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1020 lines (800 loc) · 28.2 KB

Vuedoc Parser 4.0.0-beta12

This release fixes the plugins section on the README documentation.

Vuedoc Parser 4.0.0-beta11

This release fixes packaging by adding the missing @vuedoc/parser/test-utils module.

Vuedoc Parser 4.0.0-beta10

This release introduces Vuedoc Plugins and many other new features and improvements:

New features

  • Introduce Vuedoc Plugins
  • Add support of Vue Mixins
  • Load imports automatically when needed
  • Add options.resolver used to resolve imports
  • Extensible Parsing with options.composition
  • Add @vuedoc/parser/test-utils for testing


  • Use EventTarget as base class for the main parser class. This help for a better events handling and useful for preventing event propagation.
  • Improve parsing of variable declarations
  • Improve parsing performance by reducing internal instances
  • Improve documentation by adding more examples

Dependencies Changes*

Vuedoc Parser 4.0.0-beta9

This release fixes an ESM import bug and upgrades to @babel/[email protected].

Vuedoc Parser 4.0.0-beta8

This release comes with breaking changes and important new features.

Important Features

  • Handle Vue 3 syntax
  • Handle Vue Composition API

Breaking Changes

  • Pure ESM package

    Vuedoc Parser 4.0.0 is now ESM only. This means that Node 16+ is needed to use it and it must be imported instead of required.

    Please see this for migration guide.

  • Rename exports.parse() to exports.parseComponent()

    exports.parse() has been renamed to exports.parseComponent().

    Please see usage on documentation.

  • Add TypeScript definitions

    This release now includes TypeScript definition.

  • Standardize extracted types

    All extracted types has been standardized to be TypeScript-like. This means:

    • Type String is now parsed as string
    • Type Number is now parsed as number
    • Type Boolean is now parsed as boolean
    • Type Array is now parsed as array
    • Type Object is now parsed as object
    • Type Function is now parsed as function
    • Type Symbol is now parsed as symbol
  • Remove deprecated @model tag

    Tag deprecated @model was removed. You now need to use the Vue standard way to define v-model. Please see official documentation about annotating a v-model prop

Vuedoc Parser v3.4.0

This release fixes some parsing issues and upgrades @babel/parser to 7.15.6.


  • Fix invalid scoped variable reference issue (#104, fed8cbc)
  • Use unknown as the default implicit type (fed8cbc)
  • Upgrade to @babel/[email protected]

Vuedoc Parser v3.3.2

This release fixes a parsing of spread syntax on computed properties (#103, 9b3d1e57).

Vuedoc Parser v3.3.1

This release fixes a parsing data regression and upgrades @babel/parser to 7.15.5.


  • Fix regression parsing of data value (#101, #102, 5bc42df)
  • Upgrade to @babel/[email protected] (1408b1e)

Vuedoc Parser v3.3.0

This release adds a partial support of Vue Property Decorator 9.1.2 by parsing @ModelSync, @ref and @VModel.

Vuedoc Parser v3.2.1

This release fixes typo of type unknow to unknown (#97, 6d83e495)

Vuedoc Parser v3.2.0

This release adds some improvements.


  • Handle TypeScript and JavaScript access visibility (#93, bb714299)
  • Automatic type detection for computed properties (#94, 04611b4d)

Vuedoc Parser v3.1.1

This release fixes some bugs and upgrades to @babel/[email protected].


  • Now use @babel/[email protected]
  • Fix multi-line type value (#92)
  • Improve parsing of data as TSAsExpression (1ab77fd)

Vuedoc Parser v3.1.0

This release fixes some bugs and introduces a new event warning to emit JSDoc syntax issue.


  • Now use @babel/[email protected]
  • Emit warning for invalid JSDoc syntax (#91)
  • Parse watch property to handle events (#90)
  • Improve parsing of dynamic slot (#89)

Vuedoc Parser v3.0.0

This is the official release of Vuedoc Parser 3.0.0. The only change with the previous beta 4 is the upgrade to @babel/[email protected].

Please see release notes of previous betas for all changes on Vuedoc Parser 3.0.0.

Vuedoc Parser v3.0.0-beta4

This release adds an initial JSX support. It also fixes an issue related to TSX (#87).

