OPTIONS: toc:4 h:4 num:3
This is my Emacs configuration, expressed in the org-mode markup so I can explain how and why I did each configuration setting, and yet automatically export it into emacs-lisp format for loading into Emacs at start-up time. This style of documenting is called Literate Programming.
I maintain my Emacs configuration https://github.com/xanalogica/.emacs.d/ and automatically publish the polished documentation at ??? using a CI pipeline.
https://github.com/xanalogica/.emacs.d/ (not on gitlab.com/xanalogica)
one site can be published to https://xanalogica.github.io by publishing to the master branch of a repository named “xanalogica.github.io”.
You can have an additional site per GitHub project published to https://xanalogica.github.io/.emacs.d.
I use a GitHub Actions workflow to publish my site, so that I can use a build process other an Jekyll.
https://xanalogica.github.io/.emacs.d/ README.html -> index.html config.html assets/css/style.css
- put it into the form of ReadTheDocs with index along left-side
- redirect index.html -> config.html
?? Run ./publi.sh
My Emacs configuration is spread out across several files, for ease of understanding, sharing and using a feature without dragging everything else in. I try to fully configuration and document each feature I make use of in one place and avoid sprinkling it around.
- ~/.emacs.d/early-init.el
- ~/.emacs.d/init.el
- ~/.emacs.d/config.org -> ???
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-content-publishing.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-emacs-display-presentation.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-emacs-email-usage.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-emacs-global-keyboard-setup.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-emacs-new-links-for-org-mode.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-emacs-to-be-merged.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-emacs-use-of-ai.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-emacs-use-of-cloning.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-emacs-work-protection.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-global-syntax-checking.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-helpful-notes.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-install-of-org-mode.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-note-archiving-using-org-mode.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-note-capture-using-org-mode.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-note-refiling-using-org-mode.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-printing-from-emacs.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-python-development.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-research.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-scripting-via-org-babel.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-task-planning.org
- ~/.emacs.d/config/config-task-reporting.org
- :babel:python:rust:git:undo:finance:slides:org:
[email protected]:xanalogica/.emacs.d.git https://github.com/xanalogica/.emacs.d
LICENSE.md LICENSE.md .gitignore .gitignore README.org README.org build-site.sh build-site.el content/index.org n/a publi.sh .github/workflows/ snippets/ config.org init.el
M-x org-babel-tangle
Most customizations for Emacs should be put in the normal init file. See The Emacs Initialization File. However, it is sometimes necessary to have customizations take effect during Emacs startup earlier than the normal init file is processed. Such customizations can be put in the early init file, ~/.config/emacs/early-init.el or ~/.emacs.d/early-init.el. This file is loaded before the package system and GUI is initialized, so in it you can customize variables that affect the package initialization process, such as package-enable-at-startup, package-load-list, and package-user-dir. Note that variables like package-archives which only affect the installation of new packages, and not the process of making already-installed packages available, may be customized in the regular init file. See Package Installation.
We do not recommend that you move into early-init.el customizations that can be left in the normal init files. That is because the early init file is read before the GUI is initialized, so customizations related to GUI features will not work reliably in early-init.el. By contrast, the normal init files are read after the GUI is initialized. If you must have customizations in the early init file that rely on GUI features, make them run off hooks provided by the Emacs startup, such as window-setup-hook or tty-setup-hook. See Hooks.
For more information on the early init file, see Init File in The Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.
The purpose of (provide ‘some-library) is to tell Emacs that a named feature has been loaded and that the file a feature is associated with, does not have to be loaded again, when you require it.
There are many ways to provide package settings, from raw Elisp to tidy macros. The github:use-package Elisp macro allows one to isolate package configuration in your Emacs configuration files in a way that is both performance-oriented and tidy.
- Spotlight: use-package, a declarative configuration tool - Mastering Emacs
- Getting Started with Use-Package
;;;;; ;; Make sure I have 'use-package' installed in my Emacs
;;;;; (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
;;;;; (package-refresh-contents) ;; refresh catalog of remote registry
;;;;; (package-install 'use-package) ;; and install 'use-package' module
;;;;; )
;;;;; (eval-when-compile
;;;;; ;;; (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/use-package")
;;;;; (require 'use-package)
;;;;; )
(setq use-package-verbose t) ;; to assist debugging configuration
(setq use-package-compute-statistics t) ;; M-x use-package-report
Loading github:diminish Elisp package causes use-package
to enable a
configuration keyword :diminish <SYMBOL>
in your use-package
This keyword empowers you to remove or change minor mode strings in your
mode-line. Such diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display,
because we don’t want to be reminded of it.
