These are few points from an email I sent to members of the Data Science Sydney Meetup. I suppose other Kaggle beginners may find it useful.
My first steps when working on a new competition are:
- Read all the instructions carefully to understand the problem. One important thing to look at is what measure is being optimised. For example, minimising the mean absolute error (MAE) may require a different approach from minimising the mean square error (MSE).
- Read messages on the forum. Especially when joining a competition late, you can learn a lot from the problems other people had. And sometimes there’s even code to get you started (though code quality may vary and it’s not worth relying on).
- Download the data and look at it a bit to understand it better, noting any insights you may have and things you would like to try. Even if you don’t know how to model something, knowing what you want to model is half of the solution. For example, in the DSG Hackathon (predicting air quality), we noticed that even though we had to produce hourly predictions for pollutant levels, the measured levels don’t change every hour (probably due to limitations in the measuring equipment). This led us to try a simple “model” for the first few hours, where we predicted exactly the last measured value, which proved to be one of our most valuable insights. Stupid and uninspiring, but we did finish 6th :-). The main message is: look at the data!
- Set up a local validation environment. This will allow you to iterate quickly without making submissions, and will increase the accuracy of your model. For those with some programming experience: local validation is your private development environment, the public leaderboard is staging, and the private leaderboard is production.
What you use for local validation depends on the type of problem. For example, for classic prediction problems you may use one of the classic cross-validation techniques. For forecasting problems, you should try and have a local setup that is as close as possible to the setup of the leaderboard. In the Yandex competition, the leaderboard is based on data from the last three days of search activity. You should use a similar split for the training data (and of course, use exactly the same local setup for all the team members so you can compare results). - Get the submission format right. Make sure that you can reproduce the baseline results locally.
Now, the way things often work is:
- You try many different approaches and ideas. Most of them lead to nothing. Hopefully some lead to something.
- Create ensembles of the various approaches.
- Repeat until you run out of time.
- Win. Hopefully.
Note that in many competitions, the differences between the top results are not statistically significant, so winning may depend on luck. But getting one of the top results also depends to a large degree on your persistence. To avoid disappointment, I think the main goal should be to learn things, so spend time trying to understand how the methods that you’re using work. Libraries like sklearn make it really easy to try a bunch of models without understanding how they work, but you’re better off trying less things and developing the ability to reason about why they work or not work.
An analogy for programmers: while you can use an array, a linked list, a binary tree, and a hash table interchangeably in some situations, understanding when to use each one can make a world of difference in terms of performance. It’s pretty similar for predictive models (though they are often not as well-behaved as data structures).
Finally, it’s worth watching this video by Phil Brierley, who won a bunch of Kaggle competitions. It’s really good, and doesn’t require much understanding of R.
Any comments are welcome!
Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/08/17/datas-hierarchy-of-needs/index.html b/2014/08/17/datas-hierarchy-of-needs/index.html index 67bd0ba2e..7b1bd4c2b 100644 --- a/2014/08/17/datas-hierarchy-of-needs/index.html +++ b/2014/08/17/datas-hierarchy-of-needs/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Data’s hierarchy of needs
One of my favourite blog posts in recent times is The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data’s unifying abstraction by Jay Kreps. That post comprehensively describes how abstracting all the data produced by LinkedIn’s various components into a single log pipeline greatly simplified their architecture and enabled advanced data-driven applications. Among the various technical details there are some beautifully-articulated business insights. My favourite one defines data’s hierarchy of needs:
Visually, it looks something like this:
Data’s hierarchy of needs
One of my favourite blog posts in recent times is The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data’s unifying abstraction by Jay Kreps. That post comprehensively describes how abstracting all the data produced by LinkedIn’s various components into a single log pipeline greatly simplified their architecture and enabled advanced data-driven applications. Among the various technical details there are some beautifully-articulated business insights. My favourite one defines data’s hierarchy of needs:
Visually, it looks something like this:
How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions
Last week, I gave a talk at the Data Science Sydney Meetup group about some of the lessons I learned through almost winning five Kaggle competitions. The core of the talk was ten tips, which I think are worth putting in a post (the original slides are here). Some of these tips were covered in my beginner tips post from a few months ago. Similar advice was also recently published on the Kaggle blog – it’s great to see that my tips are in line with the thoughts of other prolific kagglers.
Tip 1: RTFM#
It’s surprising to see how many people miss out on important details, such as remembering the final date to make the first submission. Before jumping into building models, it’s important to understand the competition timeline, be able to reproduce benchmarks, generate the correct submission format, etc.
Tip 2: Know your measure#
A key part of doing well in a competition is understanding how the measure works. It’s often easy to obtain significant improvements in your score by using an optimisation approach that is suitable to the measure. A classic example is optimising the mean absolute error (MAE) versus the mean square error (MSE). It’s easy to show that given no other data for a set of numbers, the predictor that minimises the MAE is the median, while the predictor that minimises the MSE is the mean. Indeed, in the EMC Data Science Hackathon we fell back to the median rather than the mean when there wasn’t enough data, and that ended up working pretty well.
Tip 3: Know your data#
In Kaggle competitions, overspecialisation (without overfitting) is a good thing. This is unlike academic machine learning papers, where researchers often test their proposed method on many different datasets. This is also unlike more applied work, where you may care about data drifting and whether what you predict actually makes sense. Examples include the Hackathon, where the measures of pollutants in the air were repeated for consecutive hours (i.e., they weren’t really measured); the multi-label Greek article competition, where I found connected components of labels (doesn’t generalise well to other datasets); and the Arabic writers competition, where I used histogram kernels to deal with the features that we were given. The general lesson is that custom solutions win, and that’s why the world needs data scientists (at least until we are replaced by robots).
Tip 4: What before how#
It’s important to know what you want to model before figuring out how to model it. It seems like many beginners tend to worry too much about which tool to use (Python or R? Logistic regression or SVMs?), when they should be worrying about understanding the data and what useful patterns they want to capture. For example, when we worked on the Yandex search personalisation competition, we spent a lot of time looking at the data and thinking what makes sense for users to be doing. In that case it was easy to come up with ideas, because we all use search engines. But the main message is that to be effective, you have to become one with the data.
Tip 5: Do local validation#
This is a point I covered in my Kaggle beginner tips post. Having a local validation environment allows you to move faster and produce more reliable results than when relying on the leaderboard. The main scenarios when you should skip local validation is when the data is too small (a problem I had in the Arabic writers competition), or when you run out of time (towards the end of the competition).
Tip 6: Make fewer submissions#
In addition to making you look good, making few submissions reduces the likelihood of overfitting the leaderboard, which is a real problem. If your local validation is set up well and is consistent with the leaderboard (which you need to test by making one or two submissions), there’s really no need to make many submissions. Further, if you’re doing well, making submissions erodes your competitive advantage by showing your competitors what scores are obtainable and motivating them to work harder. Just resist the urge to submit, unless you have a really good reason.
Tip 7: Do your research#
For any given problem, it’s likely that there are people dedicating their lives to its solution. These people (often academics) have probably published papers, benchmarks and code, which you can learn from. Unlike actually winning, which is not only dependent on you, gaining deeper knowledge and understanding is the only sure reward of a competition. This has worked well for me, as I’ve learned something new and applied it successfully in nearly every competition I’ve worked on.
Tip 8: Apply the basics rigorously#
While playing with obscure methods can be a lot of fun, it’s often the case that the basics will get you very far. Common algorithms have good implementations in most major languages, so there’s really no reason not to try them. However, note that when you do try any methods, you must do some minimal tuning of the main parameters (e.g., number of trees in a random forest or the regularisation of a linear model). Running a method without minimal tuning is worse than not running it at all, because you may get a false negative – giving up on a method that actually works very well.
An example of applying the basics rigorously is in the classic paper In defense of one-vs-all classification, where the authors showed that the simple one-vs-all (OVA) approach to multiclass classification is at least as good as approaches that are much more sophisticated. In their words: “What we find is that although a wide array of more sophisticated methods for multiclass classification exist, experimental evidence of the superiority of these methods over a simple OVA scheme is either lacking or improperly controlled or measured”. If such a failure to perform proper experiments can happen to serious machine learning researchers, it can definitely happen to the average kaggler. Don’t let it happen to you.
Tip 9: The forum is your friend#
It’s very important to subscribe to the forum to receive notifications on issues with the data or the competition. In addition, it’s worth trying to figure out what your competitors are doing. An extreme example is the recent trend of code sharing during the competition (which I don’t really like) – while it’s not a good idea to rely on such code, it’s important to be aware of its existence. Finally, reading the post-competition summaries on the forum is a valuable way of learning from the winners and improving over time.
