Ajout des homélies d'Augustin (traduction clerus), partie 2/N
Ajout des homélies d'Augustin (traduction clerus), partie 2/N
Ajout des homélies d'Augustin (traduction clerus), partie 1/N
Ajout des homélies d'Augustin (traduction clerus), partie 1/N
Added gospel incipits for the commons
Added gospel incipits for the commons
Added gospel incipits for the late Sanctoral cycle and the fixed feas…
Added gospel incipits for the late Sanctoral cycle and the fixed feas…
Added Gospel incipits of the Sanctorale, july and august
Added Gospel incipits of the Sanctorale, july and august
Added incipits of Gospel readings, end of the Temporal Cycle H14->H24…
Added incipits of Gospel readings, end of the Temporal Cycle H14->H24…
Added Gospel incipits of the Temporal cycle from A1 to H13. Remain: Q…
Added Gospel incipits of the Temporal cycle from A1 to H13. Remain: Q…
homiliae : S. Irenee's single homily for his feast, from a SC volume …
homiliae : S. Irenee's single homily for his feast, from a SC volume …
Homiliae : Hilarius Pictauiensis, omnia lectiones, textes bruts (SC)
Homiliae : Hilarius Pictauiensis, omnia lectiones, textes bruts (SC)
homiliae : jean chrysostome, de virginitate (seule oeuvre disponible …
homiliae : jean chrysostome, de virginitate (seule oeuvre disponible …
homiliae : Bernard, part 2, textes bruts
homiliae : Bernard, part 2, textes bruts
Homiliae: Joannes Damascenis, textes bruts
Homiliae: Joannes Damascenis, textes bruts