Vuedoc Parser v3.0.0-beta3

This release improves parsing of TypeScript Labeled Tuple Elements. It also upgrades dependencies to @babel/[email protected] and [email protected].

Vuedoc Parser v3.0.0-beta2

This release improves parsing of props and data by handling TSAsExpression.

Vuedoc Parser v3.0.0-beta1

This release comes with breaking changes and important new features.

Native TypeScript support

Since the Vuedoc Parser 3.0.0, the parser now supports TypeScript natively. It's no longer necessary to use a specific Vuedoc Loader to parse a component written with TypeScript.


  • Allow multiline in @param and @returns
  • Add support of @category, @kind, @see, @deprecated, @author, @since and @version
  • Improve parsing of async method and generator
  • Remove options defaultMethodVisibility and stringify
  • Add support of @syntax
  • Implement JSDoc's @type specification
  • Add support of TypeDoc tags
  • Add a JSON Schema file for parser options (@vuedoc/parser/schema/options.js)
  • Fix parsing of MemberExpression in for events (#83)
  • Improve parsing of default prop value
  • Add support of @znck/prop-types (#69)
  • Fix finding of sibling node for Markup Node (#81)
  • Natively support keyword @type for prop
  • Fix parsing of UnaryExpression (#80)
  • Move to @babel/parser (#77, #78)
  • Improve parsing of complex generic type (#77)
  • Improve parsing of factoring mixins

New tags support

Keyword Scope Description
@kind props Used to document what kind of symbol is being documented
@syntax methods Provide the custom method syntax
@mixin component Force parsing of the exported item as a mixin component
@version all Assign a version to an item
@since all Indicate that an item was added in a specific version
@author all Identify authors of an item
@deprecated all Mark an item as being deprecated
@see all Allow to refer to a resource that may be related to the item being documented
@ignore * Keep the subsequent code from being documented
@category all Attach a category to an item
@hidden * Keep the subsequent code from being documented

* stand for props, data, methods, events, slots

Parsing Output changes

type ParsingOutput = {
  name: string;               // Component name
  description?: string;       // Component description
+  category?: string;
+  version?: string;
+  since?: string;
  inheritAttrs: boolean;
  keywords: Keyword[];        // Attached component keywords
  model?: ModelEntry;         // Component model
  slots: SlotEntry[];         // Component slots
  props: PropEntry[];         // Component props
  data: DataEntry[];          // Component data
  computed: ComputedEntry[];  // Computed properties
  events: EventEntry[];       // Events
  methods: MethodEntry[];     // Component methods
  errors: string[];           // Syntax and parsing errors

interface PropEntry {
  kind: 'prop';
  name: string;
  type: string | string[];
-  nativeType: NativeTypeEnum;
  default: string;
  required: boolean;
  description?: string;
  describeModel: boolean;
  keywords: Keyword[];
+  category?: string;
+  version?: string;
+  since?: string;
  visibility: 'public' | 'protected' | 'private';

interface DataEntry {
  kind: 'data';
  name: string;
-  type: NativeTypeEnum;
+  type: string;
  initialValue: string;
  description?: string;
  keywords: Keyword[];
+  category?: string;
+  version?: string;
+  since?: string;
  visibility: 'public' | 'protected' | 'private';

interface ComputedEntry {
  kind: 'computed';
  name: string;
  dependencies: string[];
  description?: string;
  keywords: Keyword[];
+  category?: string;
+  version?: string;
+  since?: string;
  visibility: 'public' | 'protected' | 'private';

interface MethodEntry {
  kind: 'method';
  name: string;
  params: MethodParam[];
-  return: MethodReturn;
+  returns: MethodReturn;
+  syntax: string[];
  description?: string;
  keywords: Keyword[];
+  category?: string;
+  version?: string;
+  since?: string;
  visibility: 'public' | 'protected' | 'private';

type MethodParam = {
  name: string;
  type: NativeTypeEnum | string;
  description?: string;
  defaultValue?: string;
+  rest: boolean;

interface EventEntry {
  kind: 'event';
  name: string;
  description?: string;
  arguments: EventArgument[];
  keywords: Keyword[];
+  category?: string;
+  version?: string;
+  since?: string;
  visibility: 'public' | 'protected' | 'private';

type EventArgument = {
  name: string;
  type: NativeTypeEnum | string;
  description?: string;
+  rest: boolean;

interface SlotEntry {
  kind: 'slot';
  name: string;
  description?: string;
  props: SlotProp[];
  keywords: Keyword[];
+  category?: string;
+  version?: string;
+  since?: string;
  visibility: 'public' | 'protected' | 'private';

Vuedoc Parser v2.4.0

This release improves parsing of mixins and fix some parsing issues.


