building data products. Essentially a software engineer with knowledge in machine learning and statistics.

                              Type A is more of a scientist, and Type B is more of an engineer. Many people end up doing both, but it is pretty rare to have an even 50-50 split between the science and engineering sides, as they require different mindsets. This is illustrated by the following diagram, showing the information flow in science and engineering (source).

                              If you don’t pay attention, data can drive you off a cliff | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                              If you don’t pay attention, data can drive you off a cliff

                              You’re a hotshot manager. You love your dashboards and you keep your finger on the beating pulse of the business. You take pride in using data to drive your decisions rather than shooting from the hip like one of those old-school 1950s bosses. This is the 21st century, and data is king. You even hired a sexy statistician or data scientist, though you don’t really understand what they do. Never mind, you can proudly tell all your friends that you are leading a modern data-driven team. Nothing can go wrong, right? Incorrect. If you don’t pay attention, data can drive you off a cliff. This article discusses seven of the ways this can happen. Read on to ensure it doesn’t happen to you.

                              1. Pretending uncertainty doesn’t exist

                              If you don’t pay attention, data can drive you off a cliff

                              You’re a hotshot manager. You love your dashboards and you keep your finger on the beating pulse of the business. You take pride in using data to drive your decisions rather than shooting from the hip like one of those old-school 1950s bosses. This is the 21st century, and data is king. You even hired a sexy statistician or data scientist, though you don’t really understand what they do. Never mind, you can proudly tell all your friends that you are leading a modern data-driven team. Nothing can go wrong, right? Incorrect. If you don’t pay attention, data can drive you off a cliff. This article discusses seven of the ways this can happen. Read on to ensure it doesn’t happen to you.

                              1. Pretending uncertainty doesn’t exist

                              Ask Why! Finding motives, causes, and purpose in data science | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                              Ask Why! Finding motives, causes, and purpose in data science

                              Some people equate predictive modelling with data science, thinking that mastering various machine learning techniques is the key that unlocks the mysteries of the field. However, there is much more to data science than the What and How of predictive modelling. I recently gave a talk where I argued the importance of asking Why, touching on three different topics: stakeholder motives, cause-and-effect relationships, and finding a sense of purpose. A video of the talk is available below. Unfortunately, the videographer mostly focused on me pacing rather than on the screen, but you can check out the slides here (note that you need to use both the left/right and up/down arrows to see all the slides).

                              If you’re interested in the topics covered in the talk, here are a few posts you should read.

                              Stakeholders and their motives

                              Causality and experimentation

                              Purpose, ethics, and my personal path

                              Cover image: Why by Ksayer

                              Subscribe +

                              Ask Why! Finding motives, causes, and purpose in data science

                              Some people equate predictive modelling with data science, thinking that mastering various machine learning techniques is the key that unlocks the mysteries of the field. However, there is much more to data science than the What and How of predictive modelling. I recently gave a talk where I argued the importance of asking Why, touching on three different topics: stakeholder motives, cause-and-effect relationships, and finding a sense of purpose. A video of the talk is available below. Unfortunately, the videographer mostly focused on me pacing rather than on the screen, but you can check out the slides here (note that you need to use both the left/right and up/down arrows to see all the slides).

                              If you’re interested in the topics covered in the talk, here are a few posts you should read.

                              Stakeholders and their motives

                              Causality and experimentation

                              Purpose, ethics, and my personal path

                              Cover image: Why by Ksayer


                                Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2017/01/08/customer-lifetime-value-and-the-proliferation-of-misinformation-on-the-internet/index.html b/2017/01/08/customer-lifetime-value-and-the-proliferation-of-misinformation-on-the-internet/index.html index d13ffdabb..a23413e37 100644 --- a/2017/01/08/customer-lifetime-value-and-the-proliferation-of-misinformation-on-the-internet/index.html +++ b/2017/01/08/customer-lifetime-value-and-the-proliferation-of-misinformation-on-the-internet/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Customer lifetime value and the proliferation of misinformation on the internet | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                                Customer lifetime value and the proliferation of misinformation on the internet

                                Suppose you work for a business that has paying customers. You want to know how much money your customers are likely to spend to inform decisions on customer acquisition and retention budgets. You’ve done a bit of research, and discovered that the figure you want to calculate is commonly called the customer lifetime value. You google the term, and end up on a page with ten results (and probably some ads). How many of those results contain useful, non-misleading information? As of early 2017, fewer than half. Why is that? How can it be that after nearly 20 years of existence, Google still surfaces misleading information for common search terms? And how can you calculate your customer lifetime value correctly, avoiding the traps set up by clever search engine marketers? Read on to find out!

                                Background: Misleading search results and fake news

                                While Google tries to filter obvious spam from its index, it still relies to a great extent on popularity to rank search results. Popularity is a function of inbound links (weighted by site credibility), and of user interaction with the presented results (e.g., time spent on a result page before moving on to the next result or search). There are two obvious problems with this approach. First, there are no guarantees that wrong, misleading, or inaccurate pages won’t be popular, and therefore earn high rankings. Second, given Google’s near-monopoly of the search market, if a page ranks highly for popular search terms, it is likely to become more popular and be seen as credible. Hence, when searching for the truth, it’d be wise to follow Abraham Lincoln’s famous warning not to trust everything you read on the internet.

                                Customer lifetime value and the proliferation of misinformation on the internet

                                Suppose you work for a business that has paying customers. You want to know how much money your customers are likely to spend to inform decisions on customer acquisition and retention budgets. You’ve done a bit of research, and discovered that the figure you want to calculate is commonly called the customer lifetime value. You google the term, and end up on a page with ten results (and probably some ads). How many of those results contain useful, non-misleading information? As of early 2017, fewer than half. Why is that? How can it be that after nearly 20 years of existence, Google still surfaces misleading information for common search terms? And how can you calculate your customer lifetime value correctly, avoiding the traps set up by clever search engine marketers? Read on to find out!