Tip 10: Ensemble all the things#
Not to be confused with ensemble methods (which are also very important), the idea here is to combine models that were developed independently. In high-profile competitions, it is often the case that teams merge and gain a significant boost from combining their models. This is worth doing even when competing alone, because almost no competition is won by a single model.
How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions
Last week, I gave a talk at the Data Science Sydney Meetup group about some of the lessons I learned through almost winning five Kaggle competitions. The core of the talk was ten tips, which I think are worth putting in a post (the original slides are here). Some of these tips were covered in my beginner tips post from a few months ago. Similar advice was also recently published on the Kaggle blog – it’s great to see that my tips are in line with the thoughts of other prolific kagglers.
Tip 1: RTFM#
It’s surprising to see how many people miss out on important details, such as remembering the final date to make the first submission. Before jumping into building models, it’s important to understand the competition timeline, be able to reproduce benchmarks, generate the correct submission format, etc.
Tip 2: Know your measure#
A key part of doing well in a competition is understanding how the measure works. It’s often easy to obtain significant improvements in your score by using an optimisation approach that is suitable to the measure. A classic example is optimising the mean absolute error (MAE) versus the mean square error (MSE). It’s easy to show that given no other data for a set of numbers, the predictor that minimises the MAE is the median, while the predictor that minimises the MSE is the mean. Indeed, in the EMC Data Science Hackathon we fell back to the median rather than the mean when there wasn’t enough data, and that ended up working pretty well.
Tip 3: Know your data#
In Kaggle competitions, overspecialisation (without overfitting) is a good thing. This is unlike academic machine learning papers, where researchers often test their proposed method on many different datasets. This is also unlike more applied work, where you may care about data drifting and whether what you predict actually makes sense. Examples include the Hackathon, where the measures of pollutants in the air were repeated for consecutive hours (i.e., they weren’t really measured); the multi-label Greek article competition, where I found connected components of labels (doesn’t generalise well to other datasets); and the Arabic writers competition, where I used histogram kernels to deal with the features that we were given. The general lesson is that custom solutions win, and that’s why the world needs data scientists (at least until we are replaced by robots).
Tip 4: What before how#
It’s important to know what you want to model before figuring out how to model it. It seems like many beginners tend to worry too much about which tool to use (Python or R? Logistic regression or SVMs?), when they should be worrying about understanding the data and what useful patterns they want to capture. For example, when we worked on the Yandex search personalisation competition, we spent a lot of time looking at the data and thinking what makes sense for users to be doing. In that case it was easy to come up with ideas, because we all use search engines. But the main message is that to be effective, you have to become one with the data.
Tip 5: Do local validation#
This is a point I covered in my Kaggle beginner tips post. Having a local validation environment allows you to move faster and produce more reliable results than when relying on the leaderboard. The main scenarios when you should skip local validation is when the data is too small (a problem I had in the Arabic writers competition), or when you run out of time (towards the end of the competition).
Tip 6: Make fewer submissions#
In addition to making you look good, making few submissions reduces the likelihood of overfitting the leaderboard, which is a real problem. If your local validation is set up well and is consistent with the leaderboard (which you need to test by making one or two submissions), there’s really no need to make many submissions. Further, if you’re doing well, making submissions erodes your competitive advantage by showing your competitors what scores are obtainable and motivating them to work harder. Just resist the urge to submit, unless you have a really good reason.
Tip 7: Do your research#
For any given problem, it’s likely that there are people dedicating their lives to its solution. These people (often academics) have probably published papers, benchmarks and code, which you can learn from. Unlike actually winning, which is not only dependent on you, gaining deeper knowledge and understanding is the only sure reward of a competition. This has worked well for me, as I’ve learned something new and applied it successfully in nearly every competition I’ve worked on.
Tip 8: Apply the basics rigorously#
While playing with obscure methods can be a lot of fun, it’s often the case that the basics will get you very far. Common algorithms have good implementations in most major languages, so there’s really no reason not to try them. However, note that when you do try any methods, you must do some minimal tuning of the main parameters (e.g., number of trees in a random forest or the regularisation of a linear model). Running a method without minimal tuning is worse than not running it at all, because you may get a false negative – giving up on a method that actually works very well.
An example of applying the basics rigorously is in the classic paper In defense of one-vs-all classification, where the authors showed that the simple one-vs-all (OVA) approach to multiclass classification is at least as good as approaches that are much more sophisticated. In their words: “What we find is that although a wide array of more sophisticated methods for multiclass classification exist, experimental evidence of the superiority of these methods over a simple OVA scheme is either lacking or improperly controlled or measured”. If such a failure to perform proper experiments can happen to serious machine learning researchers, it can definitely happen to the average kaggler. Don’t let it happen to you.
Tip 9: The forum is your friend#
It’s very important to subscribe to the forum to receive notifications on issues with the data or the competition. In addition, it’s worth trying to figure out what your competitors are doing. An extreme example is the recent trend of code sharing during the competition (which I don’t really like) – while it’s not a good idea to rely on such code, it’s important to be aware of its existence. Finally, reading the post-competition summaries on the forum is a valuable way of learning from the winners and improving over time.
Tip 10: Ensemble all the things#
Not to be confused with ensemble methods (which are also very important), the idea here is to combine models that were developed independently. In high-profile competitions, it is often the case that teams merge and gain a significant boost from combining their models. This is worth doing even when competing alone, because almost no competition is won by a single model.
Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/08/30/building-a-bandcamp-recommender-system-part-1-motivation/index.html b/2014/08/30/building-a-bandcamp-recommender-system-part-1-motivation/index.html index 7a108d329..2391dac00 100644 --- a/2014/08/30/building-a-bandcamp-recommender-system-part-1-motivation/index.html +++ b/2014/08/30/building-a-bandcamp-recommender-system-part-1-motivation/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Building a Bandcamp recommender system (part 1 – motivation)
I’ve been a Bandcamp user for a few years now. I love the fact that they pay out a significant share of the revenue directly to the artists, unlike other services. In addition, despite the fact that fans may stream all the music for free and even easily rip it, almost $80M were paid out to artists through Bandcamp to date (including almost $3M in the last month) – serving as strong evidence that the traditional music industry’s fight against piracy is a waste of resources and time.
One thing I’ve been struggling with since starting to use Bandcamp is the discovery of new music. Originally (in 2011), I used the browse-by-tag feature, but it is often too broad to find music that I like. A newer feature is the Discoverinator, which is meant to emulate the experience of browsing through covers at a record store – sadly, I could never find much stuff I liked using that method. Last year, Bandcamp announced Bandcamp for fans, which includes the ability to wishlist items and discover new music by stalking/following other fans. In addition, they released a mobile app, which made the music purchased on Bandcamp much easier to access.
All these new features definitely increased my engagement and helped me find more stuff to listen to, but I still feel that Bandcamp music discovery could be much better. Specifically, I would love to be served personalised recommendations and be able to browse music that is similar to specific tracks and albums that I like. Rather than waiting for Bandcamp to implement these features, I decided to do it myself. Visit BCRecommender – Bandcamp recommendations based on your fan account to see where this effort stands at the moment.
While BCRecommender has already helped me discover new music to add to my collection, building it gave me many more ideas on how it can be improved, so it’s definitely a work in progress. I’ll probably tinker with the underlying algorithms as I go, so recommendations may occasionally seem weird (but this always seems to be the case with recommender systems in the real world). In subsequent posts I’ll discuss some of the technical details and where I’d like to take this project.
It’s probably worth noting that BCRecommender is not associated with or endorsed by Bandcamp, but I doubt they would mind since it was built using publicly-available information, and is full of links to buy the music back on their site.
Building a Bandcamp recommender system (part 1 – motivation)
I’ve been a Bandcamp user for a few years now. I love the fact that they pay out a significant share of the revenue directly to the artists, unlike other services. In addition, despite the fact that fans may stream all the music for free and even easily rip it, almost $80M were paid out to artists through Bandcamp to date (including almost $3M in the last month) – serving as strong evidence that the traditional music industry’s fight against piracy is a waste of resources and time.
One thing I’ve been struggling with since starting to use Bandcamp is the discovery of new music. Originally (in 2011), I used the browse-by-tag feature, but it is often too broad to find music that I like. A newer feature is the Discoverinator, which is meant to emulate the experience of browsing through covers at a record store – sadly, I could never find much stuff I liked using that method. Last year, Bandcamp announced Bandcamp for fans, which includes the ability to wishlist items and discover new music by stalking/following other fans. In addition, they released a mobile app, which made the music purchased on Bandcamp much easier to access.
All these new features definitely increased my engagement and helped me find more stuff to listen to, but I still feel that Bandcamp music discovery could be much better. Specifically, I would love to be served personalised recommendations and be able to browse music that is similar to specific tracks and albums that I like. Rather than waiting for Bandcamp to implement these features, I decided to do it myself. Visit BCRecommender – Bandcamp recommendations based on your fan account to see where this effort stands at the moment.
