在翻譯實作中 parallel training data
是非常稀少的,但 untranslated monolingual data
所以在傳統的 SMT 中非常吃重 language models (LMs)
,但簡單的 NMT 卻無法將 LM
及 monolingual data
關於 NMT 引入 LM
和 monolingual data
- 將訓練好的
套入到 NMT decoder 中On using monolingual corpora in neural machine translation
- 利用一個
log-linear model
(shallow fusion) 來串接RNN-LM
和 NMT score,更進一步利用controller network
(deep fusion) 來動態調整 RNN-LM 和 NMT 之間的權重On integrating a language model into neural machine translation
Simple fusion
先訓練一個翻譯模型來預測 training data 的residual probability
再加到 pre-trained fixed LM 的預測Simple fusion: Return of the language model
第二個研究方向是使用 monolingual data
作為 data augmentation,將 target language 的 monolingual data
加到要訓練的 parallel training corpus
有很多方法可以填充 source 這邊對應的句子:
- 利用 single dummy token
Improving neural machine translation models with monolingual data
- 複製 target sentence 到 source 這邊
Copied monolingual data improves low-resource neural machine translation
Investigations on large-scale lightly-supervised training for statistical machine translation.
Back-translation 利用另一個翻譯系統來反向從 target monolingual data 翻譯回 source sentence
- Back-translation system 通常比原本的系統網路要來得小和簡單
- 但若 back-transaltion system 的品質提升,可以對最終結果帶來好處
Using monolingual data in neural machine translation
Back-translation 現在已經被廣泛用於各種競賽當中:
Edinburgh neural machine translation systems for WMT 16
Findings of the 2017 conference on machine translation (WMT17)
Findings of the 2018 conference on machine translation (WMT18)
Back-translation 的最大限制是合成回來的句子,必須和 real parallel data 的數量相當 (保持平衡),所以通常只能用到一小塊 monolingual data
- 複製 real data 來符合合成的資料數量 (synthetic data size)- 大量的 over-sampling 反而會讓品質變差
- 在 back-translation 句子中加入一些 noise,使這些句子更像 real data
Understanding back-translation at scale
An efficient data augmentation algorithm for neural machine translation
- 效果非常好
- 利用從
back-translation model
採樣一些句子來增加合成句子的多樣性Enhancement of encoder and attention using target monolingual corpora in neural machine translation
第三種方向是修改 loss function 來讓模型能和 monolingual data
一起運作,例如加入 autoencoder
來計算翻譯品質 (reconstruction error
Semi-supervised learning for neural machine translation
Neural machine translation with reconstruction
Autoencoder-based (self-attentive) universal language representation for machine translation
- 針對 source / target side 使用 multi-task learning
Exploiting source-side monolingual data in neural machine translation
Using target-side monolingual data for neural machine translation through multi-task learning
- Warm start Seq2seq training
Unsupervised pretraining for sequence to sequence learning
Semi-supervised neural machine translation with language models
- Unsupervised NMT 直接移除了 parallel training data 的需求