這章節講解其他替代的 NMT 架構方案
Transformer 已經成為幾乎所有 NLP 任務的標配,自然也產生了許多基於 multi-head attention
, self-attention
, large-batch training
最值得注意的是 Self-attention with relative position representations
利用 relative position
取代掉 absolute position
,但 relative 的方法會讓計算量變高,因為每一步時間點都要重新計算,解決方法有:
- Attention masks 來縮小 attention 上下文範圍
Hybrid self-attention network for machine translation
- 將 multi-head 的每個 attention head 加上 weights
Weighted Transformer network for machine translation
- Star-Transformer 縮小了 inner-layer connections 來降低複雜度
- 將 single deep encoder 換成了 multiple shallow encoder 來加速
Parallel attention mechanisms in neural machine translation
近期則是注重於 Transformer 在 large scale language modelling
的發展,另外也被用來作為 contextualized word embedding
的基礎,例如 BERT
目前有使用 attention 的 NMT 模型,其 attention 計算方式可分為三大類:
- Additive
- Dot-product (scaled)
- Multi-head attention
- 在 attention layer 之上加入 memory 或 RNN 來持續追縱
attention history
Neural machine translation with key-value memory-augmented attention
Neural machine translation with recurrent attention modeling
Implicit distortion and fertility models for attention-based encoder-decoder NMT model
- 建立新的 attention model 讓同一個值、不同維度的情況下學到不同的
attention weights
Fine-grained attention mechanism for neural machine translation
目前 attention-based NMT 有一缺陷是他們都是 token-based
: attention output 是計算每個值的 weighted average
,所以通常只專注在單個 key-value pair
這時就出現 phrase-based NMT
嘗試讓 attention 能夠一次專注於 full phrases
而不是 subwords, characters:
Paying attention to multi-word expressions in neural machine translation
Chunk-based decoder for neural machine translation
Neural phrase-tophrase machine translation
Towards neural phrase-based machine translation
Neural machine translation with phrasal attention
Incorporating source-side phrase structures into neural machine translation
另一方面,有時 attention 在處理較長句子時,反而會過度分散 attention,每個值反而變成其他值的噪音
Hard attention
能降噪,但只適用於monotonic alignment
的問題- 設計一個 attention weights 的溫度計,用來控制 attention 的
Learning when to concentrate or divert attention: Selfadaptive attention temperature for neural machine translation
- 利用
GRU gates
(取代weighted linear combinations
) 來計算值的attention output
A gru-gated attention model for neural machine translation
RNN 雖然在證明上為 Turing-complete
,但在解決一些 sequence-to-sequence 問題上還是有問題,所以有很多研究在 RNN 之上加入了額外的 memory structure
- stacks
- queues
- addressable memory cells
- hierarchical memory structures
這些額外的 memory structure
不在網路中,而網路會學著跟 memory 透過 PUSH
等簡單指令來交流,只是這些離散式的操作需要用連續 (continuous) 的近似來取代:
Neural turing machines
Learning to transduce with unbounded memory
Inferring algorithmic patterns with stack-augmented recurrent nets
目前的 NMT 架構全部都是 encoder-decoder 的模式:
- Encoder 負責從 source sentence 計算固定或變化長度的
continuous hidden representation
- Decoder 則負責從該
抓出 target sentence 的機率分布
理所當然會出現一些研究想要改良 encoder-decoder 架構:
- 用
variational methods
來定義 hidden representation 的分布 (distribution
)Variational neural machine translation
Variational recurrent neural machine translation
Modeling latent sentence structure in neural machine translation
Generative neural machine translation
Non-autoregressive NMT
被設計來移除或減少 decoder 的sequential dependency
,增加平行化Semi-autoregressive neural machine translation
Non-autoregressive neural machine translation
Non-autoregressive neural machine translation with enhanced decoder input
Non-autoregressive machine translation with auxiliary regularization
End-to-end non-autoregressive neural machine translation with connectionist temporal classification
Deterministic non-autoregressive neural sequence modeling by iterative refinement
- 在每個時間點重新計算 encoder state,將 hidden representation 擴張成 2D structure
Syntactically supervised Transformers for faster neural machine translation
Towards two-dimensional sequence to sequence model in neural machine translation
Can active memory replace attention?
- 不只將 last encoder layer 做為 hidden representation,而是將相同深度的 encoder 和 decoder 透過 attention 串接起來
Layer-wise coordination between encoder and decoder for neural machine translation