                                Background: Misleading search results and fake news

                                While Google tries to filter obvious spam from its index, it still relies to a great extent on popularity to rank search results. Popularity is a function of inbound links (weighted by site credibility), and of user interaction with the presented results (e.g., time spent on a result page before moving on to the next result or search). There are two obvious problems with this approach. First, there are no guarantees that wrong, misleading, or inaccurate pages won’t be popular, and therefore earn high rankings. Second, given Google’s near-monopoly of the search market, if a page ranks highly for popular search terms, it is likely to become more popular and be seen as credible. Hence, when searching for the truth, it’d be wise to follow Abraham Lincoln’s famous warning not to trust everything you read on the internet.

                                Abraham Lincoln internet quote

                                Google is not alone in helping spread misinformation. Following Donald Trump’s recent victory in the US presidential election, many people have blamed Facebook for allowing so-called fake news to be widely shared. Indeed, any popular media outlet or website may end up spreading misinformation, especially if – like Facebook and Google – it mainly aggregates and amplifies user-generated content. However, as noted by John Herrman, the problem is much deeper than clearly-fabricated news stories. It is hard to draw the lines between malicious spread of misinformation, slight inaccuracies, and plain ignorance. For example, how would one classify Trump’s claims that climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese? Should Twitter block his account for knowingly spreading outright lies?

                                Wrong customer value calculation by example

                                Fortunately, when it comes to customer lifetime value, I doubt that any of the top results returned by Google is intentionally misleading. This is a case where inaccuracies and misinformation result from ignorance rather than from malice. However, relying on such resources without digging further is just as risky as relying on pure fabrications. For example, see this infographic by Kissmetrics, which suggests three different formulas for calculating the average lifetime value of a Starbucks customer. Those three formulas yield very different values ($5,489, $11,535, and $25,272), which the authors then say should be averaged to yield the final lifetime value figure. All formulas are based on numbers that the authors call constants, despite the fact that numbers such as the average customer lifespan or retention rate are clearly not constant in this context (since they’re estimated from the data and used as projections into the future). Indeed, several people have commented on the flaws in Kissmetrics’ approach, which is reminiscent of the Dilbert strip where the pointy-haired boss asks Dilbert to average and multiply wrong data.

                                Exploring and visualising Reef Life Survey data | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                                Exploring and visualising Reef Life Survey data

                                Last year, I wrote about the Reef Life Survey (RLS) project and my experience with offline data collection on the Great Barrier Reef. I found that using auto-generated flashcards with an increasing level of difficulty is a good way to memorise marine species. Since publishing that post, I have improved the flashcards and built a tool for exploring the aggregate survey data. Both tools are now publicly available on the RLS website. This post describes the tools and their implementation, and outlines possible directions for future work.

                                The tools

                                Each tool is fairly simple and focused on helping users achieve a small set of tasks. The best way to get familiar with the tools is to play with them by following the links below. If you’re only interested in using the tools, you can stop reading after this section. The rest of this post describes the data behind the tools, and some technical implementation details.

                                Exploring and visualising Reef Life Survey data

                                Last year, I wrote about the Reef Life Survey (RLS) project and my experience with offline data collection on the Great Barrier Reef. I found that using auto-generated flashcards with an increasing level of difficulty is a good way to memorise marine species. Since publishing that post, I have improved the flashcards and built a tool for exploring the aggregate survey data. Both tools are now publicly available on the RLS website. This post describes the tools and their implementation, and outlines possible directions for future work.

                                The tools

                                Each tool is fairly simple and focused on helping users achieve a small set of tasks. The best way to get familiar with the tools is to play with them by following the links below. If you’re only interested in using the tools, you can stop reading after this section. The rest of this post describes the data behind the tools, and some technical implementation details.

                                My 10-step path to becoming a remote data scientist with Automattic | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                                My 10-step path to becoming a remote data scientist with Automattic

                                About two years ago, I read the book The Year without Pants, which describes the author’s experience leading a team at Automattic (the company behind WordPress.com, among other products). Automattic is a fully-distributed company, which means that all of its employees work remotely (hence pants are optional). While the book discusses some of the challenges of working remotely, the author’s general experience was very positive. A few months after reading the book, I decided to look for a full-time position after a period of independent work. Ideally, I wanted a well-paid data science-y remote job with an established distributed tech company that offers a good life balance and makes products I care about. Automattic seemed to tick all my boxes, so I decided to apply for a job with them. This post describes my application steps, which ultimately led to me becoming a data scientist with Automattic.

                                Before jumping in, it’s worth noting that this post describes my personal experience. If you apply for a job with Automattic, your experience is likely to be different, as the process varies across teams, and evolves over time.

                                📧 Step 1: Do background research and apply

                                I decided to apply for a data wrangler position with Automattic in October 2015. While data wrangler may sound less sexy than data scientist, reading the job ad led me to believe that the position may involve interesting data science work. This impression was strengthened by some LinkedIn stalking, which included finding current data wranglers and reading through their profiles and websites. I later found out that all the people on the data division start out as data wranglers, and then they may pick their own title. Some data wranglers do data science work, while others are more focused on data engineering, and there are some projects that require a broad range of skills. As the usefulness of the term data scientist is questionable, I’m not too fussed about fancy job titles. It’s more important to do interesting work in a supportive environment.

                                Applying for the job was fairly straightforward. I simply followed the instructions from the ad:

                                Does this sound interesting? If yes, please send a short email to jobs @ this domain telling us about yourself and attach a resumé. Let us know what you can contribute to the team. Include the title of the position you’re applying for and your name in the subject. Proofread! Make sure you spell and capitalize WordPress and Automattic correctly. We are lucky to receive hundreds of applications for every position, so try to make your application stand out. If you apply for multiple positions or send multiple emails there will be one reply.