;; (use-package diminish)
(diminish 'auto-fill-function)
This plugin enables additional configuration keywords:
- :bind
- :bind*
- :bind-keymap
- :bind-keymap*
The bind-key
Elisp package is part of of the use-package
distribution. In particular, the logic of the new use-package
symbols is in
;; (use-package bind-key) ALREADY LOADED
The github:[[https://github.com/noctuid/general.el Elisp package is
primarily for making key definition more clear and concise. It adds the
keyword to the use-package
;; (use-package general) ALREADY LOADED
When reporting about loading and configuration details, you should require the ‘use-package’ feature in files that use ‘use-package’, even if these files only contain compiled expansions of the macros. If you don’t do so, then the expanded macros do their job silently.
(require 'use-package)
(pixel-scroll-mode 1)
(pixel-scroll-precision-mode 1)
(setq pixel-scroll-precision-interpolate-page t) ;; so PgUp PgDn give a visual slide too.
hook <wheel-up> <wheel-down> to the correct good-scroll-up
(use-package mwheel
:ensure nil
(mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((shift) . 1)))
(mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil)
(mouse-wheel-follow-mouse 't)
(setq scroll-step 1)
(setq scroll-conservatively 1000)
(global-set-key [next] #'good-scroll-up-full-screen)
(global-set-key [prior] #'good-scroll-down-full-screen)
must build emacs with XInput 2 –with-xwidgets adds a built-in web browser based on webkit
(setq mouse-wheel-tilt-scroll t) - enables horizontal scrolling
C-h C-n (M-x view-emacs-news)
(setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount
2 ;; #lines to normally scroll by
((shift) . 1) ;; #lines when shift key pressed
((control) . nil) ;; full-screen when control key pressed
(setq mouse-wheel-progressive-speed
nil) ;; t adjusts faster, nil keeps it the same
??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-emacs-global-keyboard-setup.org” ??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-emacs-work-protection.org” ??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-printing-from-emacs.org” ??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-install-of-org-mode.org”
- (agendapath???) (tags???)
The Lifecycle of Information (Capture, File, Archive) (some things are places, others are tags)
??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-note-capture-using-org-mode.org” ??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-note-refiling-using-org-mode.org” ??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-note-archiving-using-org-mode.org”
??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-scripting-via-org-babel.org”
syntax coloring ? (or put it in each mode?) org-babel ? org-query ? org-tramp ? databases ?
??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-global-syntax-checking.org” ??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-emacs-new-links-for-org-mode.org”
tags refiling places
??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-python-development.org” ??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-research.org” ??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-emacs-use-of-ai.org”
??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-task-planning.org”
- ad-hoc reports
??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-task-reporting.org”
- publish
- export
- slide present
??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-content-publishing.org”
??#+INCLUDE: “config/config-emacs-to-be-merged.org”
Emacs likes to write small tidbits of manual configuration into an .el file so
I use a small file that I never look into, to keep it separate from my
. It also contains my private information like passwords.
(setq custom-file "~/.emacs.d/custom-settings.el")
(load custom-file t)
M-x auto-complete of functions and variable names ???
follows in tradition
Babel is Org’s ability to execute source code within Org documents. If you are not familiar with Org please take a moment to read the Org homepage before continuing.
https://panadestein.github.io/emacsd/ .html very literate https://github.com/Panadestein/emacsd .org
(tangle .org into init.el instead of org-babel-load-file) https://github.com/eliaskanelis/.emacs.d
There is an option to put back-references to the org file when tangling: #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :tangle :comments link
take a look at gcmh package instead
use :bind or :general in use-package sections instead of keybindings
(use-package exec-path-from-shell :custom (exec-path-from-shell-check-startup-files nil) :config (exec-path-from-shell-initialize))
use :hook not :config/:init (add-hook
each mode introduced should enable the mode inside that use-package clause, not elsewhere
turn on flycheck linters to catch bad stuff
GNU ELPA is primary package repository
what is this file?
