Releases: wri/gfw
Releases · wri/gfw
High Resolution Imagery and new layers
This release includes:
- Global land cover layer
- Congo Basins roads layer
- Sarawak PA layer
- New High Resolution map mode with imagery provided by Urthecast
UMD 2014 for countries + Explore page redesign
This includes:
Map: New layers + improved search tool
Sources/how to: texts changes, updates and corrections
Explore page: filter apps
Added mobile version
Kudos to @mbarrenechea !!
📱 💃 👯 💃 👯 💃 👯 💃 👯 📱
New and redesign map + UMD 2013
Ready to release on April 2nd.
Landing page.
This tagged version includes the redesigned landing page with the new static pages and the header and footer shared with Commodities and Fires.
Merged feature/landing-page and master
Previous to deploy master merged.
Right before deploying refactor
Merge pull request #908 from Vizzuality/staging Staging