                                Having been on the receiving side of job applications, I find it surprising that many people don’t bother writing a cover letter, addressing the selection criteria in the ad, or even applying for a job they’re qualified to do. Hence, my cover letter was fairly short, comprising of several bullet points that highlight the similarities between the job requirements and my experience. It was nothing fancy, but simple cover letters have worked well for me in the past.

                                ⏳ Step 2: Wait patiently

                                The initial application was followed by a long wait. From my research, this is the typical scenario. This is unsurprising, as Automattic is a fairly small company with a large footprint, which is both distributed and known as a great place to work (e.g., its Glassdoor rating is 4.9). Therefore, it attracts many applicants from all over the world, which take a while to process. In addition, Matt Mullenweg (Automattic’s CEO) reviews job applications before passing them on to the team leads.

                                As I didn’t know that Matt reviewed job applications, I decided to try to shorten the wait by getting introduced to someone in the data division. My first attempt was via a second-degree LinkedIn connection who works for Automattic. He responded quickly when I reached out to him, saying that his experience working with the company is in line with the Glassdoor reviews – it’s the best job he’s had in his 15-year-long career. However, he couldn’t help me with an intro, because there is no simple way around Automattic’s internal processes. Nonetheless, he reassured me that it is worth waiting patiently, as the strict process means that you end up working with great people.

                                I wasn’t in a huge rush to find a job, but in December 2015 I decided to accept an offer to become the head of data science at Car Next Door. This was a good decision at the time, as I believe in the company’s original vision of reducing the number of cars on the road through car sharing, and it seemed like there would be many interesting projects for me to work on. The position wasn’t completely remote, but as the company was already spread across several cities, I was able to work from home for a day or two every week. In addition, it was a pleasant commute by bike from my Sydney home to the office, so putting the fully-remote job search on hold didn’t seem like a major sacrifice. As I haven’t heard anything from Automattic at that stage, it seemed unwise to reject a good offer, so I started working full-time with Car Next Door in January 2016.

                                I successfully attracted Automattic’s attention with a post I published on the misuse of the word insights by many tech companies, which included an example from WordPress.com. Greg Ichneumon Brown, one of the data wranglers, commented on the post, and invited me to apply to join Automattic and help them address the issues I raised. This happened after I accepted the offer from Car Next Door, and hasn’t resulted in any speed up of the process, so I just gave up on Automattic and carried on with my life.

                                💬 Step 3: Chat with the data lead

                                I finally heard back from Automattic in February 2016 (four months after my initial application and a month into my employment with Car Next Door). Martin Remy, who leads the data division, emailed me to enquire if I’m still interested in the position. I informed him that I was no longer looking for a job, but we agreed to have an informal chat, as I’ve been waiting for such a long time.

                                As is often the case with Automattic interviews, the chat with Martin was completely text-based. Working with a distributed team means that voice and video calls can be hard to schedule. Hence, Automattic relies heavily on textual channels, and text-based interviews allow the company to test the written communication skills of candidates. The chat revolved around my past work experience, and Martin also took the time to answer my questions about the company and the data division. At the conclusion of the chat, Martin suggested I contact him directly if I was ever interested in continuing the application process. While I was happy with my position at the time, the chat strengthened my positive impression of Automattic, and I decided that I would reapply if I were to look for a full-time position again.

                                My next job search started earlier than I had anticipated. In October 2016, I decided to leave Car Next Door due to disagreements with the founders over the general direction of the company. In addition, I had more flexibility in choosing where to live, as my personal circumstances had changed. As I’ve always been curious about life outside the capital cities of Australia, I wanted to move away from Sydney. While I could have probably continued working remotely with Car Next Door, I felt that it would be better to find a job with a fully-distributed team. Therefore, I messaged Martin and we scheduled another chat.

                                The second chat with Martin took place in early November. Similarly to the first chat, it was conducted via Skype text messages, and revolved around my work in the time that has passed since the first chat. This time, as I was keen on continuing with the process, I asked more specific questions about what kind of work I’m likely to end up doing and what the next steps would be. The answers were that I’d be joining the data science team, and that the next steps are a pre-trial test, a paid trial, and a final interview with Matt. While this sounds straightforward, it took another six months until I finally became an Automattic employee (but I wasn’t in a rush).

                                ☑️ Step 4: Pass the pre-trial test

                                The pre-trial test consisted of a data analysis task, where I was given a dataset and a set of questions to answer by Carly Stambaugh, the data science lead. The goal of the test is to evaluate the candidate’s approach to a problem, and assess organisational and communication skills. As such, the focus isn’t on obtaining a specific result, so candidates are given a choice of several potential avenues to explore. The open-ended nature of the task is reminiscent of many real-world data science projects, where you don’t always have a clear idea of what you’re going to discover. While some people may find this kind of uncertainty daunting, I find it interesting, as it is one of the things that makes data science a science.

                                I spent a few days analysing the data and preparing a report, which was submitted as a Jupyter Notebook. After submitting my initial report, there were a few follow-up questions, which I answered by email. The report was reviewed by Carly and Martin, and as they were satisfied with my work, I was invited to proceed to the next stage: A paid trial project.

                                👨‍💻 Step 5: Do the trial project

                                The main part of the application process with Automattic is the paid trial project. The rationale behind doing paid trials was explained a few years ago by Matt in Hire by Auditions, Not Resumes:

                                Before we hire anyone, they go through a trial process first, on contract. They can do the work at night or over the weekend, so they don’t have to leave their current job in the meantime. We pay a standard rate of $25 per hour, regardless of whether you’re applying to be an engineer or the chief financial officer.