While BCRecommender has already helped me discover new music to add to my collection, building it gave me many more ideas on how it can be improved, so it’s definitely a work in progress. I’ll probably tinker with the underlying algorithms as I go, so recommendations may occasionally seem weird (but this always seems to be the case with recommender systems in the real world). In subsequent posts I’ll discuss some of the technical details and where I’d like to take this project.
It’s probably worth noting that BCRecommender is not associated with or endorsed by Bandcamp, but I doubt they would mind since it was built using publicly-available information, and is full of links to buy the music back on their site.
Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/09/07/building-a-recommender-system-on-a-shoestring-budget/index.html b/2014/09/07/building-a-recommender-system-on-a-shoestring-budget/index.html index 104a3c474..4c17cbfe4 100644 --- a/2014/09/07/building-a-recommender-system-on-a-shoestring-budget/index.html +++ b/2014/09/07/building-a-recommender-system-on-a-shoestring-budget/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Building a recommender system on a shoestring budget (or: BCRecommender part 2 – general system layout)
This is the second part of a series of posts on my BCRecommender – personalised Bandcamp recommendations project. Check out the first part for the general motivation behind this project.
BCRecommender is a hobby project whose main goal is to help me find music I like on Bandcamp. Its secondary goal is to serve as a testing ground for ideas I have and things I’d like to explore.
One question I’ve been wondering about is: how much money does one need to spend on infrastructure for a simple web-based product before it reaches meaningful traffic?
The answer is: not much at all. It can easily be done for less than $1 per month.
This post discusses my exploration of this question by describing the main components of the BCRecommender system, without getting into the algorithms that drive it (which will be covered in subsequent posts).
The general flow of BCRecommender is fairly simple: crawl publicly-available data from Bandcamp (fan collections and tracks/albums = tralbums), generate recommendations based on this data (static lists of tralbums indexed by fan for personalised recommendations and by tralbum for similarity), and present the recommendations to users in a way that’s easy to browse and explore (since we’re dealing with music it must be playable, which is easy to achieve by embedding Bandcamp’s iframes).
First iteration: Django & AWS#
The first iteration of the project was implemented as a Django project. Having never built a Django project from scratch, I figured this would be a good way to learn how it’s done properly. One thing I was keen on learning was using the Django ORM with an SQL database (in the past I’ve worked with Django and MongoDB). This ended up working less smoothly than I expected, perhaps because I’m too used to MongoDB, or because SQL forces you to model your data in unnatural ways, or because I insisted on using SQLite for simplicity. Whatever it was, I quickly started missing MongoDB, despite its flaws.
I chose AWS for hosting because my personal account was under the free tier, and using a micro instance is more than enough for serving a website with no traffic. I considered Google App Engine with its indefinite free tier, but after reading the docs I realised I don’t want to jump through so many hoops to use their system – Google’s free tier was likely to cost too much in pain and time.
While an AWS micro instance is enough for serving the recommendations, it’s not enough for generating them. Rather than paying Amazon for another instance, I figured that using spare capacity on my own laptop (quad-core with 16GB of RAM) would be good enough. So the backend worker for BCRecommender ended up being a local virtual machine using one core and 4GB of RAM.
After some coding I had a nice setup in place:
This system wasn’t going to scale, but I didn’t care. I just used it to discover new music, and it worked. I didn’t even bother registering a domain name, so it was all running for free.
Second iteration: “Django” backend & Parse#
A few months ago, Facebook announced that Parse’s free tier will include 30 requests / second. That’s over 2.5 million requests per day, which is quite a lot – probably enough to run the majority of websites on the internet. It seemed too good to be true, so I had to try it myself.
It took a few hours to convert the Django webserver/frontend code to Parse. This was fairly straightforward, and it had the added advantages of getting rid of some deployment scripts and having a more solid development environment. Parse supplies a command-line tool for deployment that constantly syncs the code to an app that is identical to the production app – much better than the Fabric script I had.
The disadvantages of the move to Parse were having to rewrite some of the backend in JavaScript (= less readable than Python), and a more complex data sync command (no longer just copying a big SQLite file). However, I would definitely use it for other projects because of the generous free tier, the availability of APIs for all major platforms, and the elimination of most operational concerns.
Current iteration: Goodbye Django, hello BCRecommender#
With the Django webserver out of the way, there was little use left for Django in the project. It took a few more hours to get rid of it, replacing the management commands with Commandr, and the SQLite database with MongoDB (wrapped with the excellent MongoEngine, which has matured a lot in recent years). MongoDB has become a more natural choice now, since it is the database used by Parse. I expect this setup of a local Python backend and a Parse frontend to work quite well (and remain virtually free) for the foreseeable future.
The only fixed cost I now have comes from registering the domain and managing it with Route 53. This wasn’t required when I was running it only for myself, and I could have just kept it under, but I think it would be useful for other Bandcamp users. I would also like to use it as a training lab to improve my (poor) marketing skills – not having a dedicated domain just looks bad.
In summary, it’s definitely possible to build simple projects and host them for free. It also looks like my approach would scale way beyond the current BCRecommender volume. The next post in this series will cover some of the algorithms and general considerations of building the recommender system.
Building a recommender system on a shoestring budget (or: BCRecommender part 2 – general system layout)
This is the second part of a series of posts on my BCRecommender – personalised Bandcamp recommendations project. Check out the first part for the general motivation behind this project.
BCRecommender is a hobby project whose main goal is to help me find music I like on Bandcamp. Its secondary goal is to serve as a testing ground for ideas I have and things I’d like to explore.
One question I’ve been wondering about is: how much money does one need to spend on infrastructure for a simple web-based product before it reaches meaningful traffic?
The answer is: not much at all. It can easily be done for less than $1 per month.
This post discusses my exploration of this question by describing the main components of the BCRecommender system, without getting into the algorithms that drive it (which will be covered in subsequent posts).
The general flow of BCRecommender is fairly simple: crawl publicly-available data from Bandcamp (fan collections and tracks/albums = tralbums), generate recommendations based on this data (static lists of tralbums indexed by fan for personalised recommendations and by tralbum for similarity), and present the recommendations to users in a way that’s easy to browse and explore (since we’re dealing with music it must be playable, which is easy to achieve by embedding Bandcamp’s iframes).
First iteration: Django & AWS#
The first iteration of the project was implemented as a Django project. Having never built a Django project from scratch, I figured this would be a good way to learn how it’s done properly. One thing I was keen on learning was using the Django ORM with an SQL database (in the past I’ve worked with Django and MongoDB). This ended up working less smoothly than I expected, perhaps because I’m too used to MongoDB, or because SQL forces you to model your data in unnatural ways, or because I insisted on using SQLite for simplicity. Whatever it was, I quickly started missing MongoDB, despite its flaws.
I chose AWS for hosting because my personal account was under the free tier, and using a micro instance is more than enough for serving a website with no traffic. I considered Google App Engine with its indefinite free tier, but after reading the docs I realised I don’t want to jump through so many hoops to use their system – Google’s free tier was likely to cost too much in pain and time.
While an AWS micro instance is enough for serving the recommendations, it’s not enough for generating them. Rather than paying Amazon for another instance, I figured that using spare capacity on my own laptop (quad-core with 16GB of RAM) would be good enough. So the backend worker for BCRecommender ended up being a local virtual machine using one core and 4GB of RAM.
After some coding I had a nice setup in place:
This system wasn’t going to scale, but I didn’t care. I just used it to discover new music, and it worked. I didn’t even bother registering a domain name, so it was all running for free.
Second iteration: “Django” backend & Parse#
A few months ago, Facebook announced that Parse’s free tier will include 30 requests / second. That’s over 2.5 million requests per day, which is quite a lot – probably enough to run the majority of websites on the internet. It seemed too good to be true, so I had to try it myself.
It took a few hours to convert the Django webserver/frontend code to Parse. This was fairly straightforward, and it had the added advantages of getting rid of some deployment scripts and having a more solid development environment. Parse supplies a command-line tool for deployment that constantly syncs the code to an app that is identical to the production app – much better than the Fabric script I had.
The disadvantages of the move to Parse were having to rewrite some of the backend in JavaScript (= less readable than Python), and a more complex data sync command (no longer just copying a big SQLite file). However, I would definitely use it for other projects because of the generous free tier, the availability of APIs for all major platforms, and the elimination of most operational concerns.
Current iteration: Goodbye Django, hello BCRecommender#
With the Django webserver out of the way, there was little use left for Django in the project. It took a few more hours to get rid of it, replacing the management commands with Commandr, and the SQLite database with MongoDB (wrapped with the excellent MongoEngine, which has matured a lot in recent years). MongoDB has become a more natural choice now, since it is the database used by Parse. I expect this setup of a local Python backend and a Parse frontend to work quite well (and remain virtually free) for the foreseeable future.
