Deep Neural Models 的預測結果是非常難解釋的,因為其中牽涉了幾千個 neuron 和幾百萬個 parameters,因此要如何解釋神經網路是一個很大的研究領域,這個篇章介紹幾個 interpretable deep learning
Post-hoc interpretability
的想法講白了就是將 model 當作 black-box
不去理解裡面的運作,但試著去解釋 input 和 prediction 的關係:
“A trained model is given and our goal is to understand what the model predicts (e.g. categories) in terms what is readily interpretable (e.g. the input variables)”.
在 NMT 就是用 source tokens 來了解 target tokens
一個方法叫做 layer-wise relevance propagation
(On pixel-wise explanations for non-linear classifier decisions by layer-wise relevance propagation
) 利用 heat-map
來視覺化 input 中特別重要的資訊,例如:
- Computer vision 中的 pixels
- Machine Translation 中的 source words
目前有一些 post-hoc 用於 sequence-sequence model 上:
- 透過搗亂 source sentence 來做出一個能夠找出 source-target 關係的模型
A causal framework for explaining the predictions of black-box sequence-to-sequence models
- 透過將某個詞歸零,來比較歸零前後的預測分布,得出一種
relevance score
An analysis of source context dependency in neural machine translation
- Post-hoc 分析在 NLP 的限制
Pathologies of neural models make interpretations difficult
跟 post-hoc
不把 NMT model 當作 black-box
而是試著解析裡面的 hidden neurons 或 layers 發生什麼事:
- 視覺化 hidden layers 的 activities 或 gradients
Visualizing and understanding recurrent networks
Visualizing and understanding neural models in NLP
Visualizing and understanding neural machine translation
- 調查 encoder 最後一層的 hidden layer 來展示 NMT 在
及morphological tags
的能力What do neural machine translation models learn about morphology?
- 利用
regression analysis
發現個別的 neurons 對特定linguistic properties
的影響A toolkit for analyzing individual neurons in neural networks
- 甚至改變特定 neurons 的 activities 就能改寫整個翻譯的句子 (e.g., 句子中的性別)
Identifying and controlling important neurons in neural machine translation
其他的研究則是專注在 attention 機制上:
- 提出 transformer 的 attention 在不同 attention layers 負責不同工作,並提出 NMT 並不是用 attention 來進行詞義消歧 (
word sense disambiguation
)An analysis of attention mechanisms: The case of word sense disambiguation in neural machine translation
- 分析 NMT 是如何用 attention 來處理
source sentence
What does attention in neural machine translation pay attention to?
計算 MT 的 confidence scores
不但能加強 MT 品質,也能增加 MT 的 explainability
和 trustworthiness
最常見的 confidence score
就是 model 分配給 token 或 sentence 的 probabilities
,然而這在校正 (calibration) 較差的模型 (沒有根據真實分布來分配機率的模型),就會不準確
另外由於 confidence estimation
已經在傳統 SMT 被玩膩了,所以這方面的研究較不起眼,目前能找到的只有利用 attention 來檢驗 word-level confidence 的 Confidence through attention
比 confidence estimation
在 NMT 有名的是 quality estimation
,旨在找出比 BLEU 等方法更有意義的 quality metric
- Estimating post-editing efficiency
Exploiting objective annotations for measuring translation post-editing effort
- Selecting sentences in the MT output which need human revision
A method for measuring machine translation confidence
Word Alignment 是傳統 SMT 的核心之一,因為 SMT 中的 target 和 source phrases 都有很強烈的對應關係,所以 word alignment
Word alignment 被公認是 MT 中很重要的工具:
- 幫助強制限制輸出翻譯
- 保證文字格式
但是 NMT 沒有這種 hard word alignment
的概念,你能想到的 attention matrix
在眾多的研究後也被證實和 word alignment
Six challenges for neural machine translation
- Attention 並沒有每次都成功解釋
word alignment
- Attention 並沒有每次都成功解釋
Attention is not Explanation
- Attention weights 多數情況都不會給出合理的翻譯解釋
Is attention interpretable?
- Attention weights 只是中間層次的雜亂預測因子,不該做為決策原因
Visualizing and understanding neural machine translation
- Attention 只能用來當作理解 source-target words 的對應關係,無法解釋模型
What does attention in neural machine translation pay attention to?
- Attention 在名詞部分有成功的
word alignment
- Attention 在名詞部分有成功的
On the validity of self-attention as explanation in transformer models
- Attention 視覺化會帶來誤導
目前將 explicit word alignment
引入 NMT 中還是一個新的領域,其中已有的貢獻為:
- 將
word alignment
作為 attention model 的supervision signal
Supervised attentions for neural machine translation
Guided alignment training for topic-aware neural machine translation
Neural machine translation with supervised attention
Biasing attention-based recurrent neural networks using external alignment information
- 將傳統 SMT 的
word alignment
技術引入 NMT,例如fertility
Incorporating structural alignment biases into an attentional neural translation model
- Fertility, agreement:
The mathematics of statistical machine translation
另外有個概念稱為 hard attention
(Neural image caption generation with visual attention
) 和 hard word alignment
最為相似,但主要用於 simultaneous translation
而不是 offline translation
- Hard attention for speech recognition
Learning hard alignments with variational inference
- Hard attention for morphological inflection
Morphological inflection generation with hard monotonic attention
- Hard attention for text summarization
Online and linear-time attention by enforcing monotonic alignments
- Hard attention for image caption generation
Neural image caption generation with visual attention
- Hybrid between soft and hard attention
Coarse-to-fine question answering for long documents
Reinforced self-attention network
另一種方法是將額外的 alignment models
和 lexical models
引入 decoding 當中,希望在 decoding 過程中找出明確的 alignment links
- 在
multi-head attention
之上加入新的alignment head
On the alignment problem in multi-head attention-based neural machine translation
- 一樣在
上加入alignment layer
的方式Adding interpretable attention to neural translation models improves word alignment