                                During the trials, we give the applicants actual work. If you’re applying to work in customer support, you’ll answer tickets. If you’re an engineer, you’ll work on engineering problems. If you’re a designer, you’ll design.

                                There’s nothing like being in the trenches with someone, working with them day by day. It tells you something you can’t learn from resumes, interviews, or reference checks. At the end of the trial, everyone involved has a great sense of whether they want to work together going forward. And, yes, that means everyone — it’s a mutual tryout. Some people decide we’re not the right fit for them.

                                The goal of my trial project was to improve the Elasticsearch language detection algorithm. This took about a month, and ultimately resulted in a pull request that got merged into the language detection plugin. I find this aspect of the process pretty exciting: While the plugin is used to classify millions of documents internally by Automattic, its impact extends beyond the company, as Elasticsearch is used by many other organisations and projects. This stands in contrast to many other technical job interviews, which consist of unpaid work on toy problems under stressful conditions, where the work performed is ultimately thrown away. While the monetary compensation for the trial work is lower than the market rate for data science consulting, I valued the opportunity to work on a real open source project, even if this hadn’t led to me getting hired.

                                There was much more to the trial project than what’s shown in the final pull request. Most of the discussions were held on an internal project thread, primarly under the guidance of Carly (the data science lead), and Greg (the data wrangler who replied to my post a year earlier). The project was kicked off with a general problem statement: There was some evidence that the Elasticsearch language detection plugin doesn’t perform well on short texts, and my mission was to improve it. As the plugin didn’t include any tests for short texts, one of the main contributions of my work was the creation of datasets and tests to measure its accuracy on texts of different lengths. This was followed by some tweaks that improved the plugin’s performance, as summarised in the pull request. Internally, this work consisted of several iterations where I came up with ideas, asked questions, implemented the ideas, shared the results, and discussed further steps. There are still many possible improvements to the work done in the trial. However, as trials generally last around a month, we decided to end it after a few iterations.

                                I enjoyed the trial process, but it is definitely not for everyone. Most notably, there is a strong emphasis on asynchronous text-based communication, which is the main mode by which projects are coordinated at Automattic. People who don’t enjoy written communication may find this aspect challenging, but I have always found that writing helps me organise my thoughts, and that I retain information better when reading than when listening to people speak. That being said, Automatticians do meet in person several times a year, and some teams have video chats for some discussions. While doing the trial, I had a video chat with Carly, which was the first (and last) time in the process that I got to see and hear a live human. However, this was not an essential part of the trial project, as our chat was mostly on the data scientist role and my job expectations.

                                ⏳ Step 6: Wait patiently

                                I finished working on the trial project just before Christmas. The feedback I received throughout the trial was positive, but Martin, Carly, and Greg had to go through the work and discuss it among themselves before making a final decision. This took about a month, due to the holiday period, various personal circumstances, and the data science team meetup that was scheduled for January 2017. Eventually, Martin got back to me with positive news: They were satisfied with my trial work, which meant there was only one stage left – the final interview with Matt Mullenweg, Automattic’s CEO.

                                👉 Step 7: Ping Matt

                                Like other parts of the process, the interview with Matt is text-based. The way it works is fairly simple: I was instructed to message Matt on Slack and wait for a response, which may take days or weeks. I sent Matt a message on January 25, and was surprised to hear back from him the following morning. However, that day was Australia Day, which is a public holiday here. Therefore, I only got back to him two hours after he messaged me that morning, and by that time he was probably already busy with other things. This was the start of a pretty long wait.

                                ⏳ Step 8: Wait patiently

                                I left Car Next Door at the end of January, as I figured that I would be able to line up some other work even if things didn’t work out with Automattic. My plan was to take some time off, and then move up to the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales. I had two Reef Life Survey trips planned, so I wasn’t going to start working again before mid-April. I assumed that I would hear back from Matt before then, which would have allowed me to make an informed decision whether to look for another job or not.

                                After two weeks of waiting, the time for my dive trips was nearing. As I was going to be without mobile reception for a while, I thought it’d be worth letting Matt know my schedule. After discussing the matter with Martin, I messaged Matt. He responded, saying that we might as well do the interview at the beginning of April, as I won’t be starting work before that time anyway. I would have preferred to be done with the interview earlier, but was happy to have some certainty and not worry about missing more chat messages before April.

                                In early April, I returned from my second dive trip (which included a close encounter with Cyclone Debbie), and was hoping to sort out my remote work situation while completing the move up north. Unfortunately, while the move was successful, I was ready to give up on Automattic because I haven’t heard back from Matt at all in April. However, Martin remained optimistic and encouraged me to wait patiently, which I did as I was pretty busy with the move and with some casual freelancing projects.

                                💬 Step 9: Chat with Matt and accept the job offer

                                The chat with Matt finally happened on May 2. As is often the case, it took a few hours and covered my background, the trial process, and some other general questions. I asked him about my long wait for the final chat, and he apologised for me being an outlier, as most chats happen within two weeks of a candidate being passed over to him. As the chat was about to conclude, we got to the topic of salary negotiation (which went well), and then the process was finally over! Within a few hours of the chat I was sent an offer letter and an employment contract. As Automattic has an entity in Australia (called Ausomattic), it’s a fairly standard contract. I signed the contract and started work the following week – over a year and a half after my initial application. Even before I started working, I booked tickets to meet the data division in Montréal – a fairly swift transition from the long wait for the final interview.

                                🎉 Step 10: Start working and choose a job title

                                As noted above, Automatticians get to choose their own job titles, so to become a data scientist with Automattic, I had to set my job title to Data Scientist. This is generally how many people become data scientists these days, even outside Automattic. However, job titles don’t matter as much as job satisfaction. And after 2.5 months with Automattic, I’m very satisfied with my decision to join the company. My first three weeks were spent doing customer support, like all new Automattic employees. Since then, I’ve been involved in projects to make engagement measurement more consistent (harder than it sounds, as counting things is hard), and to improve the data science codebase (e.g., moving away from Legacy Python). Besides that, I also went to Montréal for the data division meetup, and have started getting into chatbot work. I’m looking forward to doing more work and sharing my experience here and on data.blog.

