🇧🇷 🏦 📋 Brazilian commercial banks list
Para a versão em Português (PT_BR) do README.md, siga me por favor.
This list contains 400+ registered banks, in the following formats:
- CSV: bancos.csv
- JSON: bancos.json
- Markdown: bancos.md
- SQL: bancos.sql
- XML: bancos.xml
Each of the lists has the following information (schema):
Column | Description | Observations |
COMPE | Code - COMPE | 3 digits |
ISPB | Code - ISPB | 8 digits |
Document | Document - CNPJ | 14 numbers - 18 digits (formatted) |
LongName | Long name | According to BACEN - STR |
ShortName | Short name | According to BACEN - STR |
Network | Network | RSFN, Internet, null |
Type | Type | commercial, multiple, savings, null |
PixType | Type of PIX/SPI participant | DRCT - Directly, INDR - Indirectly, null |
Charge | If does charge operations | true, false, null |
CreditDocument | If does TED operations | true, false, null |
LegalCheque | If it belongs to the "Cheque Legal" | true, false |
DetectaFlow | If it belongs to the "Detecta Flow" | true, false |
PCR | If it belongs to the "PCR" | true, false |
PCRP | If it belongs to the "PCRP" | true, false |
SalaryPortability | If does/accept salary portability | "Banco folha e Destinatário" - both operations, "Destinatário" - only receive, null |
Products | List of products offered | In Portuguese only |
Url | Website | - |
DateOperationStarted | Commercial operation start date | - |
DatePixStarted | PIX operation start date | Only for those PSP of SPI |
DateRegistered | Registration date on schema | - |
DateUpdated | Change date on schema | - |
A schema file is available in the folder schemas for lists of type:
And classes (DTO - Data Transport Object) in the following languages:
Implementation examples are available in the folder examples. We currently have examples of the following technologies:
If you miss an example in the language, library, or framework, open an issue requesting an example project on the desired technology!
This repository is available at NPM under the name bancos-brasileiros.
Thanks to @RauppRafael for creating and publishing version 1.0.0 on NPM.
npm i bancos-brasileiros
This repository is available at NuGet under the name BancosBrasileiros.
dotnet add package BancosBrasileiros
This repository is available at Packagist under the name guibranco/bancos-brasileiros
composer require guibranco/bancos-brasileiros
For those unfamiliar with Brazilian financial/regulatory entities:
ABBC | Brazilian Banks Association |
BCB | Central Bank of Brazil (regulatory authority)(also known as BACEN or BC) |
CIP | Interbank Payment Chamber |
CNPJ | National Register of Legal Entities - RFB |
COMPE | Check and Other Papers Compensation System |
CTC | Credit Transfer Center |
CPF | Individual Taxpayer Registry - RFB |
CVM | Securities and Exchange Commission |
FEBRABAN | Brazilian Federation of Banks |
ISPB | SPB identification |
PCPS | Centralized Salary Portability Platform |
PCR | Centralized Receivables Platform |
PIX | Brazilian Instant Payments |
RFB | Federal Revenue Service of Brazil |
RSFN | National Financial System Network |
SFN | National Financial System |
SLC | Card Settlement Service |
SILOC | Deferred Settlement System for Interbank Transfers of Credit Orders |
SITRAF | Funds Transfer System |
SPB | Brazilian Payment System |
SPI | Instant Payment System |
STR | Reserves Transfer System |
The data is automatically updated daily using a tool that collects information from lists of official sources.
If you find any issues with the data, missing database, or outdated data, please open an issue in this repository: New Issue
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