- uses Babel for org-mode to better structure and explain my configuration
- embeds emacs lisp fragments that are tangled into one file and loaded
- allows org-mode TODO usage for planning work on my Emacs configuration
Babel is org-mode’s ability to execute or extract source code within Org-mode
documents. The source can be different programming languages, all in the same
Babel has special support for embedding your Emacs initialization code into ~org-mode files, so that you can make use of the nice features of org-mode such as outline folding, tags, notes, HTML export, etc. The org-babel-load-file function can be used to load the Emacs Lisp code blocks embedded in a literate Org-mode file in the same way that you might load a regular Emacs Lisp file.
To use org-mode for organizing your Emacs configuration, a very minimum amount
of configuration goes into the user’s ~/.emacs.d/init.el
where is this file published? others I have learned from which version of Emacs and which features of Emacs do I depend upon? directory structure what is my configuration philosophy?
- break configuration out properly (avoid declaring zero day and starting all over) (make it easy to disable/enable sections w/o breaking dependencies) (make it easy for others to adopt sections without dragging everything else in) (prefer public packages) (prefer .el files on public git repos) using quelpa for fetch them (use local packages) (use local .el files) (add-to-list ‘load-path “~/.emacs.d/lisp/”)
(is Cask and Pallet still used?)
packaging choice packages are: explicitly loaded in this file internatively loaded using load-packages-load and listed in package-selected-packages from package.el
$ git clone –branch emacs-29 git://git.savannah.gnu.org/emacs.git emacs-29 && cd emacs-29 $ export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-10 && export CXX=/usr/bin/gcc-10 $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure –with-native-compilation=aot –with-x –with-json –with-tree-sitter $ make -j$(nproc) $ ./src/emacs -Q – test it runs WITHOUT any of my emacs configuration $ sudo make install –prefix /usr/local
–with-json –with-tree-sitter –with-pgtk (use GTK instead of X windows) –with-xwidgets (requires gtk3) –with-x
frame text presentation fonts highlighting menu mechanism
DONE disable ob-ledger WHY? Buffer directions.org modified, kill anyway?
minimize use of customize.el minimize use of lisp/*.el files quelpa.el git-auto-commit-mode.el ob-http-mode.el ht.el spinner.el lsp-mode.el diminish.el unbound.el hydra.el
‘(package-selected-packages ‘(greader whisper ob-chatgpt-shell ob-dall-e-shell ob-graphql ob-html-chrome orca org-ai org-anki org-auto-expand org-clock-today org-dropbox org-make-toc ob-sql-mode ob-redis k8s-mode just-mode gptel gitlab-ci-mode-flycheck goggles code-review blacken chatgpt-shell dall-e-shell alda-mode ob-mermaid ejira highlight-indent-guides ob-browser ox-jira python-black ox-twbs ox-publish counsel-tramp counsel smart-mode-line org-ql org-mru-clock unbound window pragmatapro-lig origami org-super-agenda cal-iso org-notmuch rustic project projectile dap-mode lsp-ui lsp-mode flycheck-pycheckers flycheck-rust flycheck-yamllint ob-rust rust-auto-use ox-ssh ox-reveal ox-rfc language-detection jiralib2 org-agenda-property ob-restclient org-download pretty-hydra ob-http anki-editor terraform-mode hcl-mode py-autopep8 py-import-check pip-requirements org-special-block-extras org-sidebar gitlab gitlab-ci-mode ts hydra scimax-org-babel-python beacon magit-todos pyenv-mode eshell-prompt-extras jq-format jq-mode docker-tramp 0blayout indent-tools json-mode json-navigator json-reformat diminish use-package use-package-ensure-system-package use-package-hydra yaml-imenu yaml-mode yafolding magit-annex nginx-mode org-magit orgit ox-json timonier gitconfig git-timemachine git-annex git-lens git-link copy-as-format magit org-noter undo-tree ivy-hydra all-the-icons-ivy imenu-anywhere ivy ivy-dired-history ivy-gitlab swiper notmuch-labeler org-mime pdf-tools atomic-chrome ob-async simple-httpd git-auto-commit-mode stan-mode stan-snippets yasnippet elisp-lint org-elisp-help ox-epub ox-gfm ox-pandoc helm color-theme-cobalt color-theme-github color-theme-sanityinc-solarized color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow cyberpunk-theme org-time-budgets org-beautify-theme docker-compose-mode dockerfile-mode package-build shut-up epl git commander f dash s))
⛔ Warning (comp): quelpa.el:237:2: Warning: docstring wider than 80 characters ⛔ Warning (comp): quelpa.el:241:2: Warning: docstring wider than 80 characters ⛔ Warning (comp): quelpa.el:245:2: Warning: docstring wider than 80 characters ⛔ Warning (comp): quelpa.el:516:2: Warning: docstring wider than 80 characters ⛔ Warning (comp): quelpa.el:669:2: Warning: defvar `quelpa-build–wiki-min-request-interval’ docstring wider than 80 characters ⛔ Warning (comp): quelpa.el:1403:31: Warning: Empty let body ⛔ Warning (comp): quelpa.el:1493:2: Warning: docstring wider than 80 characters ⛔ Warning (comp): quelpa.el:1811:2: Warning: docstring has wrong usage of unescaped single quotes (use \= or different quoting) ⛔ Warning (comp): quelpa.el:2014:2: Warning: docstring wider than 80 characters
I build Emacs with native compilation of elisp files upfront, so I don’t have to pay the price later as each file is compiled as needed.