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                                My 10-step path to becoming a remote data scientist with Automattic

                                About two years ago, I read the book The Year without Pants, which describes the author’s experience leading a team at Automattic (the company behind WordPress.com, among other products). Automattic is a fully-distributed company, which means that all of its employees work remotely (hence pants are optional). While the book discusses some of the challenges of working remotely, the author’s general experience was very positive. A few months after reading the book, I decided to look for a full-time position after a period of independent work. Ideally, I wanted a well-paid data science-y remote job with an established distributed tech company that offers a good life balance and makes products I care about. Automattic seemed to tick all my boxes, so I decided to apply for a job with them. This post describes my application steps, which ultimately led to me becoming a data scientist with Automattic.

                                Before jumping in, it’s worth noting that this post describes my personal experience. If you apply for a job with Automattic, your experience is likely to be different, as the process varies across teams, and evolves over time.

                                📧 Step 1: Do background research and apply

                                I decided to apply for a data wrangler position with Automattic in October 2015. While data wrangler may sound less sexy than data scientist, reading the job ad led me to believe that the position may involve interesting data science work. This impression was strengthened by some LinkedIn stalking, which included finding current data wranglers and reading through their profiles and websites. I later found out that all the people on the data division start out as data wranglers, and then they may pick their own title. Some data wranglers do data science work, while others are more focused on data engineering, and there are some projects that require a broad range of skills. As the usefulness of the term data scientist is questionable, I’m not too fussed about fancy job titles. It’s more important to do interesting work in a supportive environment.

                                Applying for the job was fairly straightforward. I simply followed the instructions from the ad:

                                Does this sound interesting? If yes, please send a short email to jobs @ this domain telling us about yourself and attach a resumé. Let us know what you can contribute to the team. Include the title of the position you’re applying for and your name in the subject. Proofread! Make sure you spell and capitalize WordPress and Automattic correctly. We are lucky to receive hundreds of applications for every position, so try to make your application stand out. If you apply for multiple positions or send multiple emails there will be one reply.

                                Having been on the receiving side of job applications, I find it surprising that many people don’t bother writing a cover letter, addressing the selection criteria in the ad, or even applying for a job they’re qualified to do. Hence, my cover letter was fairly short, comprising of several bullet points that highlight the similarities between the job requirements and my experience. It was nothing fancy, but simple cover letters have worked well for me in the past.

                                ⏳ Step 2: Wait patiently

                                The initial application was followed by a long wait. From my research, this is the typical scenario. This is unsurprising, as Automattic is a fairly small company with a large footprint, which is both distributed and known as a great place to work (e.g., its Glassdoor rating is 4.9). Therefore, it attracts many applicants from all over the world, which take a while to process. In addition, Matt Mullenweg (Automattic’s CEO) reviews job applications before passing them on to the team leads.

                                As I didn’t know that Matt reviewed job applications, I decided to try to shorten the wait by getting introduced to someone in the data division. My first attempt was via a second-degree LinkedIn connection who works for Automattic. He responded quickly when I reached out to him, saying that his experience working with the company is in line with the Glassdoor reviews – it’s the best job he’s had in his 15-year-long career. However, he couldn’t help me with an intro, because there is no simple way around Automattic’s internal processes. Nonetheless, he reassured me that it is worth waiting patiently, as the strict process means that you end up working with great people.

                                I wasn’t in a huge rush to find a job, but in December 2015 I decided to accept an offer to become the head of data science at Car Next Door. This was a good decision at the time, as I believe in the company’s original vision of reducing the number of cars on the road through car sharing, and it seemed like there would be many interesting projects for me to work on. The position wasn’t completely remote, but as the company was already spread across several cities, I was able to work from home for a day or two every week. In addition, it was a pleasant commute by bike from my Sydney home to the office, so putting the fully-remote job search on hold didn’t seem like a major sacrifice. As I haven’t heard anything from Automattic at that stage, it seemed unwise to reject a good offer, so I started working full-time with Car Next Door in January 2016.

                                I successfully attracted Automattic’s attention with a post I published on the misuse of the word insights by many tech companies, which included an example from WordPress.com. Greg Ichneumon Brown, one of the data wranglers, commented on the post, and invited me to apply to join Automattic and help them address the issues I raised. This happened after I accepted the offer from Car Next Door, and hasn’t resulted in any speed up of the process, so I just gave up on Automattic and carried on with my life.

                                💬 Step 3: Chat with the data lead

                                I finally heard back from Automattic in February 2016 (four months after my initial application and a month into my employment with Car Next Door). Martin Remy, who leads the data division, emailed me to enquire if I’m still interested in the position. I informed him that I was no longer looking for a job, but we agreed to have an informal chat, as I’ve been waiting for such a long time.

                                As is often the case with Automattic interviews, the chat with Martin was completely text-based. Working with a distributed team means that voice and video calls can be hard to schedule. Hence, Automattic relies heavily on textual channels, and text-based interviews allow the company to test the written communication skills of candidates. The chat revolved around my past work experience, and Martin also took the time to answer my questions about the company and the data division. At the conclusion of the chat, Martin suggested I contact him directly if I was ever interested in continuing the application process. While I was happy with my position at the time, the chat strengthened my positive impression of Automattic, and I decided that I would reapply if I were to look for a full-time position again.