The only fixed cost I now have comes from registering the domain and managing it with Route 53. This wasn’t required when I was running it only for myself, and I could have just kept it under, but I think it would be useful for other Bandcamp users. I would also like to use it as a training lab to improve my (poor) marketing skills – not having a dedicated domain just looks bad.
In summary, it’s definitely possible to build simple projects and host them for free. It also looks like my approach would scale way beyond the current BCRecommender volume. The next post in this series will cover some of the algorithms and general considerations of building the recommender system.
Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/09/19/bandcamp-recommendation-and-discovery-algorithms/index.html b/2014/09/19/bandcamp-recommendation-and-discovery-algorithms/index.html index 04c1c0899..93e00cfbc 100644 --- a/2014/09/19/bandcamp-recommendation-and-discovery-algorithms/index.html +++ b/2014/09/19/bandcamp-recommendation-and-discovery-algorithms/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Bandcamp recommendation and discovery algorithms
This is the third part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out the first part for the general motivation behind this project and the second part for the system architecture.
The main goal of the BCRecommender project is to help me find music I like. This post discusses the algorithmic approaches I took towards that goal. I’ve kept the descriptions at a fairly high-level, without getting too much into the maths, as all recommendation algorithms essentially try to model simple intuition. Please leave a comment if you feel like something needs to be explained further.
Data & evaluation approach#
The data was collected from publicly-indexable Bandcamp fan and track/album (aka tralbum) pages. For each fan, it consists of the tralbum IDs they bought or wishlisted. For each tralbum, the saved data includes the type (track/album), URL, title, artist name, and the tags (as assigned by the artist).
At the moment, I have data for about 160K fans, 335K albums and 170K tracks. These fans have expressed their preference for tralbums through purchasing or wishlisting about 3.4M times. There are about 210K unique tags across the 505K tralbums, with the mean number of tags per tralbum being 7. These figures represent a fairly sparse dataset, which makes recommendation somewhat challenging. Perhaps this is why Bandcamp doesn’t do much algorithmic recommendation.
Before moving on to describe the recommendation approaches I played with, it is worth noting that at this stage, my way of evaluating the recommendations isn’t very rigorous. If I can easily find new music that I like, I’m happy. As such, offline evaluation approaches (e.g., some form of cross-validation) are unlikely to correlate well with my goal, so I just didn’t bother with them. Having more data would allow me to perform more rigorous online evaluation to see what makes other people happy with the recommendations.
Personalised recommendations with preferences (collaborative filtering)#
My first crack at recommendation generation was using collaborative filtering. The broad idea behind collaborative filtering is using only the preference matrix to find patterns in the data, and generate recommendations accordingly. The preference matrix is defined to have a row for each user and a column for each item. Each matrix element value indicates the level of preference by the user for the item. To keep things simple, I used unary preference values, where the element that corresponds to user/fan u and item/tralbum i is set to 1 if the fan purchased or wishlisted the tralbum, or set to missing otherwise.
A simple example for collaborative filtering is in the following image, which was taken from the Wikipedia article on the topic.
Bandcamp recommendation and discovery algorithms
This is the third part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out the first part for the general motivation behind this project and the second part for the system architecture.
The main goal of the BCRecommender project is to help me find music I like. This post discusses the algorithmic approaches I took towards that goal. I’ve kept the descriptions at a fairly high-level, without getting too much into the maths, as all recommendation algorithms essentially try to model simple intuition. Please leave a comment if you feel like something needs to be explained further.
Data & evaluation approach#
The data was collected from publicly-indexable Bandcamp fan and track/album (aka tralbum) pages. For each fan, it consists of the tralbum IDs they bought or wishlisted. For each tralbum, the saved data includes the type (track/album), URL, title, artist name, and the tags (as assigned by the artist).
At the moment, I have data for about 160K fans, 335K albums and 170K tracks. These fans have expressed their preference for tralbums through purchasing or wishlisting about 3.4M times. There are about 210K unique tags across the 505K tralbums, with the mean number of tags per tralbum being 7. These figures represent a fairly sparse dataset, which makes recommendation somewhat challenging. Perhaps this is why Bandcamp doesn’t do much algorithmic recommendation.
Before moving on to describe the recommendation approaches I played with, it is worth noting that at this stage, my way of evaluating the recommendations isn’t very rigorous. If I can easily find new music that I like, I’m happy. As such, offline evaluation approaches (e.g., some form of cross-validation) are unlikely to correlate well with my goal, so I just didn’t bother with them. Having more data would allow me to perform more rigorous online evaluation to see what makes other people happy with the recommendations.
Personalised recommendations with preferences (collaborative filtering)#
My first crack at recommendation generation was using collaborative filtering. The broad idea behind collaborative filtering is using only the preference matrix to find patterns in the data, and generate recommendations accordingly. The preference matrix is defined to have a row for each user and a column for each item. Each matrix element value indicates the level of preference by the user for the item. To keep things simple, I used unary preference values, where the element that corresponds to user/fan u and item/tralbum i is set to 1 if the fan purchased or wishlisted the tralbum, or set to missing otherwise.
A simple example for collaborative filtering is in the following image, which was taken from the Wikipedia article on the topic.
I used matrix factorisation as the collaborative filtering algorithm. This algorithm was a key part of the winning team’s solution to the Netflix competition. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t work that well. The key issue is that there are 160K * (335K + 170K) = 80.8B possible preferences in the dataset, but only 3.4M (0.004%) preferences are given. What matrix factorisation tries to do is to predict the remaining 99.996% of preferences based on the tiny percentage of given data. This just didn’t yield any music recommendations I liked, even when I made the matrix denser by dropping fans and tralbums with few preferences. Therefore, I moved on to employing an algorithm that can use more data – the tags.
Personalised recommendations with tags and preferences (collaborative filtering and content-based hybrid)#
Using data about the items is referred to as content-based recommendation in the literature. In the Bandcamp recommender case, the content data that is most easy to use is the tags that artists assign to their work. The idea is to build a profile for each fan based on tags for their tralbums, and recommend tralbums with tags that match the fan’s profile.
As mentioned above, the dataset contains 210K unique tags for 505K tralbums, which means that this representation of the dataset is also rather sparse. One obvious way of making it denser is by dropping rare tags. I also “tagged” each tralbum with a fan’s username if that fan purchased or wishlisted the tralbum. In addition to yielding a richer tralbum representation, this approach makes the recommendations likely to be less obvious than those based only on tags. For example, all tralbums tagged with rock are likely to be rock albums, but tralbums tagged with yanir are somewhat more varied.
To make the tralbum representation denser I used the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) implementation from the excellent gensim library. LDA assumes that there’s a fixed number of topics (distributions over tags, i.e., weighted lists of tags), and that every tralbum’s tags are generated from its topics. In practice, this magically yields clusters of tags and tralbums that can be used to generate recommendations. For example, the following word cloud presents the top tags in one cluster, which is focused on psychedelic-progressive rock. Each tralbum is assigned a probability of being generated from this cluster. This means that each tralbum is now represented as a probability distribution over a fixed number of topics – much denser than the raw tag data.
Applying the Traction Book’s Bullseye framework to BCRecommender
This is the fourth part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out previous posts on the general motivation behind this project, the system's architecture, and the recommendation algorithms.
Having used BCRecommender to find music I like, I’m certain that other Bandcamp fans would like it too. It could probably be extended to attract a wider audience of music lovers, but for now, just getting feedback from Bandcamp fans would be enough. There are about 200,000 fans that I know of – getting even a fraction of them to use and comment on BCRecommender would serve as a good guide to what’s worth building and improving.
In addition to getting feedback, the personal value for me in getting BCRecommender users is learning some general lessons on traction building. Like many technical people, I like building products and playing with data, but I don’t really enjoy sales and marketing (and that’s an understatement). One of my goals in working independently is forcing myself to get better at the things I’m not good at. To that end, I recently started reading Traction: A Startup Guide to Getting Customers by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares.
The Traction book identifies 19 different channels for getting traction, and suggests a simple framework (named Bullseye) to ranking and quickly exploring the channels. They explain that many technical founders tend to focus on traction channels they’re familiar with, and that the effort invested in those channels tends to be rather small compared to the investment in building the product. The authors rightly note that “Almost every failed startup has a product. What failed startups don’t have is traction – real customer growth.” They argue that following a rigorous approach to gaining traction via their framework is likely to improve a startup’s chances of success. From personal experience, this is very likely to be true.