enable-local-variables file-local-variables-alist safe-local-variable-values
- LibraryThing (Android)
- Libib (Android, PC, Tablet) books, etc.
- MyLibrary (Android) simple
- Book Catalogue (Android, free)
- Goodreads no ISBN
- Book Track (only Apple)
- Leto (only Apple)
- Book Buddy (only Apple)
- Bookshelf (Android $1.49/mo)
batch scan option? cover scan?
Emacs provides a user command, ‘treesit-install-language-grammar’, that automates the download and build process of a grammar library. It prompts for the language, the URL of the language grammar’s VCS repository, and then uses the installed C/C++ compiler to build the library and install it.
EGlot, the leaner complement to the fully-featured LSP-mode, is now built into Emacs. It should work out of the box. Just type M-x eglot in a buffer to get started.
Now included in Emacs.
It’s an easier and more expressive way of sharing Emacs configuration snippets, and knowing it’s built in just makes everything much easier.
$ emacs –init-directory ~/.emacs.d/
;; (defface org-block-begin-line ;; ‘((t (:underline “#A7A6AA” :foreground “#008ED1” :background “#EAEAFF”))) ;; “Face used for the line delimiting the begin of source blocks.”)
;; (defface org-block-background ;; ‘((t (:background “lightgrey”))) ;; “Face used for the source block background.”)
;; (defface org-block-end-line ;; ‘((t (:overline “#A7A6AA” :foreground “#008ED1” :background “#EAEAFF”))) ;; “Face used for the line delimiting the end of source blocks.”)
(setq case-fold-search t)
;;; https://github.com/Malabarba/smart-mode-line
;;; (sml/setup)
(setq sml/shorten-directory nil)
(setq sml/shorten-modes nil)
(use-package git-auto-commit-mode)
(use-package ob-http)
(use-package lsp-mode)
(use-package peg)
This is a current copy of my Emacs configuration, annotated with explanations. I’ve learned a lot by studying other people’s Emacs configurations and I wanted to share what I’ve ended up with.
Other Emacs files I’ve studied:
- https://github.com/redguardtoo/emacs.d
- https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d/blob/master/README.md
- This is a VERY good example of a custom org-mode .emacs.d file. https://github.com/mwfogleman/.emacs.d/
- ~/.emacs.d/michael.org]] (local copy)
- https://github.com/jagot/emacs/blob/master/home/.emacs.d/init.org
- https://github.com/bbatsov/emacs.d/blob/master/init.el
- https://github.com/weavejester/dotfiles/blob/master/emacs.d/init.el
My Emacs configuration is divided into two files:
- ~/.emacs.d/init.el
- ~/.emacs.d/config.org (automatically tangled into config.el)
The init.el
file is the first one executed by Emacs, and in it I do initial
set up of my choice of package management, and then if config.org
has been
modified, tangle it into config.el
, which is then loaded into Emacs by
to make those configuration settings take effect.
When Emacs is started, it tries to load a ELisp program from an init file, looking in the following places in this order:
- ~/.emacs – I don’t use this file
- ~/.emacs.el – I don’t use this file
- ~/.emacs.d/init.el – This is the start of my Emacs configuration
In case of problems with init.el
, you can use the command-line switch ‘-q’
to prevent it being loaded or ‘–debug-init’ to get a traceback of the first
error encountered.