                                My next job search started earlier than I had anticipated. In October 2016, I decided to leave Car Next Door due to disagreements with the founders over the general direction of the company. In addition, I had more flexibility in choosing where to live, as my personal circumstances had changed. As I’ve always been curious about life outside the capital cities of Australia, I wanted to move away from Sydney. While I could have probably continued working remotely with Car Next Door, I felt that it would be better to find a job with a fully-distributed team. Therefore, I messaged Martin and we scheduled another chat.

                                The second chat with Martin took place in early November. Similarly to the first chat, it was conducted via Skype text messages, and revolved around my work in the time that has passed since the first chat. This time, as I was keen on continuing with the process, I asked more specific questions about what kind of work I’m likely to end up doing and what the next steps would be. The answers were that I’d be joining the data science team, and that the next steps are a pre-trial test, a paid trial, and a final interview with Matt. While this sounds straightforward, it took another six months until I finally became an Automattic employee (but I wasn’t in a rush).

                                ☑️ Step 4: Pass the pre-trial test

                                The pre-trial test consisted of a data analysis task, where I was given a dataset and a set of questions to answer by Carly Stambaugh, the data science lead. The goal of the test is to evaluate the candidate’s approach to a problem, and assess organisational and communication skills. As such, the focus isn’t on obtaining a specific result, so candidates are given a choice of several potential avenues to explore. The open-ended nature of the task is reminiscent of many real-world data science projects, where you don’t always have a clear idea of what you’re going to discover. While some people may find this kind of uncertainty daunting, I find it interesting, as it is one of the things that makes data science a science.

                                I spent a few days analysing the data and preparing a report, which was submitted as a Jupyter Notebook. After submitting my initial report, there were a few follow-up questions, which I answered by email. The report was reviewed by Carly and Martin, and as they were satisfied with my work, I was invited to proceed to the next stage: A paid trial project.

                                👨‍💻 Step 5: Do the trial project

                                The main part of the application process with Automattic is the paid trial project. The rationale behind doing paid trials was explained a few years ago by Matt in Hire by Auditions, Not Resumes:

                                Before we hire anyone, they go through a trial process first, on contract. They can do the work at night or over the weekend, so they don’t have to leave their current job in the meantime. We pay a standard rate of $25 per hour, regardless of whether you’re applying to be an engineer or the chief financial officer.

                                During the trials, we give the applicants actual work. If you’re applying to work in customer support, you’ll answer tickets. If you’re an engineer, you’ll work on engineering problems. If you’re a designer, you’ll design.

                                There’s nothing like being in the trenches with someone, working with them day by day. It tells you something you can’t learn from resumes, interviews, or reference checks. At the end of the trial, everyone involved has a great sense of whether they want to work together going forward. And, yes, that means everyone — it’s a mutual tryout. Some people decide we’re not the right fit for them.

                                The goal of my trial project was to improve the Elasticsearch language detection algorithm. This took about a month, and ultimately resulted in a pull request that got merged into the language detection plugin. I find this aspect of the process pretty exciting: While the plugin is used to classify millions of documents internally by Automattic, its impact extends beyond the company, as Elasticsearch is used by many other organisations and projects. This stands in contrast to many other technical job interviews, which consist of unpaid work on toy problems under stressful conditions, where the work performed is ultimately thrown away. While the monetary compensation for the trial work is lower than the market rate for data science consulting, I valued the opportunity to work on a real open source project, even if this hadn’t led to me getting hired.

                                There was much more to the trial project than what’s shown in the final pull request. Most of the discussions were held on an internal project thread, primarly under the guidance of Carly (the data science lead), and Greg (the data wrangler who replied to my post a year earlier). The project was kicked off with a general problem statement: There was some evidence that the Elasticsearch language detection plugin doesn’t perform well on short texts, and my mission was to improve it. As the plugin didn’t include any tests for short texts, one of the main contributions of my work was the creation of datasets and tests to measure its accuracy on texts of different lengths. This was followed by some tweaks that improved the plugin’s performance, as summarised in the pull request. Internally, this work consisted of several iterations where I came up with ideas, asked questions, implemented the ideas, shared the results, and discussed further steps. There are still many possible improvements to the work done in the trial. However, as trials generally last around a month, we decided to end it after a few iterations.

                                I enjoyed the trial process, but it is definitely not for everyone. Most notably, there is a strong emphasis on asynchronous text-based communication, which is the main mode by which projects are coordinated at Automattic. People who don’t enjoy written communication may find this aspect challenging, but I have always found that writing helps me organise my thoughts, and that I retain information better when reading than when listening to people speak. That being said, Automatticians do meet in person several times a year, and some teams have video chats for some discussions. While doing the trial, I had a video chat with Carly, which was the first (and last) time in the process that I got to see and hear a live human. However, this was not an essential part of the trial project, as our chat was mostly on the data scientist role and my job expectations.

                                ⏳ Step 6: Wait patiently

                                I finished working on the trial project just before Christmas. The feedback I received throughout the trial was positive, but Martin, Carly, and Greg had to go through the work and discuss it among themselves before making a final decision. This took about a month, due to the holiday period, various personal circumstances, and the data science team meetup that was scheduled for January 2017. Eventually, Martin got back to me with positive news: They were satisfied with my trial work, which meant there was only one stage left – the final interview with Matt Mullenweg, Automattic’s CEO.

                                👉 Step 7: Ping Matt

                                Like other parts of the process, the interview with Matt is text-based. The way it works is fairly simple: I was instructed to message Matt on Slack and wait for a response, which may take days or weeks. I sent Matt a message on January 25, and was surprised to hear back from him the following morning. However, that day was Australia Day, which is a public holiday here. Therefore, I only got back to him two hours after he messaged me that morning, and by that time he was probably already busy with other things. This was the start of a pretty long wait.

