1.13.0 (2016-10-17)
- Pressing 2 or 5 twice now opens a menu to select the time frame.
- Added the hide_username config option.
- Added the max_comment_cols config option.
- Fixed the terminal title from displaying b'' in py3.
- Flipped j and k in the documentation.
- Fixed bug when selecting post order for the front page.
- Added more descriptive error messages for invalid subreddits.
1.12.1 (2016-09-27)
- Fixed security vulnerability where malicious URLs could inject python code.
- No longer hangs when using mpv on long videos.
- Now falls back to ascii mode when the system locale is not utf-8.
1.12.0 (2016-08-25)
- Added a help banner with common key bindings.
- Added gg and G bindings to jump to the top and bottom the the page.
- Updated help screen now opens with the system PAGER.
- The / prompt now works from inside of submissions.
- Added an Instagram parser to extract images and videos from urls.
- Shortened reddit links (https://redd.it/) will now work with
- Removed the Tornado dependency from the project.
- Added a requirements.txt file.
- Fixed a bunch of tests where cassettes were not being generated.
- Added compatability for pytest-xdist.
1.11.0 (2016-08-02)
- Added the ability to open image and video urls with the user's mailcap file.
- New
commands to support mailcap. - New command w to save submissions and comments.
- New command p to toggle between the front page and the last visited subreddit.
- New command S to view subscribed multireddits.
- Extended
prompt to work with users, multireddits, and domains. - New page
to view saved submissions. - You can now specify the sort period by appending -(period), E.g. /r/python/top-week.
- Terminal title is now only set when $DISPLAY is present.
- Urlview now works on the submission as well as comments.
- Fixed text encoding when using urlview.
- Removed futures dependency from the python 3 wheel.
- Unhandled resource warnings on exit are now ignored.
- Various README updates.
- Updated asciinema demo video.
- Added script to update the AUTHORS.rst file.
1.10.0 (2016-07-11)
- New command, b extracts urls from comments using urlviewer.
- Comment files will no longer be destroyed if RTV encounters an error while posting.
- The terminal title now displays the subreddit name/url.
- Fixed crash when entering empty or invalid subreddit name.
- Fixed crash when opening x-posts linked to subreddits.
- Fixed a bug where the terminal title wasn't getting set.
- /r/me is now displayed as My Submissions in the header.
1.9.1 (2016-06-13)
- Better support for /r/random.
- Added a
config setting to disable all color. - Improved cursor positioning when expanding/hiding comments.
- Show
(not enough space)
when comments are too large.
- Fixed permissions when copying the config file.
- Fixed bug where submission indicies were duplicated when paging.
- Specify praw v3.4.0 to avoid installing praw 4.
- Added section to the readme on Arch Linux installation.
- Updated a few argument descriptions.
- Added a proper ascii logo.
1.9.0 (2016-04-05)
- You can now open long posts/comments with the $PAGER by pressing l.
- Changed a couple of visual separators.
- Added testing instructions to the FAQ.
1.8.1 (2016-03-01)
- All keys are now rebindable through the config.
- New bindings - ctrl-d and ctrl-u for page up / page down.
- Added tag for stickied posts and comments.
- Added bullet between timestamp and comment count.
- Links starting with np.reddit.com no longer return Forbidden.
- Updated README.
1.8.0 (2015-12-20)
- A banner on the top of the page now displays the selected page sort order.
- Hidden scores now show up as "- pts".
- Oauth settings are now accesible through the config file.
- New argument --config specifies the config file to use.
- New argument --copy-config generates a default config file.
- Added a keyboard reference from keyboardlayouteditor.com
- Added a link to an asciinema demo video
1.7.0 (2015-12-08)
Note This version comes with a large change in the internal structure of the project, but does not break backwards compatibility. This includes adding a new test suite that will hopefully improve the stability of future releases.
Continuous Integration additions
- Travis-CI https://travis-ci.org/michael-lazar/rtv
- Coveralls https://coveralls.io/github/michael-lazar/rtv
- Gitter (chat) https://gitter.im/michael-lazar/rtv
- Added a tox config for local testing
- Added a pylint config for static code and style analysis
- The project now uses VCR.py to record HTTP interactions for testing.
- Added a wider utilization of the loading screen for functions that make reddit API calls.
- In-progress loading screens can now be cancelled by pressing the Esc key.
- OSX users should now be able to login using OAuth.
- Comments now return the correct nested level when loading "More Comments".
- Several unicode fixes, the project is now much more consistent in the way that unicode is handled.
- Several undocumented bug fixes as a result of the code restructure.
1.6.1 (2015-10-19)
- Fixed authentication checking for /r/me.
- Added force quit option with the Q key.
- Removed option to sort subscriptions.
- Fixed crash with pressing i when not logged in.
- Removed futures requirement from the python 3 distribution.
- Updated screenshot in README.
- Added section to the FAQ on installation.
1.6 (2015-10-14)
- Switched all authentication to OAuth.
- Can now list the version with rtv --version.
- Added a man page.
- Added confirmation prompt when quitting.
- Submissions now display the index in front of their title.
- Streamlined error logging.
- Added missing docs for the i key.
- New documentation for OAuth.
- New FAQ section.
1.5 (2015-08-26)
- New page to view and open subscribed subreddits with s.
- Sorting method can now be toggled with the 1 - 5 keys.
- Links to x-posts are now opened inside of RTV.
- Added /r/ to subreddit names in the subreddit view.
1.4.2 (2015-08-01)
- Pressing the o key now opens selfposts directly inside of rtv.
- Fixed invalid subreddits from throwing unexpected errors.
1.4.1 (2015-07-11)
- Added the ability to check for unread messages with the i key.
- Upped required PRAW version to 3.
- Fixed crash caused by downvoting.
- Missing flairs now display properly.
- Fixed ResourceWarning on Python 3.2+.
1.4 (2015-05-16)
- Unicode support has been vastly improved and is now turned on by default. Ascii only mode can be toggled with the --ascii command line flag.
- Added pageup and pagedown with the m and n keys.
- Support for terminal based webbrowsers such as links and w3m.
- Browsing history is now persistent and stored in $XDG_CACHE_HOME.
- Several improvements for handling unicode.
- Fixed crash caused by resizing the window and exiting a submission.
1.3 (2015-04-22)
- Added edit e and delete d for comments and submissions.
- Added nsfw tags.
- Upvote/downvote icon now displays in the submission selfpost.
- Loading large MoreComment blocks no longer hangs the program.
- Improved logging and error handling with praw interactions.
1.2.2 (2015-04-07)
- Fixed default subreddit not being set.
- Added changelog and contributor links to the README.
1.2.1 (2015-04-06)
- Fixed crashing on invalid subreddit names
1.2 (2015-04-06)
- Added user login / logout with the u key.
- Added subreddit searching with the f key.
- Added submission posting with the p key.
- Added viewing of user submissions with /r/me.
- Program title now displays in the terminal window.
- Gold symbols now display on guilded comments and posts.
- Moved default config location to XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
- Improved error handling for submission / comment posts.
- Fixed handling of unicode flairs.
- Improved displaying of the help message and selfposts on small terminal windows.
- The author's name now correctly highlights in submissions
- Corrected user agent formatting.
- Various minor bugfixes.
- Post comments using your text editor.