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homekit-bridge designed for embedded devices allows you to connect non-HomeKit devices to Apple HomeKit quickly. It provides the following features:

  • Configure the devices you want to connect to HomeKit.
  • Write plugins to generate HomeKit bridged accessories.

homekit-bridge is based on HomeKitADK; the main C code is in the application layer of ADK, using PAL interface or HAP interface, and not directly using platform-related interfaces.

HomekitADK not only implements HomeKit Accessory Protocol(HAP), but also abstracts platform-related interfaces to Platform Adapter Layer(PAL) to make the same application code behave consistently on different platforms.

In order to achieve better scalability and reduce development difficulty, homekit-bridge introduced the dynamic language Lua, encapsulated C modules into Lua modules, and used Lua to write upper-level applications. homekit-bridge also made the following optimizations to run Lua on devices with compact resources:

  • Generate text code to byte code via luac.
  • Generate directory trees for multiple Lua scripts and embed them in C code.
  • Make the Lua VM supports reading the code directly from ROM instead of copying the code to RAM.

Supported devices

Mi Home - miio

Product Name Model
Xiaomi Mi Air Conditioner Companion 2 lumi.acpartner.mcn02
Xiaomi Plug Base (1 Socket) chuangmi.plug.m3
Zhimi DC Variable Frequency Fan 2S
Xiaomi DC Variable Frequency Tower Fan

Supported platform

  • Linux (Ubuntu/Raspberry Pi OS)
  • ESP-IDF (ESP32/ESP32-S2)

Getting started


After clone the repository to the local, please initialize submodules by the follow command:

$ git submodule update --init



$ sudo apt install cmake ninja-build clang libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libssl-dev python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install cpplint

Compile and install

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G Ninja .. && ninja
$ sudo ninja install


Run homekit-bridge by default:

$ homekit-bridge

The following options can be specified when running homekit-bridge:

Option Description
-d, --dir set the scripts directory
-e, --entry set the entry script name
-h, --help display this help and exit


The configuration script config.lua is placed in /usr/local/lib/homekit-bridge by default, you can edit it before running homekit-bridge. If you specified the scripts directory, homekit-bridge will find config.lua in the specified directory.



Set up the host environment and ESP-IDF as per the steps given here.

The currently tested ESP-IDF version is v4.3.1, switch to this version with the following command:

$ git fetch --tag
$ git checkout v4.3.1
$ git submodule update

ESP-IDF currently uses MbedTLS 2.16.x, whereas HomeKit ADK requires 2.18. A branch mbedtls-2.16.6-adk is being maintained here which has the required patches from 2.18, on top of 2.16.6. To switch to this, follow these steps:

$ cd $IDF_PATH/components/mbedtls/mbedtls
$ git pull
$ git checkout -b mbedtls-2.16.6-adk origin/mbedtls-2.16.6-adk

Compile and flash

You can use homekit-bridge with any ESP32 or ESP32-S2 board. Compile, flash and connect to console as below:

$ cd /path/to/homekit-bridge/platform/esp
$ export ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0  # Set your board's serial port here
$ set-target <esp32/esp32s2>
$ flash
$ monitor

Join Wi-Fi

Use join command to configure Wi-Fi:

esp32 > join "<ssid>" "<password>"




MIT © 2021 KNpTrue and homekit-bridge contributors.