The key steps in the Bullseye framework are brainstorming ideas for each traction channel, ranking the channels into tiers, prioritising the most promising ones, testing them, and focusing on the channels that work. This is not a one-off process – channel suitability changes over time, and one needs to go through the process repeatedly as the product evolves and traction grows.
Here are the traction channels, ordered in the same order as in the book. Each traction channel is marked with a letter denoting its ranking tier from A (most appropriate) to C (unsuitable right now). A short explanation is provided for each channel.
Cool, writing everything up explicitly was actually helpful! The next step is to test the three channels that ranked the highest: SEO, content marketing and targeting blogs. I will report the results in future posts.
Applying the Traction Book’s Bullseye framework to BCRecommender
This is the fourth part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out previous posts on the general motivation behind this project, the system's architecture, and the recommendation algorithms.
Having used BCRecommender to find music I like, I’m certain that other Bandcamp fans would like it too. It could probably be extended to attract a wider audience of music lovers, but for now, just getting feedback from Bandcamp fans would be enough. There are about 200,000 fans that I know of – getting even a fraction of them to use and comment on BCRecommender would serve as a good guide to what’s worth building and improving.
In addition to getting feedback, the personal value for me in getting BCRecommender users is learning some general lessons on traction building. Like many technical people, I like building products and playing with data, but I don’t really enjoy sales and marketing (and that’s an understatement). One of my goals in working independently is forcing myself to get better at the things I’m not good at. To that end, I recently started reading Traction: A Startup Guide to Getting Customers by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares.
The Traction book identifies 19 different channels for getting traction, and suggests a simple framework (named Bullseye) to ranking and quickly exploring the channels. They explain that many technical founders tend to focus on traction channels they’re familiar with, and that the effort invested in those channels tends to be rather small compared to the investment in building the product. The authors rightly note that “Almost every failed startup has a product. What failed startups don’t have is traction – real customer growth.” They argue that following a rigorous approach to gaining traction via their framework is likely to improve a startup’s chances of success. From personal experience, this is very likely to be true.
The key steps in the Bullseye framework are brainstorming ideas for each traction channel, ranking the channels into tiers, prioritising the most promising ones, testing them, and focusing on the channels that work. This is not a one-off process – channel suitability changes over time, and one needs to go through the process repeatedly as the product evolves and traction grows.
Here are the traction channels, ordered in the same order as in the book. Each traction channel is marked with a letter denoting its ranking tier from A (most appropriate) to C (unsuitable right now). A short explanation is provided for each channel.
Cool, writing everything up explicitly was actually helpful! The next step is to test the three channels that ranked the highest: SEO, content marketing and targeting blogs. I will report the results in future posts.
Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/10/07/greek-media-monitoring-kaggle-competition-my-approach/index.html b/2014/10/07/greek-media-monitoring-kaggle-competition-my-approach/index.html index ba1cdf728..acbe277c4 100644 --- a/2014/10/07/greek-media-monitoring-kaggle-competition-my-approach/index.html +++ b/2014/10/07/greek-media-monitoring-kaggle-competition-my-approach/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Greek Media Monitoring Kaggle competition: My approach
A few months ago I participated in the Kaggle Greek Media Monitoring competition. The goal of the competition was doing multilabel classification of texts scanned from Greek print media. Despite not having much time due to travelling and other commitments, I managed to finish 6th (out of 120 teams). This post describes my approach to the problem.
Data & evaluation#
The data consists of articles scanned from Greek print media in May-September 2013. Due to copyright issues, the organisers didn’t make the original articles available – competitors only had access to normalised tf-idf representations of the texts. This limited the options for doing feature engineering and made it impossible to consider things like word order, but it made things somewhat simpler as the focus was on modelling due to inability to extract interesting features.
Overall, there are about 65K texts in the training set and 35K in the test set, where the split is based on chronological ordering (i.e., the training articles were published before the test articles). Each article was manually labelled with one or more labels out of a set of 203 labels. For each test article, the goal is to infer its set of labels. Submissions were ranked using the mean F1 score.
Despite being manually annotated, the data isn’t very clean. Issues include identical texts that have different labels, empty articles, and articles with very few words. For example, the training set includes ten “articles” with a single word. Five of these articles have the word 68839, but each of these five was given a different label. Such issues are not unusual in Kaggle competitions or in real life, but they do limit the general usefulness of the results since any model built on this data would fit some noise.
Local validation setup#
As mentioned in previous posts (How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions and Kaggle beginner tips) having a solid local validation setup is very important. It ensures you don’t waste time on weak submissions, increases confidence in the models, and avoids leaking information about how well you’re doing.
I used the first 35K training texts for local training and the following 30K texts for validation. While the article publication dates weren’t provided, I hoped that this would mimic the competition setup, where the test dataset consists of articles that were published after the articles in the training dataset. This seemed to work, as my local results were consistent with the leaderboard results. I’m pleased to report that this setup allowed me to have the lowest number of submissions of all the top-10 teams 🙂
Things that worked#
I originally wanted to use this competition to play with deep learning through Python packages such as Theano and PyLearn2. However, as this was the first time I worked on a multilabel classification problem, I got sucked into reading a lot of papers on the topic and never got around to doing deep learning. Maybe next time…
One of my key discoveries was that there if you define a graph where the vertices are labels and there’s an edge between two labels if they appear together in a document’s label set, then there are two main connected components of labels and several small ones with single labels (see figure below). It is possible to train a linear classifier that distinguishes between the components with very high accuracy (over 99%). This allowed me to improve performance by training different classifiers on each connected component.
Greek Media Monitoring Kaggle competition: My approach
A few months ago I participated in the Kaggle Greek Media Monitoring competition. The goal of the competition was doing multilabel classification of texts scanned from Greek print media. Despite not having much time due to travelling and other commitments, I managed to finish 6th (out of 120 teams). This post describes my approach to the problem.
Data & evaluation#
The data consists of articles scanned from Greek print media in May-September 2013. Due to copyright issues, the organisers didn’t make the original articles available – competitors only had access to normalised tf-idf representations of the texts. This limited the options for doing feature engineering and made it impossible to consider things like word order, but it made things somewhat simpler as the focus was on modelling due to inability to extract interesting features.
Overall, there are about 65K texts in the training set and 35K in the test set, where the split is based on chronological ordering (i.e., the training articles were published before the test articles). Each article was manually labelled with one or more labels out of a set of 203 labels. For each test article, the goal is to infer its set of labels. Submissions were ranked using the mean F1 score.
Despite being manually annotated, the data isn’t very clean. Issues include identical texts that have different labels, empty articles, and articles with very few words. For example, the training set includes ten “articles” with a single word. Five of these articles have the word 68839, but each of these five was given a different label. Such issues are not unusual in Kaggle competitions or in real life, but they do limit the general usefulness of the results since any model built on this data would fit some noise.
Local validation setup#
As mentioned in previous posts (How to (almost) win Kaggle competitions and Kaggle beginner tips) having a solid local validation setup is very important. It ensures you don’t waste time on weak submissions, increases confidence in the models, and avoids leaking information about how well you’re doing.
I used the first 35K training texts for local training and the following 30K texts for validation. While the article publication dates weren’t provided, I hoped that this would mimic the competition setup, where the test dataset consists of articles that were published after the articles in the training dataset. This seemed to work, as my local results were consistent with the leaderboard results. I’m pleased to report that this setup allowed me to have the lowest number of submissions of all the top-10 teams 🙂
Things that worked#
I originally wanted to use this competition to play with deep learning through Python packages such as Theano and PyLearn2. However, as this was the first time I worked on a multilabel classification problem, I got sucked into reading a lot of papers on the topic and never got around to doing deep learning. Maybe next time…
One of my key discoveries was that there if you define a graph where the vertices are labels and there’s an edge between two labels if they appear together in a document’s label set, then there are two main connected components of labels and several small ones with single labels (see figure below). It is possible to train a linear classifier that distinguishes between the components with very high accuracy (over 99%). This allowed me to improve performance by training different classifiers on each connected component.
What is data science?
Data science has been a hot term in the past few years. Despite this fact (or perhaps because of it), it still seems like there isn't a single unifying definition of data science. This post discusses my favourite definition.
One of my reasons for doing a PhD was wanting to do something more interesting than “vanilla” software engineering. When I was in the final stages of my PhD, I started going to meetups to see what’s changed in the world outside academia. Back then, I defined myself as a “software engineer with a research background”, which didn’t mean much to most people. My first post-PhD job ended up being a data scientist at a small startup. As soon as I changed my LinkedIn title to Data Scientist, many offers started flowing. This is probably the reason why so many people call themselves data scientists these days, often diluting the term to a point where it’s so broad it becomes meaningless. This post presents my preferred data science definitions and my opinions on who should or shouldn’t call themselves a data scientist.