TIP: It is NOT recommendeed to byte-compile your init file as it does not speed up startup very much and often leads to problems when you forget to recompile the file.
~/.emacs.d/ . ├── README.org ;; light introduction to my setup ├── init.el ;; my init file for Emacs (versus ~/.emacs) ├── agenda-files.py ???????????????????????????????????????? ├── org-clock-save.el ???????????????????????????????????????? ├── ARCHIVE/ ;; modules that I retired using and will someday delete ├── auto-save-list ???????????????????????????????????????? ├── %backup%~ ???????????????????????????????????????? ├── backups/ ;; backup copies of ANY edited files ├── bookmarks ???????????????????????????????????????? ├── Cask ;; installed modules list read by Cask and maintained by Pallet ├── config.el ;; auto-built from my config.org each time Emacs starts ├── config.org ;; my Emacs configuration in org-mode 'literate' format ├── config.org~ ├── config-XXX.org ├── custom-settings.el ;; tiny custom settings auto-edited by Emacs itself ├── elpa │ ├── PACKAGE-A-YYYYMMDD.HHMM/ │ ├── PACKAGE-B-YYYYMMDD.HHMM/ │ ├── archives/ │ │ ├── gnu/ │ │ │ ├── archive-contents │ │ │ └── archive-contents.signed │ │ ├── melpa/ │ │ │ └── archive-contents │ │ └── melpa-stable/ │ │ └── archive-contents ├── eshell/ │ ├── alias │ ├── history │ └── lastdir ├── quelpa/ │ ├── build/ │ │ └── PACKAGE-A/ ├── ido.last ├── library.org ├── LICENSE ├── lisp/ ;; individual .el files I create or work on ├── jeff-light-theme.el ├── michael.org ├── network-security.data ├── places ├── pymd5-1c2b62349aded4d3a40a729148cbd68c.py ├── recentf ├── request │ └── curl-cookie-jar ├── session.1012cc9dcd52891180156817838919458300000018020070 ├── session.106f8e8df9fad6f21c156806759412428700000015480070 ├── snippets ;; my library of text fragments for use by the snippet library ├── templates ;; my library of text fragments for use by org-capture │ ├── PACKAGE-A/ │ ├── PACKAGE-B/ ├── tramp ├── transient │ └── history.el └── url └── cookies ;; .cask/ ;; 25.3/ ;; cache/collection of modules pulled down by package manager ;; ac-dict/ ;; auto-complete dictionary for various modes/languages ;; ~/.cask/ ;; Cask ;; specification file of dependencies of the Cask pgm ;; bin/ ;; cask ;; command-line tool for invoking Cask outside of Emacs ;; cask.el ;; ELisp source of the Cask library
CAPTION: ~/.emacs.d/init.el NAME: init.el BEGIN_SRC shell :results output replace :exports none :eval never-export cat ~/.emacs.d/init.el END_SRC
??? #+INCLUDE: “config/config-content-mobile-sync.org”
On my Android, I have the Orgzly app installed and always watching my Dropbox collection of .org files. And I have defined a named search in Orgzly titled “Things to Study” so I can at any time pull up and study something when I have spare time. The query string is:
tn.study i.TODO o.scheduled o.priority o.notebook
INCLUDE: “config/config-emacs-email-usage.org” NOT USED
??? #+INCLUDE: “config/config-???” NOT USED
url = [email protected]:louietan/anki-editor.git :load-path “~/.emacs.d/lisp/anki-editor/” ;; use my Git checkout
(use-package anki-editor
(setq anki-editor-create-decks t)
(setq anki-editor-ignored-org-tags
'("export" "noexport" "REFILING" "HEALTHZZZ")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/alda-mode/")
(require 'alda-mode)
INCLUDE: “config/config-emacs-use-of-cloning.org”
INCLUDE: “config/config-helpful-notes.org”
You’ve journeyed to the finale or perhaps, you’ve taken a particular interest in the art of closing an Emacs package. If my configuration intrigues you and you’d like to experiment with it, I warmly invite you to fork it on GitHub. Your support and feedback will surely fuel its continuous development. Thank you for your time and interest! So, without further ado, let’s elegantly wrap up the tangling process:
(provide 'init.el)
;;; init.el ends here