Releases: wscullen/tile_viewer_client
Sen2Agri First Integration
This release comes with no major changes or improvements from the main project. Instead, 2 features are added:
- option for download only (no atmos correction)
- sen2agri integration with simple worker (submit l2a jobs once all imagery is downloaded, this ties to the download only option, also support generating monthly cloud free composites for each month, and LAI monodate products). Advanced features such as the composites being mosiac'd for each date or LAI reprocessing for n-previous days or LAI end of season fitting are not supported.
Basic sen2agri process:
- select imagery
- submit Download Only jobs (click gear icon in tile list, make sure Atmospheric Correction is not checked) by clicking start all
- wait for all hour glass progress indicators to turn green
- the sen2agri l2a job button should be enabled (click the gear icon, under the sen2agri section)
- when the sen2agri l2a is generated, the l3a and l3b buttons become enabled
There will be bugs with the sen2agri functionality. It is very time consuming to integration test, and the sen2agri stand alone processors are finicky.
Final imagery and products are found on the minio server ( in the buckets sen2agri-l2a, sen2agri-l3a, sen2agri_l3b, and s2-l1c-archive. Email [email protected] for access credentials to the minio web client. These products are also available as NFS shares, see the Ubuntu wiki for access instructions.
Saving should work properly now because the persistent .json file is saved in the user share directory now.
Tile Filtering by Cloud Percentage
Improvements for this release:
- better selection behaviour (toggle select on map)
- tiles selected in the list will be highlighted on the map (and the current date will be changed to show the tile)
- tiles selected will be highlighted in green
- tiles can be filtered by cloud percent and all visible tiles can be selected
Local Storage Saving Functional
Saving Data Locally Works Now!
- AoI's are retained when reloading, re-launching
- Selected tiles are retained when reloading, re-launching, switching between AoI
- Settings are saved
Change Log:
- allSelectedTiles stored in relevant AoI inside the aoi_list state
- currentDate stored in relevant AoI inside the aoi_list state
- fixed bug when saving state, dates are re-created as strings, need to recreate moment objects before creating formatted dates
- set up more sane initial states (checking for null when loading from local storage, checking for undefined when working with missing properties of a tile (such as when a tile does not have job properties associated with it yet)
- lots of minor bugs
- added cloud property to tiles to allow for on the fly cloud filtering (coming next release)
- map zooms fully into area of interest
Major TODO's:
- display active AoI (in timeline viewer header and with cyan selection box)
- timeline viewer
- UI elements for filtering by cloudiness, selecting all tiles, de-selecting all tiles
- refactoring how the map displays tiles (one layer, many features, instead of one layer one feature)
- allow for tile to be selected in list and have the currentDate update so that the map changes to that tile group
- change selection style to have 0 fill and cyan
- highlight which tiles are selected by changing vector color to cyan
- implement UI button to download raw and l2 products for each tile (when ready)
Setting Page Working
User data is not properly saved locally and restored, so when the application: restarts, reloads, switch Area of Interest, and probably more, the selected tiles for that Area will be lost. Please be aware and do not select a lot of tiles thinking they will be there later.
This problem will be addressed in the next version.
This version should be used for brief testing only.
Initial Alpha Prototype
Major functionality working so far:
- Create area of interest (query s2d2_api) for Sentinel 2
- Low res preview tiles displayed on map
- Add and remove tiles from selection list
- Tiles organized by day
- Add and remove tiles from list
- Send list of tiles to job_manager api, interval set to check job status for each tile every 1 mins, tile in list will update status icon (hour glass) as job goes from submitted, assigned, completed with success or failure
- Auto update functioning through Github releases
Major todos remaining:
Tile Viewer
- Landsat 8 functionality
- Detail cards for areas and tiles
- Timeline viewer
- Tile visibility toggle
- Box select many tiles
- Reorganize imagery to be one layer with many features
- Hide Area List
- Settings page (set URL for APIs)
- Auto check existing AoI for new imagery
- Properly save selection list and areas (using a quick hack with react local storage currently)
- django-workers background tasks for getting full resolution browse imagery and generating hi-res previews (transparent pngs at high res)
- django-workers to periodically check ongoing AoI (end date in future) for updates to imagery list
Job Manager/Simple Worker
- L8 Download Job (bulk batch order or using EE regular API)