Defining data science#
I really like the definition quoted above, of data science as the intersection of software engineering and statistics. Ofer Mendelevitch goes into more detail, drawing a continuum of professions that ranges from software engineer on the left to pure statistician (or machine learning researcher) on the right.
What is data science?
Data science has been a hot term in the past few years. Despite this fact (or perhaps because of it), it still seems like there isn't a single unifying definition of data science. This post discusses my favourite definition.
One of my reasons for doing a PhD was wanting to do something more interesting than “vanilla” software engineering. When I was in the final stages of my PhD, I started going to meetups to see what’s changed in the world outside academia. Back then, I defined myself as a “software engineer with a research background”, which didn’t mean much to most people. My first post-PhD job ended up being a data scientist at a small startup. As soon as I changed my LinkedIn title to Data Scientist, many offers started flowing. This is probably the reason why so many people call themselves data scientists these days, often diluting the term to a point where it’s so broad it becomes meaningless. This post presents my preferred data science definitions and my opinions on who should or shouldn’t call themselves a data scientist.
Defining data science#
I really like the definition quoted above, of data science as the intersection of software engineering and statistics. Ofer Mendelevitch goes into more detail, drawing a continuum of professions that ranges from software engineer on the left to pure statistician (or machine learning researcher) on the right.
BCRecommender Traction Update
This is the fifth part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out previous posts on the general motivation behind this project, the system’s architecture, the recommendation algorithms, and initial traction planning.
In a previous post, I discussed my plans to apply the Bullseye framework from the Traction Book to BCRecommender, my Bandcamp recommendations project. In that post, I reviewed the 19 traction channels described in the book, and decided to focus on the three most promising ones: blogger outreach, search engine optimisation (SEO), and content marketing. This post discusses my progress to date.
My initial traction goals were rather modest: get some feedback from real people, build up steady nonzero traffic to the site, and then increase that traffic to 10+ unique visitors per day. It’s worth noting that I have four other main areas of focus at the moment, so BCRecommender is not getting all the attention I could potentially give it. Nonetheless, I have made good progress on achieving my goals (first two have been obtained, but traffic still fluctuates), and learnt a lot in the process.
Things that worked#
Blogger outreach. The most obvious people to contact are existing Bandcamp fans. It was straightforward to generate a list of prolific fans with blogs, as Bandcamp allows people to populate their profile with a short bio and links to their sites. I worked my way through part of the list, sending each fan an email introducing BCRecommender and asking for their feedback. Each email required some manual work, as the vast majority of people don’t have their email address listed on their Bandcamp profile page. I was careful not to be too spammy, which seemed to work: about 50% of the people I contacted visited BCRecommender, 20% responded with positive feedback, and 10% linked to BCRecommender in some form, with the largest volume of traffic coming from my Hypebot guest post. The problem with this approach is that it doesn’t scale, but the most valuable thing I got out of it was that people like the project and that there’s a real need for it.
Twitter. I’m not sure where Twitter falls as a traction channel. It’s probably somewhere between (micro)blogger outreach and content marketing. However you categorise Twitter, it has been working well as a source of traffic. Simply finding people who may be interested in BCRecommender and tweeting related content has proven to be a rather low-effort way of getting attention, which is great at this stage. I have a few ideas for driving more traffic from Twitter, which I will try as I go.
Things that didn’t work#
Content marketing. I haven’t really spent time doing serious content marketing apart from the Spotlights pilot. My vision for the spotlights was to generate quality articles automatically and showcase music on Bandcamp in an engaging way that helps people discover new artists, even if they don’t have a fan account. However, full automation of the spotlight feature would require a lot of work, and I think that there are lower-hanging fruits that I should focus on first. For example, finding interesting insights in the data and presenting them in an engaging way may be a better content strategy, as it would be unique to BCRecommender. For the spotlights, partnering with bloggers to write the articles may be a better approach than automation.
SEO. I expected BCRecommender to rank higher for “bandcamp recommendations” by now, as a result of my blogger outreach efforts. At the moment, it’s still on the second page for this query on Google, though it’s the first result on Bing and DuckDuckGo. Obviously, “bandcamp recommendations” is not the only query worth ranking for, but it’s very relevant to BCRecommender, and not too competitive (half of the first page results are old forum posts). One encouraging outcome from the work done so far is that my Hypebot guest post does appear on the first page. Nonetheless, I’m still interested in getting more search engine traffic. Ranking higher would probably require adding more relevant content on the site and getting more quality links (basically what SEO is all about).
Points to improve and next steps#
I could definitely do better work on all of the above channels. Contrary to what’s suggested by the Bullseye framework, I would like to put more effort into the channels that didn’t work well. The reason is that I think they didn’t work well because of lack of attention and weak experiments, rather than due to their unsuitability to BCRecommender.
As mentioned above, my main limiting factor is a lack of time to spend on the project. However, there’s no pressing need to hit certain traction milestones by a specific deadline. My stretch goals are to get all Bandcamp fans to check out the project (hundreds of thousands of people), and have a significant portion of them convert by signing up to updates (tens of thousands of people). Getting there will take time. So far I’m finding the process educational and enjoyable, which is a pleasant surprise.
BCRecommender Traction Update
This is the fifth part of a series of posts on my Bandcamp recommendations (BCRecommender) project. Check out previous posts on the general motivation behind this project, the system’s architecture, the recommendation algorithms, and initial traction planning.
In a previous post, I discussed my plans to apply the Bullseye framework from the Traction Book to BCRecommender, my Bandcamp recommendations project. In that post, I reviewed the 19 traction channels described in the book, and decided to focus on the three most promising ones: blogger outreach, search engine optimisation (SEO), and content marketing. This post discusses my progress to date.
My initial traction goals were rather modest: get some feedback from real people, build up steady nonzero traffic to the site, and then increase that traffic to 10+ unique visitors per day. It’s worth noting that I have four other main areas of focus at the moment, so BCRecommender is not getting all the attention I could potentially give it. Nonetheless, I have made good progress on achieving my goals (first two have been obtained, but traffic still fluctuates), and learnt a lot in the process.
Things that worked#
Blogger outreach. The most obvious people to contact are existing Bandcamp fans. It was straightforward to generate a list of prolific fans with blogs, as Bandcamp allows people to populate their profile with a short bio and links to their sites. I worked my way through part of the list, sending each fan an email introducing BCRecommender and asking for their feedback. Each email required some manual work, as the vast majority of people don’t have their email address listed on their Bandcamp profile page. I was careful not to be too spammy, which seemed to work: about 50% of the people I contacted visited BCRecommender, 20% responded with positive feedback, and 10% linked to BCRecommender in some form, with the largest volume of traffic coming from my Hypebot guest post. The problem with this approach is that it doesn’t scale, but the most valuable thing I got out of it was that people like the project and that there’s a real need for it.
Twitter. I’m not sure where Twitter falls as a traction channel. It’s probably somewhere between (micro)blogger outreach and content marketing. However you categorise Twitter, it has been working well as a source of traffic. Simply finding people who may be interested in BCRecommender and tweeting related content has proven to be a rather low-effort way of getting attention, which is great at this stage. I have a few ideas for driving more traffic from Twitter, which I will try as I go.
Things that didn’t work#
Content marketing. I haven’t really spent time doing serious content marketing apart from the Spotlights pilot. My vision for the spotlights was to generate quality articles automatically and showcase music on Bandcamp in an engaging way that helps people discover new artists, even if they don’t have a fan account. However, full automation of the spotlight feature would require a lot of work, and I think that there are lower-hanging fruits that I should focus on first. For example, finding interesting insights in the data and presenting them in an engaging way may be a better content strategy, as it would be unique to BCRecommender. For the spotlights, partnering with bloggers to write the articles may be a better approach than automation.
SEO. I expected BCRecommender to rank higher for “bandcamp recommendations” by now, as a result of my blogger outreach efforts. At the moment, it’s still on the second page for this query on Google, though it’s the first result on Bing and DuckDuckGo. Obviously, “bandcamp recommendations” is not the only query worth ranking for, but it’s very relevant to BCRecommender, and not too competitive (half of the first page results are old forum posts). One encouraging outcome from the work done so far is that my Hypebot guest post does appear on the first page. Nonetheless, I’m still interested in getting more search engine traffic. Ranking higher would probably require adding more relevant content on the site and getting more quality links (basically what SEO is all about).
Points to improve and next steps#
I could definitely do better work on all of the above channels. Contrary to what’s suggested by the Bullseye framework, I would like to put more effort into the channels that didn’t work well. The reason is that I think they didn’t work well because of lack of attention and weak experiments, rather than due to their unsuitability to BCRecommender.
