Contributions are welcomed in all forms. These may be bugs, feature requests, documentation, or examples. Please feel free to:
- Submit an issue
- Open a pull request
- Help with outstanding issues and pull requests
If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on GitHub. Please check that it is not one of the open issues.
Do this once but keep it up to date
Clone forked repo and set upstream
git clone [email protected]:<your-username>/conjugate.git cd conjugate git remote add upstream [email protected]:wd60622/conjugate.git
The project is developed with Poetry.
In the root of the repo, run:
poetry install
And also install the pre-commit hooks with:
pre-commit install
Please check that your pull request meets the following criteria:
- Unit tests pass
- pre-commit hooks pass
- Docstrings and examples render correctly in the documentation
The documentation is built using MkDocs and mkdocstrings.
The docstrings should be of Google Style.
Formatting will be down with ruff via the pre-commit hooks.
Tests will run on each pull request.
Documentation will be updated with each merge to main
Package release to PyPI on every GitHub Release.