                                ⏳ Step 8: Wait patiently

                                I left Car Next Door at the end of January, as I figured that I would be able to line up some other work even if things didn’t work out with Automattic. My plan was to take some time off, and then move up to the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales. I had two Reef Life Survey trips planned, so I wasn’t going to start working again before mid-April. I assumed that I would hear back from Matt before then, which would have allowed me to make an informed decision whether to look for another job or not.

                                After two weeks of waiting, the time for my dive trips was nearing. As I was going to be without mobile reception for a while, I thought it’d be worth letting Matt know my schedule. After discussing the matter with Martin, I messaged Matt. He responded, saying that we might as well do the interview at the beginning of April, as I won’t be starting work before that time anyway. I would have preferred to be done with the interview earlier, but was happy to have some certainty and not worry about missing more chat messages before April.

                                In early April, I returned from my second dive trip (which included a close encounter with Cyclone Debbie), and was hoping to sort out my remote work situation while completing the move up north. Unfortunately, while the move was successful, I was ready to give up on Automattic because I haven’t heard back from Matt at all in April. However, Martin remained optimistic and encouraged me to wait patiently, which I did as I was pretty busy with the move and with some casual freelancing projects.

                                💬 Step 9: Chat with Matt and accept the job offer

                                The chat with Matt finally happened on May 2. As is often the case, it took a few hours and covered my background, the trial process, and some other general questions. I asked him about my long wait for the final chat, and he apologised for me being an outlier, as most chats happen within two weeks of a candidate being passed over to him. As the chat was about to conclude, we got to the topic of salary negotiation (which went well), and then the process was finally over! Within a few hours of the chat I was sent an offer letter and an employment contract. As Automattic has an entity in Australia (called Ausomattic), it’s a fairly standard contract. I signed the contract and started work the following week – over a year and a half after my initial application. Even before I started working, I booked tickets to meet the data division in Montréal – a fairly swift transition from the long wait for the final interview.

                                🎉 Step 10: Start working and choose a job title

                                As noted above, Automatticians get to choose their own job titles, so to become a data scientist with Automattic, I had to set my job title to Data Scientist. This is generally how many people become data scientists these days, even outside Automattic. However, job titles don’t matter as much as job satisfaction. And after 2.5 months with Automattic, I’m very satisfied with my decision to join the company. My first three weeks were spent doing customer support, like all new Automattic employees. Since then, I’ve been involved in projects to make engagement measurement more consistent (harder than it sounds, as counting things is hard), and to improve the data science codebase (e.g., moving away from Legacy Python). Besides that, I also went to Montréal for the data division meetup, and have started getting into chatbot work. I’m looking forward to doing more work and sharing my experience here and on data.blog.


                                  Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2017/09/02/state-of-bandcamp-recommender/index.html b/2017/09/02/state-of-bandcamp-recommender/index.html index cace06669..648919617 100644 --- a/2017/09/02/state-of-bandcamp-recommender/index.html +++ b/2017/09/02/state-of-bandcamp-recommender/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ State of Bandcamp Recommender, Late 2017 | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                                  State of Bandcamp Recommender, Late 2017

                                  November 2017: Update and goodbye

                                  I’ve decided to shut down Bandcamp Recommender (BCRecommender), despite hearing back from a few volunteers. The main reasons are:

                                  1. Bandcamp now shows album recommendations at the bottom of album pages. While this isn’t quite the same as BCRecommender, I hope that it will evolve to a more comprehensive recommender system.
                                  2. I tried to contact Bandcamp to get their support for the continued running of BCRecommender. I have not heard back from them. It would have been nice to receive some acknowledgement that they find BCRecommender useful.
                                  3. As discussed below, I don’t have much time to spend on the project, and handing it off to other maintainers would have been time-consuming. Given reasons 1 and 2, I don’t feel like it’s worth the effort. Thanks to everyone who’s contacted me – you’re awesome!

                                  September 2017: Original announcement

                                  I released the first version of Bandcamp Recommender (BCRecommender) about three years ago, with the main goal of surfacing music recommendations from Bandcamp. A secondary goal was learning more about building and marketing a standalone web app. As such, I shared a few posts about BCRecommender over the years:

                                  The last of the above posts was published in November 2015 – almost two years ago. Most of the work on BCRecommender was done up to that point, when my main focus was on part-time contracting while working on my own projects. However, since January 2016 I’ve mostly been working full-time, so I haven’t had the time to give enough attention to the project. Therefore, it looks like it’s time for me to say goodbye to BCRecommender.

                                  Despite the lack of attention, about 5,000 people still visit BCRecommender every month (down from a peak of around 9,000). I know that people find it useful, even though it hasn’t been functionally updated in a long time (though the recommendations have been refreshed a few times). In an ideal world, BCRecommender would be replaced by algorithmic recommendations from Bandcamp. But unfortunately, Bandcamp still doesn’t offer personalised recommendations. This is a shame, because such recommendations could be of great benefit to both artists and fans. Millions of tracks and albums have been published on Bandcamp, meaning that serving personalised recommendations that cover their full catalogue can only be achieved using algorithms. However, it seems like they’re not interested in building this kind of functionality.

                                  Rather than simply pulling the plug on BCRecommender, I thought I’d put a call out to see if anyone is interested in maintaining it. I’m happy to open source the code and hand the project over to someone else if it means it would be in good hands. With a little bit of work, BCRecommender can be turned into a full Bandcamp-based personalised radio station. If you think you’d be a good fit for maintaining the project, drop me a line and we can discuss further. If you just love BCRecommender, you can also let Bandcamp know that you want them to implement algorithmic recommendations (e.g., on Twitter or by emailing support@bandcamp.com). I’ll keep BCRecommender alive for about two more months and see if I get any responses. Either way, I’ll be saying goodbye to maintaining it before the end of the year.