As mentioned above, my main limiting factor is a lack of time to spend on the project. However, there’s no pressing need to hit certain traction milestones by a specific deadline. My stretch goals are to get all Bandcamp fans to check out the project (hundreds of thousands of people), and have a significant portion of them convert by signing up to updates (tens of thousands of people). Getting there will take time. So far I’m finding the process educational and enjoyable, which is a pleasant surprise.
Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/11/19/fitting-noise-forecasting-the-sale-price-of-bulldozers-kaggle-competition-summary/index.html b/2014/11/19/fitting-noise-forecasting-the-sale-price-of-bulldozers-kaggle-competition-summary/index.html index 7914f43bd..8bb8bb3e1 100644 --- a/2014/11/19/fitting-noise-forecasting-the-sale-price-of-bulldozers-kaggle-competition-summary/index.html +++ b/2014/11/19/fitting-noise-forecasting-the-sale-price-of-bulldozers-kaggle-competition-summary/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Fitting noise: Forecasting the sale price of bulldozers (Kaggle competition summary)
Messy data, buggy software, but all in all a good learning experience...
Early last year, I had some free time on my hands, so I decided to participate in yet another Kaggle competition. Having never done any price forecasting work before, I thought it would be interesting to work on the Blue Book for Bulldozers competition, where the goal was to predict the sale price of auctioned bulldozers. I’ve done alright, finishing 9th out of 476 teams. And the experience did turn out to be interesting, but not for the reasons I expected.
Data and evaluation#
The competition dataset consists of about 425K historical records of bulldozer sales. The training subset consists of sales from the 1990s through to the end of 2011, with the validation and testing periods being January-April 2012 and May-November 2012 respectively. The goal is to predict the sale price of each bulldozer, given the sale date and venue, and the bulldozer’s features (e.g., model ID, mechanical specifications, and machine-specific data such as machine ID and manufacturing year). Submissions were scored using the RMSLE measure.
Early in the competition (before I joined), there were many posts in the forum regarding issues with the data. The organisers responded by posting an appendix to the data, which included the “correct” information. From people’s posts after the competition ended, it seems like using the “correct” data consistently made the results worse. Luckily, I discovered this about a week before the competition ended. Reducing my reliance on the appendix made a huge difference in the performance of my models. This discovery was thanks to a forum post, which illustrates the general point on the importance of monitoring the forum in Kaggle competitions.
My approach: feature engineering, data splitting, and stochastic gradient boosting#
Having read the forum discussions on data quality, I assumed that spending time on data cleanup and feature engineering would give me an edge over competitors who focused only on data modelling. It’s well-known that simple models fitted on more/better data tend to yield better results than complex models fitted on less/messy data (aka GIGO – garbage in, garbage out). However, doing data cleaning and feature engineering is less glamorous than building sophisticated models, which is why many people avoid the former.
Sadly, the data was incredibly messy, so most of my cleanup efforts resulted in no improvements. Even intuitive modifications yielded poor results, like transforming each bulldozer’s manufacturing year into its age at the time of sale. Essentially, to do well in this competition, one had to fit the noise rather than remove it. This was rather disappointing, as one of the nice things about Kaggle competitions is being able to work on relatively clean data. Anomalies in data included bulldozers that have been running for hundreds of years and machines that got sold years before they were manufactured (impossible for second-hand bulldozers!). It is obvious that Fast Iron (the company who sponsored the competition) would have obtained more usable models from this competition if they had spent more time cleaning up the data themselves.
Throughout the competition I went through several iterations of modelling and data cleaning. My final submission ended up being a linear combination of four models:
I ended up discarding old training data (before 2000) and the machine IDs (another surprise: even though some machines were sold multiple times, this information was useless). For the GBMs, I treated categorical features as ordinal, which sort of makes sense for many of the features (e.g., model series values are ordered). For the linear model, I just coded them as binary indicators.
The most important discovery: stochastic gradient boosting bugs#
This was the first time I used gradient boosting. Since I was using so many different models, it was hard to reliably tune the number of trees, so I figured I’d use stochastic gradient boosting and rely on out-of-bag (OOB) samples to set the number of trees. This led to me finding a bug in scikit-learn: the OOB scores were actually calculated on in-bag samples.
I reported the issue to the maintainers of scikit-learn and made an attempt at fixing it by skipping trees to obtain the OOB samples. This yielded better results than the buggy version, and in some cases I replaced a plain GBM with an ensemble of four stochastic GBMs with subsample ratio of 0.5 and a different random seed for each one (averaging their outputs).
This wasn’t enough to convince the maintainers of scikit-learn to accept the pull request with my fix, as they didn’t like my idea of skipping trees. This is for a good reason — obtaining better results on a single dataset should be insufficient to convince anyone. They ended up fixing the issue by copying the implementation from R’s GBM package, which is known to underestimate the number of required trees/boosting iterations (see Section 3.3 in the GBM guide).
Recently, I had some time to test my tree skipping idea on the toy dataset used in the scikit-learn documentation. As the following figure shows, a smoothed variant of my tree skipping idea (TSO in the figure) yields superior results to the scikit-learn/R approach (SKO in the figure). The actual loss doesn’t matter — what matters is where it’s minimised. In this case TSO obtains the closest approximation of the number of iterations to the value that minimises the test error, which is a promising result.
Fitting noise: Forecasting the sale price of bulldozers (Kaggle competition summary)
Messy data, buggy software, but all in all a good learning experience...
Early last year, I had some free time on my hands, so I decided to participate in yet another Kaggle competition. Having never done any price forecasting work before, I thought it would be interesting to work on the Blue Book for Bulldozers competition, where the goal was to predict the sale price of auctioned bulldozers. I’ve done alright, finishing 9th out of 476 teams. And the experience did turn out to be interesting, but not for the reasons I expected.
Data and evaluation#
The competition dataset consists of about 425K historical records of bulldozer sales. The training subset consists of sales from the 1990s through to the end of 2011, with the validation and testing periods being January-April 2012 and May-November 2012 respectively. The goal is to predict the sale price of each bulldozer, given the sale date and venue, and the bulldozer’s features (e.g., model ID, mechanical specifications, and machine-specific data such as machine ID and manufacturing year). Submissions were scored using the RMSLE measure.
Early in the competition (before I joined), there were many posts in the forum regarding issues with the data. The organisers responded by posting an appendix to the data, which included the “correct” information. From people’s posts after the competition ended, it seems like using the “correct” data consistently made the results worse. Luckily, I discovered this about a week before the competition ended. Reducing my reliance on the appendix made a huge difference in the performance of my models. This discovery was thanks to a forum post, which illustrates the general point on the importance of monitoring the forum in Kaggle competitions.
My approach: feature engineering, data splitting, and stochastic gradient boosting#
Having read the forum discussions on data quality, I assumed that spending time on data cleanup and feature engineering would give me an edge over competitors who focused only on data modelling. It’s well-known that simple models fitted on more/better data tend to yield better results than complex models fitted on less/messy data (aka GIGO – garbage in, garbage out). However, doing data cleaning and feature engineering is less glamorous than building sophisticated models, which is why many people avoid the former.
Sadly, the data was incredibly messy, so most of my cleanup efforts resulted in no improvements. Even intuitive modifications yielded poor results, like transforming each bulldozer’s manufacturing year into its age at the time of sale. Essentially, to do well in this competition, one had to fit the noise rather than remove it. This was rather disappointing, as one of the nice things about Kaggle competitions is being able to work on relatively clean data. Anomalies in data included bulldozers that have been running for hundreds of years and machines that got sold years before they were manufactured (impossible for second-hand bulldozers!). It is obvious that Fast Iron (the company who sponsored the competition) would have obtained more usable models from this competition if they had spent more time cleaning up the data themselves.
Throughout the competition I went through several iterations of modelling and data cleaning. My final submission ended up being a linear combination of four models:
I ended up discarding old training data (before 2000) and the machine IDs (another surprise: even though some machines were sold multiple times, this information was useless). For the GBMs, I treated categorical features as ordinal, which sort of makes sense for many of the features (e.g., model series values are ordered). For the linear model, I just coded them as binary indicators.
The most important discovery: stochastic gradient boosting bugs#
This was the first time I used gradient boosting. Since I was using so many different models, it was hard to reliably tune the number of trees, so I figured I’d use stochastic gradient boosting and rely on out-of-bag (OOB) samples to set the number of trees. This led to me finding a bug in scikit-learn: the OOB scores were actually calculated on in-bag samples.
I reported the issue to the maintainers of scikit-learn and made an attempt at fixing it by skipping trees to obtain the OOB samples. This yielded better results than the buggy version, and in some cases I replaced a plain GBM with an ensemble of four stochastic GBMs with subsample ratio of 0.5 and a different random seed for each one (averaging their outputs).