  • Expose lib/parser/Parser.js to Vuedoc.Parser (e73d7c9)
  • Improve documentation
  • Fix parsing of generic type T<x> e.g. Promise<numeric> (6f8e04b)
  • Improve parsing of mixins (eae87ff)
  • Introduce keyword @mixin. See

Vuedoc Parser v2.3.0

This release introduces a new option stringify and upgrades to [email protected] and [email protected].

Note for stringify option

By default Vuedoc Parser parses literal values defined in the source code. This means:

const binVar = 0b111110111 // will be parsed as binVar = 503
const numVar = 1_000_000_000 // will be parsed as numVar = 1000000000

To preserve literal values, set the stringify option to true.

const binVar = 0b111110111 // will be parsed as binVar = 0b111110111
const numVar = 1_000_000_000 // will be parsed as numVar = 100_000_0000

Vuedoc Parser v2.2.1

This release updates the Parsing Output Interface documentation

Vuedoc Parser v2.2.0

This release improves the parsing of default and initial value (#74)

Vuedoc Parser v2.1.1

This release fixes the invalid output interface issue (#73)

Vuedoc Parser v2.1.0

This release adds many improvements of the parsing and fixes reported bugs on the v2.0.0


  • Using @model keyword no longer overwrite the prop name to v-model. Use prop.describeModel to identify the v-model's prop.


  • Improve parsing of v-model prop (#72)
  • Add support of numeric separators and logical assignments (#71)
  • Improve documentation of Parsing Output Interface (#68)
  • Rename default type Any to any (#67)

Bug fixes

  • Fix parsing of prop with multiple types (#70)
  • Fix JSDoc: Parsing issue with @returns and type (#66)

Vuedoc Parser v2.0.0

This major release v2.0.0 upgrades de NodeJS engine to v8, adds a fully support of ECMAScript, Class Component, TypeScript.

Important note: The documentation have been completely rewrited. Please read the file cerfully

Breaking changes


  • Add support of scoped slots (ed4ddb69)
  • ECMAScript Features Parsing (02f69660)
  • Support of stage 3 proposals (574cf7f0)
  • BigInt support (9c9358d0)
  • Introduce Vuedoc Parser Loader to process custom languages
  • Add support of Class Components (66d16469)
  • Add support of the model field (f2bbf203)
  • Add support of the inheritAttrs field (b89f24a5, 87576ced)
  • Add support of Inline Template (a5b81fd8)
  • Add support of Vue Instance (#48)
  • Add support of JSDoc
  • Add support of Vue Property Decorator (20e2668f897f517f3cace3eb2d71d0fd57f21386)
  • Add loader for TypeScript (9f4678cced2275e8c045f826ab58d9ba77d3d720)
  • Add loader for Pug (c582bb1b99a9ac8fb6a185caf3810abc5ac95632)
  • New keyword @default to set a custom prop's default value (#50)
  • New keyword @slot to annotate slots when using render functions (#53)
  • New keyword @method to set a custom method name (ee94dbe596e56d8ec75b79dbdc5436800c28d436)
  • New keyword @name to set the component name (d5b89408a65cca9a3bc7c49b46690dfa4a6d9a05)