                                  Subscribe +

                                  State of Bandcamp Recommender, Late 2017

                                  November 2017: Update and goodbye

                                  I’ve decided to shut down Bandcamp Recommender (BCRecommender), despite hearing back from a few volunteers. The main reasons are:

                                  1. Bandcamp now shows album recommendations at the bottom of album pages. While this isn’t quite the same as BCRecommender, I hope that it will evolve to a more comprehensive recommender system.
                                  2. I tried to contact Bandcamp to get their support for the continued running of BCRecommender. I have not heard back from them. It would have been nice to receive some acknowledgement that they find BCRecommender useful.
                                  3. As discussed below, I don’t have much time to spend on the project, and handing it off to other maintainers would have been time-consuming. Given reasons 1 and 2, I don’t feel like it’s worth the effort. Thanks to everyone who’s contacted me – you’re awesome!

                                  September 2017: Original announcement

                                  I released the first version of Bandcamp Recommender (BCRecommender) about three years ago, with the main goal of surfacing music recommendations from Bandcamp. A secondary goal was learning more about building and marketing a standalone web app. As such, I shared a few posts about BCRecommender over the years:

                                  The last of the above posts was published in November 2015 – almost two years ago. Most of the work on BCRecommender was done up to that point, when my main focus was on part-time contracting while working on my own projects. However, since January 2016 I’ve mostly been working full-time, so I haven’t had the time to give enough attention to the project. Therefore, it looks like it’s time for me to say goodbye to BCRecommender.

                                  Despite the lack of attention, about 5,000 people still visit BCRecommender every month (down from a peak of around 9,000). I know that people find it useful, even though it hasn’t been functionally updated in a long time (though the recommendations have been refreshed a few times). In an ideal world, BCRecommender would be replaced by algorithmic recommendations from Bandcamp. But unfortunately, Bandcamp still doesn’t offer personalised recommendations. This is a shame, because such recommendations could be of great benefit to both artists and fans. Millions of tracks and albums have been published on Bandcamp, meaning that serving personalised recommendations that cover their full catalogue can only be achieved using algorithms. However, it seems like they’re not interested in building this kind of functionality.

                                  Rather than simply pulling the plug on BCRecommender, I thought I’d put a call out to see if anyone is interested in maintaining it. I’m happy to open source the code and hand the project over to someone else if it means it would be in good hands. With a little bit of work, BCRecommender can be turned into a full Bandcamp-based personalised radio station. If you think you’d be a good fit for maintaining the project, drop me a line and we can discuss further. If you just love BCRecommender, you can also let Bandcamp know that you want them to implement algorithmic recommendations (e.g., on Twitter or by emailing support@bandcamp.com). I’ll keep BCRecommender alive for about two more months and see if I get any responses. Either way, I’ll be saying goodbye to maintaining it before the end of the year.


                                    Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2017/10/15/advice-for-aspiring-data-scientists-and-other-faqs/index.html b/2017/10/15/advice-for-aspiring-data-scientists-and-other-faqs/index.html index 6c4979ab4..6b7b048a5 100644 --- a/2017/10/15/advice-for-aspiring-data-scientists-and-other-faqs/index.html +++ b/2017/10/15/advice-for-aspiring-data-scientists-and-other-faqs/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Advice for aspiring data scientists and other FAQs | Yanir Seroussi | Data & AI for Startup Impact -

                                    Advice for aspiring data scientists and other FAQs

                                    Aspiring data scientists and other visitors to this site often repeat the same questions. This post is the definitive collection of my answers to such questions (which may evolve over time).

                                    How do I become a data scientist?

                                    It depends on your situation. Before we get into it, have you thought about why you want to become a data scientist?

                                    Hmm… Not really. Why should I become a data scientist?

                                    I can't answer this for you, but it's great to see you asking why. Do you know what data science is? Do you understand what data scientists do?

                                    Sort of. Just so we’re on the same page, what is data science?

                                    No one knows for sure. Here are my thoughts from 2014 on defining data science as the intersection of software engineering and statistics, and a more recent post on defining data science in 2018.

                                    What are the hardest parts of data science?

                                    The hardest parts of data science are problem definition and solution measurement, not model fitting and data cleaning, because counting things is hard.

                                    Thanks, that’s helpful. But what do data scientists actually do?

                                    It varies a lot. This variability makes the job title somewhat useless. You should try to get an idea what areas of data science interest you. For many people, excitement over the technical aspects wanes with time. And even if you still find the technical aspects exciting, most jobs have boring parts. When considering career changes, think of the non-technical aspects that would keep you engaged.

                                    To answer the question, here are some posts on things I've done: Joined Automattic by improving the Elasticsearch language detection plugin, calculated customer lifetime value, analysed A/B test results, built recommender systems (including one for Bandcamp music), competed on Kaggle, and completed a PhD. I've also dabbled in deep learning, marine surveys, causality, and other things that I haven't had the chance to write about.

                                    Cool! Can you provide a general overview of how to become a data scientist?

                                    Yes! Check out Alec Smith's excellent articles.

                                    I’m pretty happy with my current job, but still thinking of becoming a data scientist. What should I do?

                                    Find ways of doing data science within your current role, working overtime if needed. Working on a real problem in a familiar domain is much more valuable than working on toy problems from online courses and platforms like Kaggle (though they're also useful). If you're a data analyst, learn how to program to automate and simplify your analyses. If you're a software engineer, become comfortable with analysing and modelling data. Machine learning doesn't have to be a part of what you choose to do.

                                    I’m pretty busy. What online course should I take to learn about the area?

                                    Calling Bullshit: Data Reasoning for the Digital Age is a good place to start. Deep learning should be pretty low on your list if you don't have much background in the area.

                                    Should I learn Python or R? Keras or Tensorflow? What about <insert name here>?

                                    It doesn't matter. Focus on principles and you'll be fine. The following quote still applies today (to people of all genders).

                                    As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.