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Teaching hydrological modelling: Illustrating model structure uncertainty with a ready-to-use teaching module

This repository contains a teaching module that can be used to showcase hydrologic model structure uncertainty (Knoben and Spieler, HESS, accepted). The module contains data, example exercise sheets and example answer scripts. Data are part of the CAMELS data set (Addor et al., 2017). Models used are part of the MARRMoT framework (Knoben et al., 2019). The module is split into two parts. In the first, students obtain familiarity with the MARRMoT framework. In the second, students are asked to calibrate two MARRMoT models for two CAMELS catchments and draw their own conclusions about model structure uncertainty.

A trial of this module at the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) suggests that the module can completed in less than two afternoons, or a single full lecture day.

Example of exercise sheets

Folders exercise1_source and exercise2_source contain .pdf and .tex files of handouts that can be given to students for the first and second part of the module. The first exercise sheet guides students through installing and using MARRMoT. The second exercise sheet guides students through calibration and evaluation of two MARRMoT models for two CAMELS catchments, asking them to modify scripts they have been introduced to in the first part. This document also contains questions to guide the four-way comparison of the performance of both models in both catchments, which leads to insights on model structure uncertainty.

Catchment data

Files Part 2 - catchment attributes.xlsx and "Part 2 - catchment data.mat** contain data extracted from the CAMELS data set (Addor et al., 2017). The .xlsx file contains catchment descriptors, which can be used to gain a basic understanding of both catchments. The .mat file contains time series of meteorological data and streamflow observations, which are needed for the calibration exercise. How students shoud use both files is explained in the example handout for the second part of the exercise.

Calibration outcomes

Files calibrationScriptExample_MARRMoT_v1.m,calibrationScriptExample_MARRMoT_v2.m and calibrationResults.mat contain the answers to the second part of the module. The .m file shows how one of the scripts introduced in the first part of the exercise may be adapted to solve the second part of the exercise. The .mat file contains calibrated parameter sets for the four combinations of models and catchments, and Kling-Gupta Efficiency (Gupta et al., 2009) scores obtained for calibration and evaluation time periods for all four cases.

Note on MARRMoT versions

MARRMoT has been updated to version 2.x in 2022 (Trotter et al., under review). One of the changes is inclusion of a dedicated calibration function contained within the main MARRMoT model class. To aid users of both the old (v1.x) and new (v2.x) versions, this repository contains example calibration code for both. Calibration results are unchanged between both MARRMoT versions. Overview:


Addor, N., Newman, A. J., Mizukami, N., and Clark, M. P. (2017). The CAMELS data set: catchment attributes and meteorology for large-sample studies. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 5293–5313,

Gupta, H. V., Kling, H., Yilmaz, K. K., and Martinez, G. F. (2009). Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria:Implications for improving hydrological modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 377, 80–91,,

Knoben, W. J. M., Freer, J. E., Fowler, K. J., Peel, M. C., and Woods, R. A. (2019). Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models Toolbox (MARRMoT) v1.2: An open-source, extendable framework providing implementations of 46 conceptual hydrologic models as continuous state-space formulations. Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 2463–2480,

Knoben, W. J. M. and Spieler, D. (accepted). Teaching hydrological modelling: Illustrating model structure uncertainty with a ready-to-use teaching module. HESS. Preprint DOI:

Trotter, L., Knoben, W. J. M., Fowler, K. J. A., Saft, M., and Peel, M. C.: Modular Assessment of Rainfall–Runoff Models Toolbox (MARRMoT) v2.1: an object-oriented implementation of 47 of your favourite hydrologic models for improved speed and readability. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2022