Changes from v2.0.0-beta.5

  • Fix Null Pointer Exception on AbstractParser.getValue() (4ff22f3154a87405c1371add6d3c9fa97e46710e)
  • Add support of dynamic property key (805ca2ade604a1deede8906f7131120fe37074e0)
  • Use node.computed to handle dynamic property key (ac65a251ba37264ef6c30e3ce7ef1ae362d71551)
  • Add support of @Prop and @Model (461af08ccea1e00f0e3664496b07b802111d315b)
  • Add support of @PropSync (90a4e5f7a2b325e96cc0c7efd8ae0e1f5659c80b)
  • Add support of @Watch (704d1f89fb6e5ce506779970127f565f0aa5a0f8)
  • Add support of @Emit (770ca104d94c143b783ce1b0f6717c8c406740ad)
  • Fix TypeScript Loader example (35cce563e11cbd9f5182dd773ae3cc67b0b0d7cc)
  • Add support of Vue Property Decorator (20e2668f897f517f3cace3eb2d71d0fd57f21386)
  • Fix security vulnerabilities (6bc127767c83358477504b882869e138a986768d)
  • Upgrade to [email protected] (235f06c994c398a9ae19e9d10f9c36d56f4c6e06)
  • JSDoc: support param without description (ed4c9b257a6cb6fe718a7ffb4f5d5bf39132b446)
  • Add support of @method keyword (ee94dbe596e56d8ec75b79dbdc5436800c28d436)
  • Fix handling of event arguments (3453604c1de9ff8c1d0b4c7c79290bdc28c10694)
  • Handle CallExpression references (abdcbc2100c5590e7f070142ea3897c81e72588a)
  • Support of new keyword @name (d5b89408a65cca9a3bc7c49b46690dfa4a6d9a05)
  • Fix parsing of arrow function with no body brackets to another function (ae49e8e3bc686bc630663fbea83ba8225c8bce3c)
  • Add a loader for TypeScript (9f4678cced2275e8c045f826ab58d9ba77d3d720)
  • Add loader for Pug (c582bb1b99a9ac8fb6a185caf3810abc5ac95632)
  • Fix interface syntax (154552d148bb3bbfa77f9c22b65d0ee228dccbfd)

Vuedoc Parser v2.0.0-beta.5

This release:

  • adds support of Vue Instance,
  • introduces new keywords (@slot and @default),
  • fixes a bug.

Bug fixes

  • Fix parsing of prop as array type declaration (#52)


  • Explain how to work with Mixins (#51)

New features

  • Add support of Vue Instance (#48)
  • New keyword @default to set a custom prop's default value (#50)
  • New keyword @slot to annotate slots when using render functions (#53)

Annotate a Vue Instance

 * A Vue App Component
 * @version 1.2
export default new Vue({
  name: 'App',
  props: ['todo'],
  data: {
    url: context.url,
     * data contextUrl description
    contextUrl: context.url,
     * data contextNumber description
    contextNumber: 12
  template: `<slot>The visited URL is: {{ url }}</slot>`

Annotate slots defined in Render Functions

To annotate slots defined in Render Functions, attach the keyword @slot to the component definition:

 * A functional component with slots defined in render function
 * @slot title - A title slot
 * @slot default - A default slot
export default {
  functional: true,
  render(h, { slots }) {
    return h('div', [
      h('h1', slots().title),
      h('p', slots().default)

Annotate dynamic slots defined in template

You can also use the keyword @slot to define dynamic slots in template:

    <template v-for="name in ['title', 'default']">
        @slot title - A title slot
        @slot default - A default slot
      <slot :name="name" :slot="name"></slot>

Working with Mixins

Since Vuedoc Parser does not perform I/O operations, it completely ignores the mixins property.

To parse mixins, you need to parse the mixin file as a standalone component and then merge the parsing result with the result of the initial component:

const _ = require('lodash')
const vuedoc = require('@vuedoc/parser')

const parsers = [
  vuedoc.parse({ filename: 'mixinFile.js' })
  vuedoc.parse({ filename: 'componentUsingMixin.vue' })

  .then(([ mixinResult, componentResult ]) => _.merge(mixinResult, componentResult))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err))

Vuedoc Parser v2.0.0-beta.4

This release adds many features and bug fixes.

New features

  • Add support of Class Components (66d16469)
  • Add support of the model field (f2bbf203)
  • Add support of the inheritAttrs field (b89f24a5, 87576ced)
  • Add support of Inline Template (a5b81fd8)

Bug fixes

  • Parse prop type as native type by default (8748c498)
  • Fix duplicate computed properties dependencies (17db2cab)
  • Fix parsing of events on callee functions (f9ee7141)
  • Fix parsing of nested slots (8d6c0066)


  • Improve interfaces section by using interface & extends (461dc87a)

  • Update TypeScript loader example (e5bf1ab9)

    To get a better Class Component parsing, make sure you set to ts.ModuleKind.ESNext:

    const ts = require('typescript')
    const vuedoc, { Loader } = require('@vuedoc/parser')
    class TypeScriptLoader extends Loader {
      load (source) {
        const options = {
          compilerOptions: {
            target: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext,
            module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext
        const { outputText } = ts.transpileModule(source, options)
        // don't forget the return here
        return this.emitScript(outputText)

Vuedoc Parser v2.0.0-beta.3

This release adds the ability to use specific language for template of script with Vuedoc Parser. This is possible with a new API: the Loader API.

Now you can use a component with TypeScript:

<script lang="ts">
  import Vue, { VueConstructor } from 'vue'
  import { Prop } from 'vue/types/options'

   * Custom component
  export default Vue.extend({
    props: {
       * @model
      value: {
        type: Object as Prop<Array<string>>,
        required: true
    computed: {
      currentYear (): number {
        return new Date().getFullYear()

Create loader

Public Loader API

abstract class Loader {
  public static extend(loaderName: string, loaderClass: Loader);
  public abstract load(source: string): Promise<void>;
  public pipe(loaderName: string, source: string): Promise<void>;
  public emitTemplate(source: string): Promise<void>;
  public emitScript(source: string): Promise<void>;
  public emitErrors(errors: Array<string>): Promise<void>;

TypeScript Sample

To use Vuedoc Parser with TypeScript, install typescript and @types/node dependencies according the official documentation

const ts = require('typescript')
const vuedoc, { Loader } = require('@vuedoc/parser')

class TypeScriptLoader extends Loader {
  load (source) {
    const { outputText } = ts.transpileModule(source, {
      compilerOptions: { module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS }

    return this.emitScript(outputText)

const options = {
  filename: 'DatePicker.ts',
  loaders: [
     * Register TypeScriptLoader
     * Note that the name of the loader is either
     * the extension of the file or the value of the attribute `lang`
    Loader.extend('ts', TypeScriptLoader)

vuedoc.parse(options).then((component) => {
  // console.log(component)

Vuedoc Parser v2.0.0-beta-1

This first beta of the major v2.0.0 upgrades de NodeJS engine to v8 and adds a fully ECMAScript support with breaking changes, enhancements and bug fixes.


Breaking changes

  • Drop NodeJS 6. Now use NodeJS 8 engine (702fdfc1)

New features

  • Add support of scoped slots (ed4ddb69)


  • Preserve white spaces on comments parsing (65190e72)
  • Add a Vue Syntax Validation step (79ec36f7)

Parsing improvement

  • Use acorn for parsing (f356c669, MR !40)
  • ECMAScript Features Parsing (02f69660)
  • Support of stage 3 proposals (574cf7f0)
  • BigInt support (9c9358d0)

Bug fixes

  • Fix comment parsing when containing @ char #30 (d87f7c07)
  • Fix bad format when using code block in comment #29 (65190e72)
  • Fix parsing of import() with lazy syntax #32

New parsing interfaces

type ParsingOutput = {
  name: string,               // Component name
  description: string,        // Component description
  keywords: Keyword[],        // Attached component keywords
  slots: SlotEntry[],         // Component slots
  props: PropEntry[],         // Component props
  data: DataEntry[],          // Component data
  computed: ComputedEntry[],  // Computed properties
  events: EventEntry[],       // Events
  methods: MethodEntry[],     // Component methods
  errors: string[]            // Syntax and parsing errors

enum VisibilityEnum = {

enum NativeTypeEnum = {

type Keyword = {
  name: string,
  description: string

type SlotEntry = {
  readonly kind: string = 'slot',
  visibility: VisibilityEnum,
  description: string,
  keywords: Keyword[],
  name: string,
  props: SlotProp[]

type SlotProp = {
  name: string,
  type: string,
  description: string

type PropEntry = {
  readonly kind: string = 'slot',
  visibility: VisibilityEnum,
  description: string,
  keywords: Keyword[],
  name: string,                  // v-model when the @model keyword is attached
  type: Identifier,              // defined prop type. ex Array, Object, String, ...
  nativeType: NativeTypeEnum,
  default: any,                  // '__undefined__' value uncatchable value
  required: boolean = false,
  describeModel: boolean = false // true when the @model keyword is attached

type DataEntry = {
  readonly kind: string = 'data',
  visibility: VisibilityEnum,
  description: string,
  keywords: Keyword[],
  name: string,
  type: NativeTypeEnum,
  initial: any                   // '__undefined__' value uncatchable value

type ComputedEntry = {
  readonly kind: string = 'computed',
  visibility: VisibilityEnum,
  description: string,
  keywords: Keyword[],
  name: string,
  dependencies: string[]         // list of internal dependencies properties

type EventEntry = {
  readonly kind: string = 'event',
  visibility: VisibilityEnum,
  description: string,
  keywords: Keyword[],
  name: string,
  arguments: EventArgument[]

type EventArgument = {
  name: string,
  description: string,
  type: string

type MethodEntry = {
  readonly kind: string = 'method',
  visibility: VisibilityEnum,
  description: string,
  keywords: Keyword[],
  name: string,
  params: MethodParam[],
  return: MethodReturn

type MethodParam = {
  name: string,
  description: string,
  type: string,
  defaultValue: any

type MethodReturn = {
  type: string = 'void',
  description: string

Vuedoc Parser v1.4.0

This release adds a feature to preserve white spaces on comments parsing

Vuedoc Parser v1.3.2

This release adds a fix about parsing of undefined default value #27

Vuedoc Parser v1.3.1

There are no changes, this release is just to update NPM metadata after a moved from GitHub.

Vuedoc Parser v1.1.0

The vuedoc/parser is now able to parse a JS file component. This enhancement closes the #21

const parser = require('@vuedoc/parser')

const options = {
  filename: 'components/checkbox.js'

parser.parse(options).then((component) => {

Vuedoc Parser v1.0.2

  • Add support of Spread Operator #7
  • Fix unCamelcase parsing of entry with numbers #15
  • Fix filtering of ignoredVisibilities #18

Vuedoc Parser v1.0.1

This release just improves the documentation with more samples

Vuedoc Parser v1.0.0

This major release add a new feature and uses the NodeJS v6.11.2 as default engine.

New option: options.features

The new options.features lets you select which Vue Features you want to parse and extract. The default value is define by Parser.SUPPORTED_FEATURES array.

Usage Only parse name, props, computed properties and events:

const vuedoc = require('@vuedoc/parser')
const options = {
  filename: 'test/fixtures/checkbox.vue',
  features: [ 'name', 'props', 'computed', 'events' ]

  .then((component) => console.log(component)) // => { name, props, computed, events }
  .catch((err) => console.error(err))

Parse all features except data:

const vuedoc = require('@vuedoc/parser')
const Parser = require('@vuedoc/parser/lib/parser')

const options = {
  filename: 'test/fixtures/checkbox.vue',
  features: Parser.SUPPORTED_FEATURES.filter((feature) => feature !== 'data')

  .then((component) => console.log(component)) // => { name, description, keywords, props, computed, events, methods }
  .catch((err) => console.error(err))

Bug fix

There was a bug when the given component file didn't have a script entry. In this case, the parser was not able to emit the end event. This is now fixed.

NodeJS v6.11.2

Now @vuedoc/parser requires the v6.11.2 (or higher) of NodeJS.

Vuedoc Parser v0.6.2

This release add the support of Computed Getters

Vuedoc Parser v0.6.0

  • Add support of parsing
  • Add support of computed properties #6
  • Add a features section and update the documentation

Vuedoc Parser v0.5.0

This new release introduces Keywords Extraction Feature. This enable to attach keywords to a comment and then extract them using the parser.


 * Component description
 * @author Sébastien
 * @license MIT
export default {
  name: 'my-checkbox',
  created () {
     * @param boolean
    this.$emit('created', true)

Parsing result:

  "name": "my-checkbox",
  "description": "Component description",
  "keywords": [
      "name": "author",
      "description": "Sébastien"
      "name": "license",
      "description": "MIT"
  "props": [],
  "methods": [],
  "events": [
      "name": "created",
      "description": "",
      "visibility": "public",
      "keywords": [
          "name": "param",
          "description": "boolean"
  "slots": []

This release also fixes some issues:

  • Fix missing component name parsing with only template parsing
  • Fix missing defaultMethodVisibility option on getComment call
  • Fix issue on unCamelcase with a string containing -
  • Enable parsing of component with just as entry