All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- License copyright year
- Licensing header to all files
- DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL parameter - Private registry URL to use for fetching containers
- DOCKER_REGISTRY_CREDS_ID parameter - CredentialsId to use to login to a private Docker registry
- AWS_DEFAULT_REGION parameter - Used when using AWS resources such as Elastic Container Registry
- Tests and deploys using Docker containers
- Workspace is cleaned at the end of each run
- All git information from checkout is now set in environment variables
- Downstream jobs with parameters
- Fixed a bug with the cleanup step trying to clean DB and users that weren't created if SKIP_MIGRATIONS = 'true'
- SKIP_MIGRATIONS parameter - You can skip running migrations during tests
- MySQL query was trying to remove a user that wasn't there during the setup process
- SKIP_TESTS parameter so you can just deploy code
- More debug output in railsRvm function
- ruby_string being undeclared
- DEBUG not setting the env var when passing in true
- railsinstallDeps is now its own function
- railsDeploy is now its own function
- SQL commands now clean old DBs, and Users before adding new ones at the start of the build