This wasn’t enough to convince the maintainers of scikit-learn to accept the pull request with my fix, as they didn’t like my idea of skipping trees. This is for a good reason — obtaining better results on a single dataset should be insufficient to convince anyone. They ended up fixing the issue by copying the implementation from R’s GBM package, which is known to underestimate the number of required trees/boosting iterations (see Section 3.3 in the GBM guide).
Recently, I had some time to test my tree skipping idea on the toy dataset used in the scikit-learn documentation. As the following figure shows, a smoothed variant of my tree skipping idea (TSO in the figure) yields superior results to the scikit-learn/R approach (SKO in the figure). The actual loss doesn’t matter — what matters is where it’s minimised. In this case TSO obtains the closest approximation of the number of iterations to the value that minimises the test error, which is a promising result.
SEO: Mostly about showing up?
In previous posts about getting traction for my Bandcamp recommendations project (BCRecommender), I mentioned search engine optimisation (SEO) as one of the promising traction channels. Unfortunately, early efforts yielded negligible traffic – most new visitors came from referrals from blogs and Twitter. It turns out that the problem was not showing up for the SEO game: most of BCRecommender’s pages were blocked for crawling via robots.txt because I was worried that search engines (=Google) would penalise the website for thin/duplicate content.
Recently, I beefed up most of the pages, created a sitemap, and removed most pages from robots.txt. This resulted in a significant increase in traffic, as illustrated by the above graph. The number of organic impressions went up from less than ten per day to over a thousand. This is expected to go up even further, as only about 10% of pages are indexed. In addition, some traffic went to my staging site because it wasn’t blocked from crawling (I had to set up a new staging site that is password-protected and add a redirect from the old site to the production site – a bit annoying but I couldn’t find a better solution).
I hope Google won’t suddenly decide that BCRecommender content is not valuable or too thin. The content is automatically generated, which is “bad”, but it doesn’t “consist of paragraphs of random text that make no sense to the reader but which may contain search keywords”. As a (completely unbiased) user, I think it is valuable to find similar albums when searching for an album you like – an example that represents the majority of people that click through to BCRecommender. Judging from the main engagement measure I’m using (time spent on site), a good number of these people are happy with what they find.
More updates to come in the future. For now, my conclusion is: thin content is better than no content, as long as it’s relevant to what people are searching for and provides real value.
SEO: Mostly about showing up?
In previous posts about getting traction for my Bandcamp recommendations project (BCRecommender), I mentioned search engine optimisation (SEO) as one of the promising traction channels. Unfortunately, early efforts yielded negligible traffic – most new visitors came from referrals from blogs and Twitter. It turns out that the problem was not showing up for the SEO game: most of BCRecommender’s pages were blocked for crawling via robots.txt because I was worried that search engines (=Google) would penalise the website for thin/duplicate content.
Recently, I beefed up most of the pages, created a sitemap, and removed most pages from robots.txt. This resulted in a significant increase in traffic, as illustrated by the above graph. The number of organic impressions went up from less than ten per day to over a thousand. This is expected to go up even further, as only about 10% of pages are indexed. In addition, some traffic went to my staging site because it wasn’t blocked from crawling (I had to set up a new staging site that is password-protected and add a redirect from the old site to the production site – a bit annoying but I couldn’t find a better solution).
I hope Google won’t suddenly decide that BCRecommender content is not valuable or too thin. The content is automatically generated, which is “bad”, but it doesn’t “consist of paragraphs of random text that make no sense to the reader but which may contain search keywords”. As a (completely unbiased) user, I think it is valuable to find similar albums when searching for an album you like – an example that represents the majority of people that click through to BCRecommender. Judging from the main engagement measure I’m using (time spent on site), a good number of these people are happy with what they find.
More updates to come in the future. For now, my conclusion is: thin content is better than no content, as long as it’s relevant to what people are searching for and provides real value.
Public comments are closed, but I love hearing from readers. Feel free to diff --git a/2014/12/29/stochastic-gradient-boosting-choosing-the-best-number-of-iterations/index.html b/2014/12/29/stochastic-gradient-boosting-choosing-the-best-number-of-iterations/index.html index d273a35f3..97ddde93c 100644 --- a/2014/12/29/stochastic-gradient-boosting-choosing-the-best-number-of-iterations/index.html +++ b/2014/12/29/stochastic-gradient-boosting-choosing-the-best-number-of-iterations/index.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Stochastic Gradient Boosting: Choosing the Best Number of Iterations
In my summary of the Kaggle bulldozer price forecasting competition, I mentioned that part of my solution was based on stochastic gradient boosting. To reduce runtime, the number of boosting iterations was set by minimising the loss on the out-of-bag (OOB) samples, skipping trees where samples are in-bag. This approach was motivated by a bug in scikit-learn, where the OOB loss estimate was calculated on the in-bag samples, meaning that it always improved (and thus was useless for the purpose of setting the number of iterations).
The bug in scikit-learn was fixed by porting the solution used in R’s GBM package, where the number of iterations is estimated by minimising the improvement on the OOB samples in each boosting iteration. This approach is known to underestimate the number of required iterations, which means that it’s not very useful in practice. This underestimation may be due to the fact that the GBM method is partly estimated on in-bag samples, as the OOB samples for the Nth iteration are likely to have been in-bag in previous iterations.
I was curious about how my approach compares to the GBM method. Preliminary results on the toy dataset from scikit-learn’s documentation looked promising:
Stochastic Gradient Boosting: Choosing the Best Number of Iterations
In my summary of the Kaggle bulldozer price forecasting competition, I mentioned that part of my solution was based on stochastic gradient boosting. To reduce runtime, the number of boosting iterations was set by minimising the loss on the out-of-bag (OOB) samples, skipping trees where samples are in-bag. This approach was motivated by a bug in scikit-learn, where the OOB loss estimate was calculated on the in-bag samples, meaning that it always improved (and thus was useless for the purpose of setting the number of iterations).
The bug in scikit-learn was fixed by porting the solution used in R’s GBM package, where the number of iterations is estimated by minimising the improvement on the OOB samples in each boosting iteration. This approach is known to underestimate the number of required iterations, which means that it’s not very useful in practice. This underestimation may be due to the fact that the GBM method is partly estimated on in-bag samples, as the OOB samples for the Nth iteration are likely to have been in-bag in previous iterations.
I was curious about how my approach compares to the GBM method. Preliminary results on the toy dataset from scikit-learn’s documentation looked promising:
Automating bulk data imports
Parse is a great backend-as-a-service (BaaS) product. It removes much of the hassle involved in backend devops with its web hosting service, SDKs for all the major mobile platforms, and a generous free tier. Parse does have its share of flaws, including various reliability issues (which seem to be getting rarer), and limitations on what you can do (which is reasonable price to pay for working within a sandboxed environment). One such limitation is the lack of APIs to perform bulk data imports. This post introduces my workaround for this limitation (tl;dr: it’s a PhantomJS script).
Update: The script no longer works due to changes to Parse’s website. I won’t be fixing it since I’ve migrated my projects off the platform. If you fix it, let me know and I’ll post a link to the updated script here.
I use Parse for two of my projects: BCRecommender and Price Dingo. In both cases, some of the data is generated outside Parse by a Python backend. Doing all the data processing within Parse is not a viable option, so a solution for importing this data into Parse is required.
My original solution for data import was using the Parse REST API via ParsePy. The problem with this solution is that Parse billing is done on a requests/second basis. The free tier includes 30 requests/second, so importing BCRecommender’s ~million objects takes about nine hours when operating at maximum capacity. However, operating at maximum capacity causes other client requests to be dropped (i.e., real users suffer). Hence, some sort of rate limiting is required, which makes the sync process take even longer.
I thought that using batch requests would speed up the process, but it actually slowed it down! This is because batch requests are billed according to the number of sub-requests, so making even one successful batch request per second with the maximum number of sub-requests (50) causes more requests to be dropped. I implemented some code to retry failed requests, but the whole process was just too brittle.
A few months ago I discovered that Parse supports bulk data import via the web interface (with no API support). This feature comes with the caveat that existing collections can’t be updated: a new collection must be created. This is actually a good thing, as it essentially makes the collections immutable. And immutability makes many things easier.
BCRecommender data gets updated once a month, so I was happy with manually importing the data via the web interface. As a price comparison engine, Price Dingo’s data changes more frequently, so manual updates are out of the question. For Price Dingo to be hosted on Parse, I had to find a way to automate bulk imports. Some people suggest emulating the requests made by the web interface, but this requires relying on hardcoded cookie and CSRF token data, which may change at any time. A more robust solution would be to scriptify the manual actions, but how? PhantomJS, that’s how.
I ended up implementing a PhantomJS script that logs in as the user and uploads a dump to a given collection. This script is available on GitHub Gist. To run it, simply install PhantomJS and run: